Unit 12 Art and literature(新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

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Teaching goals: 1.Talk about art and literature
2.Review making decisions and giving opinions
3.Review the Attributive Clause
4.Design a film poster
Teaching periods: 4 periods
The first period
Teaching Aims: 1.Talk about some artists and their paintings.
2.Improve the students’ listening and speaking abilities.
Important and Difficult Points: 1. how to improve the students’ listening and speaking abilities.
2. review making decisions and giving opinions.
Teaching Methods: listening-and-answer activity; pair work or group work
Teaching Aids: a tape recorder ; some pictures
Teaching procedures:
Step I. Greetings.
Step II. Warming up
(Show four pictures and four names of painters)
match the pictures and the painters, please ?
Questions: 1 What do you know about the paintings ?
2.What do you know about their painters?
Suggest answers:
Starry Night-------Vincent Van Gogh
Mona Lisa--------Leonardo da Vinci
Hand-------Poblo Picasso
Shrimp------Qi Baishi
1. Vincent van Gogh is from France. His painting “Sun-flower” is also very famous. He suffers from poverty all his life and kills himself in the end.
2. Leonardo da Vinci is a famous artist from Italy. He owes his success to hard work. We all know the story about him drawing eggs. He is also well known for his works like The Last Supper and Mona Lisa. He is one of the representatives in the Renaissance in the Italy.
3. Pablo Picasso is from Spain. He is famous for his abstract paintings. And many people say it is not easy to understand his paintings.
4. Qi Baishi was from Hunan, China. He was born in a poor family and made his living by drawing pictures. He was good at drawing flowers and creatures. His painting “Shrimp” is a most famous one.
Step III. Listening:
Pre-listening: If you’d like to take part in a certain activity, what information do you want to know?
“when , where , price, tips, etc.”
while-listening: Listen to 3 activities, and write down the relevant information.
Step IV. Speaking:
Review the expressions about how to make decisions or how to give opinions.
Making decisions: Giving opinions
a) I have decided to do/that… In my opinion… It seems…
b) I have decided wh-clause/wh-words to… So far as I know… I think…
c) I won’t … I suggest that… Shall we…
d) I’m not going to Let’s… What/How about…
Why not…? Why don’t you…
Divide the students into two groups. First read the instructions on page 79 and 80,and then discuss Situation 1 and Situation 2.
Step V. Home work:
Prepare for the reading text in the next period
Blackboard design:
Unit 12 Art and literature
The first period
Making decisions: Giving opinions
a) I have decided to do/that… In my opinion… It seems…
b) I have decided wh-clause/wh-words to… So far as I know… I think…
c) I won’t … I suggest that… Shall we…
d) I’m not going to Let’s… What/How about…
Why not…? Why don’t you…
Postscript ________________________________________________________
The second and the third periods
Teaching Aims: 1.Train the students’ reading ability.
2.Learn and master the language points in the text.
Important and Difficult Points:
1.make students understand the text better
2.master some difficult sentence patterns
a) make sb./sth. + adj.
b)It is +adj. +to do sth.
3.Where someone is born and what a person looks like is not as important as what he or she grows up to be.
Teaching Methods: question-and-answer activity; careful reading ; pair work or group work
Teaching Aids: a tape recorder , a computer
Teaching procedures:
Step I. Greetings:
Step II. Lead-in and pre-reading
Last period, we know something about films. And I know there is a film that is very popular today. Then what do you want to know about the film?
Ss: 1.What is the name of this film?
2.What is the film about?
3.When will the film be on?
4.Where will the film e shown?
5.How much is the ticket?
6.What stars are in the film?
Next discuss the questions on page 80 with your partners.
1 Have you read any of the Harry Potter books or watched the films
2.Harry Potter has magical powers. Do you know of any other heroes who have strange powers?
3.Do you like to watch magic tricks? Have you ever tried doing a magic trick?
Step III. Reading:
1. skimming
read the passage quickly to find the topic sentence and give the main idea of each paragraph.
Para1: It is a world of magic and wonders, a world where anything can happen.
Para2: Harry seems like a normal boy , but his life is miserable.
