名师讲义Unit13 Healthy Eating The third period(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

1.dvise sth / advise sb to do sth / advise doing sth / advise that sb should do sth
2.be careful with 当心; 小心 3.in the future 将来 in future 今后
4.plenty of (+c.n. / u.n.) 大量的;足够的5.as has our way of life 我们的生活方式也一样
6.keep up with 跟上;catch up with 赶上7.the high pace of modern life
8.make a choice 做出选择 9.be good for 对…有好处; / do sb good/do good to sb
10.be harmful to 对…有害 / do sb harm/do harm to sb/harm sb / be bad for
11.be based on 以…为基础 12.become/be part of 成为/是…的一部分
13.environmentally friendly food 与环保有利的食品14.keep a balanced diet 保持平衡的饮食习惯
15.in the right amounts 适量的 16.go for 适应于; 应用于
17.go on a diet / on a diet 节食 18.keep fit; keep healthy 保持健康
19.Only in this way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life.
只有这样,我们才会对生活中的挑战和机遇有充 分的准备。
20.gain weight/ put on weight 增加体重 21.be a little bit nervous about 有一点紧张
22.even if / even though 即使
23.now and then 不时的; 偶尔的 every now and then; from time to time 时常
24.in the right order 顺序正确 25.make a list of 列表
  1.We know that ice cream belongs to j ________food because it contains a lot of fat and sugar.
  2.Healthy food will give us some n ________which help our body and make it stronger.
  3.If we keep a b ________ diet, we do not have to buy any supplements.
  4.Something eaten informally between meals is called a s________.
  5.One i ________needed when making a cake is flour, another is sugar.
  6.Vegetables are rich in f________ while hamburgers in fat.
  7.Proper d________ and exercise are both important to our health.
  8.This dictionary ________(含有) more than 56,000 common words.
  9.He accepted his friend's ________(挑战 ) to swim across the river.
  10.If you want to master English well, don' t let slip any ________(机会) of practicing your English.
(Passage 1) 1.What's the meaning of the title?
A.We become what we eat. B.We can judge a person by his eating habits.
C.We should buy and eat nutritious food. D.What we eat can make us healthy.
2.Which of the following is good for our bones and teeth?
A.Protein. B.Calcium. C.Carbohydrates. D.Vitamins.
3.“Eco-foods” in the passage refers to _____.
A.organic vegetables B.crash diets C.environmentally friendly foods D.snacks
(Passage 2) 4.Which of the following is NOT considered a good snack?
A.A salad. B.Fruits. C.Vegetables. D.A chocolate bar.
5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A.Snacks are more important than big meals. B.Snacks should have less fat and sugar.
C.Snacks are easy to make. D.Snacks can provide us with more energy.
6.Why are fruits popular with people?
A.They give us carbohydrates. B.They're rich in vitamins.
C.They taste great. D.All the above.
7.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of Passage 1?
A.Choosing what we eat is more difficult now. B.We need to make the right choice about what and how we eat.
C.We are offered many choices. D.Our choices are not just about nutrition.
8.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of Passage 2?
A.Snacks can provide us with energy. B.Snacks play an important role in our daily life.
C.Snacks are easy to make. D.How can you make snacks?
9.From Passage 1 we can infer that _____.
A.Traditional diets have too much fat and sugar. B.Companies and stores offer all kinds of supplements.
C.Healthy foods are those with less fat and sugar. D.The author of the passage is against supplements.
10.Which is NOT stated in Text 2 but can be inferred?
A.Main meals are enough for our health. B.Main meals are more difficult to make than snacks.
C.Dumplings take a bit longer to prepare than a sandwich. D.“Shaomai” is a kind of snack.
Ⅲ.完成句子:1、 你吃水果时要小心。You _________ _________ _______ __________ __________ fruit.
2、 你不该吸这么多烟,你在糟蹋自己的身体。
You __________ ________ _________ ________ so much, you are ruining your life.
3、 没有什么。 It’s ____________ ___________.
4、 他的邻居说他不住在那里了。His neighbours said he _______ __________ __________ there.
5、 老师们应当特别关注那些跟不上班级发展的同学。
Teachers ________ _______ especially care for those who can’t ______ ______ __________ the class.
6、 你该去睡觉了,别拉个长脸,看看都几点了!
You _____ _______ _______ to bed. Don’t pull that long face. Look at the time.
7、 这是个骗人的计划,我不想介入。This is a dishonest plan. I don’t want to ______ ______ ______ it.
8、 吸烟对我们的健康有害。Smoking ________ _________ ________ health.
9、 我认为这份报告写得很差,办公室的其他工作也一样。
I think this report is badly written, and that ______ ____ all the other work done in this office.
10、 他把屋子里的东西按原样摆放。He left everything in the room just ______ _______ ______ _______.
11、 我们必须作出慎重的选择。We have to ________ _______ ______ ________.
12、 保持匀衡的饮食是很重要的。It’s important to ________ _______ ________ __________.
13、 你知道如何处理它吗?__________ do you think to ________ ______ it?
14、 许多专家提供了有关我们该吃什么的建议。Many experts _________ _______ _____ what we should eat.
15、 教学是一门基于科学的艺术。Teaching is an art__________ _______ a science.
16、 他想尽快减肥。He want to _______ ________ as fast as possible.
You should get a tank if you will want to keep fish. Do 1.___________
not use small round bowl, because fish can't get enough 2.___________
air here. The tank should be about 30cm by 50cm at 3.___________
least. Checking the prices before you decide to buy one. You 4.___________
ought to get some rocks to put in the tank, as fish loves 5.___________
swimming round the rocks and through them. You need to 6.___________
get some underwater plants as well, for you can keep the 7.___________
water clean and make the tank looking much prettier. I suggest 8.___________
you to go to my uncle for some help. He is good at caring for 9.___________
fish. He may give you some valuably advice on how to keep fish. 10.___________




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