赏识激励,沟通交流,走进学生内心深处(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计) |
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西安市八十九中 蔡晓燕 培养青少年一代拥有迎接各种时代变化、时代挑战必备的心理能力,是现代教育要面对的基本问题。让学生在学校学会生存、关心、学习、创造和自我教育,让他们拥有良好学习品质以及和谐人格,是现代教育的重要任务。但是,随着社会文明程度的提高,社会影响的增多,教育方式的不当,都无形地给学生施加种种压力,增加了学生厌学、问题行为、早恋等等现象的出现。教育目标与实际的差距性,常令人有一种"教育无能"的感觉,师生之间有一种莫名的隔阂,融不到一块去。 怎样消除师生差距,让学生"亲其师,信其道",较好地完成现代教育的任务?我认为应该从心理层面去思考问题,努力挖掘学生优点,以平等的身份与他们进行情感交流,做他们的良师益友,逐渐走进学生内心深处。慢慢地,我发觉班里的风气一天比一天好转,学生也都愿意接近我,并乐意听我的建议和教育了。我把自己的做法大致归纳为以下两点。 一、学会赏识优点,找回学生自信。 由于一些家庭教育和学校教育方式的不当,不知不觉为一些学生设置了自卑的心理障碍,使他们怀疑自己的能力,这就从根本上束缚着他们的聪明才智,如果说自信是成功的基石,那自卑就是绊脚石。我们知道,自信心对一个人一生的发展所起的作用,无论在智力上,体力上还是其他能力上,都有特别重要的作用。在许多成功人士身上,我们都可以看到这种超凡的自信心,正是在这种自信的驱动下,他们敢于对自己提出高要求,并在失败中看到成功的希望,鼓励自己不断努力,获得最好的成功。是自信,为他们铺就了一条通向成功的阶梯。正如中国足球等待了44年,冲刺了7次,终于冲出了亚洲,这其中无不得益于米卢对队员自信心的培养。可见,保护及培养自信心对人的发展是何其重要。因此,挖掘学生的优点,让学生充分展现自己,是培养学生自信心的基础。通过留心地观察,我发现班里一些平时被视为"后进生"的学生身上也有很多优点。如有一个学生,身强力壮,精力充沛,平常喜欢跟人打闹,回家不做作业,上课经常打磕睡。但他接受能力很强,记忆能力也好。通过与他交流谈心,了解到在初一时他是一个好学生,后来表现不佳,常被老师批评,使他越来越对自己失去了信心。问他为什么不争取机会表现自己,他的回答;“怕自己做不好”。我根据这个学生的特点,决定寻找机会让他好好表现自己,找回自信。在校运会上,我让他参加跳远比赛。开始时他说他不敢,怕跳不好同学们会笑话他。我就鼓励他说:“你能行,你们上体育课的时候,我看你就跳得挺棒的,相信你能跳好,说不定还能拿个第一名呢!”他在我的激励、鼓舞下,开始有了信心,答应我试试看。此后,只见他放学后经常到操场练习,沙坑上不时飞跃着他的身影。后来在比赛中他果真取得了好成绩,为班级夺得了一个冠军。他从胜利的喜悦中体验到了自身的价值,找回自信。我再抓住他记忆力强的特点,经常在课堂上请他背诵课文中有关文段。他熟练的背诵,获得了同学们的一片片掌声。这样,他对自己的信心更足了,以前一些不良的行为也慢慢地、无声无息地消失了。现在,他正以一种崭新的面貌展示自己,前后判若两人。从这个学生身上,我总结了这么一句话:欣赏学生,鼓励学生,学生终会如你一般自信。 情感是人与人之间相互影响、相互沟通的一种重要方式。情感对人的认识过程和行为活动具有启动、支配、维持的作用。在人际互动过程中,情感还具有强烈的感染作用。我充分利用情感的这种作用,注重与学生进行心灵的沟通,逐步培养师生的感情,使学生对老师产生亲近感和依赖感,促进学生对学习的热爱,对知识的渴求。 在实践中,我除了利用班主任的管理便利对成绩好或某方面取得进步的学生进行肯定之外,还利用教语文的方便通过写作文和日记的评语跟学生进行交流。如有一次写作文,题目是《假如我是……》,有一位学生写了一篇《假如我是老师》,她在文中写了许多假想,很有创意。我给她的评语:谁能成为你的学生,将是他最大的幸福。她看后在她的日记中写道:"我最喜欢这样的老师,她写的评语让人看了心里甜滋滋的,而不是那“语句通顺……”之类的话,枯燥无味。在评语的作用下,不少学生开始愿意接近我,有事无事的跟我搭上几句话。我再利用班会课,经常以平等的身份和他们讨论问题,共同活动。如在一次"挖掘自身优点"的活动课上,我让学生先分小组互找优点,然后再面向全班,由别的同学来补充。为了表示平等,我参加到其中一个小组跟他们共同讨论。没想到面向全班,让他们帮我补充优点时,他们郑重地加上一点:老师平易近人,是我们的好朋友。当时我真是感动至极。他们从远离我,到接近我,到后来开始依赖我,把我当成是知心朋友倾诉心事。有的同学把心事通过日记告诉了我,有的怕日记说不明白,干脆跑来向我诉说。有一天,一个女同学哭丧着脸来到我跟前向我说:“老师,我好心烦,我觉得自己好倒霉,很多人都不喜欢我,连我好朋友的爸妈都看不起我。”开始我莫名其妙,后来经了解,才知道原来她是刚从外地到本校不久,很多话音和习惯跟同学不相同,好多人就笑话她,瞧不起她。我先安定她的情绪,然后跟她解释说:你不要太在乎这些人的看法,他们只是没能欣赏你的优点,你要知道,很多人还是知道怎样去尊重他人的。既然他们不懂得欣赏你,他们的看法就不值得我们去注意。一个人的价值要靠自己以实力主动去证明,而不是被动地任由别人来界定。“我还跟她说明我自己也是从农村来的,我就根本不在乎那些人的看法,而是主动去寻找那些值得我尊敬的人去交往。关键的问题在于我们要先看得起自己,自强不息地追求进步。这样,我的周围依然朋友成群,生活照样充满阳光。我的设身处地,现身说法,使她破涕为笑,跟我说:“老师,听了你的话,我的心情好多了,我会努力提高自身素质,增加自身的优点,让周围的人喜欢我,那样我也就不会心烦。我还要努力学习,争取进步,让那些瞧不起我的人知道我比他们更棒。”像这样的例子真是举不胜举。我利用一切可利用的途径,跟学生进行交流,争做学生的知心人。 学生的心灵是纯洁的,感情是真挚的,只要你细心观察,采用适当的方法走近学生,走进学生的内心深处。跟学生同体验,共感悟,最终一定能达到我们的教育目的 如何提高课堂教学效率 西安市八十九中学 蔡晓燕 1.明确教学点。任何一堂课必须有明确的教学点,并且每个教学点必须有具体清楚、可操作的教学目标。教学点缺漏或者模糊,会严重影响课堂教学效率。教学点的确定,必须根据教学大纲和学生的基础精心设什。教学点一是知识点,是课堂教学的根本点,教学中应突出重点,解决难点,围绕知能的结合点。二是能力点,主要指掌握知识能力、应用知识能力、思维能力、动手操作能力。三是非智力因素点。以上各点必须明确、到位。 2.把握好教学容量。课堂教学容量是一个相对稳定的常数,量过大,学生受不了;量过小,学生吃不饱。因此,在保证完成教材规定教学任务的前提下,必须从学生的实际接受能力出发,随时调控教学容量。课堂应着重调控以下三量:一是授出量,即教师输出的信息量应围绕重点加以取舍,以保证重点信息有足够的教学时间。二是训练量,即学生接受训练的量,必须围绕重点设计训练的内容和形式,注意典型性、类型性,避免重复。三是活动量,即学生的脑、手、口、眼、脚等各部位的活动量,包括师生双边活动和学生多边活动。 3.处理好教学的度。课堂教学必须注意以下三度:一是程度,包括难易度、深广度、灵活度,要体现大纲、教材习题反映的程度,考虑学生可能接受的程度。二是密度,容量大则密度大,反之则小,必须做到疏密有致。三是速度,教学点难而学生不易接受,速度应该放慢;反之,则应加快。教学过程应该快慢相间,要作“变速运动”。 4.运用好教学方法。教学方法包括教和学两个方面的方法。教学方法着重在教师方面。从教学过程说,主要有三类方法,一是进行认知活动的方法,二是进行技能活动的方法,三是进行情感活动的方法。这三类方法都包括了教与学两个方面的方法。教法主要是教师教授、训练、调动、检测等方面,学法主要是教师对学生的学法进行暗示、引导等方法。 6.分配好教学时间。课堂教学时间是固定的,而教学效果是不定的。提高课堂教学时间的利用率从三点入手:一是时间的分配,开课阶段重点启发5分钟,结课阶段画龙点睛5分钟,讲课阶段35分钟,其中讲解15分钟,训练15分钟,巩固5分钟。两个15分钟最为关键。二是时段联系,各个时段不能机械地割裂,要处理好各时段之间的衔接。三是时段的效率,要减少无谓的消耗。 