Para3: Hogwarts is an unusual school
Para4: Harry has to fight against bad wizards and do the right thing
2 read the passage again to finish the exercises of post-reading
1) Why is Harry’s life miserable before he goes to Hogwarts?
Because his parents are dead and the family he is living with treats him badly.
2) What does Harry learn about himself at hogwarts?
At Hogwarts, Harry learns that he needs to be strong/that he needs friends/that it is difficult to do the right thing/that life is more complicated than he thought /the truth about his past/about the power of love and goodness.
3) Why does Rowling use strange creatures in her books?
Rowling uses strange creatures in her books to add to the magic effect of the story.
4) Do you think that we can learn about the real world by reading novel?
Yes. I think reading novels can help us learn about the real world because novels are based on real life and reflect our society.
3 Finish exercise 2 of post reading
Suggested answers: F F T F T F
Language points:
1. series n. 连续;系列;套; 丛书(单复数同形)
a series of …一系列;一连串;一套
a. The reporter asked a series of questions.
b. I have read a series of articles about pollution.
c. She has collected a series of Monkey Year stamps.
d. A series of lectures is scheduled.
e. A new series on ethnic music is to be published next year.
2. a boy with a scar on his forehead
with 短语修饰名词,作定语 “有;具有;带有”
a. There stands a pretty girl with long hair
b. The book with a green cover is hers.
c. A stranger with a pair of sunglasses on his nose broke in.
d. He often drinks tea with sugar.
With 短语修饰动词,作状语
a. He went to school with his schoolbag on his back.
b. The man came in with a gun in his hand.
c. The robber was taken to the police station, with his hands tied behind.
3.treat vt. 对待;款待;治疗
a. Don’t treat me as a child.
b. The war prisoners were treated cruelly.
c. He treated his friend to a film.
d. I’ll treat myself to a big meal.
e. The doctor is treating him for lung cancer.
f. You should get treated if you don’t feel well enough.
3. be in trouble 处于困境
She is in great trouble, so she needs your advice.
have trouble in doing sth. 做某事有困难
Put sb. to the trouble of doing sth. 使某人陷入困境
Ask/look for trouble 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃
Take great trouble to do sth. 不辞辛苦地做某事
Get into trouble发生纠纷,陷入困境
4.Choice n. 选择,决择
a. He made a careful choice of his friends.
b. Which of these is your choice?
For /by choice 出于喜欢,出于自已的选择
She doesn’t live here by /for chice.
Have no choice but to 除做。。。外别无他法
You have no choice but to go to work.
5. come across (偶然)遇见,碰到
a) I came across the information on the Internet.
b) I came across her name on the list.
c) I came across one of my old friends in the street yesterday.
d) No matter what difficulties he comes across, he will never give up.
6. together with 和,加之,连同(连接两个并列的结构,这种结构若作主语,则谓语动词应与前面的主语一致,类似的短语有:
with, along with, but, (un)like, except, besides, as well as, in addition to, as much as, no less than, rather than, including…
a. Mr. Green, along with his wife and children, was invited to the party.
b. Nobody but Jim and Mike was present when the accident happened.
7. believe believe in trust
believe 相信某人所说的话,或相信某事是真实的。
a. I believe his story.
b. I believe him.
c. I believe his story (to be) true.
d. I believe what he said.
e. I believe that his story is true.
f. His story is believed to be true.
Believe in 指信任某人,信仰真理、宗教
c. Some people believe in Buddhism.
d. I can’t believe in his honesty.
e. I believe in her.
8. not 与 all, both, each, every, everywhere, everyone, everything, always, altogether, wholly…表达部分否定
a. Both are not workers.= Not both are workers.
b. Such a chance can’t exist everywhere.
c. He doesn’t always get up early.
d. Everything here is not mine.
f. All is not gold that glitters.
None , no one , nobody , nothing , neither …表全部否定
a. None of the computer games are interesting.
b. None of the students agree to the plan.
c. No one knows the answer.
d. Neither of us smokes.
9. share vt/vi. 分享,均分, 分担
a. I share a bedroom with five classmates.
b. We shared the cost of the meal
c. Children should be taught to share their toys.
d. The nurse shared some apples among the children.
e. We’ll share with you in the costs.
f. You’ll share in the profits.
n. 股份,份,份额
a. He has 60 percent of the shares in the company.
b. They divided the big cake into 50 shares and each of the students got his share.
c. I’ll finish my share of work on time.
