unit 1 Where is your pen pal from? 教案及反思4(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

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Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?
(Third Period) Dec. 16th, 2003.
Teacher 曲红茹 Class Class 2, Grade 1 School Bayi Middle School
Title Unit 13 Where is your pen pal from?
Teaching Aims  培养学生的阅读能力;
 学会讯问个人情况如国籍、居住城市及所说语言等并学会谈论个人喜好;
 学会给笔友回信。
Function  Talk about countries, nationalities, cities and languages;
 Ask and tell where people live.
Target Language  Where is your pen pal from? She’s from America.
 Where does she live? She lives in New York.
 What languages does she / he speak? She / He speaks English and Spanish.
 Does she / he speak English? Yes, she / he does. No, she / he doesn’t.
 What does he / she want?
Structures  Where questions with from;
 Where questions with live;
 What questions.
Vocabulary Ottawa, place, England, physics, enjoy, nationality, dislike, likes and dislikes, country, world, live in, speak English, like going, play sports, my favorite subject, too difficult.
Learning Strategies  复习巩固所学有关知识;
 培养学生的阅读能力;
 联系实际利用所学知识;
跨学科学习  了解世界,学会理解和尊重异国朋友;
 了解异国同学的兴趣和爱好;
 学会与人交往.
Recycling  Does she / he have any brothers or sisters?
Yes, she / he does. No, she / he doesn’t.
 She / He has….
 What’s her / his name?
 What does he / she like?
 Some favorite things.

Step 1: Lead-in.
1. To show a photo and talk about it.
2. To ask the students some questions.
Step 2: Reading.
1. The students open the books, turn to Page 81 and read the first letter. After that, the students answer three simple questions.
2. The students read after the tape and go on answering some more questions.
Step 3: Pairwork ( Reading more letters. )
1. The students read the letters that the teacher gives them and then choose one pen pal they like.
2. The partner asks the student some questions about the pen pal’s letter and then help the partner to fill in “ID card of my partner’s pen pal.”
3. Do a report.
My partner’s name is __________. His new pen pal’s name is __________. He is _______ years old. He is from __________. He lives in ___________. At school, he likes ______________. His favorite ___________ is __________________…
I think he can be my partner’s pen pal. Do you think so?
Step 4: Groupwork
1. Discussion: In your group, do you like your pen pals? Who likes? Why? ( Tell some reasons )
2. Report.
In our group, ________of us like his pen pal. Because his ideal pen pal …
Step 5: Big Task: Write an e-mail about yourself.
Christmas is coming. Would you like to write an e-mail to your pen pal?
Please write soon about yourself.
Step 6: Homework
1. Write to your pen pal to say Merry Christmas and talk about yourself.
2. Try your best to send it.
Blackboard writing:
Unit 13 Where is your pen pal from?
For students:
1. Pairwork:
The partner asks the student some questions about the pen pal’s letter and then help the partner to fill in “ID card of my partner’s pen pal.”
2. Write an e-mail about yourself.
Just for students:
1. Pairwork:
The partner asks the student some questions about the pen pal’s letter and then help the partner to fill in “ID card of my partner’s pen pal.”
2. Christmas is coming. Would you like to write an e-mail to your pen pal?
Please write soon about yourself.

Discussion: In your group, do you like your pen pals? Who likes? Why? ( Tell some reasons… )
In our group, ________ of us like our pen pal. Because his ideal pen pal …
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. …
Discussion: In your group, do you like your pen pals? Who likes? Why? ( Tell some reasons… )
In our group, ________ of us like our pen pal. Because his ideal pen pal …
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. …
Discussion: In your group, do you like your pen pals? Who likes? Why? ( Tell some reasons… )
In our group, ________ of us like our pen pal. Because his ideal pen pal …
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. …




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