
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Unit One
1. inspiration
You can’t paint a picture without an inspiration.
The artist’s inspiration was from nature.
inspire inspired inspiring
inspire sb. to do sth.
He is inspired by the sweet words.
He gives us an inspiring speech.
2. undertake
We undertook the task of cleaning the house.
He undertook to finish the job by Friday.
I can’t undertake that you’ll enjoy the party.
3. obvious
Her displeasure was obvious.
He obviously enjoyed his work.
3. within
The farmhouse is within five miles from here.
The task was within the man’s power.
He promised that the roof should be prepared within two days.
from within --- from under --- from behind ---
4. similar
They have similar political views.
My wife and I have similar tastes in music.
be similar to
His views are similar to mine.
be the same as --- be different form ---
similarity similarly
My brother was taught to read by my mother, and similarly, so was I.
There’s not much similarity between the two brothers.
5. debate
We debated until the bar closed.
I debated whether to accept the job.
debate with sb. on/upon/about sth.
debate sth with sb.
have a debate over/against 辩论反对
talk about/discuss
6. genius
She has genius.
have a genius for ---
She has a genius for maths.
7. need
The house needs/wants/requires repairing.
There is no need (for sb.) to do sth.
There is no use doing sth.
I need to do the work.
*. mind He is the greatest mind of our time.
8. imagination
He is a person of great imagination.
imaginary imaginative
imagine sth./clause
imagine(sb.) doing
imagine sb. to be ---
You can’t imagine how I missed the bird.
8. mind
His mind is not entirely on his work.
An idea has just come into my mind.
out of sight, out of mind
keep sth. in mind
have sth. in mind
change one’s mind
make up one’s mind (keep one’s mind on ---
be engaged in --- be addicted to --- be buried in --- )
9. be known for/as be famous for/as
10. It won’t make any difference to me.
11. on fire on leave/on business/on holiday/on a trip to
catch fire make a fire light a fire start/cause a fire play with fire open fire set fire to sth set sth. on fire
12. in common
have a lot/much/little/nothing in common
in common with --- common mistakes/diseases
13. be prepared for prepare for
14. knowledge
Knowledge is power.
I learned a lot of knowledge from his lesson.
I have a wide/good knowledge of history.
15. There’s no doubt that --- I have no doubt that ---
16. promise promising
make/break/tear up/keep carry out a promise
He is a poet of promise. = He is a promising poet.
promise sb. sth. promise to do/promise sb. to do
I’ve promised her to attend her wedding.
It promises to be fine tomorrow.
a promising graduate
graduate from --- in --- 毕业于某大学某专业。
after graduation/after one’s graduation
17. cure
cure sb. of sth. a cure for cancer.
18. hope for the future 对本来的希望
19. There is much/little/no point in doing ---
There seems no point in doing ---
There happened to be/used to be/must be/might be/can’t be ---
20. work on a new project work out a plan
work at a problem
21. go by Times go by.
Don’t let the chance go by
22. rather You’ve done rather well.
I had a rather hard time./ I had rather a hard time.
It rather surprised me. rather too ---
23. be engaged to sb. be engaged in ---.
I have an engagement at four.
24. in order to/so as to/in order that/so that
25. instead of/instead
26. go on with/to do/doing sth.
27. stop/prevent/keep sb. from doing sth.
28. dream a dream dream of going abroad
29. a thought came to him a thought struck him.
It occurred to him that he had left his key at home.
at the thought of --- at the sight of ---
deep in thought have no/some thought of
30. seek
seek one’s fortune seek happiness seek one’s advice
They are seeking work.
seek to do (试图、设法、企图做某事)
We sought to change her mind.
seek for (look for) I’m seeking for information.
31. on the one hand --- on the other hand ---
32. turn out (to be)
33. You can’t match him in knowledge of wild plants.
I want a tie that will match this suit.
34. He gave me some sound and practical advice.
35. be used to do be used for
36. usual than usual as usual
37. use up/run up
Their money has been used up. His money has run up.
38. search for look for
39. take measures to do sth. take steps/ action to do sth.
40. realize/come true
41. be satisfied with ---
satisfying satisfactory satisfaction
42. be curious about/to do sth. curiously curiosity
43. What if we are late for class?
44. a solution to ---
45. It’s outside/beyond my power to help you this time.
He lost his power to speech.
He took power last year and is still in power now.
a powerful swimmer
46. take a closer look at --- have a closer look at ---
be close to a close friend
47. describe --- as
give a description of sth. beyond description
48. at one time at a time at the same time
in no time at no time ahead of time on time
in time behind the times for the first time
for the time being kill time take one’s time
48. I was in heaven when I heard the news.
Good heavens! What has happened to him?
49. position
The house has a good position.
get a position/hold a position in the company.
He is a man of high position. a high position in society
What’s your position on this matter?
50. from season to season from house to house
from door to door from mouth to mouth from hand to hand
from generation to generation from village to village.
51. believe in/believe
52. on the other way around
53. punish punishment
He escape punishment.
54. mean doing sth./mean to do sth. meaning
55. come up (with)
He came up with a new suggestion.
The question came up at the meeting.
56. intelligent intelligence
He is a man of high intelligence.
57. prove I’ll prove to you that I’m right.
Your advice proved to be useful.
58. success
have success in --- be successful in ---
successfully succeed in doing ---
The play proved to be a great success.
Unit Two
1. media medium
Money is a medium for buying and selling.
The news media are covering the election thoroughly.
2. one’s opinion on/upon/of --- 某人对--- 的意见、看法。
What’s your opinion of this matter?
in one’s opinion
3. comparison
make a comparison compare A with/to B
in comparison with compared with/to
by comparison beyond comparison
4. reliable rely rely on sb. to do sth.
Is this information reliable?
5. interview interviewer interviewee
have an interview with sb.
give an interview to sb.
6. face: face the park face south
The difficulty facing us is transportation.
be faced with ---
We are faced with the same problem.
face to face in one’s face in (the)face of
make a face/make faces
7. nosy
I don’t like him, because he is very nosy.
have one’s nose in a book.
nose about/around
9. generous
be generous to sb.
be generous with sth/in doing sth.
a generous meal a generous harvest.
