网络环境下的教学设计unit 18 new zealand(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计) |
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姓名_Jasmine__日期2004。4。20_________ 课题SEFC Book1B Unit18 New Zealand____Reading comprehension 一、学习目标与任务Reading: New zealand 1、学习目标描述 1.Improve the students’ speed-reading ability 2.Arouse the students’ enthusiasm for learning English through internet. 3.Get the students to know more about New Zealand including its location,geography ,climates , landscape and history. 2、学习内容与学习任务说明 1)Based on the reading material in the textbook ,this class will make full use of the internet so that the Ss will get as much information as possible about New Zealand. 2)While reading and getting information about this beautiful country, New Zealand,the Ss will learn to make notes ,write summary,exchange ideas and cooperate with others. 3)The Ss are encouraged to make a face _to face interview about New Zealand through pair work,one as a tourist guide and the other as a tourist in this country. 4)The main task of this class will focus on improving the Ss’reading ability. 二、学习者特征分析 (说明学生的学习特点、学习习惯、学习交往等) Most of the students show great interest in English learnig through internet . They like to carry out some tasks which are neither too complex nor too simple. They have the awareness of thinking in English; They can also solve some problems independently by means of using some reference books and the internet.. They are eager to do some teamwork and can cooperate very well . Besides , they have a good comprehension of the text and seem very interested in New Zealand thus laying a solid foundation for further studying about this great country. 三、学习环境选择与学习资源设计 1、学习环境选择(打 √) (1)Web教室 (2)局域网√ (3)城域网 (4)校园网√ (5)internet√ (6)其它 2、学习资源类型(打√) (1)课件(网络课件)√ (2)工具 (3)专题学习网站 √ (4)多媒体资源库√ (5)案例库 (6)题库 (7)网络课程 (8)其它 3、学习资源内容简要说明 (说明名称、网址、主要内容等) 1. www.achievement. org 2. 3. 四、学习情境创设 1、学习情境类型(打√) (1)真实情境√ (2)问题性情境 √ (3)虚拟情境√ (4)其它 2、学习情境设计 1) From an email and a photo of my friend studying in Auckland,introduce this beautiful country. 2) What is the geograghical feature of it?(based on the map of New Zealand through searching the internet as well as reading ) 五、学习活动组织 1、自主学习设计(打√并填写相关内容) 类型 相应内容 使用资源 学生活动 教师活动 抛锚式 支架式 随机 进入式 √ Email from a friend The Ss reading the email Introducing the text through the contents on the internet 其它 The reading material The text Skimming and scanning independently to get the information Observing and encouraging the Ss and acting as a helper sometimes. 2、协作学习设计(打√并填写相关内容) 类型 相应内容 使用资源 学生活动 教师活动 竞争 伙伴√ New Zealand Reading material Getting the relevant information and discussing Guiding and directing 协同√ New Zealand √ The websites as well a s the text Each group Searching through the internet about New Zealand Organizing the Ss to exchange information by reporting their results. 辩论 角色扮演√ New Zealand √ The websites as well a s the text Pair work :one acting as a guide and the other as a tourist. Organizing and evaluating the SS’performance. 3、教学结构流程设计 六、学习评价设计 1、测试形式与工具(打√) (1)堂上提问√ (2)书面练习√ (3)达标测试 (4)学生自主网上测试√ (5)合作完成作品√ (6)其它 2、测试内容 1)能较流利地谈论新西兰的地理位置.风景.文化和历史以及民族风俗等. 2)能较熟练地在网上合作完成有关新西兰的信息卡. 3)能在网上完成本课的语言知识测试. 4)阅读理解正确率达75%以上. 5)是否表现出良好的合作意识与主动愉快的参与意识. |
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