Unit 10-12 句型总结(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

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Unit 10 The world around us
1. When farmers cut down trees, tigers can no longer hide and hunt.农民把树砍了,老虎再也无法躲藏和觅食了。
2. Many tigers are killed by people who want to sell their fur and use their bones for medicine.
3. Why is it important to make sure that animals do not die out?为什么确保动物不灭绝很重要?
4. A reporter is going to interview some animals.一位记者打算去采访一些动物。
5. Student A will act as the reporter and student B will act as the animal.学生A 将扮演记者,学生B 扮演动物。
6. Steve Jones is an environmental expert who tries to keep animals from becoming endangered.
Steve Jones 是一位设法保护动物不受危害的环境方面的专家。
7. We are not along in the world.我们人类不是单独存在于世界上的。
8. We often talk about how important it is to take good care of ourselves and our planet ,but we don’t always do as we say.
9. They are all used to their environment.它们都已习惯了自己的生存环境。
10. The animal or plant has to either adapt to the charge or find a new home.
11. Fist of all ,we need to learn more about animals, plants and the environment.
12. Even small things can make a big difference.即使做些小事也很要紧。
13. Professor Stevenson, who has devoted himself to protecting the milu deer, gave a talk to Chinese college students in Beijing.一直致力于保护麋工作的斯蒂芬逊教授给北京的中国大学生作了一个报告。
14. The milu deer had been very common in China a long time ago.很久以前麋在中国是很常见的。
15. He told the students that he hopes that more people would care about the milu deer.
16. He hoped that one day these milu deer would be set free and live in the wild again.
17. If we reuse something, it will not end up as waste.如果我们重新利用回收的东西的话,那么它就不是废品了。
Unit 11 The sounds of the world
1. What are the differences between the songs you have heard?你所听到的歌曲之间有什么区别?
2. Can you guess what the songs are about?你能猜出这些歌曲是关于内容的吗?
3. What words could you hear? Try to write as many as possible.你听到了什么单词?尽可能多地把它们写下来。
4. Take turns asking for and giving advice.和你的搭档轮流地征求意见,提出建议我。
5. Please help him or her to make a decision.请帮他或她个个决定吧。
6. You want to! Find a good song to dance to.你想找一首好的歌曲来和着音乐跳舞。
7. What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that’s waiting for us. 
8. The blues comes from African songs that people used to sing when they worked and during festivals.
9. Hip-hop and rap have much in common with blues and rock, but they also have their own characteristics.
10. Hip-hop music can be fast or slow, and it will often combine parts of other styles to create music that will help people hear new things in old music.嬉蹦舞曲可快可慢,它还常常与其他风格的音乐相结合,创造出一种音乐,帮人们在古老的音乐里聆听新鲜的事物。
11. In rap music ,the singer, or “rapper”, will speak or “rap” the words along with the beat.
12. In the us ,where there are many Spanish-speaking people, Latin music is a big part of the culture.
13. There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every corner of the world.
14. So the next time you look for a tape or a CD, don’t Just look for Chinese or American music.
15. Elvis’ parents were very poor and lived in a two-room house,艾尔维斯的父母很穷,一家人住在一个两间的房子里。
16. Elvis left school and became a truck driver.艾尔维斯毕业后成了一名货车司机。
17. The house where he once lived has been turned into a museum and is visited by thousands of people every year.
18. Rock and pop music are becoming more and more similar.摇滚乐和流行乐变得越来越相似了。
19. Rock singers ,on the other hand, make music their life.从另一方面讲,摇滚乐歌手以音乐为生命。
20. They play music to satisfy their inner desire.他们通过演奏音乐来满足内心的愿望。
21. Because of the different ways of thinking and writing songs, rock and pop songs also tell different stories.
22. Love in a pop song is either good or bad, but in a rock song it can be both good and bad at the same time.
Unit 12 Art and literature
1. Can you match them with the correct painters?你能找到跟它们相配的画家吗?
2. Listen to the tape and fill in the missing information below.听磁带,然后填写下列空缺的信息。
3. Tell your friend about the film and try to get him/her to go with you.
4. The park is hosting an arts festival next weekend.这家公园将于下个周末举办一次艺术节。
5. Someone is calling you to find out more about the festival.有人把你叫去,想要了解更多关于艺术节的消息。
6. Art exhibition: paintings by local artists 艺术展:本地艺术家的作品画
7. Do you like to watch magic tricks? 你喜欢观看魔术表演吗?
8. It’s a world of magic and wonders, a world where anything can happen.
9. His parents are dead and he lives with a family that treats him badly.
10. His friends help him when he is in trouble, but he must also be strong enough and help them when they need him.
11. Happy also learns to be brave and to do things he used to be afraid of.
12. The magic, many strange creatures and the adventures Harry comes across at Hogwarts help him under-stand the real world.
13. You must believe in what you do and who you are If you want to succeed in the world.
14. After you have written your ending, compare it with your classmates.你写完故事的结尾后,跟你的同学作一下比较。
15. “Did you hear that?” she whispered.“你听见了没有?”她轻声问道。
16. It sounded like a woman crying.听起来像是有个女人在哭。
17. The lady in the picture had such strange eyes that it was almost as if the woman in the picture was watching them.
18. He was just about to say something when Helen turned around.他正要说些什么,忽然海伦转过身。
19. Harry knew that he had said something stupid.哈利知道他说了些愚蠢的话。
20. You have been asked to make a poster for the film and write an announcement that will be read on the radio.




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