unit 14 Mainly revision(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

  (1) Can I ask you for some advice?
  (2) What can you suggest?
  (3)I suggest you (should) ask. . .
  (4) I've got an idea.
  (5)Why not do...?
  (6)Why don't you do. . . ?
  (7)That is why. . .
  (8)I thought that. . .
recently, weigh, measure, lovely, cousin, secret, invite, reply, illness, pattern, actor, junior
ask sb. for advice, be tired of, be fun, make fun of, tell lies, laugh at, used to, keep quiet, worry about, consider doing, because of, a place of interest, reply to
  1.本单元的内容非常贴近中学生生活。可就“Friendship”,“Telling Lies”等话题展开讨论,在讨论中学会如何表述心情、如何给予忠告等。
  3.在口头操练的同时,注意引导学生使用正确的英语句型结构,如:Why not do…;Why don't you do…等等。必要时做笔头操练。
辨析be tired of , be tired with
短语be tired of 意思为“厌倦或厌烦……”
  I’m tired of his complaints.我对他的抱怨很反感。
  He was tired of sleeping with the windows open.他讨厌开着窗户睡觉。
  be tired with表示“因……而感到疲倦或劳累”
  He was tired with such a long walk,走了这么长的路他感到很累。
  We were quite tired with so much homework.做了如此多的作业后我们相当疲劳。
辨析lovely/ beautiful/pretty//handsome/good-looking
  lovely hair/weather(秀发/好天气)。
beautiful 对人而言,指最能给人带来满足的最高尚的和精神的美,包括精致、温柔、愉快、可爱诸因素。形容人时,适合女性。
  A beautiful girl /face /flower /picture /garden /place /voice /color/dress/weather等。
  “good-looking” 特指外表容貌的美,多用于指男性。
辨析used to, be used to doing 与be used to do
  used to后接动词原形,表示“过去常常(做某事)”,而现在不再做;
  He used to be a worker, but now he becomes the manager of the company.
  be used to doing / sth. 表示“习惯于做某事”。
  She has been used to living alone in the country.
  be used to do为use(使用)的被动语态形式,表示“被用来做”;
  The hammer is used to break nail into the wall.
辨析reply 和answer
  He answered/replied that he knew nothing about it.
  answer sb. that. . . /reply to sb that. . .
  3)当后面接名词或代词时,answer是及物动词, reply为不及物动词,是正式用语。如:
  answer a question/reply to a question
  answer a letter / reply to a letter
  answer the door / doorbell / telephone
  (不能说reply the door / doorbell / telephone)
  the answer / rely / key to the problem. make no answer / reply
  1.Well, I’ve recently started biology.我最近刚开始学生物。
  He is not at home recently.他最近不在家。
  How are you getting along recently?你近来过得还好吧?
  2.You don’t need anything special.你不需要什么特别的东西。
  用形容词修饰不定代词something, nothing, anything, somebody, anybody等时,这个形容词通常放在这类不定代词的后面。
  Did you find anybody strange nearby? 你在附近看到过什么陌生人吗?
  Do you have anything more to say? 你(们)还有什么话要说吗?
  3.Then grow some tomatoes in one box,….然后在盒子里种上一些西红柿
  Then see which plants grow higher.
  第一句中的grow是及物动词,作“种植(花或庄稼)”解;第二句中的grow 是不及物动词,作“生长,成长”
  The young trees are growing well.这些小树长得很好。(vi.)
  We grew a lot of flowers this spring.今年春天我们种了许多花。(vt.)
  She is growing healthy.她的身体逐渐变好了。
  4.However, I find it hard. 然而我发现交朋友很难。
  句中的it 指上句的making new friends(交新朋友)。全句相当于I find it hard to make new friends.由于it作形式宾语的用法还没有出现过,此处暂不宜向学生解释。
  I found him very funny.我现他很滑稽可笑。
  5.This is secret, so please don’t tell anybody else.这是一个秘密,因此,请别告诉其它任何人。
  句中anybody else=any other person(其它任何人) else是形容词,作“别的,其它的”,常用somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing等不定代词连用,并置于不定代词之后。如:
  Do you want to see anybody else? 你还想见见别的人吗?
