unit 12 示范教案( 共5课时)4(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

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The Fourth Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit.
2.Review some word formation.
3.Train the students’ writing ability by practising creative writing.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Consolidate word formation learnt yesterday.
2.Help the students finish the creative writing.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1.How to help the students practise creative writing.
2.How to improve the students’ reading ability.
Teaching Methods:
1.Revision method to help the students consolidate the useful expressions.
2.Question-and-answer activity to help the students understand the reading passage better.
3.Discussion method to help the students finish the task of writing.
4.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Ⅱ Revision
T:In the last period,we’ve learned some rules of word formation.Do you think knowledge of word formation can help us learn new words?Why?
S1:Yes.Because many English words are formed by adding affixes.So long as you know the meanings of some affixes,and word parts,you will guess the meanings of some new words without looking them up in a dictionary.
T:Quite right.Sit down,please.Now,let’s do an exercise to consolidate it.Please look at the screen,and then fill in the blanks.
(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)
(After a while,teacher asks one student to do the exercise.Then teacher shows the answers on the screen.)
T:Good.Tell me the Chinese meaning of each word,and point out what the suffixes mean.
Suggested answers:
1.潜水艇 sub+marine sub-=under
2.消失 dis+appear dis-=not
3.打翻 over+turn over-=too much
4.因特网 Inter+net inter-=between
5.在水下的 under+water under-=below
6.囚犯 prison+er -er=person who carries out the action of the verb
Step Ⅲ Reading
T:In the last two periods,we have learnt much about science fiction and known more about Jules Verne,the father of science fiction,who wrote many famous science fiction,such as 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea,Around the World in 80 Days,Journey to the Centre of the World…He combined fact with fantasy cleverly.Now,we’re going to read another passage about science fiction,whose title is the Story of Dr Frankenstein.Open your books and turn to Page 15.Read the passage quickly and then answer some questions on the screen.
(Show the following on the screen.)
1.What did Dr Frankenstein want to do when he was young?
2.After he was sent to university,what did he think of the things taught at university?
3.What attracted his attention?
4.Did he discover the cause of life?
5.Although he knew how to creat life,what remained a difficult work for him?
6.Why did he decide to creat a larger human being than man about eight feet in height?
(Teacher gives them five minutes to read them.After that,check their answers.)
Suggested answers:
1.He wanted to learn the secrets of heaven and earth when he was young.
2.He found all that was taught at university very disappointing and decided to pioneer a new way himself.
3.The structure of the human body and any animal that was alive attracted his attention.
5.How to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job for him.
6.Because the small size of the parts slowed down his speed.
T:Well done!Have you any problem in understanding the passage?If any,please ask me.
S4:I don’t know how to translate the sentence “My father was so…a map” into Chinese,and why he said he had to look for a road without having a map.
T:A good question.The sentence can be translated into Chinese “我的父亲没有什么科学头脑,所以我不得不在没有指导的情况下自己摸索”.Dr Frankenstein used a metaphor in the so-clause.He compared the road without any instructions to that without having a map in order to show he had to work hard to find a way to science by himself.Are you clear about it?
S4:Yes.Thank you.
T:Any other questions?
S5:In the second paragraph,what does “throw light on” mean?Could you make a sentence with it?
T:Who’d like to answer his/her question and make a sentence with it?
S6:I’d like to.The Chinese meaning of the phrase is “使某事显得非常清楚”.The preposition “on” can be replaced by “upon” here.For example,the modern scientific development has thrown light upon the mysterious.
(Teacher writes the phrase and the sentence made by S6 on the blackboard.)
T:A good job.Thank you.S5,are you clear about it?
(Another student stands up to raise another question.)
S7:I don’t understand the structure:While unfinished,he was ugly…
T:The sentence “while unfinished” is equal to “while he was unfinished”.The reason why “he” and “was” can be omitted is that the subject in the while-clause and that in the main sentence are the same,and the while-clause contains a “be” verb,so in this case,the subject and “be” both can be omitted.The conjunction like this includes:when,if,although,once,…Do you understand?
S7:Yes.Could you please make a sentence with the structure?
T:Who can try?
S8:When asked what had happened,he told us everything about it.Am I right?
T:Quite right.Thank you.S7,are you clear?
S7:Yes.Thank you very much.
T:In the reading passage,there are many important phrases.Now,I’ll read them out.You need to find them out and underline them.OK?
(Teacher reads out the following phrases and writes them on the blackboard:throw light on,attract sb.’s attention,dream of,slow down,cut up,burn out,as white as snow)
T:Now,let’s do an exercise.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)
1.The boy ______ becoming a pilot.
2.______ before you reach the crossroads.
3.He shouted to ______.
4.The fire ______.
5.Can you ______ the problem?
6.He ______ meat with a sharp knife.
7.Her skin is ______.
T:Fill in the blanks using the proper phrases on the blackboard.
Suggested answers:
1.dreams of
2.Slow down
3.draw people’s attention
4.burn not
5.throw any light on
6.cut up
7.as white as snow
Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud
T:Now,let’s listen to the tape.First listen and repeat.Then read the passage aloud by yourselves.Pay attention to your pronunciation.
(Teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and follow.Then give them a few minutes to read.After that,ask some students to read the passage and correct the mistakes in pronunciation.)
Step Ⅴ Designing and Writing
T:We have read a passage about Dr Frankenstein,which tells us how Dr Frankenstein created a human being like us.In fact,one of man’s greatest dreams has always been to creat life,especially a life form that looks like us:to creat a man.Now,look at the screen.Please discuss them in groups of four.
(Teacher shows the following on the multimedia.)
1.How does your doctor creat a life form that looks like a human being?
2.Describe your doctor’s efforts to do that.
3.Creat a word web of nouns,verbs and adjectives for the story.Add all the words you need.

