Unit 6 Life in the future period 4(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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The Fourth Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by doing some exercises.
2.Do some exercises to consolidate the Noun Clause.
3.Do some reading and writing practice to improve the students’integrating skills.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Help the students master the Noun Clause better.
2.Help the students learn to write a definition paragraph.
3.Improve the students’integrating skills.
Teaching Diffcult POint:
How to improve the students’integrating skills.
Teaching Methods:
1.Revision method to help the students master the useful expressions and the Noun Clause better.
2.Asking-and-answering activity to go through the reading material.
3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1.a projector
2.a tape recorder
3.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Ⅱ Revision
T:Yesterday we learned grammar--the Noun Clause.First look at the screen,please.
(Show the following on the screen.)
1.What life will be 1ike in the future is the topic for today’s class discussion.
2.Can you imagine what life will be like in the future?
3.One of the questions that few people can give answer to is what life will be
like in the future.
T:Study the sentences and find out what kind of Noun Clause the underlined part in each sentence is.
(The students prepare for a couple of minutes.Then the teacher may ask some student to say their answers.)
Suggested answers:
1.Subject Clause
2.Object Clause
3.Predicative Clause
T:Good.But generally speaking,it is hard for you to choose connectives introducing the Noun Clause.Only when you know the functions of the connectives can you use the Noun Clause as the Subject, Object,Predicative and Appositive freely.Now let’s do some exercises to consolidate what you have learnt.
(Show the following on the screen.)
Fill in the blanks with suitable connectives.
1._______composition is the best is known to us a11.
2.He wondered________he was not al-lowed to go out alone.
3.______is to take Li Ming’s place is being discussed.
4.I got very angry with______he said.
5.My idea is_________we should ger more people to finish the work.
6.I wonder_________it is true or not.
7.The problem is___________we could help smokers kick their habit.
8.The news__________we had won in the match excited all.
9.We have no idea_________she was born.
10.That’s________we decided to put the meeting off.
Suggested answers:
1.Whose 2.why 3.Who 4.what 5.that 6.whether 7.how 8.that 9.when/where lO.why
T:In this unit,we’ve also learned some useful expressions.Do you remember them? Now let’s do an exercise to re-vise them.please look at the screen.
(Show the following on the screen.)
Complete the sentences,using the expressions learnt in this unit.
1._______his work has been good,but this essay is terrible.
2.You should________your friend by letter.
3.Please_________what I am saying.
4.He always keeps several baskets of apples________.
5.The misprint________great confusion.
6.He_______her before she vanished(消失)into the crowd.
7.His dream of being a famous singer________at last.
Suggested answers:
1.In general 2.keep in touch with
3.pay attention to 4.in store
5.led to 6.caught a glimpse of
7.came true
T:In this unit,we’ve also read a passage about life in the future.Now please
think out some words you can use to describe life in the future.
(After a while,ask some students to say out the words.)
Step Ⅲ Reading and Writing
T:OK.As we know,people’s life has
been changing.It’s getting better and better.What do you think life in the 3lst
century will be like? will it be the same as that today?
Ss:No.We think life in the 3lst century will be very different from that in this century.We’ll live more easily than today.We’ll have a machine do what we want them to.The only thing we need to do is to press the buttons on the computer.
T:OK.Thank you.Today we’re going to read a letter about the way people will
live more than one thousand years lat-er and we can know what the life in the 3lst century will be like.First let me explain some phrases to you:keep sb.Company,a bit and clear up.
(Show the following on the screen.)
1.keep sb.company:remain with sb.so that he is not alone.
e.g.He stayed at home to keep his wife company.
I’ll stay here and keep you company.
2.a bit:rather
e.g.He is feeling a bit tired.
The book costs a bit much.
3.clear up:put in order/make sth.Tidy
e.g.Clear up your desk before you leave the classroom.
Would you please clear up the cup-board?
(Bb:keep sb.Company, a bit,clear up)
T:Now open your books at Page 47.Look at Reading and Writing.Here is a letter from Mekanika.Now you’re given four minutes to read it.Then answer some questions under the letter.
(The students begin to read.After a while.teacher checks their comprehension.)
T:Who’d like to tell me what you would use an e-friend for,if you had one?
(One students stands up.)
S:Let me try.If I had an e-friend.I would let him help me with what I couldn't do,keep me company, talk with me and help me with my homework.
(Another student begins to give the answer.)
S:I think I would have the e-friend help me take notes when I was listening to a lecture and play chess with me.Furthermore,I would let my e-friend help me if I was in trouble.
T:Thank you.Now the second question:Why is it sometimes difficult for Mechanical to know what is real and what is an image? Any volunteer?
S:Because the world and people are imitated so well that we can see them,hear them,touch them,talk to them and feel them.They are just like the real world and real people.
T:OK.The last question:How is our 1ife different from the way people lived one thousand years ago?
S:Now life is much easier and more convenient than in the past.We can keep in touch with each other by cellphone or by computer instead of by writing letters.
S:We can travel by car instead of on foot.We can buy things on the Inter-net.We can also get the latest information by surfing the Internet.

Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud
T:Now let’s listen to the tape.When I play it for the first time,just listen carefully.When I play it for the second time,please listen and repeat.Then read the passage aloud.Pay attention to your intonation.Are you clear?
(Play the tape for the students to listen.Then when the students read the passage.the teacher goes among them and corrects their mistakes in pronunciation,intonation and stress.)
Step V Writing
T:We have known what the life will be in the year 3044.Imagine that you have come back from a trip to the future.You visited the year 4367 and you saw a wonderful invention called a Mogray.Now work with your partner and decide what a Mogray is,what it looks like and what it is used for.
(Teacher asks the students to discuss the questions.And then collect their
answers.After that,the teacher says the following.)
T:Now you know what it is like.Please write a paragraph about what a Mogray is.Before writing,you have to complete the outline on the screen.
(Show the following on the screen.)
What can a Mogray
Be used for? What does a Mogray
look like?
How does it work?

(Teacher asks the students to write the outline in their exercise books.Students may have various answers.)
T:OK.You have finished your outline.Please use it to write your paragraph.
(Teacher may let the students hand them in after class, if time is limited.)
One possible version:
Life in the year 4367 is quite different from life in the 21st century.We will
still do many things we do today,but we do them differently.For example,we can
use a Mogary to help us.A Mogary is an intelligent robot,which looks exactly like a human being.It can be used in many fields.such as at home,in the factory or in nature.
The Mogray can be easily and conveniently used at home.If you want to travel,you can turn it into all kinds of transport that you like,such as a plane,a car or a train,which use the solar energy without pollution.When it is too cold or
too hot,the head of the Mogray can be used as an air—conditioner, which can keep a proper temperature.There are all kinds of recipes in its head.It can cook all kinds of healthy and delicious food for you if you press the buttons on it.When you are bored,it can read some books for you,which are stored in its brain.It can also play chess with you or communicate with you.It has thoughts similar to yours, Your life will be rich and colorful with a Mogray companying you.
It can be used in many fields.In a word,the earth will become even more beautiful with the help of it.
Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework
T:Today,we’ve learned a passage about the life in the year 3044.At the same time,we wrote a passage about the life in the year 4367.What’s more,we’ve revised the Noun Clause and the useful expressions in this unit.such as in general, keep in touch with,in store…(Write them on the blackboard.After class,you should master them further by revising what we’ve learnt in this unit.Don’t forget to prepare for the next unit.That’s all for today.Class is over.)
Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 6 Life in the future
The Fourth Period
Useful expressions:
keep sb.company a bit
clear up in general
keep in touch with in store
pay attention to lead to
catch a glimpse of come true
Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching




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