  I have bought lots of bread. I’d like to buy something else.我买了许多面包,我还想买点别的东西。
  else还可以同what, who, when, where等疑问代词或疑问副词连用。
  What else would you like to have? 你还想要点别的什么吗?
1) 过去将来时的基本形式:
基本形式 例子
would+动词原形 I thought I would make lots of new friends.
was/were + going to I didn’t expect that I were to do the work by myself next week.我不希望下周自己做这个工作。
注意:would+动词原形。would可用于任何人称,这是美国英语的用法。在英国英语中,第一人称用 should,第二、三人称用 would。本教材采用美国英语的用法。此外,过去将来时还可以用“was/were + going to”来表示“原本打算干某事”的意思。另:be to do 不能用于人类不能控制的将发生的事情和动作;be about to do 不能和具体的时间连用。
  2) 过去将来时的基本概念:
基本概念 例子
过去将来时表示对于过去某一时间而言将要发生的动作或存在的状态。它是一种相应的时态,总是同某一过去的时间或过去的动作相对应而存在。 The teacher told us he would give us a little test. 老师跟我们讲过,他将给我们来一次小测验。
He said he was going to start for Guangzhou next Monday. 他(曾经)说过他打算下星期身去广州。
  3)“would+动词原形”还可表示过去的习惯动作,在这一点上同used to同义。 例如:
  When we were children, we would/used to go swimming every summer. 我们小的时候, 每年夏天都去游泳。
  He wanted to be a scientist when he grew up.他长大了想当科学家。
  We knew he would never permit such a thing.我们知道他绝不会允许发生此类事。
教学设计方案Lesson 53
Teaching Aims
  1.To train the students' ability of listening and improve their oral English.
  2.10 learn how to ask for or give advice and suggestions.
  3. To learn to use the following useful words and expressions: recently suggest weigh be tired of consider doing something
  4. To get the students to know how to ask for or give advice/suggestions in their daily life, for example , in writing letters.
Teaching procedures
Step I Lead-in
  The teacher says the following sentences: I caught a cold yesterday and now I have a headache. What should I do? Collect advice/suggestions from the students. For example:
  You’d better go to see a doctor.
  I think you can take some medicine and have a good rest.
Step II Watch and listen
  Tell the students that we're going to learn a dialogue between Jane and Zhou Lan. In the dialogue, Zhou Lan is giving Jane some advice. Please answer the questions.
  What kind of experiment does Zhou Lan talk about?
Key: She talks about a tomato experiment.
  What does Jane need to do the experiment?
Key: Jane needs the lab, plant food, some young tomatoes, two boxes, a ruler and some soil.
Step III Reading
  Please read the dialogue again on page 53, then answer the questions.
  1.Why does Jane ask Zhou Lan for advice?
  2.Does Jane like biology? How do you know?
  3.What is Jane’s problem?
  4.What does Zhou Lan suggest?
  1)Because she wants to improve her biology.
  2) She likes biology, because she says that she really enjoys it.
  3)She is tired of too much reading on biology and she wants to improve, but she does not know how to do it.
  4)Zhou Lan suggests that Jane ask Mr Wu. And she also suggests that Jane should do a tomato experiment.
Step IV Language points
  1.recently adv. not long ago ,adj
  2.weigh vt.& vi.measure how heavy sth.is n.
  3.suggest vt.
  suggest something doing
  It is suggested that….(should)+ do
  Suggest + what todo/that…(should )+v.
  4.be tired of: no longer interested in
  5.consider doing: think about; examine
Step V Exercise ( shown on the projector. )
Fill in the blanks.
  Jane happened to meet Zhou Lan 1 the school library. She asked Zhou Lan to 2 her some advice 3 her biology. She said she 4 biology, but she was 5 of reading the biology book. Zhou Lan had an idea. She asked Jane to do a 6 experiment in the lab and gave her a lot of ideas on how to do the experiment. Finally, Jane 7 they 8 the experiment together. Zhou Lan 9 .
Step VI Oral practise
  Allow the Ss several minutes to make up a similar dialogue giving advice. The following topics are for them to choose from.
  1)A friend who doesn't like sports
  2) How to learn English?
  3) Which kind of computer to buy?
Step VII Summary
Giving advice/suggestions
  1.Have you considered doing….?
  2.I suggest(that )you do…
  3.You’d better do….
