unit 3 art and architecture(新课标版高二英语上册教案教学设计) |
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Warming up The arts are usually divided into free arts, such as painting, sculpture, dance, theatre and music and applied arts such as design of furniture, architecture, and graphic design, in the applied arts, artists work with materials to construct objects with a purpose that must meet the needs of other people than the artist himself. For example, the design of a chair must be functional as well as practical, comfortable and beautiful. Artists can express themselves in their work through a personal style of design and in details. Architecture: The art and science of designing and erecting buildings. Architect: a person who designs buildings Design: make a plan for. design a building; design a computer program. Furniture: The movable articles in a room for living or working. This old Chinese square table is a very valuable piece of furniture. 1. Describe what you see in the two pictures. Where would you prefer to live ? why ? Encourage them to find reasons for different feelings, beliefs, values of the different types of architecture. Find difference in functionality, design and comfort of two type of the house. On a deeper level, students prefer a certain type of house because they prefer a certain type of lifestyle. Block of flats=apartment building traditional house Block: A large building divided into separate units, such as apartments. Apartment: A room or suite of rooms designed as a residence and generally located in a building occupied by more than one household. Flat: 2. If you were free to design your dream house, what would that house look like? Lead students to think about purpose, design and choice of materials. Building materials: stone, wood, glass, brick, plastic, paint, earth, steel, concrete, tile(瓦) Balcony: an area with a wall and bars around it, against the outside wall of a building. 3. Find out the history of art and architecture, names of architects, famous buildings and works of art in the world. Listening: you will listen to a dialogue between a young and married couple- Amy and Danny, and a shop assistant who helps them choose new furniture for their new houses. Taste: A personal preference or liking He has a taste for folk songs. Preference: The selecting of someone or something over another or others./ A teacher should not show preference for any one of his pupils. Heater: An apparatus that heats or provides heat. Speaking Questions about the dialogue. 1. what are A and B talking about? Living in modern flat and traditional house 3. where would A rather live and why? Traditional house-with garden and beautiful more person style would prefer doing sth/to do sth.—in which house would you prefer to live? Prefer doing sth—I prefer working on my own. Prefer doing sth to doing sth—most American prefer coffee to tea. Stand: bear sth that you don’t like./I cannot stand a lot of noise when I am reading. I cannot stand the heat. Pre-reading 1. what do the buildings look like? Let the students think about the way architects find inspiration in nature. All are modern architecture for which architects were inspired by nature. They look like structures we can find in the natural world ,shapes of plants or animals take examples =take an example he likes taking examples to prove his ideas. Reading: 1. man-made living environment: nature is environment for plants and animals, then man-made environment are probably cities. 2. look at: 关注,考虑, He began to look at his research in different ways 3. had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art an architecture. 4. find them designed, planned and built in different styles. 