名师讲义Unit 13 Healthy eating The fifth Period(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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Step Ⅰ. Revision
(Show the following on the screen.)
Translate the following into English.
Suggested answers:
1.You had better get some rest.
2.You had better not eat fruit that isn't ripe.
3.You should/ought to be careful with fruit.
4.You should not/ought not to eat so much junk food.
5.You should study harder and make greater progress.
StepⅡ. Test
(Teacher writes the following on the Bb when students say them.)
all the time,in the future,plenty of,advise sb. to do sth.,too much,keep up with,be harmful to,go for,lose weight,be prepared for,be short of,have a fever
Look at the screen,please.
Complete the sentences using the expressions on the blackboard.
1.What he said about you__________(对我也适用).
2.What do you want__________(将来做个什么样的人)?
3.She was laughing__________(一直)just now.
4.His parents__________(劝他不要再吃)chocolate any more.
5.During this month of hard work,many of us__________(降低了体重).
6.There are__________(许多书)on the shelf.
7.He was often ill because he__________(饮食过量).
8.Jack was not good at maths and he__________(跟不上)the rest of the class.
9.Smoking can__________(对……有害)your health.
10.Yesterday evening he__________(发高烧)and was sent to hospital.
11.It's going to rain.It doesn't matter;he__________(已有准备)it.
12.I__________(这周钱不够开支);can you lend me some?
Suggested answers:
1.goes for me too 2.to be in the future
3.all the time 4.advise him not to eat
5.have lost weight 6.plenty of books
7.ate and drank too much 8.couldn't keep up with
9.be harmful to 10.had a high fever
11.was prepared for 12.am short of money
Skim the reading text and answer:
1.What can we do if we need more energy besides eating our main meals?
2. Read the text again quickly, do the following True-or-False exercises.
1) Our body doesn’t need to refuel if we choose nutritious food for our main meals.
2) Good snacks should come from different food groups and should not have too much fat or sugar.
3) Fruits and vegetables don’t give us any vitamins.
4) Most fruits need cooking.
5) Fruits and vegetables are the only healthy snacks.
1. F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5F
Step Ⅳ. Writing
Go through the two recipes on P7 carefully.
Read the tips to the students to let them know for sure how to write a recipe.
Have the students work in pairs and write the recipe for their favourite dish.
1.I advised her __________ __________ __________ __________it __________ __________(别再想那件事了).
答案:not to think about;any more
2.__________(一旦)you've got fat,it's very hard to__________ __________(减肥).
答案:Once;lose weight
3.You __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________(今后更加小心).
答案:should be more careful in future
4.Ice cream is__________ __________(垃圾食品)because it has a lot of __________ __________ __________(脂肪和糖),while vegetables are good food because they__________ __________ __________ __________(含有许多维生素).
答案:junk food;fat and sugar;contain lots of vitamins
5.Even if we choose__________ __________(营养食物)for our main meals,we probably still need to__________ __________ __________ __________(不时地补充能量).
答案:nutritious food;refuel now and then
I. have pains(a pain/pain)in the arm.我手臂痛。
His head aches when the weather is hot.天气一热,他就头疼。
I was hurt at his words.我对他的话感到不快。
Does your leg still hurt?你的腿还疼吗?
2.a bit,a little
(1)a bit和a little在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词及其比较级,可以换用。表示“一点儿”。如:
The speaker spoke up a bit/a little so as to make himself heard more clearly.
(2)a bit 和a little在否定句中,意思正好相反。
not a bit=not at all.
not a little=very much.
e.g.I'm not a bit tired.我一点也不累。
I'm not a little tired.我非常累。
(3)a little可直接作名词的定语,而a bit则要在后面加of构成短语才能作定语,二者都只能修饰不可数名词。如:
There's only a little/a bit of food left for lunch.
注意:a bit of的复数是bits of,而a little不能变复数。
3.in future,in the future,for the future
(1)in future=from now on“从今以后”,指从说话时开始的全部将来时间。
e.g.Be more careful in future.
You'd better not go out alone in future.
Don't make such mistakes again in future.
(2)in the future“将来、未来”指将来的某一时间。
e.g.No one knows what will happen in the future.
What do you want to be in the future?
(3)for the future意为“为将来”。
e.g.We must make a plan for the future.
4.too much,much too
(1)too much“太多”之意,可以作形容词,修饰不可数名词,也可作副词,修饰动词。
e.g.There is too much rain here in spring.春天这里的雨水太多。
She talked too much at the meeting.她在会上讲得太多了。
(2)much too“简直太,过于”,只能作副词,用来修饰形容词或别的副词,不能修饰动词。
e.g.This book is much too difficult for me.这本书对于我来说简直太难了。
The old man walks much too slowly.那位老人走得非常慢。
(1)advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事
advise doing sth.建议做某事。
advise that…(should)+动词原形
e.g.I advise you to leave now.我建议你现在就离开。
I advise waiting till the proper time.我建议等到适当时机(才行动)。
We advise that steps(should)be taken at once.我们建议立即采取措施。
suggest doing sth.建议做某事
suggest one's doing sth.建议某人去做某事
=suggest sb.doing
suggest that…(should)+动词原形
We suggested that the old museum(should)be rebuilt as soon as possible.
(1)The doctor__________him to give up smoking,but he refused.
A.advised B.insisted C.suggested D.persuaded
(2)Our English teacher__________our buying a good English-Chinese dictionary.
A.asked B.ordered C.suggested D.required
6.all together 与altogether
(1)all together 许多人或物一起做某事
Don't speak all together.One at a time.
(2)altogether 总共=in all=totally=in total
Altogether,there are six of us.
__________,the medical team is made up of 12 doctors.
A.Altogether B.Entirely C.Completely D.Wholly




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