  4.Why not do…./Why don’t you do….?
  5.Why not ask Mr Li for help?
Ask for advice/suggestions
  1.What’s your opinion?
  2.May/Can I….?
  3.I need your help in…
Step VIII Homework
  1. Recite the dialogue or make up a new one.
  2. Finish the exercises in the Wb.
  3. Preparation the next lesson.
Teaching Aims
  1. Check the exercises.
  2. Ask some Ss to recite the dialogue or make some sentences using what they have learnt.
  3. Some exercises
Teaching Procedures
Step I. Lead-in
  T: In our daily life, the letters play an important part. We can exchange information through the letters. People sometimes write letters to ask their good friends for advice. Now, I have two letters. One is from Ken; the other is from Yang Mei.
(Prepare two envelopes and write the two letters ahead of time. ) I also have two titles:
  (1)Shall I tell...?
  (2) How do I make friends?
  (Write the titles on the blackboard. )
  Who’d like to read them for us?
  ( Choose two Ss to read them. )
  Which title is for Ken's letter and which is for Yang Mei’s?
  (The first title is for Ken's letter and the second is for Yang Mei’s.)
Step II Fast-reading:
  Read the letters quickly and make some notes for the following questions.
  (1) Is Ken enjoying his new school? Why?
Key: No. Because the other students went to the same junior middle school, so they got along well with each other. They made fun of Ken. So he spent a lot of time alone. He found it hard to make friends with them. )
  (2) Why doesn't Yang Mei want to spend her winter vacation with her cousin?
Key: They used to be very good friends. Recently she discovered that her cousin had started to tell lies. She told him that it was wrong to tell lies, but he just laughed at her. )
  (3) What's Amy's advice for Ken?
Key: Don't worry about being short. Look for a special friend. Don't spend too much time alone. )
  (4) And for Yang Mei?
Key: Have another talk with her cousin. Tell him the reason why she doesn't want to spend her vacation with him.
Step III. Detailed-reading
Read the answering letter again and find out the information of the following.
  1) Which is the reply to Letter A and which is to Letter B?
Key: The one on Page 54 is the reply to Letter A; the other on Page 55 is the reply to Letter B.
  2) How do you know about that? Say some key words.
Key: For A: new school, make fun of, short. For B; tell lies, spend your vacation. . .
  3) Decide which is True and which is False.
  a. Ken didn’t enjoy his new school at all because it was so small.
  b. Ken asked Amy for advice on how to grow tall.
  c. Yang Mei thought it wrong to tell lies.
  d. Yang Mei loves her cousin so they were planning to spend part of the winter vacation together.
  e. Amy's advice to Ken is that he should look for one special friend.
  f. Amy told Yang Mei that she shouldn't ask her cousin home for the vacation.
Suggested answers: F F T F T T
Step IV Practice
invite, do, keep, get, use, grow, ask, make, become, think
  1. Today the Great Wall ____ a place of interest not only to the Chinese people, but also to the people from all over the world.
  2. They thought it important ____ a secret.
  3. Our teachers ____ he could pass the examinations last term.
  4. Recently he ____ the suggestion that they should talk with each other in English.
  5. I don t think we know him well enough ____ him for advice.
  6. I asked how she ____ on with her work.
  7. He ____ to eat rice, but now he has been used to eating steamed bread.
  8. He came in without ____.
  9. All the seeds she had dropped ____ into trees.
  10. Are you going ____ a washing today?
Step V Oral practice
  1. Make a dialogue between Amy and her mother using what they have learnt. Begin like this: A for Amy, M for mother.
  M: Have you written back to. . . ?
  A: Yes.
  M: Did you give. . . some advice?
  A: Yes.
  M: What’s your advice for. . . ?
  2. Ask the students to discuss the following topics in groups of four. Write down the main points. Then ask one of the four to show their own opinions.
  1) What will you do if you have a friend who has begun to tell lies?
  2) Do you think whether to be thin or fat is important to people especially to young ladies?
  3) What can we learn from the lesson?
  3. Make up a new dialogue using “I thought. . . , but it wasn't.”
For example:
   A: Where did you go for the weekend?
   B: Well, I was going to the shop, but in fact I went to the free market.
   A: What was it like?