10. positive ; 肯定的,确切的,明确的 negative
She was positive (sure) she had seen him before.
His answer is negative.
11. elect: election elect sb. to be/as
12. rob:
rob sb. of sth. rob sth./sb. robber robbery
13. burn down/burn sth. to the ground
14. beat: (heart) beat fast beat the wings
(waves) beat the shore (rain) beat the window beat sb.
15. go up rise go down fall
raise bring up bring down
His temperature is going up.
16. would rather
would rather (not) do would rather (not) have done
would rather --- than --- I’d rather you came tomorrow.
17. What do you think of --- How do you like/find --- ?
18. have some/much/a lot of/plenty of/ little/no difficulty in doing sth/with sth.
There’s some/lots of /plenty of/ little/ no difficulty in doing sth/ with sth.
get over the difficulty get/run into difficulty in difficulty
out of a difficulty with difficulty without difficulty
19. more than:
There were more than 100 people at the party.
This museum is more than a museum. I have learned a lot in it.
She is more weak than lazy.
20. record:
set/hold/keep/break/beat/a record
He has a fine record at school.
play a record make a record
keep a record/records of sth.
Please keep a record of what was said.
21. experienced:
He is an experienced worker.
be experienced in ---
a person of great experience
22. informed inform information
make informed decisions 做出了解情况的决定
Keep me informed of the latest developments.
a well-informed person.
inform sb. of sth. inform sb. that ---
inform sb. wh- to do
23. relate related two related questions
relate to 和 --- 有关; 和 --- 相处得好、合得来。
be related to 1.与…有关 2.与…有亲戚关系
This paragraph relates to the October Revolution.
She's best at relating to people.
She doesn’t relate very well to her step-mother.
They are related to me by marriage.
24. talented adj.有天才的,有天份的 talent
John is a very talented boy.
have a talent for = have a genius for
Writing poetry is one of his many talents.
25. switch roles:
switch of the machine, please.
switch on/off Switch off the machine, please.
He is always switching from one job to another.
26. rather than: 而不是; 与其 --- 宁愿 ---
The color seems green rather than blue.
He left rather than cause trouble.
This is rather for your father than for you.
would rather --- than = prefer to do --- rather than do ---
27. keep sth. balanced keep nature balanced
keep the balance of nature keep one’s balance
lose one’s balance
28. begin by doing --- begin with ---
To begin with (Above all), he’s too young for that kind of job.
29. contact ~ sb.
get into ~ with sb. keep in ~ with sb.
in/out of ~ with sb. come into ~ with sb./sth.
30. prepare: ~ one’s meal, a report, one’s lesson, a speech
~ for --- be ~ed for --- in preparation for ---
make preparations for ---
31. get sb. to do sth. get --- done get + adj. get --- doing.
I’ll get them to finish the work as soon as possible.
Go and get your hair cut. His clothes got dirty.
The lecturer soon got us thinking.
Can you get the clock going again?
32. present vt.
present sth. to sb./present sb. with sth.
They presented flowers to their teachers.
The latest development presents(shows, proves) a problem.
be present (at the meeting)
All the students present are satisfied with the new rules.
Are you clear about the present situation?
33. in an organized way 组织好地 organize organization
a forced smile stricken areas finished products
frozen food cooked food fallen leaves
boiled eggs a trained nurse fried fish polluted rivers
s stolen car
34. reflect reflection
a mirror reflects light The cost reflects the demand.
Study the reflection of light waves.
His smile was a reflection of his happiness.
35. make an/effort(efforts) to do sth.
She made a great effort to recover her health.
spare no effort with (an) effort without effort
He lifted the big rock without effort.
36. even if/though
I’ll stand by you even if/though you don’t succeed.
37. adapt be adapted to ---
adapt sth. to ---
We adapted ourselves to the hot weather.
38. It’s the first time (that) ---
It’s the first time I have come to Beijing.
This/That is the second/third time + clause
This is the second time Joan has visited China.
She was working in a shop as a saleswoman the first time I met her.
Every time he comes, he always brings me a present.
the second time/every time/ next time last time
39. passion热爱
have a passion for ---
I’ve always have a passion for painting.
40. abroad
be abroad study abroad live abroad
41. unique 独一无二
As a writer he has his own unique style.
Van Gogh was a unique painter.
42. spiritual
Our friendship was strictly spiritual.
spiritual life in high/good spirits
in low/bad spirits (out of spirits)
43. fulfillment
After many years, his plans came to fulfillment.
If you make a promise, you should fulfill it.
44. addict addicted be addicted to/addict oneself to
a drug addict 一个吸毒上瘾的人 a work addict
45. social society
The family is a social unit. social problems.
social life social activities/gathering
in society in modern/old society
46. suffer a lot/a great deal (from ---)
若表示“受 --- 之苦”;“因 --- 而不舒服(受到损害)则多用from.
He suffered no pain. The army suffered great losses.
I have suffered poverty.
He suffered a great deal from cold and hunger.
I suffered most from lack of rest.
47. truthfully truthfulness truth
truthful (saying what is true)
Tell me truthfully what happened.
She is a truthful child.
To tell you the truth, we don’t have a good opinion of him.
48. ignore ignorant be ignorant of/about --- ignorance
They ignored traffic regulations.
We are not so ignorant as you might suppose.
She was ignorant of my presence. Please forgive my ignorance.
49. attention:
pay attention to catch/attract one’s attention
draw/call/turn one’s attention to fix one’s attention/upon
50. critical critically critic criticize
His critical analysis were helpful. be critical about ---
She looks on everything with a critical eye.
He criticized me in a very unfair way.
Would you please red and criticize my new book?
51. change one’s mind make up one’s mind
keep one’s mind on sth. keep sth. in mind
52. source the source of the Nile.
He had another source of income.
53. current affairs foreign affairs state of affairs.
