unit 3 Period 2 Speaking(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Learning goals
1. Talk about traveling in the future or in the past using the time machine, thuswe can cultivate the students’ imagination.
2. Talk about the current situation of tourism in our country, so that the student will concern nature and the environment3. Practise useful sentence patterns.
1). What will…be like in the future?
What was….like in the past?
2). Which year would you like to go to?
3). Where / why would you like to go?
4). I think we should……?
5). It’s better if we……
Learning methods
group work,pair work and individual work
Learning procedures
Step1 Lead in
一、Greetings as usual
二、Talk about a cartoon film(谈论学生喜爱的卡通片《机器猫》中主人公大雄利用machine time 了解自己成人后的生活和他妈妈小时候的事)来介绍以下两个句型:
1) What will his life be like in the future?
2) What was his mother like when she was a little girl?(naughty)
Step2 Activity Ⅰ
一 Individual work
Suppose you have a time machine.
1) which year would like to go to?
2) Where would you go?(此处would为情态动词)
3) Why would you go?
二 Group work
1. Get the students to use the sentences above to make a survey in their group.
2. Fill the chart on P16 in the SB
3. Get several individual leaders to report the survey.
In our group, S1 would like to go to the moment he was bron. He would like to know what was he like at that moment. S2 would like to go to Beijing in 2008 because she would like to see the 29th Olympic Games It will be exciting.
Step 3: Talking (workbook)
1) T: Just now we talked about traveling in the future or in the future.
National Day is coming. would you like to travel? where would you like to go during national holidays?
2) T: Tourism are developing quickly in our country.
Do you think whether it is good or bad to develop tourism? Why ?(Individual work)
Suggested answers:
Good Bad
making money wasting money
for pleasure destroying nature
getting knowledge causing traffic jam
…… ……
Activity Ⅱ
Situation: Imagining that your village is next to a beautiful lake. Some people want to turn it into a tourist resort. Do you support it?
Make a dialogue with your partner(Pairwork)
Providing the following sentences.
1) I think that’s a good idea
2) I think we should……
3) But what about you?
4) I’m afraid I don’t agree.
5) Why? Why not?
6) It’s better if we……
2. Get several pairs to act out their dialogue.
1. Each pair write down their dialogue in the teachers’ exercisebook (be cooperated )
2. Preview the next period “Reading”.



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