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1. Where there is a river, there is a city. 有河流的地方就有城市。
=there is a city at the place where there is a rive.
Where 在这里引导的是地点状语从句,相当于介词in/at/to+ the place +where 从句(定语从句),意思是“在……地方”。例如:
Crops grow well where there is a plenty of sunshine.
=Crops grow well in the place where there is a plenty of sunshine.
Where there is oppression ,there is fighting.
Where there is a sound, there must be sound waves.
Where there is smoke, there is fire.
Where bees are, there is honey.
Where there is a will, there is a way.

2. under prep. being in a state of (sth.) 在(某事物)的状况中
under control under study under repair
under examination under construction under discussion
eg. The building are under construction/ repair.
A few important problem are under discussion.
3.give in / give up
give in 屈服,投降, 提交,呈交
e.g. The mother gave in and bought a toy for her child.
He has given in to my view.
Give in your examination papers when you have finished.
give up 放弃
e.g. You shouldn’t give up hope.
He gave up his position as a manager.
I give up. Tell me the answer.
give away 赠送,泄露 give back 归还,同return
give off 发出(烟、光、热等) give out 筋疲力尽;耗尽
4. seem 的用法
e.g. He seems quite pleased with your work.
He seemed to have a high opinion of you.
He seems a foolish boy.
It seems raining.
Everybody seems in high spirits.
注意:(1)seem后接to be 时,注意to be 的省略。
e.g. Tom came to see you this morning. He seemed (to be ) tired.
Yesterday I met a man who seemed to be the boss.(此时的to be 不能省略。因为名词前没有修饰语)
(2)seem 的否定形式。有两种:
e.g. She doesn’t seem to be at home.
She seems not to be at home.
(3) There be 句型中
There seems (to be) something wrong with your computer.
(4) It seems 后接that 或as if从句,引导词that 或as if有时可省。
e.g. It seems (as if) there will be an election soon.
It seems to me that he is right.
(5) seem like = look like 看起来好象
e.g. They seemed like many little flags.
(6) seem to be doing sth.好像在做某事
e.g. They seem to be working in the field.
(7)seem to have done/been…好像已经……
e.g. The girl seems to have learnt about that sad news.
5. include
(1) include 作及物动词,意思为“包含,包括”
e.g. That book includes 3 color pages.
(2) including 作介词,后接名词、代词做宾语。
e.g. There were six people in the room, including 3 children.
(3) included 过去分词充当的形容词,前面加名词和代词。
e.g. Ten of us went swimming this afternoon, our teacher included.
Six people, ______ three women, died in the battle.
Six people, three women ______, died in the battle.
The plan _______ most of your suggestions.

(1) n. 毁灭,毁坏 e.g. Drinks led to his ruin.
in ruins 意思是“一片废墟,落空”。
e.g. Our plan is in ruins.
(2) v. 毁坏,摧毁
e.g. You are ruining that child.
The earthquake left the whole city in ruins.
The storm ruined the crops.
7. bring back 归还;使记起;使回忆;使恢复
e.g. (1) Please bring the dictionary back tomorrow.
(2) Your stories brought back many memories.
(3) Her stay in the country brought her back to health.
(4) The fresh air brought her back to life.
8. represent 代表 representative 可数名词,意思为“代表”
represent sth. 代表
represent sth. (to sb.) 向……说明,阐述,表达
represent oneself as / to be自称是,声言
e.g. He represents himself as an expert in English.
Let me try representing my idea to you in another way.
He represented our school at the meeting.
9. It is said that….
Sb./ sth. is said to be /do
“据说……听说……”, it 为形式主语,代替后面的that 从句和不定式短语。
e.g. It is said that the strange old man is a great artist.
= The strange old man is said to be a great artist.
10. build, set up, found 和put up
(1)build “建造,建立,建设”其后可接具体的或抽象的名词。
e.g. They wanted to build a state of their own.
(2)set up “开办,建立”常和表示组织、机构、团体等意义的名词连用,这时和build的 用法基本相同。但build更注重打基础,表示用基金创立。set up a school/ government
(3) found“兴建,建立,创办”后面可接城市、国家、党派等。还可表示捐资兴办学校/政府。 e.g. found a new school
(4) put up着重指建造或搭建起一个具体的物体. e.g. put up a building
in space 在太空,在空间(不要带任何冠词) outer space 外层空间
There are millions of stars in space moving continuously.
He was staring into space.他极目远眺。
(2)room 作不可数名词,也表示“空位、余地”,指可腾出的有限地方,而space则表示宽阔、空旷的空地方。
e.g. There is not enough space in the class for thirty desks.
The computer table takes too much room .这张电脑桌太占地方了。
12. missing adj.失踪的,找不到的,行踪不明的
a book with three pages missing缺了三页的书
The plane is still missing.
miss v.未中,使……逃掉;躲过,避免;想念,思念;错过,失去
We missed the bus and walked home.
He was late and missed the first ten minutes of the lecture.
We’ll miss you very much if you move.
miss doing没能做……,没有……
I missed buying the May number of the magazine.
The child missed being hit by a car.




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