Share in 分担, 共享
Share out 分发, 分配
10. live / lead a …life 过着。。。什么生活
a. He lived a simple life, though he was very rich.
b. I don’t want to live such a busy life.
Dream a …dream
Die a …death
Smile a …smile
Home Work: remember the new words
Master the language points
Blackboard Design
Unit 12 Art and literature
The second and third period
I. skimming II. Language points
Para1. 1.series 6.together with
Para2 2.with 7.believe(in)
Para3 3.treat 8.
Para4 4.choice 9.share
5.come across 10.live a…life
postscript ________________________________________________________
The fourth period
Teaching Aims: 1.Learn some knowledge about word formation
2.Review the Attributive Clause
Important and Difficult Points: 1.Master the differences between the restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Clause.
2.How to choose the relatives in the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.
3.How to translate the sentence with a Non-restrictive Attributive Clause
Teaching Methods: inductive method; comparing method
Teaching Aids: a tape recorder; the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I. Greetings:
Step II. Revision:
Review the language points in the last period.
Step III. Word Study. Check the exercises on P82.
Ex.1. Ask students to explain the meaning of the four words in English in their own words and then match the words with the correct meaning in the book.
Ex.2. Ask students to sum up the formation of the words,
that is n.+-al-à adj. Give some other examples.
Physical, medical, political, natural, national…
Ex.3. Ask students to analyze the formation of word “forehead”.Check the meaning of “fore-“. Guess the meaning of the words.
Step IV. Grammar. Review the Attributive Clause by answering the questions and joining the sentence.
1) Review the meaning of the relative pronouns.
2) Review the structure of the attributive clause.
3) Study the example.
4) Do the exercise in pairs and then check in class.
Compare the translation of the following two sentences:
1. She was talking with a lady whose son was ill.
2. She was talking with a lady, whose son was ill.
Home Work: finish the exercises on workbook
Blackboard Design
Unit 12 Art and literature
The fourth period
N+-al--à adj.
Physical, medical,political,antural,national…
Postscript _______________________________________________________
The fifth period
Teaching Aims: 1. Do some reading
2.Do some writing
Important and Difficult Points: 1. How to read a story
2.How to write a poster and make an announcement
Teaching Methods: individual work; pair work
Teaching Aids: the blackboard; a computer
Teaching Procedures:
Step I. Greetings:
Step II. Revision. Check up homework.
Step III. Reading
Today we’ll read a story about Harry Potter and his friends, which is taken from the film “Harry Potter”. Before we read the story, I’d like to give you some tips.
When you read a story, remember to look carefully for the following things;
* main characters
* time of the important events
* place (s) of the event
* reason(s) for what happens
Eight minutes to go through the passage .
1. What are the main characters in the story?
2. Where were Harry and his friends?
3. What happened when they looked at the picture?
4. What did they decide to do and how could they do it?
5. Why did they decide to do that?
6. When did the story happen?
Language point:
If only…“若是。。。那该多好啊”;“只要。。。就好了”
a. If only he had the same interest as his brother.
b. If only I had followed your advice.
c. It’s a good project. If only we could carry it out.
d. It’s a wonderful job. If only I could do it.
Step IV. Writing:
Generally speaking , a poster includes the following : What is it? Who is in charge of it? When and where does it take place? How does it take place?
Speaker: Professor Smith of the Foreign Language Department ,who recently visited England.
Subject: The Modern Society of England
Time: Sept.20,2003.2:00p.m.
Place: Room308, the Teaching Building
All are welcome.
Foreign Language Department
Sept. 15, 2003
If we write an announcement ,we often use the sentences like:
In the beginning: Ladies and gentlemen /Boys and girls…. May I have your attention, please?
Attentions, please, everyone .
In the end: Thank you.
Everyone is welcome.
Please be there on time.
Ask students to practise writing a poster and an announcement.
Homework: read some reading materials after class.
Blackboard design
Unit 12 Art and literature
The fifth period
If only….
e.g. If only I had followed your advice.
It’s a wonderful job. If only I could do it
Postscript _____________________________________________________
Unit 12 Art and literature




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