Unit 11 The Sound of The World完整教案包括(口语,单元知识要点等)(新课标版高一英语上册学案设计)

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What’s.…like? What do you think of...?
How do you like.…? What/How about.…?
What’s your position on...? What’s your opinion of...?
How do you feel about.…?
It’s... . That’s a good idea.
I’m afraid I…
—How about going to the cinema?去电影院如何?
—l’m afraid I cant go with you.I have a lot of homework to do'
—What do you think of the book?你认为这书怎么样?
_It’s interesting.很有趣。
—What’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?
Can I ask you for some advice? What can you suggest?
What can I do before。.。?
I suggest that... Maybe it would be better to.…
Personally, I think... from my point of view,I think.…
As far as I am concerned,…, I reckon(估计) that...
You should..。 You had better…
—I want to go there alone.What can you suggest?我想单独去那儿,你以为如何?
—I suggest that you should not go there alone,我建议你不要单独去那儿。
—What should we do to protect the rich soil?为了保护肥沃的土壤,我们该做什么?
—We should plant more trees.我们要多植树。
sample dialogues:
B: Hi, Xiao Yu. Can I ask you for some advice?
A: Sure. What's your problem?
B: You know I love dancing. I want to dance, but I am not sure what song I should play.
A: Hmm. Well. do you want to dance to a slow song or a fast song?
B: A fast song, I think. I like to move around.
A: In that case, I think it would be better to play a pop song. There arc many pops songs that are
fast and fun to dance to.
B: Good idea! But Iherc are so many pop stars, which song should I choose?
A: How about I Have Nothing by Cai Jian?
B: OK, 1'11 try that one. Thank you.
A: You're welcome. Oh, by the way, may I dance with you?
2 A: Hi, this is John. Mike told me that you needed somc advice.
B: Hi, John. I am so glad you called. Yes, I do need your advice. The class has asked me to pick a special song that will represent our class. It has to be a song lhat everybody likes and that shows the spirit of our class. Can you help me?
A: Hmm, that sounds difficult, bul I'll try. First of all, let's think about what kind of music your classmates like.
B: Well, many students like hip-hop. Maybe we should pick a hip-hop song?
A: OK. What about the lyrics? What should the song be about?
B: I suggest it should be about peace and friendship.
A: Great. Let's ask Doris if she knows any good songs.
II.Key points
1.listening and speaking
1>practising giving advice and making suggestions.
◆Practice. vi/vt 实践;练习
[注意]practise doing sth 练习做某事
[举例]Whenever possible,we should practice speaking English.
After he practiced hard for one month, he made great progress in oral English.
◆practice n. 练习;实践
eg. Practice makes perfect.
◆practical a. 实际的;实用的
eg. The ordinary school cannot give much practical training in living, because most of the students time is spent in classes, studying lessons.
◆practiced a. 熟练的;精通的
eg.It needs a lot of tie and diligence in order to have a practiced skill. suggestion
[搭配]make/give some suggestions
◆suggest vt.建议(后接动名词短语或宾语从句); 暗示
[注意]建议的内容在以suggestion的同位语从句,表语从句等以及suggest的宾语从句形式出现时,从句用虚拟语气形式. 其基本构成为should+动词原型,should可省略.
[举例]My suggestion is that we should add some sand to the soil.
We suggested the work be done at once.
I suggest holding a meeting to discuss the problem.
2>Where do you think the music comes from?你认为送音乐来自何处?
◆do you think为插人语,类似动词常见的有know,believe,suppose等。如:
①When do you suppose they’ll be back?你认为他们会在什么时候回来?
②What do you think I should do then?你认为我应当怎样做呢?
③What do you believe has happened to him?你认为他出了什么事?
④What do you suppose should be done to people who are caught stealing?
⑤Choose the one answer(A、B、C or D)which you think is correct in the following sentence在下列句子里选择一个你认为正确的答案。
Take turns asking for and giving advice
◆advice为不可数名词,可用some,much,a little,a piece of,pieces of等修饰,不能说an advice或many advices,与advice搭配的动词有give(提出),ask for(征求)等,表示“有关……的建议”,可用介词on接名词,代词或由疑问代词,疑问副词引导的不定式。如:
①Mr Smith gave us some good advice on the study of physics.