This view was current in the city.
54. comment on/upon ---
I’d like to hear your comments on his opinion.
make comments on/upon/about ---
55. view: in view out of view come into view
get a view of sth. be lost to one’s view bird’s-eye view
in one’s view/opinion take a view of sth.
point of view/viewpoint What a beautiful view!
56. the rest:
You may have the rest of the pie.
These are mine and the rest are yours.
57. carefully written articles well-made advertisements
highly developed industry well-dressed woman
a badly-lighted room a horse-drawn cart
a powerfully-built man a newly-built building
58. on all sides/one every side
They were trapped---with enemy on all sides.
take one’s side /take the side of sb/ take sides with sb.站在某人一边
on one’s side side by side by/at one’s side
59. tolerate stand bear put up with
I cant’ tolerate that loud noise.
The school can’t tolerate cheating in the exams.
tolerable (可忍受的) tolerant tolerance
The pain is tolerable.
He is very tolerant towards his neighbors. (宽容的;大度的)
He is a man of great tolerance.
60. retire retired retirement
He retired from the army. My mother is retired now.
After his retirement he went to live in the country.
61. concern (be concerned about/with/for/over ---
concern oneself with/about --- )担心,关心;和--- 有关、牵涉
The news concerns your sister.
Please don’t’ let my illness concern you.
She is always concerning herself about other people’s business.
He didn’t show much concern about it.
as/so far as --- is concerned 就 --- 来说/而论
It’s impossible as far as we are concerned.
62. awful He died an awful death.
Your grammar is awful. You look awfully well this morning.
63. look up to --- look down on/upon ---
Young children look up to older ones.
I wish you wouldn’t look down this kind of work.
64. bore bored boring
bore sb. to death be bored with/be tired of --- 对 --- 厌烦的
65. fall in love with --- be in love with ---
66. disappoint disappointment to one’s disappointment
disappoint sb. disappointed disappointing
be disappointed to do sth. disappointed look/expression/smile
be disappointed with sb./about/over/at sth.
I’m very disappointed with you.
I’m disappointed at losing the game.
67. attitude:
take a --- attitude to /towards ---
We must take a correct attitude towards others’ opinions.
68. get bored/exited/trapped/caught in/get sun burnt/get injured/get noticed
69. trouble have some trouble/difficulty with sth./in doing sth.
make trouble troublemaker ask/look for trouble
put sb. to the trouble of sth./doing sth.
get into trouble/get sb. into trouble in trouble
70. demonstrate
The firemen demonstrated (showed) great courage in saving the child.
71. arm arm in arm lay down one’s arms take up arms.
be armed with The thief was armed with a knife.
armed soldiers be armed to the teeth.
72. update out of date up to date
out-of-date method bring --- up to date/keep --- up to date
73. make it difficult for sb. to do --- /make it easier for sb. to do ---
make sb. monitor make it a rule to do sth.
make sb. do sth. make sth. /sb. done
make one’s voice heard=make one’s opinions/views know to others
74. responsible and caring citizens
be responsible for --- responsibility
The driver is responsible for the passengers’ safety.
He has a sense of responsibility.
75. sent out (give out) The sun sends out light and heat.
send up send for
76. feature
The story has some unusual features.
77. focus focus on
focus one’s thought on ---
Today we are going to focus on the question of homeless people in London.
He focuses his thought on his study.
78. support ~ one’s theory /opinion
What supports the house?
support sb./one’s family
His parents supported him in the decision.
79. free: You needn’t pay --- --- It’s free.
be free to do sth. be free with ---
During the holidays we are free to do as we like.
He is free with money.
80. agree with agree on agree to
I don’t agree with what you said just now.
The hot dry weather doesn’t agree with me.
Your story agrees with what I have heard.

Unit Three Art and Architecture
1. architecture architect
He likes traditional architecture.
Who’s your favorite architect?
2. prefer preference have a preference for ---
Which do you prefer, the red one or the blue one?
He offered to drive us to the station, but we preferred to walk there.
He preferred being alone during the holidays.
Mother preferred her to stay at school during the weekdays.
She preferred that he should do it in the kitchen.
prefer to do rather than do --- = would rather do --- than do ---
prefer to (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.
3. design by design 有意地
be designed to do /for --- (多用于被动结构)目的是,打算给 --- 用
The experiment is designed to test to new drug.
Did you do it by design?
4. furniture a piece/article of furniture
5. sale sell sell out
The sale of his house made him sad.
We’re hoping for a large sale.
for sale on sale
The sales department of a company sales clerk
sales girl sales manager sales tax
6. block a block of wood/ice
The river was blocked.
7. style
The letter was written in a formal style.
He has a strange style of walking.
I like the style of your new coat.
She certainly has style. in style out of style
8. in a hurry hurried hurriedly
have a hurried meal write a few hurried lines
in a hurried manner have a hurried talk
hurry up hurry off
9. stand bear put up with
I won’t stand your treating the child like that.
10. glance ~ at ~ around/round/about
steal a glance at throw a glance at
take a glance at give sb. a glance
The teacher glanced about the classroom.
10. convenient conveniently convenience
I invited her to my place at a convenient time.
It’s ~ for you to walk to school.
at one’s convenience
11. traditional ~ culture ~ practice
in a ~ way
12. example
Give me an ~ of what you mean.
follow/copy one’s example
set an example to sb./ set sb. an example
take --- for example
13. construct construction constructive
It took about two years to construct the big bridge.
He works in the construction industry.
He made some constructive suggestions at the meeting.
under construction/discussion/debate
14. impress impression impressive
impress sth. on sth. impress sth. with sth.
be impressed by/at/with
make/produce/cause/create an/a --- impression
leave an impression on sb.
an impressive book.
15. act as serve as work as act out
He acted as chairman while I was away.
16. fantastic fantasy
Many dreams are fantastic. The story is a fantasy.
17. despite = in spite of
Despite his parents’ objection, he still joined the club.
18. create creation creative creativity
An artist should create beautiful things.
That would create a wrong impression.