Unit 14 Festivals Teaching objective: I. Learning ability( Knowledge) 1. Can remember the following words and expressions (by pronunciation, spelling and writing): theme, parade, holy, Easter, symbol, fighting, conflict, argument, opinion, destruction, major, probably, honour /honor(Am.E), ancestor, principle, nation, purpose, creativity, faith, commercial, joy, light (v.), similar, generation, salute, kiss, cheek, nod, celebration, respect, gift, cycle, fool, invitation, self-determination, reminder dress up, in one’s opinion, play a trick on /play tricks on, take in, in common 2. Can use the following structures in different situations: 1) Useful expressions in the text in my opinion, play a trick on /play tricks on, take in, in common, have something/nothing in common with …,as well as, get together. 2) Expressions on expressing and supporting an opinion In my opinion, we should… I believe we should… I don’t think it is necessary to… We must decide… I hope we can make a decision. If we do this, we can… 3) Modal verbs (2): must, have to, have got to. 3. Can be familiar with the following world festivals and talk about them: Chinese festivals: the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao), Tomb Sweeping Festival (Qingming), Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu), Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival (Chongyang), National Day, New Year’s Day, Chinese Youth Day, Party’s Day, Army’s Day, Teachers’ Day, Tree-planting Day… Foreign festivals: Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Ramadan, Day of the Dead (from Mexico), Bon Odori Festival/ Ghost Festival (from Japan) (盂兰盆节), Mardi Gras, Kwanzaa… 4. Can read the reading materials correctly, including pronunciation, intonation, pause and fluency. And recite five to eight beautiful or important sentences. 5. Can understand the teaching material well, and retell the text and have a discussion according to the text after class. 6. Can get further information about festivals through classes, magazines, newspapers, related books, Internet and so on. II ( Affect ) 1. To get Ss to enjoy festivals and customs from different countries, and enlighten Ss to enjoy the beauty and the importance of festivals and customs. 2. To encourage Ss to show positive and healthy attitude towards festivals and customs from different countries. 3. To get Ss to know how to hold effective and successful festivals. 4. To get Ss to further understand the differences between Chinese and foreign cultures by comparing Chinese and foreign festivals and customs. III ( Skills ) 1. To train Ss’ four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in different periods. 2. To make Ss’ knothtyw how to write an invitation in English. 3. To help Ss to develop the ability of learning English through different ways, such as reading newspapers, magazines and books, surf the Internet, etc. Period 1: Warming up & Listening Before having this period, the Students (Ss) are asked to collect information about the three festivals: Halloween, Bon Odori Festival, Day of the Dead. Step 1 Lead-in 1. First, greet Ss with the questions “How are you feeling today?” “ Do you feel happy today?” Then, Teacher (T) can lead in the topic festival/ holiday by asking some questions such as: When do you usually feel happy? (Ss can give different answers) Do you feel happy when there is a festival and you have holidays? Then which festival or holiday do you like best? And why? 2. Chinese have many festivals. How many Chinese festivals do you know? And what are they? ( the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao), Tomb