② the advice given is really worth paying attention to.所提的建议确实使得重视!
③You’d better take/follow his advice on how to make the plan.
④)When I have diff1culty in doing anything,I will ask my father for advice
⑤ Let’s ask for his advice on what to do next
◆on one’s advice表示“按照某人的建议” 或“听从某人的建议”,如:
⑥You should act on the teacher’s advice你应该按照老师的建议行事'
⑦on the doctor’s advice ,he gave up smoking听了医生的建议,他戒烟了!
⑧That was done on my advice那是按照我的建议执行的b
⑨His advice that we should stay another day for further information was reasonable
You want to buy a CD for your friend’s birthday but you are not sure what to buy。
◆be sure后可接不定式及从句.如:
①John is sure to pass the exam约翰一定能通过考试。
②He is sure that the party will be a success 他确信这次聚会能获得成功
◆be sure后接名词、代词、动名词时需用介词of或 about.如:
③You may be sure of his honesty
④I think he lives at No.23 West St. but I’m not sure about the number.
◆be sure to do /be sure of doing
John is sure to pass the exam
John is sure of passing the exam
◆be not sure 后常用whether/if,what,when,where等引起从句,有时也用that如:
⑤I’m not sure whether/if he will come to see me,我拿不准他是否会来看我。
⑥I was not sure what I ought to do我拿不准该干什么。
⑦She is not sure why he wants it.她拿不准他为什么想要它。
⑧She was not so sure now that it was a dog现在她不太肯定那是条狗了。
certain一般可与sure换用。但在it is certain that…中不用sure,如:
⑨It is certain that our team will win the game,
◆what to buy为疑问词加不定式的结构,疑问词在不定式中作成分.What, which.who
等作宾语,而when,where , how等作状语。如:
⑩I don’t know who(m)to speak to我不知道该跟谁讲话:
⑾We can’t decide where to go for our holidays我们不能决定做期去哪里←
⑿You must decide which one to buy你必须决定买哪一个。
⒀I don’t know whether to answer it.我不知道是否需要回答t
⒁I don’t know what to say=I don’t know what I should say. 我不知道该说什么
What do you have in mind?你心里在想什么?
◆have sth./sb,in mind意为心中想着(某人/某事)’含 mind的短语有:chang one’s mind“改变主意”;be in one’s mind有……的想法、想念”;have/there is sth on one’s mind•有……心事”;keep in mind记住:make up one’s mind“打定主意.
决定”:read one’s mind“看出……的心事,知道……在想什么”;。out of sight,out of mind “眼不见为净”等.
◆mind还可作动词,意为“当心,介意,注意,照看”等 例如:
Mind your own business少管闲事i
Mind your manners.Peter!彼得,注意礼貌!
4>You want to find a good song to dance to.
dance to...
[联想]sing to...伴着...唱歌
[举例]dance to rock music 合着摇摆舞曲跳舞
sing to the piano 钢琴伴唱
5>Have you considered doing...?
consider doing
consider...(as/to be)... 认为...是...;把...看作...
consider...to have done 认为...做过(了)...
considering... 介词,考虑到
1>What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that is waiting for us。
◆辨析:a part of,part of,和(a)great part of
part of前面加a或不加a都可以,只是含义略有不同。part of something是“某物的一部分”,这个部分可大可小,可能超过一半或不到一半或仅占一份。a part of something则是“某物的一小部分”。a great part of和great part of含义完全相同,意 为“一大部分”,但不一定达到半数以上。如果达到半数以上,最好用the greater part of。
①The Arctic is considered to be a part of the Atlantic.北冰洋被认为是大西洋的一部分。
②We are all part of one big family.我们都是一个大家庭的成员。
③He spends(a)great part of his spare time studying law。
④I hope we can part as friends.希望我们能像朋友般和气分手。
⑤They exchanged a final kiss before parting。他们最后互相亲吻而分离。
⑥Her lips parted in a smile.她绽唇微笑。
⑦The police parted the crowd.警察驱散人群。
⑧The crowd parted to let them through.人群分开好让他们通过。
⑨The cloud paned and the sun shone through.云开日出。
2>Here is a brief look at some of the exciting musical styles from another world.
