Unit 7 习语总结(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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1. What if….? 要是……怎么办?
2. via prep.= by way of ; through 经由; 通过
= by means of 通过…方式
Born Dying
3.become/get/be infected with 感染上=contract;aquire
4. break down 毁坏;使…瓦解;分裂
5. the body’s immune system 人体免疫系统
6. leave a person defenseless against 使人无法防御…
7. keep…alive 使…活着
8. blood transfusions 输血
9. as in Xiaohua’s case 就像小华这种情况
10. I wish that she were here with me.
11. a lack of 缺乏
12. as with = as it is the same with… 就像…情况一样
13. cheer up 使振奋精神;使高兴起来
14. suffer from 遭受 (疾病;苦难;灾害等)
15. people’s fear for the disease 人们对疾病的恐惧
16. persuade sb to do sth. 说服某人做某事
persuade sb into doing sth.
17. give sb. a hug 拥抱某人 = embrace sb.
Diagnosed With Cancer: The Day My Life Ended…And Began!
1.take sample of one’s blood 采血样
give a free sample of 免费赠送...样品
take sample(s) from 从...中取[抽]样
2. across his desk 从办公桌对面
3. have an empty feeling in my stomach 觉得脑子一片空白
4. be disrupted 紊乱
5. treatment with radiation 放疗 be treated with radiation
treatment with chemicals 化疗 be treated with chemicals
6. keep sb from doing sth 使某人不做某事
7. on the contrary 正相反 contrary to… 与…相反
8. for the moment 暂时
at any moment 随时; 在任何时候; 马上
at the last moment 在最后关头
at moments 时刻, 常常
at the moment 此刻; (正当)那时
for a moment 片刻
in a moment 一会儿, 不久; 立即, 马上
9. free from 无…的; 不受…影响的
10. at any time 在任何时候
11. think of …as … 把…当作…=consider/regard…as…
12. take chance to do sth 抓住机会做某事
11. live life to the fullest 过充实的生活
Fighting The Virus: HIV / AIDS in Africa
1.Sub-Saharan Africa 撒哈拉以南非洲
2. to date = so far; up till now 到此为止
3. were to grow----be to do sth 将来时态 “打算/计划/安排要做某事”
4. in danger 处于危险中
5. ruin their lives 毁掉他们的生活
6. care for = take care of
7. keep sth a secret 把…保守秘密
8. affect = influence; have effect on
9. protect sb against/from sth 保护某人免遭…
10. access = approach 通路; 方法
11. take powerful actions 采取有力行动
12. victim 受害人;牺牲者 victims of disease 病人
13. acquire = contract; become infected with; catch



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