The creation of the new playground will do good to the children.
creative ability creative work creative power
The job needs creativity.
19. sail sail south sail up/along the coast
sail for set sail for sailor
20. branch branch stores branch railways
He climbed up the tree and hid among the branches.
21. be filled up with fill up with be full of
22. structure
The teacher then explained to us the difficult words and structures.
The structure of the building was excellent.
23. recognize --- as
I recognized the handwriting as that of my father’s.
24. man-made living environment
a good-looking girl man-eating animals
heart-breaking news paper-making factories
sweet-tasting milk fast-moving machine
tailor-made suits well-cut shirts
a well-informed man snow-covered fields
well-built men hand-made toys
a candle-lighted table a well-know person
a badly-lighted room a horse-drawn cart
25. have/get --- done see/find/notice/bear/watch --- done
keep --- done leave --- done make --- done
She got her bike repaired just now.
I’d like this matter settled at once.
26. space
There isn’t enough space/room for 30 desks in the classroom.
The report takes up a lot of space.
The spaces between the printed words
27. seem to be covered with ---
seem to do/be, seem to be doing seem to have done
She seems to have a high opinion of you.
It seems that she has a high opinion of you.
It seems as if --- It looks as if ---
28. Seen form a distance, the island looked like a cloud.
Given more time, I’ll do it better.
Taken good care of, he got well again.
29. go against be against
I know he is against us. It’ll go against your family to do so.
30. join join in
He joined the two pieces of wood together with nails.
The rivers are joined by a canal.
The two houses join each other.
May I joined in the discussion.
~ the army/the League/the Young Pioneers/us/the club/the society/the revolutionary organization/ the party
31. shelter
Trees are a shelter for the sun.
We gave the old man shelter for the night.
Our need for food, clothing and shelter
32. decorate decoration decorative decorator
We decorated the Christmas tree/the house.
33. keep out (of) keep off
The coat can keep the cold out.
Please keep off that subject.
34. rent a house hire a camera free of rent
a hired girl employ employer employee
35. stick
Put some sticks on the fire. a walking stick.
stick stamps on all the letters.
He stuck a stick into the ground.
The car stuck in the mud.
36. reasonable
My rent is reasonable.
Those are reasonable demands.
37. A to do B what C is to D.
A river is a to a fish what a house is to a man.
38. aid
aid sb. with sth. (help) with the aid of ---
come/go to one’s aid
39. set --- aside 放在一边,不予理睬
; 取消,(决定、 判决),使失去效用。
Peter set aside the book and began to watch TV.
The decision was set aside.
lay aside 存款, put aside 把--- 放在一边。
She managed to lay aside 5 dollars every month.
Put this aside for me.
40. A: --- I’ve knocked the door twice, It seems nobody is in.
B: --- Why not try a third time?
41. fit (match) fit on be fit for/to do sth.
The key doesn’t fit the lock.
He will just fit the job.
The dress fitted her perfectly.
You are not fit for the job. fit on the window
42. pull down/tear down/knock down
43. bent roofs be bent on/upon bend down one’s mind to ---
She bent her head and hurried on.
He is bent on making her happy.
He bent his mind to his studies.
44. twenty-foot high walls a ten-minute walk
a five-year-old boy a five-star hotel
ten-metre-wide streets.
45. development
With the development of --- under development
develop an interest in develop one’s body
develop a film/pictures/photos
develop into --- develop from ---
Plants develop from seeds. Seeds develop into plants
46. of different sizes/colors/ages/classes ---
The two coins are of different shapes but of the same color.
47. besides:
I won’t buy this dress. It’s too expensive, besides, I don’t like the style.
He likes swimming besides ball games.
They will all go there besides you two.
48. disturb
I’m sorry to have disturbed you.
He was disturbed to hear of her illness.
A loud whistle disturbed the quietness of the forest.
49. of this kind/that kind
people of this kind=this kind of people
bikes of that kind=that kind of bikes
50. with + O + complement
With everything he needed bought, he drove home.
With many things to buy, he decided to go shopping.
With the child leading the way, we at last found the school.
With many children following him, the teacher came in.
The boy lay on the grass with his eyes looking at the sky.
51. detailed detail in detail
Finally the detailed plan was agreed on.
He gave me a detailed description of the accident.
He gave us the details of the event.
go into details
52. practice in practice practical
Practice makes perfect. put sth. into practice
practise doing sth.
53. once:
He was once a teacher.
Once you understand the rules, you’ll find the game easy to play.
Once in the examination hall, he forgot all about the outside world.
54. He went out to play after he finished his homework.
=He went out to play after finishing his homework.
The papers must be handed in after they are finished.
=The papers must be handed in after being finished.
Give me a call before you come.
=Give me a call before coming.
55. When crossing the street, I was stopped by a policeman.
When caught stealing by the guard, he tried to run away.
Don’t speak until spoken to.
Although regarded as the best student in the school, he remained modest.
When compared with others, he seems a little strange.
When leaving the house, she heard the baby crying.
Once seen, it will never be forgotten.
Unit Four A garden of poems
1. funny fun make fun of
be fond of fun be full of fun for fun in fun
He is learning French for fun.
I’m sorry I hid your book; I only did it in fun.
2. the following examples the examples as follows
the examples below
He follows the old man into the building.
follow sb.’s advice
3. wish hope expect look forward to
wish sb. to do wish sb. + n./ adj.
wish that +虚拟语气 wish for sth.
hope to do --- hope that ---
hope for sth.
expect sb. to do --- expect that ---
expect sth. /sb. wait for sb.
look forward to n./doing ---
We look forward to seeing you again.
4. whether --- or ---
I’ll do it whether you like it or not.
5. get through
You would wonder how such a large animal could get through such a small hole.
I’ll telephone you when I get through with this pile of papers.
6. 常见的插入语:do you think/believe/guess/imagine/suppose
7. express expression
express one’s opinions/views express oneself
~ buses ~ trains
7. belong to
Does this book belong to you?
