Unit 7 Living with disease reading(新课标版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

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Teaching aims: 1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:
defenseless break down manage to illness treatment unprotected sex lack proper available discourage cheer up network as if specialist
2.Improve the students reading ability.
Teaching important points: Learn the following sentence structure:
Her mother didn’t know … until Xiaohua was born.
I wish I could remember more about my mum.
If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor.
Teaching difficult points: “if”和 “wish”引导的虚拟语气
Teaching aids: tape recorder
Teaching methods: Fast reading .Careful reading; Discussion
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Revision
1. Ask some Ss to act out their speaking dialogues.
2. Ask the students to discuss things could be done to solve the problems they have discussed.
Step 2 Reading
1. Pre-reading Sample answers to the questions:
(1) What is AIDS? What is HIV?
(2) How do people get AIDS?
(3) What happens to people who have AIDS?
(4) What can be done to cure or help people who have AIDS?
(5) How did the person get AIDS?
(6) How does the person feel about having AIDS?
(7) Is the person able to live a normal life?
(8) How do her friends and family feel about her disease?
(9) When did the person get AIDS?
2. Fast-reading : Read the text as fast as possible and try to answer the questions in pre-reading.
3. Careful-reading
(1) Reading for detail and tell the main points of each paragraph.
Parag1: Xiaohua is a person living with AIDS.
Parag2: What is AIDS?
Parag3: How do people get AIDS?
Parag4: Many children become infected with AIDS.
Parag5: Since there is little hope for Xiaohua, she decides to use the limited time to do something to help others.
Parag6 and 7: Xiaohua helps AID patients and tries to change people’s attitude to them.
(2) Retell the text using about 100 words.
Step 3 Post-reading
Step 4 Language points
1. dying adj. 临死的,即将死亡的
eg. I’m afraid she is dying.
Generally speaking, women live longer than men.
2. break down (机器等的)损坏,坏了;身体垮了,感情控制不住;使…分解,瓦解
eg. We are sorry to arrive late, but the car broke down.
His health has broken down completely.
She broke down with a sob.
Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.
3. leave: cause or allow sb/sth to remain in a certain conditions, place, etc.使…处于某种状态
eg. Don’t leave the window open.
4. transmit 传播;传染
eg. Rubber doesn’t transmit electricity.
5. die of 因(疾病,情感,饥寒,年老等)而死
die from 因(外伤,虚弱,过度劳累,饮食过度等)而死
eg. The old man died of hunger and cold.
Linda died of disappointed love.
The engineer died from overwork.
The child died from weakness.
6. wish 后接宾语从句时,多用虚拟语气
eg. I wish I were a bird.
How I wish I had been to Beijing.
I wish you would be back soon.
7. lack n.缺乏,短缺 v. 缺乏,缺少
eg. The project had to be abandoned for lack of founds.
She is lacking in common sense.
8. available adj. of things that can be used or obtained.可用的,可得到的
eg. Tickets are available at the box office.
9. cheer sb up : cause ab to become happier or more cheerful
eg. Try and cheer up a bit; life isn’t that bad.
10. if & as if 引导的虚拟语气
eg. If I were you, I would go at once.
If you have come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him.
She look after the boy as if he were her own son.
随堂 练习:
translate the following phrases:
1. 票房有票 Tickets are available at the box office.
2. 由你负责预防森林火灾 Prevention of forest fires is up to you.
3. 我恐怕她要死了。 I’m afraid she is dying.
4. 和平谈判已经失败了。 The peace talks have broken down.
5. 把它放在那儿,别动它。Leave it where it is.
Homework: Retell the text.



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