
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

章节 第九单元
1.Who is on duty today?

2.Are you Li Lei?

3.What day is it today?

4.What’s the date today?

5.What’s the weather like today?

6.Do you like the weather of today?

7.What class are you in ?

8.What team are you in ?

9.What row are you in ?

10.What is your number?

11.What is Han Meimei’s number?

12.Are we all here today?

13.Who is not here(或) at school today?

14.Where is she / he?

15.Do you have two new students here today?

16.Please look after them, they are twins, OK?

17.Where are they from, do you know?

18.What row are they in, do you know?

 1.I am on duty today.
 2.Yes, I am.
 3.It’s Tuesday.
 4.It’s Nov.20th,1999.
 5.It’s a fine day, today.
 6.Yes, I do. (I like the weather very much.)
 7.I am in Class Two.
 8.I am in Team Three.
 9.I am in Row Five.
 10.My number is eight. (I am Number 8.)
 11.Han Meimei is Number Nine. (Her number is 9.)
 12.No, we aren’t.
 13.Li Bin is not here (Li Bin isn’t at school, today.)
 14.I think he is at home.
 15.Yes, we do.
 17.Yes, they are from America.
 18.Yes, they are in Row Four.
  例如:I am a teacher. 我是一名教师。 Xiao Ming is here. 小明在这里。
     She is a student. 她是一个学生。They are in Row One. 他们都在一排。
     We are friends. 我们是朋友。 Where is the toilet? 厕所在哪儿?
  1.What row _____ you in? I _____ in Row Two.
  2.Lin Hai and Lin Tao _____ here. They ______ not are home.
  3.What ______ this? It _____ a bird.
  4.What ______ those over there? I think they _____ jeeps.
  5.Who ______ this man? He ______ my teacher.
  6.______ you a student? Yes, I _____.
  7.______ you teachers? No, we _____ not.
  8.Li Lei ______ at school today. He ______ not at home.
  1.are 2.are;are 3.is,is 4.are,are
  5.is,is 6.Are,am 7.Are,are 8.is,is
  This is a Chinese girl. Her name is Wu Yan. She is twelve. She is in No.8 Middle School. She is in Class One, Grade Two. Bill is an American boy. He is eleven. He is in No.8 Middle School, too. Miss Li is their English teacher. She is a good teacher.
  1.Wu Yan is a ______ girl. A. Chinese B. English C. American
  2.She is in ______ Middle School. A. No.9 B. No.8 C. No.7
  3._______ is an Amercan boy. A. Kate B. LiuHai C. Bill
  4.Their ______ teacher is Miss Li. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English
  1.A    2.B 3.C 4.C
  Today we have two new students. 今天我们来了两个新同学。
  Have 在这里是有的意思。它与人称代词连用时应该是这样的。
  例如:I have a brother and sister. 我有一个弟弟和一个妹妹。
     We have a good teacher. 我们有一位好老师。
     They have some new books. 他们有一些新书。
     You have a happy family. 你有一个幸福的家庭。
     She has a red shirt. 她有一条红裙子。
     He has a picture of his family. 他有一张全家照。
     The desk has four legs. 桌子有四条腿。
     I’m having my breakfast now. 我现在正吃早饭呢。
     They are having a class meeting. 他们正开班会呢。
     We didn’t have any classes yesterday. 昨天我们没有上课。
     put on ,把……放在……上。Look after照看,照顾。Look the same看上去一样,this way 请走这边,请走这条路。
    ①Make sentences with put on. 用put on 造句。
    1.Put on your coat ,please, it’s very cold outside.请把外衣穿上,外面很冷。
    2.Li Lei put on his hat and went out. 李雷戴上帽子就出去了。
    3.The teacher said, “Put your book on the desk.” 老师说:“把你的书放在书桌上。”
    例如:Put your books in your school bag. 把你的书放在书包里。
    ②Make sentences with look after. 用look after造句。
    1.My mother asks me to look after the little baby. 妈妈叫我照看好这个小婴儿。
    2.The farmers look after these sheep. 农夫们照看着他们的羊。
    3.Look after your parents. 照顾好你们的父母。
    ③Make sentences with look the same.用look the same造句。
    1.You look the same with your sister. 你看上去与你的妹妹一样。
    2.These clothes look the same. 这些衣服看上去一样。
III.listen to the tape and repeat. 听录音带并跟着朗读第三十四和三十五课。三十三课的对话用问答形式复习巩固。三十六课的第二部分read and act在做完对话的基础上背诵下来。
IV. Do the following exercises:请做下列练习。
  ①我们今天都到了。We _____ _____ have, today.
  ②请照看好你们的书。Please _____ _____ your books.
  ③请您这边走。______ ______ ,please.
  ④今天谁值日? Who’s _____ _____ today?
  ⑤我们可以把衣服放在这里吗? Can we _____ _____ our coats here?
  ⑥请把书放在桌子上。 ______ your books ______ the desk.
  Lin Tao:Hello! How are you?
  Lucy:Fine, (1) (2)
  Lin Tao:Are you Lily ?
  Lucy:No, I’m lucy.
  Lin Tao:Sorry, You and Lily (3) (4) (5) . Is Lily here, too?
  Lucy:No, she is not (6) (7) today.
  Lin Tao:How is she?
  Lucy:She is not well(健康) today.
  Lin Tao:Where is she? Is she (8) (9) ?
  Lucy:Yes, she is.
  Lin Tao:Oh, Who’s that? It’s Lily! Hello Lily, (10) (11) (12) ?
  Lily:I’m Ok now.
  I ① two ② . They ③ Zhang Yuan and Zhang Li. They look ④ . They are twins. They are ⑤ . I am twelve. They are ⑥ in our class. I must look ⑦ them. I am ⑧ Row Four. They are in Row Three. ⑨ English teacher is Miss Gao. She is ⑩ . She is good to us.
  ( )①A. Am B. is C. have D. are
  ( )②A. friends B. friend C. a friend D. The friends
  ( )③A. is B. are C. am D. have
  ( )④A. a same B. same C. sames D. the same
  ( )⑤A. eleven B. elevens C. the eleven D. A eleven
  ( )⑥A. the students B. a student
     C. the new students D. new students
  ( )⑦A. at B. after   C. in    D. over
  ( )⑧A. in    B. at    C. after    D. over
  ( )⑨A. We    B. They C. Our D. His
  ( )⑩A. good teacher      B. the good teacher  
      C. good teachers    D. a good teacher
 ①What grade is he in ? __________________
 ②I think it’s her bike. __________________
 ③Is this your box? __________________
 ④Is that an apple? __________________
 ⑤Where is my cup? __________________
 ⑥Who’s his friend? __________________
  1. ①are,all ②look after ③This way ④on duty ⑤put ⑥Put,on
  2.(1)thank (2)you (3)look (4)the (5)same (6)at (7)school (8)at (9)home (10)how (11)are (12)you
  3.①This way, please. ②I have two new friends. ③The two cars look the same. ④Please look after the little boy. ⑤Who is on duty, today? ⑥Put your coat on the table, please.
  4.①C ②A ③B ④D ⑤A ⑥D ⑦B ⑧A ⑨C ⑩D
  5.①What grade are they in? ②I think they are their bikes. ③Are these your boxes? ④Are those apples? ⑤Where are my cups? ⑥Who are their friends?




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