Sweeping Festival (Qingming), Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu), Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival (Chongyang), National Day, New Year’s Day, Chinese Youth Day, Party’s Day, Army’s Day, Teachers’ Day, Tree-planting Day…) Which is the greatest and the most important festival to our Chinese people? When do Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival? How long does the Spring Festival last? Why do Chinese people celebrate it? What is the theme of the Spring Festival? How is it celebrated? 3.Different cultures have different kinds of customs and festivals. How many foreign festivals do you know? And what are they? ( Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Ramadan, Day of the Dead (from Mexico), Bon Odori Festival/ Ghost Festival (from Japan) (盂兰盆节), Mardi Gras, Kwanzaa…) Step 2 Warming up 1. Show the Ss three pictures and ask them to discuss in pairs according to the following guiding questions: Q1: Do you know the names of the festivals? (Halloween, Bon Odori, Day of the Dead) Q2: Do you know which countries the festivals come from? Q3: What are the people in the pictures doing? Why are they doing this? 2. Ask individual students to talk about the three festivals. The information of the festivals should include the name of the festival, when, where and how to celebrate it. 3. Which Chinese festival is similar to the three festivals? (Tomb Sweeping Festival) Then get Ss to compare the Chinese Tomb Sweeping Festival with one of the three festivals. (Differences: time, people, place, the way of celebrating, etc. Similarity: ghost festival) Step 3 Dialogue Get Ss to work in pairs to make up a dialogue. One describes his/her favorite Chinese festival and the other describes his/her favorite foreign festival. Trying to compare them. (The following form is presented for Ss to prepare.) Festival When is the festival celebrated? Who celebrates the festival? How do people celebrate it? Why do people celebrate it? What are some important themes, e.g.“family” and “peace”? How old is the festival? Step 4 Listening 1. Pre-listening: Present three pictures about Mardi Gras, Ramadan and Easter and let Ss to guess out the names of the festivals from what they can see from the pictures. 2. While-listening: Do the three festivals one by one. For each one, Ss can listen to it twice. The first time, Ss’ task is to find correct answers to the choices in the book. The second time, Ss’ task is to check their answers and T check the correct answers with the whole class. 3. Post-listening: Get Ss to listen to each festival again. While listening, try to take notes and get more information about the festival. Then ask Ss to describe the three festivals in their own words. Step 5 Summary Help Ss to have a revision of the festivals learnt in this class. T: Different histories and cultures have different kinds of festivals and customs. We should get to know they all play important parts in learning a country’s language. We should respect and show positive attitudes towards foreign festivals and customs as well as Chinese ones. Step 6 Homework 1. Listening work: Listen to the listening material about Christmas in workbook on page 77. 