Unit 6 Life in the future(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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Teaching aims and demands
Goals: Talk about life in the future
Practice making predictions
Learn about Noun Clauses(2).
1. Vocabulary and useful expressions:
Forecast, major, trend, contemporary, indicate, urban, energy, ensure, system, consumer, reform, customer, goods, purchase, tiny, cash, remain, importance, regularly, physician, cure, biochemistry, educator, hopeful, reality
In general, keep in touch with, pay attention to, in store,
2. Function:
Making prediction:
What will life be like in the future?
How will people….
Where will people work….
It would be wonderful if …..
It would be bad for …. If…….
It’s possible/ impossible to …..
No one can predict what /when…...
3. Grammar:
Noun Clauses:(2)
What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict.
They are careful about what they wear.
If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different….
Teaching procedure:
Period 1.
Step 1.Warming up
1. Brainstorming:
Find as many words as the students can find about future lives.
2. Following the steps of the warming-up on page 41.
3. Activity:
Discuss in groups about the following areas in the future:
Communication/ housing/ transportation/ education/ hospital
Step 2.Listening
Step1 Ss finish the listening task on page 42
Ss listen to the tape again and check the answers.
Step 2. dealing with the Ex 1—2 on p116 on Workbook.
Step 3. Listening skills
Give the students some tips on how to improve listening while checking the Ex.
a. make notes while listening;
b. grasp the most important information
Step3.Language points
1.Use the questions below to get started.
句中 to get started 为不定式作目的状语,其中的get 相当于被动语态中be 或 become, 意为“成为,被”,其后往往接上动词的过去分词。
I wouldn’t take the slightest risk of getting trapped inside.
If you can’t finish the work on time, you’ll get dismissed.
2.The year is 2089 and scientists have discovered how to make “doubles”, exact copies of a person that can do everything the original can do.
时间是2089年,科学家们已发现了制造“一模一样的人”的方法, 这些“一模一样的人”就是能做一个人所能做的一切的复制品。
句中 exact copies of a person 为 doubles 的同位语,that can do everything the original can do 为copies 的定语从句, 而定语从句中的宾语everything 又带上了一个宾语从句 the original can do.
3.It would be bad for society if people had doubles…如果人们有替身, 那会对社会有害的…
这是一个使用了虚拟语气的句子,其中 if people had doubles 为非真实条件状语从句。
英语中, 表示在说话者看来实现可能性很小的将来事态, 或表示与现在事态相反的主观设想时, 运用虚拟语气。 其主句的谓语动词用would/could/might/should后接动词原形, 条件状语从句的谓语动词过去式形式
He would visit us if he were in town.如果他在镇上,他会拜访我们的。
If Richard worked hard next term, he might pass the exam.
Step 4. Talking
1. Ss four in one group and have a discussion about the topic on page 117
2. Ss make notes during the discussion, and try to use wh-questions freely to get information needed.
Step 5. Speaking
Ss work in pairs and make prediction:
The following structures are helpful to students:
What will life be like in the future?
How will people….
Where will people work….
It would be wonderful if …..
It would be bad for …. If…….
It’s possible/ impossible to …..
No one can predict what /when…...
Step 6. Assignment
Finish Wb Ex 2on page 117
Period 2.(Reading)
Step 1. Pre-reading
1. Show some pictures of highly-developed technology used in daily life.
2. group work: describe the pictures.
Step 2. While-reading
1. Scanning: Ss read quickly and answer:
What is the passage about?
2. Ss read and get the main ideas of each paragraph.
Step 3. After-reading
Comprehending by answering the following questions:
What are the advantages of future transportation, smart card, online shopping and e-schools?
What will happen in the field of health and medicine in the future?
Why is it important to be lifelong learners?
What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future?
Step 4. Assignment
1. Surf the internet and get more information about the topic..
2. find a few sentences in the passage which you like most, understand them entirely and then explain them to your deskmates.
Period 3(Language points)
Step 1. Revision
Ask some Ss to recite the sentences that they have learnt last period.
Step 2. Learning about the language
Teacher explain some language points in the text on page 43--44. Language points
1. What will the future be like in general? 大体上说将来会是什么样的?
In general 意为"一般的,大体上"
In general, people like her.
Generally adv. 通常,普遍的,大体上
We generally go to the sea for our holidays.
The plan has been generally accepted.
Generally speaking, his composition is a good one.
2.forecast n&vt 预测,预报
The weather forecast on the radio tonight tells of coming storm.