   B: I thought it would be very busy and crowded, but in fact it was quiet.
Step VI Homework
  1. Exercises in the Wb.
  2. Read the passages repeatedly and then recite one of them.
  3. Write a short passage using the words and expressions learnt in this unit.
Suggested model:
  Li Hong told me that she was tired of her partner and she was considering changing the seats with others in a few days' time. Her partner had studied very well. She thought it was going to be fun for them to sit together. But later she found she didn’t like her at all and they couldn’t get on well with each other. I asked her why, she didn't reply to my question, and she just said sometimes he laughed at her. She also worried about her changing because she had to ask for the permission of the head teacher
  例1—Come in, Peter. I want to show you something.
  —Oh, how nice of you! I ______ you ______ to bring me a gift.
  A. never think; are going  B. never thought; were going
  C. didn't think; were going D. hadn’t I thought; were going
  解析:由于收到礼物纯属意料之外,在过去没有想到,而现在应该知道了,所以第一空要用一般过去时,never thought表示纯属意料之外。而didn’t think 表示想到“你不会”。根据宾语从句与主句的谓语动词之间的对应关系后一空要用过去将来时。本题正确答案为B。
  例2—Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?
   —I _______, but I had an unexpected visitor.
  A. had  B. would  C. was going to  D. did
  解析:这是一道对话题,首先根据问句得知Alice昨天(即过去)没有来。而答句为省略句,若填A则为had come(昨天以前来过,但昨天没来),与but解释的原因不符。而D项为came(昨天来了)与问句子didn’t come不符。故要用过去将来时。would come与was going to come虽均可以表示过去将来时,但was going to还可以表示过去打算干什么。
  例3 I ______ walk to school, but now I go by bike.
  A. used to  B. is used to  C. use to   D. was used to
  解析:根据句中but now(但是现在)以及walk to school 与 go by bike的对比关系可以看出,“现在”“骑车上学”而“过去”“走路上学”而得知,前句表示过去习惯,而现在不做了。这一用法符合used to。而B项则表示“被用来做某事”。C项中used to只有过去时而没有现在时,故为错误选项。本题答案为A。
  例4 Readers can _______ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.
  A. get over  B. get in  C. get along  D. get through
  解析:get over克服困难;get in进入,到达,插话,get along进展,相处;get through完成。本句话的意思是“尽管读者不知道每个单词的精确意思,但他们能很好地理解本书的意思”。所以get along符合此意。本题答案为C。
  例5 The clouds are gathering, which suggests that it _______ rain, so Mother suggests we _____ out.
  A. is going to; went  B. should; not to go
  C. is going to; not go  D. should; not going
  例6. There are a lot of ______ in Beijing.
  A .place of interest  B .place of interests
  C. places of interest  D. places of interests
  解析:表示place of interest的复数形式时,不能在interest后加s, interest在此为抽象名词;只能在place后加s。正确答案是C。
  例7. He used to _______ in the river when he was a boy.
  A .swimming  B. swim   C .swam   D. swims
  解析:used to表示过去习惯性的动作,意为“过去常常”,后接动词原形。be used to后才能接动词-ing形式或名词。正确答案是B。
  例8. People ______ think that the earth was flat.
  A. would  B. will   C. used to   D. usually
  解析:would 和used to都可用来表示过去反复反生的动作。但表示过去存在的状态时,常用used to而不用would。正确答案是C。
  例9. It's hard ______ you to make him ______ change his mind.
  A. of, to  B. for, to   C. for, /   D. of, /
  解析:make 作“使、叫、让”解时,用不定式作宾语补足语,且to必须省略,即make sb. do sth.另外,根据句意,you应该是不定式to make的逻辑主语,故适应于句型It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth. 如果句中的表语形容词是说明逻辑主语的则用句型It is + adj. + of sb. + to do sth. 正确答案是C。
  例10. Most of the visitors who _______ to the party were young people.