2. Written work: Write a description of your favorite festival. The description should include 1) the name 2) the time 3) characteristics 4) activities, etc. Period 2: Reading Step 1 Revision Get Ss to work in pairs to match the festivals in Column A with the information in Column B. ColumnA Column B 1.Ramada A. celebrated on the 15th day of the first Chinese lunar month 2.the Lantern Festival B. chocolate, bunnies, colored eggs for its symbols 3.Mardi Gras C. Muslims fast during the daylight day 4.Dragon Boat Festival D. catching “beads, doubloons and cups” thrown by parades 5.Valentine’s Day E. honoring love and lovers 6.Halloween F. eating Zongzi to honor Qu Yuan 7.Double Ninth Festival G. the time of ghosts, spirits, gravestones 8.Thanksgiving Day H. meaning clear and bright, mourning the dead 9.Easter I. offering thanks, family gatherings and meals 10.Tomb Sweeping Festival J. on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month as Senior citizen’s Day Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Make a comparison of Chinese Spring Festival and Christian Christmas. T: Which is the greatest and the most important festival to Chinese people? (the Spring Festival) And which is the greatest and the most important festival to Christian people in western countries? (Christmas) Both of them are quite popular in the world. What are the differences between them? Festival Different aspects Chinese Spring Festival Christmas Time From the 1st day to the 15th day of the first Chinese lunar month On Dec. 25 Preparation Do spring cleaning, do Spring Festival shopping (new clothes, delicious food, fireworks, New Year paintings, etc.), decorate the houses with Spring Festival couplets, paper cuts, Chinese knots… Do cleaning, do Christmas shopping (gifts, cards, sweet, cookies, etc.), decorate the houses with Christmas tree and colored lights… Special Food New Year’s cake, dumpling ( jiaozi) , sweet dumpling (tangyuan)… Candies, cookies, pudding… Gifts Anything (foods, fruits, clothes, drinks…) Anything (foods, fruits, drinks, desserts, Christmas decorations) Major Activities Have family reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve, pay New Year’s visits, recreational activities (dragon dance, lion dance, stilt-walking…) Family reunion, have a big dinner on Christmas Eve… purpose Bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new year, hoping for the best and the good future. Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ Note: The italicized words in the form above are suggested answers. Step 3 Reading T: Do you know there is another festival which follows Christmas Day in America. It is an important festival to African Americans. Is there any one who knows the name of the festival? (Kwanzaa) 1. Fast reading: Read the text on page 10 fast and try to get a general idea of Kwanzaa from the text. T can present a diagram of the information about Kwanzaa to help Ss to finish this task. (Questionnaire: When is Kwanzaa celebrated? How long does it last? Who created the festival of Kwanzaa? (Dr Maulana Karenga) Who usually celebrates Kwanzaa? Why is it celebrated? What are the characteristics of Kwanzaa?) 2. Careful reading: Get Ss to read the text carefully to get more details. After reading, Ss are asked to do True or False exercises. 1) African Americans have a long history and a rich culture, so Kwanzaa is an old festival. ( F ) (a young festival) 2) People created Kwanzaa to celebrate American culture. ( F ) ( to celebrate African culture) 3) The word Kwanzaa means first fruit in Swahili, one of the largest languages in Africa. ( T ) 4) The African first-fruit festivals are completely different from each other. ( F ) ( to have many things in common ) 5) Kwanzaa is celebrated on Christmas Day. ( F ) ( from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1 ) 6) Kwanzaa is based on old African festivals. ( T ) 7) People who celebrate