unit 13 Healthy eating 4th(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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示范教案一(Unit13Healthy eating 4th)
The Fourth Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by making sentences with them.
2.Review how to use some Modal verbs to give advice or opinion about something.
3.Let students know how to write recipes for their favourite dishes by reading“SNACKS”and two examples of recipes.
Teaching Important Points:
1.How to master Modal verbs—had better(not),should(not),ought(not)to.
2.How to let the students understand the text“SNACKS”better and learn to write a recipe.
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to improve the students' integrating skills.
Teaching Methods:
1.Asking-and-answering activity to go through the reading material.
2.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1.a projector 2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ. Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Ⅱ. Revision
T:Yesterday we learned the grammar—Modal verbs:had better,should,ought to and their negative forms.We know we can use them if we give advice or opinion about something.And we also know“had better”is less strong than“should”or“ought to”.Now let's do some exercises to see if you have mastered them.Look at the screen.
(Show the following on the screen.)
Translate the following into English.
T:You are given five minutes to translate them.Then I'll ask some of you to read your translation.
Suggested answers:
1.You had better get some rest.
2.You had better not eat fruit that isn't ripe.
3.You should/ought to be careful with fruit.
4.You should not/ought not to eat so much junk food.
5.You should study harder and make greater progress.
Step Ⅲ. Test
T:Yeah.In this unit we have also learned some useful expressions.Maybe you still remember them.Yeah?
T:OK.Now let's review them together.I speak Chinese,you speak English.
(Teacher writes the following on the Bb when students say them.)
all the time,in the future,plenty of,advise sb. to do sth.,too much,keep up with,be harmful to,go for,lose weight,be prepared for,be short of,have a fever
T:Now let's have a test to see whether you've mastered them or not.Take out a piece of paper.Write the answers on it and then hand it in.Look at the screen,please.
Complete the sentences using the expressions on the blackboard.
1.What he said about you__________(对我也适用).
2.What do you want__________(将来做个什么样的人)?
3.She was laughing__________(一直)just now.
4.His parents__________(劝他不要再吃)chocolate any more.
5.During this month of hard work,many of us__________(降低了体重).
6.There are__________(许多书)on the shelf.
7.He was often ill because he__________(饮食过量).
8.Jack was not good at maths and he__________(跟不上)the rest of the class.
9.Smoking can__________(对……有害)your health.
10.Yesterday evening he__________(发高烧)and was sent to hospital.
11.It's going to rain.It doesn't matter;he__________(已有准备)it.
12.I__________(这周钱不够开支);can you lend me some?
Suggested answers:
1.goes for me too
2.to be in the future
3.all the time
4.advise him not to eat
5.have lost weight
6.plenty of books
7.ate and drank too much
8.couldn't keep up with
9.be harmful to
10.had a high fever
11.was prepared for
12.am short of money
Step Ⅳ. Pre-reading
T:OK.As we all know,people have to have food in order to live.In our country,corn and wheat are the main crops in the north,while rice is the main food in the south.In western countries,bread is very important.Bread to western is just like rice to Chinese in the south.It is westerners' most widely eaten food and is often called “the staff of life”.But in actual life,snacks are also very important for chinese and foreigners.Do you often eat snacks?
T:Do you know what snacks are good and how to prepare a delicious snack?
T:Yeah,today we'll learn a passage about snacks.Let's learn the new words and phrases.
(Show the following on the screen and explain them to the students.)

Step Ⅴ. Reading
T:Now open your books on page 6.Look at reading and writing.Now you are given four minutes to read the three passages.Then answer some questions.
(Students begin to read.After a while,teacher checks their comprehension.)
T:OK.Now from the text we know even if we choose nutritious food for our main meals,we still need to refud now and then.Who knows by what we can give our body and brain more energy?
S1:(One student stands up)I know.We can give our body and brain more energy by eating snacks.
T:Yeah.Sit down,please.What snacks are good?Can you give us an example?(Teacher comes up to another student.)
S2:Good snacks should not have too much fat or sugar.Fruits and vegetables are best snacks.Because they can give our body and brain much energy and much vitamins.
T:Very good.Sit down,please.Attention,please.Another question:Is it difficult to prepare a delicious snack,then?
Ss:No.Snacks are usually easy to make.
T:Is there any good for us to make a snack?
S3:(Another student stands up.)Yes,it can give us a chance to practise our cooking skills.
Step Ⅵ. Writing
T:OK.You are right.The text also shows us two recipes.We've known the ingredients of shaomai and Chicken Rooll-ups and how to do them.Now please write alone the recipe for your favourite dish or fast food,then you can exchange to check your writing in pairs.I'll collect your papers in eight minutes.Of course,when you write the recipe,you need to explain what ingredients will be needed and how they will be used.You must also be careful to explain each step carefully and in the right order.Are you clear?
T:OK.Please do it.
Suggested recipe:
A Recipe of Wonton
Wonton Ingredients:Pork,Chinese Chives,Salt,Gourmet Powder,Wonton skins.Cut the pork and Chinese Chives into pieces.Mix the pork and Chinese Chives in a bowl.Put half a spoonful of salt and a little gourmet powder into the bowl and stir them with chopsticks.Fill and fold the skins.Boil Wonton in boiling water for 3 or 4 minutes.
Step Ⅶ. Summary and Homework
T:In this class,we've reviewed the useful expressions and the modal verbs in this unit.And we've also learned something about snacks and recipes.We practise how to write a recipe.After class,go over all the important points learned in this unit and try to write more recipes.Prepare for next unit.Class is over.
Step Ⅷ. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 13 Healthy eating
The Fourth Period
all the time,in the future,plenty of,advise sb. to do sth.,too much,keep up with,be harmful to,go for,lose weight,be prepared for,be short of,have a fever
Step Ⅸ. Record after Teaching




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