  A. were invited   B. asked  C. are invited   D. ask
  解析:表示邀请某人(参加活动)“用invite sb. to (dinner / a party / a meeting)”,其被动语态用be invited to some place. 如果当面邀请,则用Will you come to…?。正确答案是A。
British Public Schools
  All over the world, the mention of English education suggests a picture of the public schools, and it suggests in particular the names tike Eton. Actually Eton is a public school. And the best known of the public schools are not really public at all, but independent and private secondary schools taking boys from the age of thirteen to eighteen years. The public schools in reality form a very small part of the whole system of secondary education; only about one out of forty English boys goes to a public school, and one out of 1,500 goes to Eton. However, it is still true that if an English parent has enough money to pay the fees to send his children to an independent school he will most probably do so.
The private secondary schools, or public schools, are generally controlled by the governing bodies, who are appointed as trustees to keep alive the foundations originally begun by charitable institutions or by rich people. They do not make any financial profits, but only to balance their budgets.
  It is difficult to make a precise definition of the term “public schools”. But it is safe to say that there are altogether about a hundred schools which would universally be regarded as “public schools”. Within the group there are about thirty which can be regarded as “leading public schools”. Most public schools, particularly the most eminent ones, are called by the name of the town or village in which they are situated. The four most famous of all are Eton College, Harrow School, Winchester College and Rugby School.
  To send a boy to a leading public school costs about £ 900 to £1,000 a term, though some of the less famous schools may cost as little as £ 600. When a boy has been provisionally accepted, he must, when the time comes, present himself as a candidate for the Common Examination for Entrance to Public Schools. Some public schools accept only boys who have done very well in this examination, but some others deliberately prefer to have a mixture of clever and not-so-clever boys.
  Every public school has many rules and customs peculiar to itself — uniforms, special clothes, ties, hats, rituals and traditions. But the essential characteristics are more or less the same in them. A typical public school has about 500 boys. There may be some buildings which are three or four hundred years old. There are probably modern and well-equipped scientific laboratories.
  Though teaching is arranged centrally for the school as a whole, the boys live in separate “houses”. Usually a boy enters a house, and remains in the same house for the whole of his time as a pupil. A typical house has about fifty boys, and they are all under the special care of the housemaster and his wife. The house itself is a world in miniature. “Fagging” is a well known public school institution. Not long ago the youngest boys had to perform personal services for the oldest ones, doing such jobs as cleaning their shoes and running errands for them. Now it is much diminished.
  Much attention is paid to sports. And boys are often obliged to  play football or cricket, or to row on a nearby river or to go out running or to play some other games, on most days of every week. But now there is also much encouragement for other forms of non-academic activities. Boys form their own societies for the pursuit of many and varied interests and they learn a great deal from each other.
  Religion plays an important part in the life of most public schools. In nearly every one there is a chapel which dominates the school buildings and is big enough to hold all the boys and masters. Until fifty years ago, most headmasters were clergymen; this is now no longer so. But the headmasters are still generally expected to be specially interested in the religion in the school, and occasionally to preach sermons in the chapel on Sundays.
  There may be one master for every ten boys, and the classes are small and flexible. As the boy grows older and reaches the Sixth Form he will be given great scope and encouragement to develop intellectually in his own way. Public schools do not claim to be more efficient at giving instructions than the grammar schools, but they do say that they try to create conditions in which the mind can develop in broadth as welt as depth, and not only the mind but the whole personality as well.
  Lessons can be planned so as to leave much time for sports and other outside activities. More important, the atmosphere of the house and school breeds a combination of loyalty and competitiveness. To the individual boy, his progress through his house is like his future progress through life in the world outside. First he learns to take a humble part, respectful towards his superiors; and in the end, as a prefect, he learns responsibilities and the art of leadership.
  Through leaving home at an early age, the boys learn to suppress their emotions — and sometimes it may seem that they learn to have no emotions at all. Certainly one quality they learn is an ability not to take themselves too seriously. The boys from public schools seem on the whole more sophisticated, mature and self-assured than others.
  Why are the public schools so successful, both in having so many applicants for their limited places, and in seeing so many of their former pupils becoming the leading figures in the nation's life? The answer is: To be successful in life, you must fit readily with those who are already at the top. The public schools help you to be that kind of persons. Also, the best of them are very successful academically. This is why so many fathers want so much to send their sons to the famous schools.
British Universities: Cambridge and Oxford
  There are more than forty universities in Britain. They are all private institutions. Each has its own governing councils, including some local businessmen and local politicians as well as a few academics. Students have to pay fees and living costs, but every student may receive from the local authority of the place where he lives a personal grant which is enough to pay for his full costs, including lodging and food.