Kwanzaa light a candle for each of the seven principles. ( T ) 3. Dialogue. Suppose you are the reporter of Overseas Wind Programme of Huipu Students’ Broadcasting. Now you are chosen to interview the foreign teacher John about the festival of Kwanzaa. Make up a dialogue with your partner. One acts the role of the reporter, and the other acts the role of John. The dialogue can begin like this: Reporter (R): Good afternoon, everyone. Here is our Overseas Wind Programme. Today, we have a foreign guest in our progamme. He is our foreign teacher John. Hello, John. John (J): Hello. R: Welcome to our Overseas Wind Programme. Today we have a topic about the festival of Kwanzaa. So would you like to introduce Kwanzaa to us? … J: … Step 4 Discussion Topic1: Do you agree festivals can help us understand our history and culture? How do they help us understand our history and culture? Topic2: Nowadays more and more festivals have been created in my cities for various purposes, such as developing local economy, making the city well-known, etc. Our city Linhai created the Festival of the Great Wall in the South. It has been celebrated for three years. However, some Linhainese think holding such a festival causes some problems to the city. What effects does the Festival of the Great Wall in the South bring to us? Make a list Good Effects Bad Effects Step 5 Homework 1. Oral Work: Read and recite the new words learnt in this class. Read and recite some beautiful and useful sentences in the text. 2. Written Work: Suppose you are the journalist of Huipu Sunshine Magazine. You are going to write a passage about Kwanzaa. Period 3 Language Study & Grammar Step 1 Revision Get Ss to have revision of the text The Birth of Kwanzaa. Ss are required to answer the following questions about Kwanzaa. Q1: Who created Kwanzaa? Q2: Is it a young or an old festival? When was it born? Q3: When is Kwanzaa celebrated? Q4: Who celebrate the festival of Kwanzaa? Q5: Why is it celebrated? Q6: What are the characteristics of Kwanzaa? Then T can ask individual Ss to give a short talk about Kwanzaa according to the questions above. Step 2 Language points (in the text The Birth of Kwanzaa) T: Now we have a good knowledge of Kwanzaa by reading the text. And there are some useful and important words and expressions in the text as well. It is necessary for us to learn and master them well. What useful words and expressions have you found from the text? 1. Let Ss do a word matching exercise to check whether Ss master the new words well. 1. nation A. a strong wish to succeed in doing something 2. faith B. large community of people; country 3. determination C. belief in something or someone 4. purpose D. an action meant to deceive (欺骗) someone 5. generation E. a reason for doing something 6. ancestor F. the people born at a certain time 7. peace G. a person in your family who lived a long time ago 8. trick H. quietness and calm (suggested answers:1-B 2-C 3-A 4-E 5-F 6-G 7-H 8-D ) Then check answers to the exercises in Word Study on Page 13. (suggested answers: theme, faith, purpose, nations, determination, joy, ancestors, birth, peace, treated) 2. Deal with the language points in the text. Get Ss to enjoy the text by listening to the tape. Ask Ss to read after the tape in low voice, and pay attention to the pronunciation, intonation and pause while listening. 1) Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans.(现在分词作后置定语,表示名词中心词与分词是主动关系。) Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival created to celebrate the culture and history of African Americans.