(Teacher goes among the students to help them finish the word web.)
Suggested answers:
1.My doctor uses high technological skills to creat a life form that looks like a human being,who has the advantages of human beings and animals,and at the same time has the features of advanced computers.It is a superman.
2.My doctor takes the following steps to creat the human:
First,choose the cells of human body and fur and features of animals as materials.
Second,use the test tube and medicine to cultivate cells in the lab.
Third,on the one hand,arm the man-made human with culture and thought;on the other hand,put the machine which has the functions of storage,code,language…in the body of him.
Fourth,a superman is born.

T:OK.Your imagination is very good.Now,write a short story about how your doctor would creat a human being according to what you’ve discussed.Before writing,read the tips for writing on Page 16.They will give you some help.
(The teacher gives the students enough time to finish the task and asks some of them to read their creative writing to the whole class.)
One possible version:
Hard Course
My mysterious doctor,Mike Chan,owed his great success of creating Robot to a ridiculous dream.An idea suddenly struck him when he was sleeping.
He began to collect the bones from graves at night.It was hororable but he didn’t stop.Even trapped by the stain land,he still went on and on.“I’ll never give up,”he thought.Days going by,it was a long way to make his dream come true.Besides,his friend John said,“Stupid Mike,you’ll never finish it!God blesses you!…”
Hearing these words,Mike went a further step instead of being angry.He continued to do his job,such as cutting up bodies and analysing the structure of each organ carefully.But this was far away from the complete analysis in detail.He had no choice but to get dead animals consisting of rabbits,birds and monkeys from the butcher’s.
At the same time,he went to the hospital to get test tubes,chemical medicines to keep the materials fresh.It took him nearly one month to prepare.
Rome is not built in one day.He went on with his research.He put these useful cells into the test tubes and observed them every day.Then he stored the information into a mini-computer.What he must do next was to make clear of the structure of fur,feathers of birds.He did the research in the same way.After two months,he solved the code of the order on Gene DNA.This was a markable stone.“I’ll never give up,”he thought.
Everything went well,but how to make the unfinished Robot speak?With the help of the language function of computer,he achieved the success at last!A superman Robot was born!
Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework
T:In this class,we’ve reviewed some rules of word formation by doing an exercise.We’ve also read a passage about the story of Dr Frankenstein and learnt to write a creative description.After class,go over all the contents in this unit,especially the important points.If you haven’t finished your writing,go on with it.OK.So much for today.Class is over.
Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 12 Fact and fantasy
The Fourth Period
Useful phrases:
throw light on
attract sb.’s attention
dream of
slow down
cut up
burn out
as white as snow
The modern scientific development has thrown light on the mysterious.
Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching




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