NSEFC2B Unit 14 全单元教案3(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

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The Third Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Compare and master some useful words.
2.Review the Passive Voice.
3.Further understand the whole text.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Master how to use the different forms of some useful words.
2.Review and learn the different forms of the Passive Voice.
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to choose proper forms of some useful words.
Teaching Methods:
1.Practice to get the students to master what they’ve learnt.
2.Comparison to get the students to understand what they’ve learnt.
3.Discussion to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision
T:(Greet the whole class as usual.)
In the last period,we read a passage about Martin Luther King,Jr.Have you finished your homework?
T:OK.Let’s do these sentences one by one.Who will do the first one?
S:Let me have a try.We should fill in “is” in this blank.
T:Does anybody have a different opinion?
S:I think “was” is also correct.
T:Can you explain why?
S:If we fill in “is”,we’re asking about the life at present.If we fill in “was”,we’re asking about the life in the past.
T:Do you agree with him/her?
Ss:Yes,we all think so.
T:Great.Now,let’s do the second sentence.Li Hui,you please read out your answer.
S:What are some of the problems that black people have?
T:Who has a different answer?
S:Can we fill in “were” here?
T:This is a good question.Think it over and explain why.(A moment later)Who can tell us your answer and explain why?
S:Let me try.I think we can’t use “were” here.If you look at the sentence structure carefully,you’ll find that there’s an attributive clause modifying “the problems”,and from the word “have”,we know the clause is talking about “present”.So,I don’t think “were” can be used here.
T:Do you agree?
Ss:Yes,what he/she said is quite right.
T:Great!I couldn’t agree more.
(Deal with the other sentences in the same way.)
Suggested answers:
3.What did/do black people want?
4.Why did you organize the Alabama bus company boycott?
5.Which problems did black people have in Birmingham,Alabama?
6.Why can’t black people wait a bit longer?
7.Which Nobel Prize did you win?
T:Now,I’d like a pair to act out your dialogue.Which pair volunteers?
Ss:We want a try.
T:Good.Please begin.
(The pair acts out their dialogue.)
Sample dialogue:
(A—a television reporter;B—Martin Luther King,Jr.)
A:Mr King,may I ask you a few questions?
B:Of course.I’d like to answer them.
A:What’s life in the southern states like?
B:It’s much better now.Since the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 and a new Voting Right Bill became law in 1965,we have had the same rights as the whites.I hope it will be like this forever.
A:What are some of the problems that black people have?
B:There are some problems.Their life is harder than the whites’ because they could not go to the same schools as the whites in the past and therefore they can’t get a higher position in the factories and companies.But things are different now.I’m sure they will live a better life in the future.
A:Why did you organize the Alabama bus company boycott?
B:Because the bus company made a black woman give her seat to a white man.When she refused,the police arrested her.That was unfair.
A:Why can’t black people wait a bit longer?
B:We had waited 340 years for our rights!That “wait” had almost always meant “never”.
A:Which Nobel Prize did you win?
B:Oh,that was the year before last.I mean I received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1964.
A:What did you do with the prize money?
B:I gave the whole of the $54 600 prize to the freedom movement.
A:You are great!
B:Thank you.
A:Thank you for answering my questions.Wish you every success!
Step Ⅱ Word Study
T:Thank you.You gave us a wonderful performance.From the reading passage we’ve learnt some useful words.Now,let’s look at the sentences on the screen.Complete them with the proper words from the reading passage.The first letter has been given to help you.
(Show the following sentences on the screen and allow the students enough time to finish them.)
1. S______ is the system by which some people are owned by others as slaves.
2.Fifty years ago,mixed-race marriages were f_____.
3.There were separate s_____ for blacks on buses and trains.
4.Civil rights fighters d_____ that blacks will be treated equally.
5.During the Second World War,from 1937 to 1945,there were many organized b_____ of Japanese goods all over China.
T:Who would like to give us your answers?
S:I’ll try.The word in the first sentence should be “slavery”.The second should be “forbidded”.The third,“section”.The fourth,“demand” and the last should be “boycotts”.
T:Do you agree with him/her?Who has different answers?
S:I think the second word should be “forbidden”.We know that the word “forbid” is an irregular verb,and its past participle should be “forbidden”,not “fobidded”.In the third sentence,the word “section” is a countable noun,and here the plural form is needed,so the correct answer should be “sections”.
T:Do you agree with him/her?
T:You have to pay attention to the forms of the words.You must be very careful.
Suggested answers:
1.slavery 2.forbidden 3.sections 4.demand 5.boycotts
T:Now,please turn to Page 2 and do Exercises 2.Discuss the sentences with your partner to see which words should be chosen,and then translate them into Chinese.
(Allow the students a few minutes to prepare and then check the answers with the whole class.)
Suggested answers:
Step Ⅲ Grammar
T:Today,we’ll review the Passive Voice.Please turn to Page 30.Look at the first exercise.Finish it by yourselves first and then check your answers with your partner.
(Allow the students a moment to finish the task and then check the answers with the whole class.)
Suggested answers:
1.They are not treated as equal citizens in the southern states in the 1950s.
2.They were separated from white people in shops,restaurants,hospitals,buses,trains,etc.
3.They were educated in separated schools.
4.They were given no right to vote.
5.A new Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964,enabling black people to vote.
T:You’ve done very well.But you still need more practice.Now,please finish the second exercise on Page 30.After you finish it.I’ll ask some of you to say your answers one by one.
(Students are given a few minutes to finish the exercises and then some of them are asked to say their answers.Finally,teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)
Suggested answers:
1.Rosa Parks,who refused to stand up for a white man,was arrested (by the police).
2.Many speeches against racial discrimination have been made (by civil rights activists).
3.More than 100 demonstrators were arrested and two were killed.
4.The whole society has greatly been changed in the USA.
5.Martin Luther King,Jr. will always be remembered.
6.The civil rights activists were put into prison.
Step Ⅳ Test
(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard.)
1.At that time in the southern states,blacks ______(treat) as equal citizens.
2.Blacks ______(allow) into hotels,schools or libraries for white people.
3.Black people ______(should separate) but ______ (should treat) with respect.
4.Rosa Parks ______(arrest) by the police on December 1,1955.
5.Martin Luther King,Jr. ______(will remember) forever.
6.A film about a black family ______(make) now and ______(show) soon.
T:Look at the blackboard,please.Let’s have a test.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets.After you finish,you can have a discussion in pairs.Then I’ll have some of you write your answers on the blackboard.Are you clear?
T:OK.You can begin.
(A moment later,ask some students to write their answers on the blackboard and check the answers with the whole class.)
Suggested answers:
1.were not treated
2.were not allowed
3.should not be separated;should be treated
4.was arrested
5.will be remembered
6.has been made;will be shown
Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework
T:In this class,we’ve reviewed the usage of some useful words and we’ve also done some exercises to review the Passive Voice.You should pay attention to the verb forms in the Passive Voice and learn them by heart.After class,you need to practise as much as possible to use them freely.Practice makes perfect,you know.Today’s homework:find as many useful words and expressions as you can in the text and make sentences with them.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow!
Ss:See you tomorrow.
Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 14 Freedom fighters
The Third Period
Complete the following sentences:
1.At that time in the southern states,blacks were not treated (treat) as equal citizens.
2.Blacks were not allowed (allow) into hotels,schools or libraries for white people.
3.Black people should not be separated (should separate) but should be treated (should treat) with respect.
4.Rosa Parks was arrested (arrest) by the police on December 1,1955.
5.Martin Luther King,Jr. will be remembered (will remember) forever.
6.A film about a black family has been made (make) now and will be shown (show) soon.
Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching




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