
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学总结 手机版

Unit 4
1. On October 17th ,1989 a strong earthquake took place and killed over 100 people .Hank was caught in the earthquake.
2. Anna used to take swimming lessons with my sister.安娜过去常和我妹妹一起修游泳课程。
3.She looked round and saw Jeff running. 她环顾四周,看见杰夫正在奔跑。
4. Before she could move, she heard a great noise ,which grew to a terrible roar.
5. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her. 然而,转念之间,洪水已近在眼前。
6.There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her.她看见一堵墙似的洪水快速地朝她涌来。
7.Jeff dragged her towards the house.杰夫拉赛她跑向房子。
8. Jeff and Flora looked into each other’s face with a look of fright.
9.Another wave struck the house.另一股洪流冲击着房屋。
10.There she stopped ,listening to the strange sounds, 她在那儿停下来,听着奇怪的声响。
12. Can you work out what the underlined words refer to?你能弄明自下边划线的单词指代的含义吗?
13. In order to get the woman’s bag back , the solider struggle with the thief.
14. A couch potato is a person who spends a lot of time watching TV. 花费大量时间看电视
15. I found some photos of interesting places which were not too far away from Chendu.
16.Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet .makes you feel so small.抬头仰望使你感到自己很渺小。
17. The next moment the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden.接着,第一个浪把她刮倒,并吞噬了花园
18. Xiao Rong took a photo of a monkey that was sitting on my head. 小龙给我照了一张猴子坐在我头顶的照片。
19. Finally , towards evening we were on the way back to Chungdu. 最后,我们在夜晚乘车回成都。
20. Don' t forget to bring your camera. 别忘记带上相机。
21. The old man is shouting for help. His house is on fire .那位老人在呼救。他的房子着火了。
22. Betty’s parents had been marled for more than 25 years.贝蒂的父母已结婚二十五年多了。
23. Before they reached the house ,a new great wave came ,sweeping down trees and sweeping them down too .They both went down under water.他们还没到达房子,又一个大浪打过来,冲倒了树也冲倒了他们。他们俩都沉到了水下。
24. Then Jeff pulled her up .He was standing, holding onto a tree that grew against the wall.
25. Tree after tree went down ,cut down by the water, which must have been three metres deep. which must have been three metres deep.一棵树接着一棵树倒下了,是被水冲倒的,那水一定有3米深了。
26. A part of the house had gone down and the flo0or moved up and down under their feet .For some moments both were silent.房子有一部分已经垮了,地板在他们脚下晃悠着,同时半会他们俩都一言不发。
27. During the first week of May! Went on a holiday to Sichuan. First, found some photos of interesting places which were not too far away from Chengdu.五月的第一周中我去四川度假。最初,我发现了一些离成都不远的有趣地方的照片。
28. Wei Bin took photos of us standing in front of the Buddha .我们站在佛像前,魏斌为我们拍了照。
29. There stand many old temples and the forest on the mountain is very beautiful.那儿矗立着很多古庙,山上的森林也很美。
30. The wild monkeys are the most exciting things on Mount Emei. They are not at all afraid of people.
31. Wei Bin took out some peanuts and it was fun to see the monkey eat from his hand.
Unit 5
1. Practice making comments and giving opinions.练习做出评论和发表看法。
2. Merry! Strip got marled in 1978.梅丽尔•斯特里普于1978年结婚。
3. While she was still a student, she played roles in many plays.当她还是学生的时候,就在戏剧中扮演过不同角色。
4. What do we know about the city where Malcolm grew up?关于麦尔克姆成长所在的城市,我们了解多少?
5. This was the moment when Spielberg’s career really took off.这正是斯皮尔博格的电影事业真正腾飞的时候。
6. He also showed them to people who had to buy tickets.他也把这些展示给那些为他提供票房收入的人看。
7. Who are spending their holidays in a small village by the sea.正在靠海边的一个小村庄度假的那些人。
8. Scientists want to find ET to cut him in pieces to do research.科学家们想找到外星人ET,而后解剖他,研究他的肢体。
9. When the park is his by a storm, things start going wrong.当公园被风暴袭击时,情况开始糟糕起来。
10. After these highly successful films, Spielberg made several follow-ups of Jaws and Jurassic Park.
11. Steven Spielberg said that he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.
12. Who saved the lives of the people on the bus.(那位勇敢的警察)他在公共汽车上挽救了人们的生命。
13. Zhang Yimou’s film “Not one Less” tells a simple but moving story,
14. Mr Tian asks Wel Minzhi to take Mr. Gao’s place.田先生叫魏敏芝为高老师代课。
15. She becomes very worried and makes it her most important task to bring Zhang Huike back safely.
16. Minzhi Wants to go to town, but she can’t afford to buy a bus ticket.敏芝想去城里,但她买不起车票。
17. Many people like this film not Just because the story itself is moving, but also because most of the people in the film…
Unit 6
1. Talk about good table manners.谈论有关进餐应有的礼貌。
2. Excuse me ,may I interrupt you for a moment.对不起,我要吧打扰你一会儿吗?(打断你的谈话吗?)
3. Bill said something to apologize for taking the bike without telling cliff.
4. You go over to ask the girl sitting beside the bags .你走过去问那位坐在一堆包旁的女孩。
5. Your friend tells you that the man you are going to work with tomorrow has also come to the party.
6. Knowing them will help you make a good impression.了解这些餐桌习惯对你形成良好的印象会有帮助。
7. Having good table manners means knowing, for example how to use forks and knives how to toast and how to behave at the table.讲求良好的进餐习惯意味着了解一些东西诸如:如何使用刀叉,如何祝酒。以及如何在餐桌上表现自己的言谈举止。
8. There are two pairs of large knives and forks on the table.桌上有两副稍大一点的刀叉餐具。
9. Dinner starts with a small dish ,which is often called a starter .正餐通常以一道少分量的菜开始,这道菜也叫第一道菜。
10. It’s polite to finish eating everything on your plate.将你盘子里所有饭菜吃完是有礼貌的(有涵养的)。
11. The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once.
12. Table manners change over time .They follow the fashion of the time.
13. Although good manners always make you look good …虽然讲礼貌总会使你看起来很得体。
14. First, some cold dishes are provided, which……首先,凉菜先端上桌子。
15. Chinese people prefer using chopsticks instead of forks and knives.中国人宁愿使用筷子也不用刀叉餐具。
16. Everybody gets up, raises their glasses and touches the others’ glasses, saying gan bei!”
17. At this moment I am very busy with my studies.此刻,我正忙于(各科功课的)学习。
18. Don’t laugh at ,stare at or make jokes about disabled people.不要嘲笑,盯着或是拿残疾人开玩笑。




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