(过去分词作后置定语,表示名词中心词与分词是被动关系。) e.g.那只跟着王老师进来的狗是我家的狗。 The dog following Mr. Wang into the room is my dog. 被一群学生跟在后面的那个男人是我们的王老师。 The man followed by a group of students is our teacher, Mr. Wang. 2) The week following Christmas Day, many African-American families get together to greet the new year and think about the past. get together: 聚会 e.g. On New Year’s Eve we Chinese get together for a family reunion dinner get somebody together:把…聚集起来 e.g. Every Monday morning, our school leaders get all the students together to have a meeting. get-together n.聚集 e.g. Every year my classmates in junior middle school have a get-together. 3)…so that… 表示目的 e.g. He works hard so that he can get high marks in the exam. …so+adj.+that 从句 e.g. He works so hard that he gets high marks in the exam. 4) in common 共同 e.g. Mr. and Mrs. Li own the store in common. have something/nothing in common (with sth.) (与…)有共同点 e.g. I have nothing in common with my sister. 5) honour (=honor Am.E) n./v. n. [ C ] “ 荣幸,使感到光荣的人或事”, 一般用单数形式。 e.g. To host the 29th Olympic Games is a great honour for China. v. Every year we honour our past relatives and ancestors before a memorial in Tomb Sweeping Festival. I felt highly honoured when the teacher spoke highly of me before classmates. in one’s honour; in honour of something/somebody.为了纪念、尊敬某人/某事 e.g. Dragon Boat Festival is created in honour of the famous poet Quyuan. 6) as well as 与…一样好, 不仅…而且 e.g. She cooks as well as her mother. Christine can speak Japanese as well as English His children as well as his well were invited to the party. (A as well as B …谓语动词单复词由A决定) 7)nation, country, state 三者的区别 三个都有“国家”的意思,但侧重点不同。 nation着重指人民、民族、国民。 e.g. The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this bad news. country着重指疆土、国土、家园,也可指一个人的祖国或国籍所在, 还可指乡村。e.g. The soldier fought bravely for their country. state着重指政策、政权、政府和国家机器, 还可指组成国家的州,特别是美国。e.g. Highways in China belong to the state./ How many states are there in the United States of America. 8) purpose: with/ for the purpose of (doing) something 表目的 e.g. He went to the supermarket for the purpose of buying something to eat. on purpose 故意地,特意地 e.g. I came here on purpose to see you . 9) faith: have/ lose faith in…对…有/失去信心 e.g. I have faith in you, you will do it well. Keep/break faith with somebody 对…某人守/不守信用 e.g. We will not treat him as our friend as he breaks faith with us. 10) believe in … 信仰,信任,赞成 e.g. We believe in his good character. 11) light v. (lighted/ lighted; lit/ lit) Step 4 Grammar 1. Presentation : Present a sign “No Rubbish” Ask Ss “What can you see in the sign?” “What does the sign tell us?” “Can we throw rubbish in this place?” “Where must we throw the rubbish?” “What should we do if we cannot find a dustbin at once?” T presents the following two sentences on the screen. ①We mustn’t throw the rubbish in the place with a sign“No Rubbish”, and we must throw the rubbish into the dustbin. ②We have to keep the rubbish in hand or in a plastic bag until we find a dustbin, if we cannot find a dustbin at once. 2. Get Ss to compare the two sentences above and explain how to use the modal verbs“must” & “have to”. must is often used when you think that it is necessary to do something. have to is often used when someone else thinks it is necessary or there seems to be no other choice. must is used to talk about an obligation that depends on the person speaking or listening, while have to is generally used to talk about obligations that come from “outside”. must——subjective have to ——objective e.g. I must be back by ten every night. ( I think it is necessary for me to be back by ten every night.) I have to be back by ten every night. ( I don’t want to be back by ten every night, maybe my mother thinks it’s necessary.) 