◆excitinga. 令人兴奋的;激动人心的
◆excited a. 感到兴奋的;激动的 excite vt. 使...兴奋;使...激动
excitement n. 兴奋;激动 excitedly adv.兴奋地;激动地
eg: The dance seemed to excite the surrounding bees.
The excited girls were now opening their Christmas gifts.
There was excitement everywhere when the news came that we had won the first prize.
◆Style n. 风格,作风; 文体;文风;语调;(衣服等的)流行款式;(商品等的)种类,型,式样
eg:The letter is written in a formal style. 这封信以正式文体写成。
3>Blues music has a long history。布鲁斯音乐有很长的历史。
①At one time in history,all this land belonged to the king.
②History is full of things like that.历史上充满了那样的事情。
③there have been many changes in the historyof the English language.
④There is a long history behind that building.那座建筑物的背后有着悠久的历史。
⑤They are writing a new history of Africa.他们正在写一本有关非洲的新历史书。
4>...,but music has kept many of its characteristics.
◆Characteristic a. 特有的,独特的;典型的;表示特性的[(+of)]
n. 特性,特征,特色
eg: Urban inhabitants have to live with the characteristic noises of cities.
It is their distinguishing characteristic. 这是他们与众不同的特征。
5>other musical styles,like jazz and rock music,have all come from blues music。
◆辨析:other,another,others,the other,the others
①When winter comes,some birds fly to the south;other birds stay.
②I’m busy now,please ask me about it some other time.
注意:other 修饰复数名词,可以换成others,如①中的other birds可以换成others
(2)the other用于修饰单数可数名词或修饰复数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,表示确
③The other students in the class keep their eyes closed.班上其余的学生闭着眼睛。
④Show me the other hand.把另一只手拿给我看看。
注意:the other修饰单数可数名词,可单独使用,修饰复数名词,可以换成the others,但other本身不能单独使用
(3)another等于one other,表示不确定的另外一个,可以单独用,也可修饰名词,并且
③I don,t like this one,please show me another.
⑥There’s room for another few people in the back of the bus.
6>Today s American culture contains many different musical styles.
◆Contain vt. 包含;容纳
eg: The jar contains ten glasses of water.这只大口瓶能装十杯水。
The pill contains vitamins. 这药丸中含有多种维生素。
7>Hip-hop and rap have much in common with blues and rock.
◆have much in common有很多共同之处,意同have a lot in common
[联想]have nothing in common 无共同之处
eg: We are good friends because we have many things in common.
It is strange that these two girls should having nothing in common.
8>Latin music has spread all over the world.
◆spread v. 传播;散布;使伸展
[举例] If I tell you the secret, don’ t spread it aroung.
The fire soon spread through the whole of the town
I spread my arms as far apart as I could. 我尽可能地将双臂伸展开
9>There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every corner of the world.
◆variety n.多样化,变化; 种种;种类
eg: What other ways do you know to add variety? 你知道其他增加变化的方法吗?
People like to live a life full of variety. 人们喜欢过丰富多彩的生活。
10>Is music a universal language?
◆universal a.全体的;普遍的;;众所周知的;宇宙的;全世界的;万能的,通用的;多才多艺的;博闻广见的
eg: The government introduced universal secondary education years ago.
Football is a universal game. 足球是一项全球性的运动。
11>Ricky Martin performed the song of the 1988 World Cup.
◆performvt.1. 履行;执行;完成;做 2. 演出,表演,演奏
vi.1. 演出,表演,演奏[(+on/at)] 2. (机器)运转;(人)行动,表现
eg:The young doctor performed the heart operation. 这位年轻医生为病人做了心脏手术。
Our team performed well in the match yesterday. 我队在昨天的比赛中表现得很出色
12>The house where he once lived has been turned into a museum.
eg: Turn this sentence into English. 将这句话译成英文。
The barren land has been turned into fertile fields. 贫瘠的土地已改成良田。
Water has turned into ice. 水已经结成了冰。
3.integrating skills
1>Rock and pop music are becoming more and more similar.
◆similara.1. 相像的,相仿的,类似的[(+to)]
eg:His problem is similar to yours. 他的问题和你的相似。
My view is similar to yours. 我的看法与你相似。
They had similar views. 他们意见相似。
2>Rock, on the other hand, make music their life. They play music to satisfy their inner desire.