    The teacher forecast that 15 of his pupils would pass the examination.
3.one way to catch a glimpse of the future is to examine some of the major t rends in contemporary society.了解未来的一个方法就是调查现代社会的一些主要的时尚.
(1) catch a glimpse of 意为"看一眼,明白"
I only caught a glimpse of the parcel, so I can’t guess what was in it.
(2) major adj. 重要的,重大的,较多的,较大的
The car needs major repairs.
The play is a major success. 这部戏极为成功.
(3) contemporary adj 当代的, 现代的, 同时代的. 
He devotes himself to the research on the contemporary Art.
John is my contemporary; we’re both 55.
Is this musician a contemporary.
4. indicate vt  表明,象征,预示,标示
The black clouds indicate that it will rain soon.
They indicated that they were tired.
I asked him where my sister was and he indicated the shop opposite.
 Indication n. 暗示,表示, 预兆
 There’re indications that the weather is changing.
5.To ensure safety, the train is controlled by an advanced computer system.
(1)ensure vt.确保.保证
The medicine will ensure you a good night’s sleep.
He wrote one poem which ensured his undying fame.
(2)system n.系统,制度, 网, 体制
the solar system 太阳系 a railway system 铁路系统
the postal system 邮政网络 a new system of election 选举的新体制
6.regularly adv.有规律的,定期的,习惯性的
Take the medicine regularly 3 times a day.
She writes to me as regularly as clockwork every Thursday.
7.We cannot be sure whether our dreams will come true, but we can at lease be hopeful that our efforts to improve the world will be successful.
(1)句中whether our dreams will come true 和that our efforts … successful 均为宾语从句。
(2)hopeful adj. 有希望的;怀有希望的
I’m hopeful that he’ll arrive early.我满怀希望他会早到。
He’s the most hopeful man in politics.他是政坛上最有希望的人。
  Hopeful 用作名词时,意为“有希望的,有前途的”
Most teachers think that he is a young hopeful.
(3)句中 to improve the world作 our efforts 的定语
I never miss a chance to play football.
Can you tell me some basic ways to learn English.
8.If we learn to welcome changes and appreciate what is new and different, we’ll be well-prepared for whatever the future may have in store.
In store 贮藏着,准备着,就要来到
We have a lot of food in store for the bad weather.我们备有大量食物, 以备坏天气时用。
There will be a shock in store for him.他必将感到震惊。
Step 3. Practice
1. Ss finish Ex 1 and 2 on page 45 by themselves.
2. check the answer.
3. Teacher gives Ss suggested answer and tell them why if the Ss have any problem.
Step 4. Assignment
1. Learn the useful expressions by heart.
2. Finish Wb. Ex1 –3 focusing on vocabulary on page 117--118.
Period 4. (Grammar)
Step 1. Revision
Check the answers of Wb Ex 1 – 3 on P117--118
Step 2.
1. Discovering useful structures and underline the Noun Clauses in passage:
Let Ss themselves find the functions of the Noun Clauses.
2.Ss study more examples on p46.
What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict.
They are careful about what they wear.
If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different….
3.More exercises to consolidate the Grammar.
.EX1—3 on p118
Period 5(Integrating skills)
Step 1. Warming up
Ask Ss some questions about Life in the future
Step 2. Reading
1. Ss read the passage :
Where is the future going?
2. Help Ss to understand the passage entirely.
3. Finish the comprehending exercises on P121
Step 3. Writing
Finish the writing task on p 121
The following chart may be a help for making logical thoughts
Period 6. (Writing )
Step 1. Pre-writing
1.Ss read the passage onP47 and get a general idea about it.
2. Explain the skills on how to organize a paragraph.
Step 2. While-writing
1. Ss write a short e-mail to an e-pal
2. Ss exchange their writing and correct the mistakes.
3. Ss rewrite the letter again.
Step 3. After-writing
Choose some samples and show them in class.
Tips on writing:
Pay attention to the form of writing a letter.
Pay attention to the tense while writing.
Pay attention to the structures of the sentences.
Step 4. assignment
Ss in group 3-5, discuss the life in 3044
Period 7.
Teachers can use this period freely.
Suggestion: Teachers can use this period to let Ss sum up what they have learned and explain what Ss couldn’t understand very well in this unit. Teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the Ss have learned. Finally, ask the Ss to learn to definite. It is very important to improve their learning and let them have a sense of achieving gradually.




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