3. Tell Ss in informal English, “have got to” can be used instead of “have to”. e.g. It is getting late, I’m afraid I have got to (=have to) go. 4. Forms in tense & Negative form forms in tense: must, must have to, had to negative form: must——must not(mustn’t)(=not be allowed=be forbidden) have to —— do not have to (don’t have to)(=needn’t) e.g. It is a secret, you mustn’t tell others. It is none of your business, I don't have to tell you about this. Step 5 Practice 1. Look at the following table of greeting manners. Decide which are necessary and which are not. Make sentences using must, have to or negative forms. Greeting manners get off the bike when you greet someone salute bow kiss on the cheek nod hug smile look into the eyes take off your hat shake hands Example: When you greet a friend who you know very well, you don’t have to shake hands. If you want to make friends with someone, you have to smile more often. 2. Suppose you are spending the Spring Festival at your grandparents’ house. Complete the sentences with have got to. 1) Your school starts tomorrow, so you have got to go back today. 2) You broke your grandma’s favourite vase, so 3) Your parents went back to work three days ago, so 4) Your grandparents have give you quite a lot of money, so 5) You have done your homework all wrong, so 6) You do not know when you should go to school tomorrow, so 7) _______________________, so ______________________ 8) ______________________, so________________________ Step 6 Discussion Ask Ss to have a discussion of Dos and Don'ts at school, using the modal verbs: must & have to Dos Don’ts We must keep the classroom clean. We mustn’t jump the queue in the dining hall. We have to wear school uniforms We don’t have to use credit card in the every day. school store. Step 7 Homework 1. Make sentences with the following expressions: get together, in common, honour (v./n.), as well as, with/for the purpose of (doing) sth., have/lose faith in … 2. Finish off the grammar exercises in Workbook 3. Collect information about Earth Day, Martin Luther King, Jr Day, Day of the Dead, and April Fool’s Day. Period 4 Speaking & Integrating Skills Step 1 Lead in In this unit, we have learnt a variety of festivals in the world, and as we know all of them celebrate different things, so their themes are quite different. What themes of the festivals do you know? ( peace, family, environment, nature, memory of great men, etc.) Step 2 Reading (Integrating skills) 1. Get Ss to read the four festivals Earth Day, Martin Luther King, Jr Day, Day of the Dead, and April Fool’s Day, and try to get information about each one as much as possible. 2. Ask Ss following questions about each festival. (Earth Day): When is Earth Day celebrated? What does it celebrate? What does it tell us? What could we do to celebrate Earth Day? (Martin Luther King, Jr Day): When is Martin Luther King, Jr Day celebrated? When did it become a national holiday? What is the theme of the 2002 holiday? What do you think “A Day On, Not A Day Off!” means? Martin Luther King, Jr Day is created in honour of Martin Luther King, are there any other great men or women whose memory should be celebrated? How would you celebrate the memory of them? (Day of the Dead):Is it an old festival? What does it come from? What’s the theme of Day of the Dead? What do people do on that day? Why do so many festivals honour our ancestor? (April Fool’s Day): What do people