agree to / agree with区分

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Agree to的意思是“同意”、“应允”,它专用于对事,不用于对人,其后接事物名词,如decision,opinion,idea,demand,proposal,terms,plan;此外,它亦可接动词原形。例:
I quite agree to your proposal. 我非同意你的建议。
They agreed to the new method. 他们同意采用这个新方法。
His parents agreed to his marrying this girl. 他的父母同意他与该女郎结婚。
值得注意的是,agree之后既可接不定式,也可以接以that引导的从句。例如:John agreed to go there. = John agreed that he would go there.
His father agreed to buy him a luxury car. 他的父亲答应买一辆豪华汽车给他。
Agree with的意思是“和……意见一致”、“与……相应”或“跟……适合”。它既用于对事,也用于对人,其后接人名或人称代词,也可以接表示“意见”的词和一些抽象的名词,如action,subject,constitution等。例:
I agree with you (on your views). 我赞同你的观点。
I'm so sorry to say his words do not agree with his actions.
Wine does not agree with me. 酒对我不适合(即我不宜喝酒)。
The verb must agree with its subject in number and person. 动词在数和人称上必须和它的主语一致。
Agree with亦可以和用that引导的从句用在一个句子中。如:
I agree with them that it is time to arrange for more exchanges between Hong Kong and mainland scholars. 我同意他们的意见,现在应当为香港及大陆学者安排更多交流。




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