8. human feelings a human being/two human beings
human rights human nature man mankind
9. a few times the last time the first time by the time
next time all the time ahead of time at all times
at no time at a time at one time
He was selling vegetables the last time I saw him.
Next time you come in, please close the door behind you.
10. lonely alone loneliness
all alone leave/et sb. alone let alone
The old couple lives in a lonely village.
The little girl went to America alone by plane.
sound/fast asleep wide awake much alike/alive
11. name after by name by the name of in the name of
under the name of
They named the girl Jane after her mother.
I know him only by name.
A boy by the name of David fell off his bike at the school gate.
Let me thank you in the name of us all.
He wrote the novel under the name of Mark.
12. make make oneself + done make myself understood
His joke made all the people present laugh. make sb. +adj.
13. key + n.
The teacher gave some key points of the chapter.
My elder brother graduated form a key university in the north.
The manager is a key man of a company.
The key to success in life lies in hard work.
This is the key to the exercise in Unit 1.
14. remind ~ sb. of sth. ~ sb. to do sth. ~ sb. that ---
call up
15. times It is the fastest computer of modern times.
She didn’t understand the spirit of the times.
in Shakespeare’s time We lived through terrible time.
16. stand out: His red hair made him stand out in the crowd.
17. 将来完成时:will/shall have done
I will have been here for seven years next February.
The painters say they will have finished the downstairs room by Tuesday.
18. absent absence be absent from be absent in
He is absent from Shanghai. He is absent in Shanghai.
他不在上海。 他不在这里,现在在上海。
19. lead to result in cause
All roads lead to Rome.
These passages led to the rooms inside.
An ordinary cold can soon lead to/cause a fever.
His carelessness led to/result in the accident.
20. close
get close to sb. a close friend a lose game
The post office is close to the railway station.
She lives near the hospital.
Come close. I want to tell you something.
Watch closely!
21. start/begin
He started working hard to improve his English.
But: The ice started to melt.
He was starting to get angry.
I started to understand/see/realize/wonder who had done it.
22. late/later/lately/latest
These apples ripen in late autumn.
He often get up late.
The boy is often later for school than the others.
Half an hour later, she woke up and began to cry.
One new model has lately been developed for business people.
This is the latest news. He was the latest comer.
His suit was cut in the latest style.
23. light up
He lighted up before speaking.
His face lit up when he heard the good news.
lighted candles a light room/light blue
light industry/a light car light heart/light music
24. come into being
25. refer to refer to --- as ---
When I said some people are stupid I wasn’t referring.
This rule refers to everyone.
Don’t refer to your sister as a silly cow.
26. not only --- but also --- & as well as either --- or ---
neither --- nor --- , not --- but ---
Others: no less than, rather than, but, except, besides, together with, including, like along with
27. be popular with
28. audience
The audience was still increasing.
The audience was (were) very excited by the show.
29. dare:
How dare you speak to me like that?
No one dare talk about it.
If the enemy dare come, they will never be able to get away.
There is something wrong with the radio, I dare say.
30. be supposed to do --- should do
You are not supposed to be there.
People under eighteen aren’t supposed to buy alcoholic.
31. Why do sth. Why not do sth.
What about/How about doing sth.
32. even better
much/far/a lot/a great deal better
even/still stronger a little/a bit more beautiful
33. until
They talked on until one o’clock in the morning.
It was not until he came back that I went to bed.
Not until he came back did I go to bed.
34. look up/refer to/turn to But: look up to
You can look up her telephone number in a book.
35. be to do be about to do
A. 常用在通知或注意事项里, 表示“某事应当或必须如何做”, 相当于should do.
The form is to be filled in and returned within three weeks.
B. 表示命令,常用在父母让子女或上级要下级去干某事。
You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.
C. 表示预先安排好的计划或约定。
I’m to meet Mr. Brown at eleven o’clock this morning.
be about to do --- 指的是一个眼下就要发生的动作。因此,不可用表示将来的时间状语。
The plane is about to take off.
36. gone/lost/missing
She lived a hard life for ten years because of the lost necklace.
As she looked down, she found her necklace gone.
When he went back home, he found one page of the book missing.
37. day by day/day after day
38. opinion: give one’s opinion on --- in one’s opinion
in the opinion of sb. have a good/high opinion of somebody
39. be worth --- be worthy
The book is worth reading. The book is worth the money.
The problem is worthy of discussion.
The problem is worthy of being discussed.
The problem is worthy to be discussed.
40. recommend: I recommend to follow your doctor’s advice.
I ~ that everyone read the book. I ~ buying a good dictionary.
They ~ ed him for the job.
41. contribute to contribution make a contribution to
~ food and clothing for the poor
He contributed an article to China Daily.
42. take: “需要”
How long does the flight take? It takes two to make a quarrel.
It takes a brave man to do that.
43. gather & collect
gather at the school gate gather the people together
gather flowers gather information
How long did it take you to collect these ancient coins?

Unit Five The British Isles
1. take a picture/photo of sb.
2. as much as you can = as much as possible
 as --- as you can = as --- as possible
as long as as high as as wide as
He can jump as high as 1.8 meters.
Be as kind to her as possible
Some students are spending as much as 200 yuan a month on their cell phones.
3. on Sunday/on New Year’s Eve/on her birthday/on May/on New year’s Day/on the 2nd of July ; on the morning of March 3/ on the evening of June 6.
4. The lawyer will be back after next Tuesday.
He came back after five days.
The lawyer will be back in a few days.
5. agreement:
reach/arrive at/come to an agreement
sign an agreement/tear up the agreement/break an agreement
in agreement with We are in agreement with their decision.
6. consist of be made up of make up
Our dinner consisted of three courses only.
This made up 12% of their total income.
8. I don’t think/believe/guess/imagine/suppose/expect that’s right
I don’t think/believe/guess/imagine/suppose/expect so.
9. advantage & disadvantage
have/gain/win an advantage over sb.
take advantage of --- to one’s advantage = in one’s favor
It is to your advantage to invest wisely.
10. stand for
USA stands for the United States of America.
