Unit 10 Frightening nature 要点综述(人教版高二英语教案教学设计)

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Unit 10 Frightening nature
I. Listening & Speaking
1 scare/frighten sb. 使某人害怕 be scared/ frightened/ afraid of sb./ sth. 害怕某人/某物
a scared/ frightened face/ look/ eyes充满恐惧的脸/神色/眼神(此人感到害怕)
a scaring/ frightening face/look/ eyes吓人的脸/神色/眼神(令别人害怕) be scared/ frightened to death吓得要死
2 be a threat/ danger to 对…构成威胁/危险,对…而言是构成威胁/危险的人或事物 3 stand on end直立,竖着
4 be terrified at/ with/ by被...吓了一跳 be terrified of对...感到恐怖 terrify sb into doing 威胁某人做某事
II. Reading
1 attract/ draw sb’s attention 引起某人的注意 attract/ draw sb’s attention to将某人的注意力吸引到…上去
pay attention to/ give one’s attention to注意… call sb’s attention to叫某人注意… bring sth. to sb’s attention使某人注意…
2 rise vi. rose risen
1)(太阳、月亮、星星等)升起,出现 The sun has risen
2) (水位,价格,声音等)升高, 上升, 上涨,提高 , 增长/强 The flood has risen two feet.洪水上涨两英尺。
Our confidence rises.我们的信心增强。
3)起立/床 rise from table(餐毕)起立离桌
4)(河流)发源于 The river rises in the mountains.这河发源于群山之中。
raise vt. raised, raised
1)抬高;举起;使升起 raise one’s arms 抬起手臂 raise one's head抬起头 raise the flag 升旗
2)使升高/上升/上涨/增加/增长;提高 raise salaries提高工资raise the rent提高租金raise one’s voice提高声音
3)饲养; 养育; 栽培raise a family供养一家人raise chickens and corn养鸡和种植玉蜀黍
4)提出 raise a question to sb向某人提一个问题
5)筹集(款);召集; 征集,)raise funds 筹集资金raise an army召集军队
比较下面的句子:He raised his voice他提高了嗓音。 His voice rose in excitement.他激动得声音提高了。
They raised the prices他们提高了价格。The prices rose 价格上涨/增长。
sit vi 坐下 seat vt 使…就坐/安排…坐下 seat sb. seat oneself
Sitting/ Seated at the table, my father and I were talking about my job. I found the boy seated/ sitting on his mother’s knee.
We got them to raise the prices. We got the prices raised. The prices keep rising.
3 sight 1)景象,景物, 场景, 景观 a beautiful sight美丽的景象 a sad sight悲惨的场景
2) 风景,名胜(人工造的景色, 常用复数) see the sights游览名胜see the sights of the West Lake.观赏西湖风景
3)视觉,视力 lose one's sight 失明 have long/far sight远视 have short/near sight近视
have good/poor sight视力好/差 have one’s sight tested视力检查
4) 看,观望;观览at first sight 一见就..., 初次看见时at the sight of一看见…就... catch /have/ gain/ get sight of突然瞥见
5) 视野,眼界 be in sight可看得见的,在视线内out of sight看不见的,在视线之外 be/ go /get out of sight看不见了lose sight of 看不见...了
scene 1)自然景色,风景The scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.
2)眼前的情景,景象(包括人及活动在内)The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。
There is a happy scene of children playing in the garden.孩子们在花园里玩耍,好一派欢乐的景象。
3)现场,出事地点a crowd at the scene of the accident在出事地点的人群
4)场所,地点What's new on the film scene?电影院演什么新片?
view 1)常指从某处可以看到的自然景色 It's a room with a view. You'll like it. There is a lovely view from this window
2)a point of view观点
scenery指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。不可数 。
4 awake vt.(awoke,awaked) 唤起,叫醒;提醒,启发;激起,激发 awake sb.'s sympathy唤起某人的同情心
adj. [用作表语,补语] 醒着的;意识到 be broad /wide awake完全醒着;完全知道, 充分觉察到 (be sound asleep酣睡)
awake to 明白, 认识或意识到
5 at hand在手边;在跟前 keep sth. at hand把某物放在手边 have sth. at hand手头上有某物
give sb. a hand with sth.在某方面帮某人 be made by hand手工制作的
6 way out(克服困难的)办法,出路 find a way out找到出路 help sb. out (of)帮助某人摆脱(…)麻烦
7 escape 指“脱离或避开即将来临或近在眼前的伤害、危险、灾祸等事物”常作借喻用 escape death幸免一死
escape punishment/ being punished避免/逃脱惩罚 escape from the burning house从燃烧的房子里逃出来
flee含有所做的逃避动作迅速,仓促而情况紧迫之意 flee( from) the burning house从燃烧的房子里逃出来
flee/ escape to sp逃到某地
avoid 强调“有意识地躲避不愉快的或可能发生危险的事物或情况”I cannot avoid meeting her.我怎么也避不开她。
avoid being killed避免被杀
run away着重动作快速敏捷,不强调情况紧急,较口语化,有时可用get away代替,但get away有时含有“挣脱”之意
She hit the boy and he ran away. She tried to catch a butterfly, but it got away from her.
