名师讲义Unit 14 Festivals Unit 14 Lesson 1 New words(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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dress sb (in sth/as sb)
conflict between… the symbol of/for sth
dress sb up (in sth/ as sb/sth) A and B conflict argument / argue
be dressed in A conflicts with B be similar to
It is an/my honour to do sth
What is your purpose of doing sth?
an honour to the family On purpose
be gifted at doing sth(in sth)
honour sb as … / with …
light (lit, lit) have a gift for sth/ doing
be homoured to do sth (lighted, lighted)
in one’s opinion take sb in
saluted on purpose is similar to generation celebrate
In my opinion purpose on parade(在游行) is …making tricks on theme
1 Pay attention to the ________ of our discussion.
2 The infantry regiment(步兵团) is ___ _______ right now.
3 The copper __ ________ ___ gold in color.
4 Great changes have taken place within a ________.
5 It’s my birthday. Let’s _________.
6 __ ____ _______, he is the best person for the job.
7 What is your _______ of doing that?
8 Did he break it accidentally? No, __ ________.
9 He __ always ______ ______ ___ others.
10 The guard ______ the general immediately.
dress sb (in /as )(给某人穿衣服);dress sb up (in/ as)(打扮); be dressed in
1 The bride ____ ________ ___ white.
2 They ____ _______ ____ ____ pirates(海盗) at the costume ball.
3 He ___ _______ ____ a woman to save his own life.
The symbol of sth (象征) ; The symbol for sth(符号,记号)
1 The lion is symbol ___ courage.
2 On maps, a cross is a symbol ____ a church.
conflict between … ; A and B conflict ; A conflicts with B
1 It’s a long and bitter(苦涩) ______ ________ employers and workers.
2 Their account(说法) of events _______ _______ ours.
3 The statements of the two witnesses _________.
argument-argue; argue with sb about/ over sth ; argue for/against sth
1 Don’t ____ _____ your mother.
2 We ______ _______ the waiter ________ the price of the meal.
3 ______ ________ the right to strike
It is an/my honour to do sth ; an honour to the family(给…增光的人或事物);
honour sb as … / with … (用…来荣耀某人);be honoured to do sth(做某事很荣耀)
1 She is ___ _______ ___ her profession(行业).
2 It’s ______ ______ to be invited.
3 Will you ________ me ______ a visit?
4 I am_______ ______ be invited.
In principle (原则上,理论上); On purpose (故意地)
On principle (根据自己的道德原则或确定信念)
1 There is no reason ____ _______ why people couldn’t travel to Mars.
2 Many people are opposed to the sale of arms ____ _______ .
3 The boy broke the window _____ _________.
light (lit lit) (谓语动词) (lighted lighted)(可用作定语形容词); take sb/sth in
1 The candle was ____. / A _______ candle.
2 He _____ the candle.
3 She ______me ___ completely with her story.
4 Human _____ _____ oxygen through their lungs(肺).
Background information:
Mardi Gras, also known 1 Shrove Tuesday or Carnival(狂欢节), annual(一年一度的) festival 2 the final day before the Christian fast(禁食,斋戒) of Lent(四月斋节), a 40-day period of self-denial(自我否定) and abstinence(节制,戒酒) 3 merrymaking(寻欢作乐). Mardi Gras is the last 4 for revelry(狂欢) and indulgence(放任) in food and drink before the temperance(节制,戒酒) of Lent. The term Mardi Gras is French for “Fat Tuesday.” The date of Mardi Gras varies from year 5 year, always 6 between February 3 and March 9. Although Mardi Gras 7 a special day, the term often includes a much longer period of celebrations leading up to Mardi Gras Day. The Carnival season is famous for spectacular(壮观的) parades(游行) featuring floats(彩车), pageants(露天表演), elaborate costumes(奇装异服), masked balls(面具舞会), and dancing in the streets. Modern Carnival traditions developed in Europe during the Middle Ages (5th century to the 15th century) as part of the ritual(宗教) calendar of the Roman Catholic Church(罗马天主教). Today pre-Lenten Carnivals are celebrated predominantly in Roman Catholic 8 in Europe and the Americas. Cities famous for their celebrations include Nice, France; Cologne, Germany; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and New Orleans, Louisiana.
1( ) A. as B. for C. to D. in
2( ) A. marks B. marked C. to be marked D. marking
3( ) A. out B. from C. for D. to
4( ) A. life B. way C. chance D. change
5( ) A. with B. to C. until D. for
6( ) A. fallen B. gone C. going D. falling
7( ) A. stands for B. means C. points D. refers to
8( ) A. villages B. rooms C. ways D. communities



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