11. Positive Clause: fact/news/idea/hope/order/thought
I had no idea that you are here.
The order comes that our troop should start once.
The fact that farmers are also paid by the EU for not growing crops surprises many people.
12. make the most of --- make full/good/use of ---
One should always make the most of one’s opportunity.
13. hold together (使)连在一起、团结在一起
We always hold together in times of crisis.
hold up (raise; lift) (挡住)
Hold your hand up if you wish the chairman to recognize you.
A man held me up and took my money.
hold out 坚持
We were short of water but could hold out for another day.
hold on stick to
I made my choice and I will hold on to the end.
hold back 阻止 hold on one’s hand 伸出手
hold one’s head high 昂首,趾高气扬
catch/get hold of 抓住 hold one’s breath 屏息
hold the line 别挂断电话
14. lie off the coast 15. part of & a part of
16. surround: be surrounded by ---
The police surrounded the house.
Britain is surrounded by sea.
They surrounded the temple with a high wall.
surrounding He lives somewhere in the surrounding area.
surroundings The surroundings are pleasant.
17. throughout/all over/ all through
By the end of February schools are opened throughout the country.
It rained throughout the night. He got wet all over.
18. run over The car ran him over, but he is not seriously hurt.
The speaker ran over his notes before the lecture.
The cup was full and the water in it was running over.
run out (of) run short (of)
We are running out of milk and bread.
19. consider ~ doing sth. ~ what to do
~ sb. to be/as --- regard sb. as --- treat sb. as ---
take sb. as --- think of sb. as --- look on sb. as ---
20. be of great value
Sports and games can be of great value, especially to people who work with their brains most of the day. The two balls are of a size.
This question so of great interest to the students.
I’m very glad to have been of any help to you.
China is of the Third World. These recorders are of good quality.
21. value:
His ideas have little value. I value the house at $ 9500.
I value you proposal very much.
22. on the basis of --- the basis of his argument.
23. have a bad effect/influence on ---
24. generally speaking/judging from\by/talking of /considering --- seeing that/given --- 都不考虑各逻辑主语的关系。
Given their inexperience (that they inexperienced), they have done a good job.
25. stop/prevent/keep --- from doing ---
26. die of/from ---
27. own: I saw it with my own eyes.
This house is my own. He has owned the house for 40 years.
He got the job on his own. They have no children of our own.
28. production: production line produce
The factory was built for the production of cars.
a fall/an increase in production
America produced more cars this year than last year.
Can you produce any proof of your nationality?
29. raise: raise money raise our children
raise chickens and corn. raise one’s hand
May I raise a question?
30. research do research on sth/carry out researches into sth.
31. as far as as/so long as
He walked as far as the village where lived.
As far as I know he is from America.
You can play as long as you finish you homework first.
32. also/too/either/as well/as well as
33. There were the ruins of an ancient building.
Our plan is in ruins. fall into runs
34. height high highly
It has a height of 3,000 meters. It is 3,000 meters in height.
It is 3,000 meters high. He can jump very high.
The teacher speaks highly of the student.
35. doubt: no doubt/no wonder beyond/without doubt
I doubt whether it is reasonable.
There is a doubt whether it is reasonable.
There is no doubt at all about it.
36. large amounts of/large quantities of --- 后无论跟什么样的名词,做主语时谓语动词都得用复数。
Large quantities of water are left.
37. only a few/only a little
38. a great many of the /those/your friends
but: a great many students.
39. business:
do business with you
He is the manager of 3 different businesses.
My personal life is none of your business.
This is not my business. get down to business on business
40. spread:
spread out a map spread (out) one’s arms
spread knowledge Flies spread disease
The forest spread from here to the river.
41. approach:
As winter approached the weather became colder.
approach the problem correctly
He was warned of the approach of the enemy.
When learning a foreign language, the best approach is the study of the spoken English.
All approaches to the town were blocked.
Unit Six Life in the future
1. communication satellite
be in/get in communication with --- get/be in touch with ---
contact with ---
2. happen/occur/take place/break out
I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street.
It happened that I didn’t take any money with me that day.
It occurred to me that I had left my key at home.
An idea suddenly occurred to me.
When did the car accident occur/happen?
3. double: a double room a double meaning
The price of houses has doubled over the past few years.
His income is double hers We need double /twice the amount.
4. original: an original idea an original thinker
This is not the original picture, but just a copy of it.
5. in danger/out of danger
6. confuse: puzzle confusing/puzzling confused/puzzled
confuse A with/and B confusion
7. In general/generally
Woman in general like to shop for new clothes.
8. major/main/leading majority minority
a major/main road a major operation major in history
A majority of 230 are for the plan.
9. trend: the trend of prices is still upwards
a growing trend towards smaller families
furniture of contemporary style
9. indicate:
With a nod of his head he indicated to me where I should sit.
A sign indicates the right road to follow.
A red sky at night indicates fine whether the following day.
They indicated that hey were tired.
10. urban/rural suburb suburban
urban areas the urban population
rural areas the rural population
10. ensure/insure (同义)
The book ensured his success.
These pills should ensure you a good night’s sleep.
11. instead/instead of:
Last summer I went to France. This year I’m going to Italy instead.
Why did they choose him instead of me?
12. remain: remaining remains
If you take away 3 from 8, 5 remains.
Only the woman and the two children remained there.
She begged him to remain at home.
Much remains to be seen.
Tom has been married while John still remains single.
The land reform question remains unsolved.
Leave the remaining points for our next meeting.
the remains of the ancient Rome.
13. regularly: regular a regular soldier/army regularity
He comes here fairly regularly.
He lives a regular life.
14. certain/sure:
He was not too sure about the grammar and some of the idioms.
I’m certain/sure of that.
It is certain that he has left for Shanghai.
15. come true/be realized
You will see what I am saying now will come true/be realized.
16. in the same times at the same time
in ancient times/in prehistoric times/in recent times.
in times of danger/hardship/prosperity etc.
17. ask/accept/follow/give/offer/seek advice
We advise their starting early. We advise them to start early.