8 urge doing sth. 极力主张做某事 urge against极力反对
urge sb. to do sth.= urge sb. into doing sth =urge that sb. (should) do sth. 极力劝/主张/催促/怂恿某人做某事
9 the other way 另一个方向 ;相反 just the other way正相反
10 on/ upon arrival一到就 on/ upon one’s arrival at/ in sp= on/ upon arriving at/ in sp 某人一到某地就
on/ upon doing sth.在做某事时,当某事发生时,一做某事就
11 calm down平静/镇定下来 calm sb. down使某人平静/镇定下来
12 形容词作状语表示伴随的状态 lie awake 躺着没睡着 lie/ sit/ stand still 躺/坐/站着不动
(也有人认为lie/ sit/ stand在此是系动词 )
13 more…than与其说是……不如说是…… 14 It is one thing to do…, another to do…. “……是一回事,……是另一回事”
15 the public 公众 in public公开地
III. Integrating skills
1 get on board上(公共交通工具如火车/轮船/公交车/飞机等 ) board a train/ ship/ bus/ plane上火车/轮船/公交车/飞机
on board在公共交通工具上
2 knock about/ around(口语)漫游;闲逛
knock vt. 指用拳头或其他硬的东西敲打并伴有响声 ;相撞; 碰撞(常接头、球、墙壁等物作宾语。)
knock sb. on the head打某人的头knock one's head against the door把头撞到门上
vi. 敲, 击, 打(at, on) knock at the door敲门
n. 敲; 打击; 一击 a knock at the door敲门声 a knock on the head头上挨的一击
knock down打/撞倒; 驳倒; 拆除, 拆开;[口]使降价knock into把(某种知识)灌输给... ;与...相撞 ;[口]偶然碰到(某人)
knock off 敲掉; 击倒;下班休息; 罢工 knock over 弄翻, 打倒
beat 1)用力连续不断的(敲)打 beat the child hard痛打孩子 be beaten to death 被打死 beat a drum敲鼓
2)打败,打赢beat/ defeat后接某人,win 后接游戏、竞赛或战争。 3)(心脏)跳动
hit 1)有力地“打击”或“敲打”,强调结果,即“打中”,“敲中” One of the stones hit the window.有一块石头打中了窗户。
hit sb on the head打中某人的头 /砸在某人的头上
2)(自然灾害,疾病)袭击  A terrible disease hit the potato crop.一场可怕的病害使地里种的土豆遭受了袭击。
An earthquake hit the district. 地区受到地震的袭击。 The great storm hit the area.那场暴雨袭击了那个地区
strike 1)突然或一次性的击打或敲击。Strike iron while it is hot.趁热打铁。(谚语)
2) 为...所触动/ 感动 /打动; 使突然充满(一种强烈的感情)感动; 给以印象, 使……着迷
be struck with(by) 为... 迷住 It strikes me that我觉得...; 我的印象是...
3) 某种想法突然闪现在脑海里 An idea suddenly struck me.我忽然想到一个主意
4) 袭击, (蛇、兽)抓,咬; ( 疾病)侵袭;
be struck dead by lightning.被雷电打死 be struck with fever发烧, The plague struck Europe.瘟疫袭击欧洲。
5) 擦出(火)strike a match擦火柴
6) (钟)敲响,敲钟报时 The clock is striking 12. 钟在敲12点。The clock strikes the hours.这钟每小时报时一次。
7) be on strike(strike在此是名词) 举行罢工
3 be up发生;出事 What's up怎么了, 发生什么啦? What's up to sb.?某人怎么了, 发生什么啦?
up to (数目)到…之多 up to 100 men可达一百人 up to直到 up to now/ then知道现在/那时
be up to胜任, 适于 be up to one’s work胜任某人的工作
be up to从事于,忙于,做(坏事)What in the world are you up to?你到底在搞什么鬼?
It’s up to sb. to do sth.该由/轮到某人做某事,做某事取决于某人
4 sweep over风靡, 袭击, 将...一扫而光sweep up打扫干净, 收拾干净The plane sweeps across the sky.飞机掠过空中。
sweep away /off rubbish扫去垃圾 sweep aside放/堆到一边, 不予理会
5 all of a sudden,all at once突然 6 be done for完蛋了, 不行了,累死了
7 live through the night 活过这个夜晚= survive the night
live by doing sth., make/ earn a/ one’s living by doing sth. 靠做某事谋生/生活 live on靠吃…为生,以…为主食
8 whisper to sb. that低声对某人说 It is whispered that传言说….
speak in a whisper低声讲话 talk in a whisper低声交谈 hear a whisper that听到一个谣传说….
9 see可用物作主语,表示拟人手法“目睹,经历,遭遇”Last century saw two world wars.上世纪经历过两次世界大战。This old house has seen better days.这座老屋曾有过风光的日子。
find也可这样用。 National Day found people singing and dancing happily in a street parade.




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