
中学英语教学资源网英语教案学案设计 手机版

1. 用名词性词组引导时间状语从句的用法
(1)the year; the week; the day, the spring; the summer; the autumn; the winter
e.g. He left Europe the year World War Ⅱ broke out.
Alice got married the summer she graduated from college.
(2)the moment(that);the instant(that);the minute(that)
e.g. I understood everything the minute I saw her face.
(3)the+序数词+time;(the)next time
e.g. He was writing a letter the first time I saw him.
Be sure to call on us next time you come to visit our university.
(4)each time,every time; any time
e.g. Every time I catch a cold,I have pain in my back. 每次感冒我的背就疼。
You are welcome to come and visit our school any time you like.
2. have much in common 有很多共同之处
e.g. We had a lot in common with each other. 我们有很多共同之处。
Though they are brothers,they have nothing in common with one another.
In common with many other boys,he liked football.
common adj.普通的,平凡的;共有的;公共的,公众的;n. 共用的、公有的东西
The flower is common in spring.
3. part of; a part of
(1)part of指某人或某物是一个整体的不可分割的一部分,即强调整体性。
e.g. There is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.
Here we are all part of one big family. 在这里我们都是大家庭中的一员。
(2)a part of 不强调整体性,只说明是构成总体的一部分或一小部分。但a有时可以省略。
e.g. A leg is a part of the body. 腿是身体的一部分。
This looks like(a)part of the broken glass. 这看起来像破杯子的碎片。
4. include,contain
e.g. The price includes postage charges. 价格包含邮资。
Your duties will include putting the child to bed. 你的职责包括将孩子安顿到床上。
e.g. The basket contains a variety of fruits. 篮子里有许多种水果。
The book contains all information you need. 书中有你所需的全部信息。
5. combine v.结合,使……结合;合并,使……合并
e.g. Is it possible to combine the two parties? 那两党有没有合并的可能?
They combined their efforts to finish their work. 他们结合彼此的力量完成工作。
combine against 联合反对……
e.g. The two parties combined against the government. 那两党联合起来反对政府。
6. traditional adj.传统的,惯例的;传说的,口传的
e.g. These are the traditional foods for Christmas.
tradition n.传统,常规,惯例;传说
follow(break)tradition 遵循(打破)传统
keep up the family traditions 坚守家族传统
according to tradition根据传说
a story based on tradition 根据传说的故事
It is tradition in the family for the eldest sons to become a doctor.
Tradition says that the princess was killed in this room.
7. spread v. 使伸展,伸展;使延伸,延伸;传播;使……流传
e.g. I spread a new cloth on the table. 我在餐桌上铺上一块新桌布。
He spread out his arms to welcome us. 他张开双臂欢迎我们。
The fire spread quickly through the forest. 火灾迅速地在整个林区蔓延。
The city spreads to the west. 那城市向西扩展。
He spread the information around. 他到处散布那个消息。
n. 扩张,范围;宽度
the wide spread of green forest绿色森林的绵延
7. brief adj. 短时间的,短暂的;简洁的;简略的
make a brief visit 作短暂拜访
a brief report 简短的报告
to be brief 简单说,扼要地说
e.g. To be brief,she was happy with that result. 简而言之,她对那个结果感到满意。
in brief 简单地说,简言之
e.g. It’s a long letter,but in brief,he says “No”.
His explanation was brief and to the point. 他的说明既简洁又切中问题要点。
briefly adv. 简洁地;简而言之
Please tell me briefly what happened. 请简略地告诉我发生了什么事。
8. style n. 作风,方式,风格;款式;种类,式样;风度,品格
live in the western style 过西式生活
e.g. Do you have a chair in this style? 你们有这一类型的椅子吗?
in style流行的;优雅地;豪华地
This type of dress is now in style. 这种款式的女装现在很流行。
They are living in style. 他们过着豪华的生活。
out of style 不再流行的,过时的
9. pick(v.)的用法
e.g. He picked her a rose. 他为她摘了朵玫瑰花。
The little birds were picking the grain. 小鸟在啄食粮食。
Please pick a good book for me. 请为我选本好书。
(3)pick out选好、选出、认出、看清楚
Pick out those books that you’d like to read. 把你喜欢看的书选出来。
We could pick out different places in the city from the plane.
(4)pick up拾起,拿起(非正规地)学会,学到,取(某物),接(某人)上车;听到,收听
Please pick up all the pieces of paper. 请把所有的纸片都捡起来。
He picked up French while he was staying in Paris. 他在巴黎逗留期间学会了法语。
The bus stopped and picked up three people. 公共汽车停住,上来了三个人。
My radio can pick up VOA very clearly. 我的收音机听美国之音很清楚。
1. 感官动词和使役动词变被动语态后要把省略的to还原。但是let的被动结构中不定式仍不带to。
e.g. They made him go there alone.→He was made to go there alone.
I saw him cross the road and enter the bank. →He was seen to cross the road and enter the bank.
They let John go. →John was let go.
2. 直接宾语是从句时,一般只能构成以间接宾语为主语的被动句。
e.g. Someone told me where the accident had happened.
→I was told where the accident had happened.
3. 带宾语从句的主动句变被动,通常用it 做形式主语。
e.g. Nobody knew whether there was gold left in the mine.
→ It was not known whether th
e.g. We have a new house. 我们有座新房子。
The great hall holds 2 000 people. 这个大厅能容纳2 000人。
The paper will last me a whole term. 这纸够我一学期用。
e.g. She had no English. 她不懂英语。
Have you had your lunch?
谓语部分有表示主语“能力”的can,或有表示主语“意愿”的will,would,would rather,dare等时,不能转换成被动结构。
e.g. I can speak English. 我会说英语。
John will marry Rose. 约翰将与罗丝结婚。
e.g. His dream has become a reality. 他的梦想已经实现。
He has turned scientist. 他已成为科学家。
e.g. Great changes have taken place since liberation.
We should not lose heart,but make another try.
He often makes faces in class.
e.g. He reached Beijing at 6 o’clock. 他在六点钟到达北京。
He entered the office. 他走进了办公室。
Her brother joined the army two years ago. 她哥哥两年前参的军。
She swam across the river. 她游过了河。
e.g. We are living a happy life. 我们过着愉快的生活。
I dreamed a wonderful dream. 我做了一个美梦。
e.g. He lost interest in English. 他对英语失去了兴趣。
e.g. She killed herself in 1998. 她1998年自杀的。
We should help each other. 我们应该互相帮助。
I want to watch TV every day. 我想每天看电视。
John enjoys singing. 约翰喜欢唱歌。
e.g. The doctor shook his head. 大夫摇了摇头。
e.g. We walked two miles. 我们走了两英里。
e.g. It costs me much time. 它花了我很多时间。
He promised us to come. 他答应我们要来。
e.g. Do you really wish him to go? 你真的希望他去?
He has to get someone to help him. 他必须让某个人来帮助他。




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