  Each university has its own syllabuses, and there are some quite important differences between one and another. In general the Bachelor's degree is given to the students who pass  examinations at the end of three or four years of study.    Bachelors' degrees are at two levels, Honours and Pass. In some cases the Honours degree is given for intensive study and examination in one, two or three related subjects white the Pass degree may be somewhat broader.
  The first post-graduate degree is normally that of Master, conferred for a thesis based on at least one year's full-time work; the time actually taken is usually more than the year. Oxford and Cambridge are peculiar in that they give the Master of Arts degree automatically to any Bachelor who pays the necessary fees at any time after the seventh year from his admission to the university.
  Oxford and Cambridge resemble each other quite closely. They have a special preeminence, but they two no longer belong to the upper and upper-middle classes as the public schools do. They are both based on colleges. These colleges are parallel and equal institutions, and none of them is connected with any particular field of study. In order to become a member of the university, a student must first be accepted as a member of a college.
  Each college is governed by its Fellows. And most of them were founded before 1600, and the oldest three before 1300. The biggest and most magnificent is Christ Church. Its members, with wonderful arrogance, habitually call it "The House". It has educated many cabinet ministers. Colleges choose their new students mainly on academic merit, but some also admit a few men who are good at sports, or the sons of eminent citizens or of millionaires.
  It is easy to see the advantages of an education at Oxford. The surroundings of the ancient buildings are infinitely pleasing. The teaching varies between good and bad, but the whole effect is highly stimulating. The libraries and bookshops are probably unequalled anywhere.
  Most of a man's contacts are with the people in his own college, though the average student has many friends in other colleges too. But an Oxford college is a community, and its students feel very conscious of belonging to it. The intercollege rowing races in the summer provide Oxford with a great and colorful social occasion.
  Each Fellow in a college is a tutor in his own subject to the undergraduates who are studying it. Each student goes to his tutor's room for an hour every week to sit in an armchair and read out an essay which he and the tutor then discuss. The system of teaching here encouraged independent thoughts and judgements.
  Oxford is more tolerant than Cambridge; and except Churchill, every Prime Minister from 1945 to 1974 was an Oxford graduate. But Cambridge is more developed than Oxford in scientific studies. The rivalry between the two universities at sports is a part of the national life.
  England had no other universities, apart from Oxford and Cambridge, until the nineteenth century. During the 19th century, institutions of higher education were founded in most of the biggest industrial towns. For a long time they could not give degrees themselves. But one by one, they grew bigger and became independent universities. Since the 1960s, new forms of higher education were established, among which the Open University is the most interesting innovation. It gives courses through one of the BBC’s television channels and by radio, and it developed prosperously all over the country.
  1.假定你是Amy, 接到两封信。用自己的语言描写这两封信,或编写一个与自己母亲的小对话。
  Suppose you are Amy and you've just got two letters. Describe the letters in your own words:
  I've got two letters this morning. The first letter is from Ken. He told me that he did not like new school, because all the other students had been in the same school before and they got along with each other very well. Though Ken tried to be friendly, they still did not like him and even made fun of him sometimes. So Ken asked me for some advice.
  The second letter is from Yang Mei. In her letter she told me something about her cousin.
  She had invited her cousin home to spend part of the winter vacation with her. But then she discovered that her cousin had started to tell lies. She did not know whether to tell his parents and teachers or not. So she asked me for my advice.
Mum; Amy, have you written back to Ken and Yang Mei?
Amy: Yes, and I've posted the letters already.
Mum; Did you give Ken some advice?
Amy: Yes. I told him not to worry about being short. Many people are short, and they are just fine.
Mum: Hmm, but Ken's problem is that he doesn't have friends at school, and what was your suggestion?
Amy: I told him that he should choose a special friend, someone who he thinks is kind and friendly, and I told him not to spend too much time alone.
Mum: Good. And what did you say in your letter to Yang Mei?
