Unit8Warming up and speaking(新课标版高三英语教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

1. first aid 急救
with the aid of = with the help of
2. What/Where/how do you think…?
What do you think he is?
3. Sure
make sure that 确保…
be sure to do sth 一定会
be sure of/about sth 对…有把握
4. catch fire 着火(表动作)
on fire着火(表状态)
put out a fire 灭火
light a fire 点火
set fire to 放火烧
=set sth on fire
5. turn off关掉
turn on打开
turn in = hand in上交
turn against背叛
turn to 翻到…(页), 求助于
turn down关小, 拒绝
turn out结果是, 生产
turn back = turn round转身
6. upside down颠倒着, 倒转着
7. bleed-bled-bled
bleed - blood
8. witness目击, 亲眼看到 v.
Did you witness the accident?
v. 目击
He witnessed to having seen the man enter the room.
v. 证明, 作证
The police found the witness to the murder. n. 目击者
9. Seconds count in an emergency and knowing what to do can mean the different between life and death.
10. keep sth in mind 记住
11. stay calm 保持平静
12. panic n. & vt. 恐慌, 惊恐
get into a panic 陷入恐慌状态
be in a panic 在惊慌中
cause a panic 引起恐慌
13. respond=reply (vi)回答
respond to a letter回信
in respond to回应…
be responsible for/to对…负责
14. save
save… from… 把…从…中救出来
save one’s life 救某人的命
15. accident scene 事故现场
16. Help is on the way.援助就要来
on the way 即将到来
on the way to+名词/doing即将做
in no way = by no means决不
in a way在某种程度上
in any way无论如何
17. mouth-to-mouth method人工呼吸
18. cover …with… 用…覆盖
be covered with 由…覆盖着
19. press 按,压
20. roll over 翻转,倒转
21. match
meet one’s match棋逢对手
match point决定胜负的分数
a box of matches一盒火柴
22. carry out完成,实现,贯彻,执行
23. in honor of纪念,为向…表示敬意
24. wear out穿破, 用坏,消磨, 疲劳
Integrating skills
25. prevent… from 阻止…做
26. common adj. 普通的,到处可见的,共有的,公用的
in common 共同,共有
in common with 与…共有
out of (the) common不寻常的,特殊的
common knowledge 常识
27. in a situation where…
28. deal with 处理,对付,关于,涉及
do with 处理,应付
deal with与how连用;
do with与what连同
29. as soon as possible
=as…as one can尽可能地
as long as只要
as to至于
30. see a doctor看医生
see sb off 为某人送行
see into调查,领会
see to sth处理某事
see to it that务必
31. be conscious神志清醒的
be conscious of/that意识到
lose consciousness失去知觉
32. call for需要,要求,邀请,去请
call on sb拜访某人
call at place去某地造访
call sb up给某人打电话
call in a doctor请医生
=send for a doctor
call on sb to do sth号召某人干
call for sb to do sth请求某人干
call out for help大声呼救
make a phone call打电话
32. in case of 即使,以防
33. a list of 一张…清单



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