do on April Fool’s Day? Have you ever heard of an April Fool’s trick? What happened? What do we call the person who is taken in? Step 3 Speaking Suppose our country is going to create a new holiday, and there are four choices. They are Peace Day, Happiness Day, Friendship Day, and Nature Day. What Day of the four days do you think is the best one? Fist, get Ss to discuss in pairs. Then, ask individual Ss to report their decision using the following structures: I think that the new holiday should be________. On this day, ________are allowed. People will __________. The holiday will be celebrated on _________and people will celebrate by______________. I think this is the best idea because___________. Step 4 Tasks Task 1: Design your new favourite holiday or festival and give reasons. Report your new holiday or festival, using the following expressions: In my opinion, we should… I believe we should… I don’t think it is necessary to… We must decide… I hope we can make a decision. If we do this, we can… Task 2: Create your own festival. Get Ss to write a short description of their created festival according to the form below. Name of the festival: ____________________________ Date: __________________________________________ Meaning: _________________________________________ Principles: __________________________________________ How is the festival celebrated? ___________________________ What is the symbol of the festival? _______________________ Step 5 Writing T: Now you have created your new festival, you may want your friends to join the celebration of your new festival. So you should invite your friends to attend your celebration activity. Then how will you invite your friends? Here an invitation is needed. T can present a sample of invitation and tell Ss how to write an invitation. Information needed in an invitation should include: what, when, who, why, and where? (see tips on page14) (Sample: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Silver, We are having a small At-home party with a few close friends at our house on Tuesday, February 3rd, at 7:00 o’clock. We should be very pleased if you could honour us with your company. Sincerely yours, John Brown) Step 6 Homework 1. Writing: Use the information about the festival you have created to write an invitation. Your invitation letter should explain your festival and tell the guest how it will be celebrated. 2. Finish off all the exercises in Workbook. Period 5 Exercise Exercising and assessing. Part 4 Post-unit Activities: Extended Tasks Task 1: Collect information about festivals learnt in this unit and make notes if necessary. Task 2: Reflection T’s reflection: Have all the teaching aims been reached? Have all the Ss learnt a lot in the lessons? What can be improved? … Ss’ reflection: Self Assessment Unit 14 Festivals Class ________Name _________No _________Date __________ In this unit, you learnt about festivals and customs. How comfortable do you feel doing each of the skills below? 1=Not comfortable 2=Need more practice 3=comfortable 4=very comfortable Skills comfortable level Talk about festivals and customs 1 2 3 4 Practice expressing and supporting an opinion 1 2 3 4 Use the new words and expressions 1 2 3 4 Use modal verbs: must, have to and have got to 1 2 3 4 Create new festivals or holidays 1 2 3 4 Write an invitation 1 2 3 4 Reflection How many festivals have been learnt in this unit? What impressed me most in this unit? What points haven’t I understood yet? In what aspect do I need improvement? |
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