We advise that they should start early.
18. require : ~ doing sth. ~ sb. to do sth.
~ that sb. (should) do sth.
19. in store: 储存备用
There is a surprise in store for you when you get home.
20. in space
21. be concerned about ~ sb. 使某人担心
As (So) far as sb. + be + concerned 就某人来说所关心的
It is impossible as far as we are concerned.
22. bring back: 归还, 带回来、 使回想起、 使恢复
The sight of you brings back many of my memories.
23. old-fashioned dressed in the latest fashion
fashion magazines come in to /be in fashion
go/be out of fashion
23. imitate: imitation in imitation of
He can imitate everything he sees.
You should imitate those good and great men.
24. transform:
He transformed the old kitchen into a beautiful sitting-room.
25. clean up: Clean up your room.
26. come up with: He came up with a new suggestion.
Unit 7 Living With Disease
1. deadly: A deadly silence filled the class.
I’m deadly/awfully/badly sleepy.
2. attitude: take/adopt/keep a(n) --- attitude towards/to ---
The writer’s attitude towards life is strange.
3. imaginary: The story is not true, but imaginary.
an imaginative writer imagine imagination
4. infect: Anyone with a bad cold may infect the people around him.
The wound was infected with germs.
infection infectious
5. transmit:
The programme will be transmitted at 8 o’clock.
Rats transmit disease. transmission
6. via: The news reached me via my aunt.
7. donate donation donate --- to sb.
She made a donation of $ 1,000 to the Children’s Hospital.
8. prevention Prevention of forest fires is up to you.
9. detective: a personal detective detective stories
detect detection
10. persuade: ~ sb. to do sth. ~ sb. into doing sth.
11. dying die death dead
He has died. His death made us sad. He is dead.
He is dying.
12. break down: 坏了;失败;中断了。
His bike broke down on his way to school.
The peace talks have broken down.
I can’t have you breaking down in health.
He broke down in the middle o his speech.
13. immune: ~ to/from/against --- 免疫;免于,免受 ---
This medicine will make you immune to/from/against cold.
14. leave sb./sth. + adj/p.p./n. leave for --- leave --- for ---
leave the food untouched leave the book open on the desk
AIDS leaves the patient defenseless. leave sb. an orphan.
15. manage: manage to do sth. management
I can manage it myself.
16. total: total earning/income total population total score
total cost a total of --- in total total up to
The bill totals up to $100.
17. lack: lack for ~ sth. be lacking in ---
I lack the courage to do it.
She doesn’t lack for money.
She is lacking in wisdom (courage, humor, common sense).
18. It’s proper/suitable for sb. to do sth.
19. mean meaning meaningful
20. What a pity (that) you can’t go with us.
feel/have pity for sb. 同情某人
take/have pity on sb. 怜悯、宽恕某人。
21. diagnose: ~ one’s illness as --- diagnosis.
The doctor diagnosed my illness as a rare skin disease.
21. on the contrary
22. free from: 没有,不受 --- 的损害 free of:远离,摆脱
He wants to live a life entirely free from troubles.
If your wages are very small, they’ll be free of income tax.
Unit 8 First Aid
1. give/do/offer first aid to sb. do/offer/give sb. first aid
2. drown sb. sb. drowns drowning
He pulled drowning man from the water an gave him first aid.
3. upside down: That picture is hanging upside down.
4. stay calm:
The sea is calm. The weather stayed hot this week.
He stays single.
6. in panic
7. conscious : be conscious of (one’s shortcomings)
8. I’m afraid I am slightly drunk.
a sight girl
9. circulation: He has a bad circulation.
the circulation of news, information, rumors
10. pulse: take/feel sb.’s pulse
11. The woman had fainted from the heat, but she soon revived.
Hot coffee can revive a tired man.
12. to make things/matters worse ---
He may be late. To make matters worse, he may not come at all.
13. roll over: Every time he rolled over, he pulled over more of the bedclothes to his side.
14. weave: weave thread into cloth weave a web.
He wove his way to the mountain village.
15. worn out tired out
16. in honor of in celebration of
17. eventually: ~ we all must die.
18. tap sb. on the shoulder
19. call for: I’ll call for you at nine. Success calls for hard work.
20. This belt is rather loose.
Unit Nine Saving the Earth
1. face:
What are the problems facing the workers at the present time?
We are now faced with the threat of war.
We must face our trouble and bear it.
Our house faces the park.
2. attend: ~ class/school/Beijing University/a meeting/one’s wedding/a funeral service.
Martin the doctor attended the sick man.
Two nurses attended day and night on the prince.
She offered to go out and attend to these matters.
3. take notes = make notes take notes of 作笔记
take note of: 注意
Take careful note of what I say and please don’t forget it.
3. expect:
I’ll expect you for dinner at six o’clock sharp.
I hardly expected to find you still here.
His parents expected him to be a lawyer, but he turned doctor later.
I didn’t expect you back so soon.
I had not expected that things would turn out like this.
I expect so.
You’re expecting too much of him.
4. That is the big issue they are facing in Iraq.
The article appeared in the fifth issue of English Weekly.
The post office issued the stamps last week.
5. summarize: He summarized the arguments.
He give me a quick summary of the events leading to quarrel.
6. make sure: make sure of --- 弄肯定;设法做到
Please make sure that the gas is turned off before you leave.
He looked behind him to make sure he was not being followed.
Arrive early at the lecture hall to make sure of a seat!
7. It would be better if ---
It would be better if you can help us.
8. content: Show me the content of your suitcase.
be content with (the content of the speech) be satisfied with ---
8. access: This is the only access to that building.
have access to --- We had access to his private files.
The captain is always accessible to his men.
9. stress:
lay/put/place stress on sth.
My parents lay stress on honesty.
She has been under a lot of stress recently.
In times of stress, we hope to get help form our friends.
The speaker stressed the need for better education in his report.
10. violence: violent violently
War is an act of violence.
The violence of the hurricane caused damage.