5. modernism: Modern thought, character 6. go against: children do sometimes go against their parents’ opinion./her father was so strict that she was scared to go against his wishes. 7. construct: build/ to construct a bridge. 8. in a way to =in a way of doing/ the way to get good marks in the exam is to work hard. 9. while: I am busy doing homework, while he is playing basketball. 10. equal: the same/One li is equal to half a kilometre./ ‘x = y’ means that x equals y/Three and five equals eight. 11. progress: Development or growth 12. impress: have a favorable effect on sb/ fix sth in sb’s mind/ we were deeply impressed with/ by his words. 13. cathedral: A large, important church. 14. Antonio Gaudi: born in spain in 1852. he studied architecture in Barcelona. “阳光之城”、“欧洲之花”、“伊比利亚的珍珠”这些美丽的词汇统统都是形容一个地方,那就是西班牙的巴塞罗那,它被塞万提斯骄傲地称为“世界上最美丽的城市”。地中海的暖风吹拂了它2000多年,它就像一位女神,在阳光海岸边,在庇里牛斯山脚下,不断创造着各种奇迹。在19世纪末20世纪初,巴塞罗那为世界带来了毕加索、米罗、卡萨尔斯,还有同样伟大的天才建筑师安东尼奥•高迪。或者说,正是因为高迪,才有了巴塞罗那今日更辉煌绚烂的美丽。如果你还未曾到过巴塞罗那欣赏到高迪,那么《高迪的房子》一书可以让你领略到高迪建筑的神秘与瑰丽。 高迪的建筑被认为是20世纪世界最有原创精神、最重要的建筑,是现代建筑艺术的代表。东方伊斯兰风格、新哥特主义以及现代主义、自然主义等诸多元素都被他“高迪化”后,统一在了他的建筑中。在《高迪的房子》精美的图文中,你会不由得感受到高迪创造的奇异的建筑中,所流动着的万物的生机、自然的生命和对神的虔诚。高迪崇尚大自然,自然是他灵感的泉眼,他从不挖空心思的去“发明”什么特别的形式,只想着仿效大自然,像自然那样去建筑,他说:“只有疯子才会试图去描绘世界上不存在的东西!”因此,在高迪的建筑中,绝少运用死板的直线,因为高迪认为自然界没有直线存在,如果有,也是一大堆曲线转换而成的。书中讲到高迪“迷恋动、植物以及山脉的造型,他观察入微,他所看到的自然美并不是刻意的美,而是具有效用、实用的美,所以寻找到他所要的美感——自然就是美,美即是实用,实用即是自然的存在,自然即是实用的展现。” 高迪是个疯狂的建筑师,他把巴塞罗那当作自己挥洒的舞台,尽情地放纵他一个个天才的设想,为巴塞罗那,更是为世界留下了格尔公园、米拉之家、巴特略之家、圣家堂等18件不朽的建筑杰作。这其中,有17项被西班牙列为国家级文物,3项被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。在1926年6月的一个下午,一辆电车撞到了一位乞丐模样的老人,当天他就去世了,巴塞罗那因此而失去了他们最伟大的建筑艺术家——安东尼奥•高迪。在《高迪的房子》中欣赏这位贫穷而高贵的建筑天才留在人间的礼物,会有许多感动荡漾心头! 15. fantastic: very strange and unusual, not practical./fantastic dreams/stories/plan 17. stadium: a building for sports competition. 18. Bauhaus: the German Bauhaus School began with the ideas that the building of the future world could only be constructed by combining all the arts in ideal union. In 1923,the Bauhaus changed its programme with the slogan :art and techonogy—a new unity. In 1933, the Nazis in Germany made the work in Bauhaus impossible. But the then the style had already famous and found followers all over the world. The name of the school became the name of the style. Questions on texts: 1. what is architecture related to? 2. how did great culture have their ideas of beauty expressed? 3. when did modernism appear? 4. how did modernist want to change society? 5. what materials do modern architects use? 6. what does modern architect mean to many people? 7. why do many countries want to build the most modern-looking buildings? 8. how do modern building impress us? 9. why do many people not like modern buildings? 10. what examples of ancient architectures are mentioned? 11. what are the characteristics of ancient architecture? 12. who was Antonio Gaudi, and what did he find? 13. how did he take examples from nature? 14. what is architecture by Gaudi like? 15. was Gaudi a traditional architect or modern one? 16. who else were also inspired by nature? 17. what is the 2008 Olympic Stadium like? Paragraph1 architecture( what, why, how) Paragraph 2 modernism( when, who, why, how) Paragraph 3 building materials( traditional, modern, what, why) Paragraph 4 characteristics of modern building( huge, boxes, flat roofs, sharp corners, glass walls, hard, unfriendly) Paragraph 5 ancient architecture( examples, characteristics) Paragraph 6 Antonio Gaudi (ideas, style, materials, impressions) Paragraph 7 other examples (Frank Lloyd Wright, the Opera House) Paragraph 8 the 2008 Olympic Stadium( gray net, bird’s nest, soft materials, plastic bags, flowing lines, round shapes, warm, friendly) |
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