  Say something about how to do the tomato experiment; 1) not use anything special; 2) ask Mr. Wu to borrow some boxes? 3) use the lab and prepare some plant food; 4) weigh plant food carefully; 5) grow tomatoes in one box which has plant food in the soil ; grow some tomatoes in another box which does not; 6) see the result
Somebody wants to improve his/her Chinese, but does not know HOW. Please give him or her some advice. 2) Somebody wants to improve his/her health, but does not know HOW. Please give him or her some advice. 3) Somebody is too fat/thin. Please give him or her some advice. 4) Somebody has difficulty in getting along with his/her classmates. Please give him or her some advice.
1.—The man is very large and tall. —Yes, he _______ 180 jin.
  A. is weighed  B. weighs  C. weights  D. is weighted
2. Those _______ learn not only from books but also through practice will succeed.
  A. that  B. who  C. whose  D. which
3. Don’t worry about _______, there’s still enough time.
  A. being late  B. to be late  C. be late  D. late
4. I will believe it _______ I see it with my _______ eyes.
  A. without; very  B. if not; two
  C. until; owned  D. unless; own
5. Tom is absent from school _______ his illness.
  A. because  B. as   C. because of  D. since
6. China’s Great Wall is a famous place of _______ in the world.
  A. interest  B. interests  C. interesting  D. interested
7. Tom and Bob are quite different in character. I don' t think they can get _____ well with each other.
  A. down   B. in touch  C. along  D. back
8. The train ______ he was traveling was late.
  A. which  B. by which  C. on which  D. where
9. He said he ______ to the airport to see her off the next morning.
  A. will go  B. had gone  C. would go  D. has to go
10. We had learned about 2,000 English words ______ the end of last term.
  A. at  B. in   C. by   D .to
11. His spoken English is better than _______ in our class.
  A. anyone  B. anyone else   C. anyone's  D. anyone else's
12. Does anyone ______ Jim live here?
  A. called  B. call  C. to call  D. calling
13. World War B ,_______ lasted more than four years, ended in autumn in 1945.
  A. that  B. which   C. it  D. where
14. When we met them in the street, they ______ to the cinema.
  A. would go   B. went  C. were going   D. go
15.I think the house is too small _______
  A. to live  B .to be lived  C .to live in  D. for living
16. There used to be a factory near the river,______?
  A. didn't there  B. used there
  C. usedn't it  D. didn't it
17. My uncle is considering ________ his health.
  A. improve  B. to improve
  C. improving  D. to be improved
18. The boy ______ a newspaper over there is my cousin.
  A. who is reading   B. is reading
  C. reading      D. Both A and C
19. He fell and broke his left leg. _____ he had to be away from school for at least one month.
  A. Instead of this  B. More or less
  C. As a result    D. First of all
20. He found the glass_______.
  A. breaking  B .broken   C .to break   D. has broken
Keys:1.B 2.B 3.A 4. D 5.C 6.A 7. C 8.C 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.B
  When Pat Jones finished college, she decided she wanted to 1 around the world and see as many foreign places as she could 2 she was young. Pal wanted to visit Latin America 3 , so she got a job 4 an English teacher in a school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a little Spanish, 5_ she was able to communicate with her students even when they 6 much English.
  A sentence she had read somewhere stuck in her mind: if you dream 7 a foreign language, you have really 8 it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and 9 that someday she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in 10 .
  One day, one of her worst students came up and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He had gone to bed early and had slept 11
  “What does this have to do with 12 ?” Pat demanded.
  “I dream 13 , Miss Jones, and my dream was in English!”
  “In English” , Pat was very 14 , since he was such a bad student, she was 15 secretly jealous. Her dreams were 16 not in Spanish. But she 17 her young student, “Well, 18 me about your dream.”
  “All the people in my dream 19 English” , the student said. “And all the signs were in English. All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.”
  “But that' s 20 ,” said Pat. “What did all the people say to you?”
  “I am sorry. Miss Jones. That’s why I slept too badly. I didn’t understand a word they said. It was a nightmare !”
