after / behind区分

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after 表示时间时,意思是在……以后,它表示地点时,意思是“在……后面”,通常指次序的先后。例如:
He came after ten o'lock.他十点钟以后来的。
Two days after his arrival,I called on him. 在他到达两天以后,我拜访了他。
He left on Monday and returned two days after.他星期一走的,两天以后就回来了。
‘Against' comes after ‘again' in this dictionary 这本辞典中,‘against'排在‘again’之后。
After you!请!(您先走!)
behind 表示地点时,意思是在或跟在……后面、在或跟在后面,着重指位置的前后。它有时也表示时间,指按照一定的时刻而迟了的意思。例如:
The garden is behind the house.花园在房子后面。
He stood behind me.他站在我背后。
Walk close behind me.紧跟在我后面走。
The dog was running behind.狗跟在后面跑。
The train was behind time.火车误点了。
You are two hours behind.你迟了两小时。




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