◆on the other hand 另一方面;从另一方面说
[联想]on (the) one hand 一方面
eg:On the one hand the price is cheap,but on the other hand the quality is poor.
3>They play music to satisfy their inner desire.
◆satisfy vt.使满意,使高兴;使满足(+with);满足(需要,欲望等);符合,达到(要求,标准等)
eg:That answer won t satisfy her. 那个回答不能令她满意。
Our company will do everything to satisfy our customers.
You can t apply for the job until you have satisfied certain conditions.
◆[联想]satisfactory a. 令人满意的;符合要求的;良好的
satisfaction n. 满意,满足;称心 satisfied a. 感到满意的; 令人满意的; 满足的
satisfying a. 满意的;充分的;确信的
◆desire vt. 渴望;要求[+to-v][+that]
n. 欲望,渴望
eg: He desired us to leave soon. 他希望我们尽快离开。
She desired to marry a rich man. 她很想嫁个富翁。
4>They sing for their emotions and live for music.
◆emotion n. 感情,情感[C]
eg:Love, hatred, and grief are emotions. 爱,恨和悲都是情感。
5>The process of making rock music is totally different.
◆process n. 过程,进程;步骤;程序;工序;制作法
eg:I will tell you, sooner or later, all the complicated process.
They are using a new process to make glass.
6>Most pop songs tell stories about love and are written to entertain people.
◆entertain vt.1. 使欢乐,使娱乐 2. 招待,款待(+with/at/to)
vi. 款待,请客
eg:We were all entertained by his humorous stories. 他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心。
They often entertained their friends at weekends. 他们常在周末招待朋友。
7>Music intelligence is one of our eight human intelligences.
◆intelligence n. 智能;智慧;理解力
eg:He s obviously a man of very high intelligence.显然他是个非常聪明的人。
intelligence test 智力测验,智能测验
◆[联想]intelligent a.有才智的;聪明的;明智的;有理性的;智能的
eg:The child made a very intelligent comment.
8>Some people study better with music on.
◆with music on 此为with复合结构的一种.该知识点在本站论坛有详解.
1>The band has four hits in 1970.
◆hit n.[C]打击;击中;成功而风行一时的事物
eg:They got five hits and one miss. 他们五次击中,一次未中。
The new play is the hit of the season. 这出新戏是本季最叫座的。
2>Michael s first record sold eight million copies in America.
◆sell 此处意为:达到...销售额
eg:The novel has sold about two hundred thousand copies. 这部小说已销售约二十万册。
◆[联想]sell vt.卖,销售;【口】欺骗;背叛,出卖
vi. 卖,出售;(商品)(以...价格)售出(+at/for);有销路
eg:He sold his bike to me for $40. 他以四十美元的价钱把自行车卖给了我。
She was sold again. 她又上当了。
3>Michae has had an easy life.
◆easy 此处意为: 安逸的,安乐的;宽裕的
eg:The rich young woman has an easy life. 那位富有的年轻女人过着舒适的生活。
4>Instead they are writing once more about things that are common for everyone.
◆once more 同once again,再一次
eg:John s back home once more. 约翰又回家了。
5>Money was also thought to be important.
◆think...(to be)... 认为,以为,后接宾语从句或宾语加宾语补语
eg:We thought it our duty to take care of the orphans.
6>In the 1960s,song writers turned to other subjects.
◆turn to (注意力等)转移;(想法等)转变;翻转到;求教;求助
eg:When I am in difficulty, I always turn to him for help. 我有困难时总是找他帮忙。
Let s turn to page 8. 让我们翻到第八页。
The conversation turned to fishing. 话题转到了捕鱼上。
7>Many young students were angry with society,so songs were full of anger.
eg:Don t be angry with me for not having written. 别因为我没有写信而生我的气。
◆full 满的;充满的[(+of)]
eg:The room was full of people. 室内挤满了人。
He looked at the large footprints in the snow,full of fear.
8>Political leaders were not well thought of and those songs often make fun of them.
◆think well of 对什么评价很高
◆[联想]think highly of 高度赞扬 think little of 不重视;认为...没价值
think nothing of 把...视为平常




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