  1. A. look  B. walk  C. fly   D. travel
  2. A. as   B. while  C. if   D. since
  3. A. first  B. at first  C. last  D. at last
  4. A. for   B. of  C. as   D. like
  5. A. and   B. but  C. so   D. yet
  6. A. speak  B. know  C. read  D. write
  7.A.m   B. about  C. of  D. for
  8. A. learned  B. studied  C. understood  D. mastered
  9. A. thought  B. realized  C. hoped  D. supposed
  10. A. English  B. Spanish   C. Russian  D. German
  11. A. well  B. soundly  C. badly   D. little
  12. A. you  B. me  C. your dream  D. your
  13. A. all clay  B. all night  C. at night  D. all the time
  14. A. surprised   B. worried   C. pleased  D. excited
  15. A. usually  B. seldom  C. also   D. still
  16. A. already  B. still  C. almost  D. complete
  17. A. told  B. scolded   C. inspired  D. encouraged
  18. A. answer  B. write   C. tell  D. warn
  19. A. read  B. liked   C. spoke  D. learned
  20. A. wonderful  B. terrible  C. funny  D. strange
Keys:1~5 DBACC 6~10 BADCA 11~15 CDBAC 16 ~ 20 BDCCA
  Many people complained (抱怨) to the boss of a cinema that some ladies watched films with their hats on and blocked their view(挡住视线). They suggested the boss put a notice asking the ladies to take off their hats when seeing films.
  The boss said that it was not polite to ask ladies to take off their hats and that he would protect their right to wear hats. The complainers were completely disappointed.
  But the next day, the following words appeared on the screen before the film was on:
  “Considering the health of ladies of old age, this cinema allows older ladies to wear their hats when seeing films.”
  All the ladies took their hats off after they saw this notice.
1 “Many people” at the beginning of the text might refer to ______
  A. husbands and wives  B. wives and children
  C. gentlemen       D. middle-aged man
2. Where do you think the ladies with their hats on were sitting?
  A. In front of the complainers.
  B. Not far from the complainers.
  C. Very close to the complainers.
  D. At the back of the cinema.
3 . What suggestion did the complainers give to the boss of the cinema?
  A. A notice should be put to ask everyone to take off the hat.
  B. Nobody should wear their hat when seeing films in the cinema.
  C. Ladies should take off their hats when seeing films in the cinema.
  D. A notice should be put to allow only old ladies to wear their hats.
4. The boss of the cinema thought of a way _______.
  A. to. ask old ladies to take off their hats
  B. not to make the complainers disappointed
  C. to protect the ladies’ right to wear their hats
  D. not to make all the young ladies angry
5. Which of the following is true?
  A. All the older ladies took off their hats when they saw the notice on the screen.
  B.AII the people saw films without their hats on because none of them were old.
  C. The boss of the cinema was not only friendly to the ladies but quite clever.
  D . The boss of the cinema thought it right to wear a hat when seeing films.
  An Englishman, a Frenchman and a Russian were discussing happiness. “Happiness,” said the Englishman, “is when you return home tired after work and find your slippers warming by the fire.”
  “Your English have no romance (浪漫色彩),” said the Frenchman. “Happiness is when you go on a business trip and find a pretty girl who entertains (使欢乐) you. Then afterwards you part (分手) without regrets.”
  “You are both wrong,” said the Russian. “True happiness is when you are at home in bed and at 4: 00 a.m. hear a hammering at the door and there stands the secret police, who says to you, ‘Ivan lvanovitch, you are under arrest’ , and you say ‘Sorry, lvanovitch lives next door’.”
6. The Englishman’s happiness suggests that ______.
  A. he should have no time to warm his slippers
  B. he enjoys the warmth of the family
  C. he thinks it the most important to have warm slippers
  D. he wants someone to warm his slippers
7. What the Frenchman said means that _______.
  A. a man can be free to play with any pretty girl when possible
  B. he wants to marry the girl he loves
  C. he is interested in going on a business trip
  D. Englishmen should have more romance
8. The Russian thought that _______.
  A. both the Englishman and the Frenchman are not right
  B. neither the Englishman nor the Frenchman is right
  C. neither the Englishman nor the Frenchman is wrong
  D. either the Englishman or the Frenchman is wrong
9. The meaning of the Russian’s words is that _______.
  A. he would like to have a good sleep at night
  B. he will feel happy if his neighbour is arrested
  C. he thinks it happiness to feel safe
  D. he will feel afraid if anyone knocks at his door at night
10. The best title for this passage is _______.
  A. The Difference in Happiness
  B. How to Get Happiness
  C. The Definition (定义) of Happiness
  D. The Importance of Happiness
Keys:1—5C A C B C 6~10 BABCC




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