The boy had a violent pain in his stomach after eating too much fruit.
a violent quarrel a violent attack
His heart was beating violently.
11. equality: equal equally
The equality of right before law
Women demand equal pay for equal work.
All men are born equal.
be equal to --- An hour is equal to sixty minutes.
She treated her three children equally.
11. responsibility responsible
He has no sense of responsibility.
a responsible teacher
be responsible for sth. /sb.
12. take action/take measures
13. willingness: They did not show much willingness to help.
show willingness to please others.
willing be willing to do sth. willingly
If you do not come willingly, I shall have to use force.
13. harmony:
The harmony of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture.
in harmony (with) ---
Bob and I have worked together in harmony for years.
His takes are in harmony with mine.
14. put/bring/make an end to ---
15. suffering: He died without much suffering.
I hope that this might end my suffering.
Their sufferings after the war were terrible.
He looked very pale, and seemed to have suffered a great deal.
suffer a great loss/great losses.
He suffered a great deal from cold and hunger.
16. It’s unfair to treat him like that.
17. wipe: ~ the table ~ one’s hand on a towel
~ one’s eyes ~ off a debt ~ out ~ out poverty
17. If you are to develop(如果想要 --- ) the world successfully, you must make sure that everyone is able to take part in the new world we create.
If we are to be there in time, we’ll have to hurry up.
18. Rich countries have a responsibility towards poorer countries and must do whatever they can to help others.
19. Only by changing how we live can we save the earth.
20. Had I known that air conditioners cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one.
21. There is a good chance that we will see less violence and fewer wars.
22. worldwide: a worldwide influence nationwide
Football is played worldwide.
23. die out die down die away
This kind of bird is dying out.
The fighting between the two died down.
The sound of the car died away in the distance.
23. alternative:
alternative ways the alternative of going or staying.
You have no alternative but to surrender.
24. be harmful to ---
25. make a difference --- 区分;对--- 不同对待。
Your support will certainly make a difference in our work.
make some/no/little difference
26. at an alarming speed
at a speed of 30km/h at the speed of light at full/to speed
27. It was these people’s willingness to work hard and well that impressed me most.
28. be determined to do sth. determination decide decision
He was determined to win the game.
I determined to travel no further that night.
a person of determination a determined man
29. defend: We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be.
defend sb./sth. against/from --- defense defense works
The lawyer is defending Mr. White.
We must strengthen our defenses on western border.
30. affect/effect:
This affected his attitude. This has no effect on him.
be affected by heat 中暑 be affected with high fever 发高烧
31. advise/suggest/recommend that sb. + ( should) do sth.
advise/suggest/recommend (sb./sb.’s) doing sth.
but: advise/recommend sb. to do sth. suggest sb./sb.’s doing sth.
Unit Ten Frightening Nature
1. frighten: frightening frightened frighten away
brighten sb. into doing sth. ~ sb. to death
starve sb. to death sentence sb. to death beat sb. to death
burn sb. to death shoot sb. to death
The explosion frightened me.
When I saw her in the river I was frightened.
a frightening experience.
2. threat: under the ~ of --- threatening threaten
Threats don’t scare me.
The black clouds are a threat of rain.
She threatened to kill herself.
a threatening letter
3. uneasy: The driver was uneasy about the icy roads.
She felt uneasy with her new in-laws.
4. terrify terrifying terrified be terrified of ---
5. danger: be a danger to sb. in danger out of danger
6. failure  a failure pleasure  a pleasure
success  a success surprise  a surprise
honor  an honor rain  a rain sand  sands
water  waters fire  a forest fire iron  an iron
coffee  three coffees paper  papers
7. way: in this way in that way in many ways
in no way on one’s own way in a way in some way
by way of  via by the way
8. hit : hit sb. on the head The stone hit the window.
A bright idea hit/struck me then.
9. get into a total panic get into trouble get into a temper
get into the habit of --- get sb. into ---
in a panic in terror in surprise in anger
in curiosity in great happiness in silence in peace
in a hurry in high/low spirits
10. could have done
11. order sth. done
12. beg: ~ sth. ~ to do sth. ~ sb. to do sth.
13. call for : ~ courage I’ll call for you at six this evening.
14. flee: The enemy fled in disorder.
He fled kidnappers and phoned the police.
15. the more --- , the more ---
16. urge: ~ sb. to do sth. ~ that sb. (should) do sth.
17. upon/on arrival, --- on seeing/hearing --- ,
18. It seems that/as if ---
19. light: light up/lit up lit/lighted sth. but: a lighted candle
20. more --- than ---
He is more brave than wise.
The book is more like a dictionary than a book.
21. pick up/pick out/pick
22. be related to  be connected with  have sth. to do with ---
23. cause / do damage to ---
24. spring to /into life  come to life suddenly
spring to one’s feet spring forth spring up
25. clear up: clear away/off
The weather is clearing up; we can go out.
Your desk is covered with papers; clear them up before you leave the office.
There are many difficulties to be cleared away/off in our way.
The clouds cleared away and the stars shone very brightly.
26. leave out/cross out:
In copying this paper, be careful not leave out any words.
27. the very eye of the wind
28. hold one’s breath
29. full-powered near-sighted warm-hearted
cold-blooded absent-minded open-hearted
broad-minded middle-aged ill-minded
30. all of a sudden  all at once  suddenly  on a sudden
31. in a whisper  in a low voice  in a loud voice
32. appropriate : She wore appropriate clothes for the journey.
Write in a style appropriate to the occasion.
33. fascinate  fascinating  fascinated
The magician fascinated the children.
Little Jim was fascinated by the question I asked.
Alice is a fascinating girl. fascination
34. live through:  get through  go through
They got through the meal without speaking.
John has got through the examination.
The operator finally got me through to Mr. Lee.
I’ll be with you as soon as I get through this work.
35. hold out/hold on/hold back
36. draw near: The great day drew near. Night drew near.
37. So don’t lost heart, whatever you do.
Wherever you go, whatever you do, I’ll be right here waiting for you.
The End




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