高三复习Unit 18(book2)(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)

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Useful expressions
1. by accident (=by chance) 偶然, 无意中
I met Jacob by accident in the cinema. 我偶然在电影院遇到了雅各布。I got the right answer to the question by accident.
2. in common 共同的
We are good friends because we have many things in common. In common with many people, he prefers classical music to pop. They are brothers, but they have nothing in common. in common 还可以作“共有”,“公有”解。
Real friends should have everything in common.真正的朋友应该不分彼此。Mr. And Mrs. Smith own the store in common.
3. get in touch with sb. 与某人取得联系
He got in touch his friends by telephone yesterday. (强调动作) Do keep in touch with each other. 务必保持相互之间的联系(强调状态)。lose touch with/be out of touch with与……失去联系
4. on one’s own 通过自己的努力
She got the job on her own. 她自己找到了这份工作。I can finish the work on my own. They offer to fetch some water for us on their own. 他们主动提出帮我们提水。of one’s own 属于某人自己的: He has a house of his own.
5. turn up 到达;出现
Something unexpected has turned up. I wonder when they will turn up. turn up 还有“旋大”;“开大”的意思, 如turn up the radio/TV
Sentence patterns
She had gone through just a few carriages before she found herself at the front of the train. 连词before在句中作“(不多久)就”解。例如:
I hadn’t waited long before he came. 我没等多久他就来了。They had talked only a few minutes before they found they were quite different in opinion. 注意before 从句含有否定的意思:The bell rang before I could finish my paper. 我试卷还没完成铃就响了。
Language tips
1. I only laid the table. 此处 lay 意思为“放置、摆放”,如: Tell him to lay the table for supper. 告诉他摆桌子吃饭。lay 还表示“下蛋、产卵”,如: A black hen lays a white eggs. 黑鸡照样下白蛋。(谚语)
2. How did you find the fish, Madam? 你觉得鱼的味道怎么样,女士?
这是一个征求意见的用语,相当于“how do you like...?” "what do you think of ...?” 如: — How did you find the food? — Very delicious. I enjoyed it very much. 你觉得饭菜如何?好吃极了,我很爱吃。
3. After they had eaten their lunch, Hank lit a cigar and got up.
light 作动词有两种意思:1)点火;生火;点燃,它的过去式是lit: He struck a match and lit the lamp. 他擦着一根火柴把灯点着。2)照亮;照明: He carried a burning stick to light the way. 他拿个火把照路。The fire lit up her face. 炉火照亮了她的脸。注意:当light用做被动语态时,它的过去式形式一般用lighted。如: This room is lighted by electricity. 这个房间用电照明。但 a brightly-lit room
4. Soon he got talking to another person who happened to be American too. 没多久他跟另外一个人攀谈起来,这个人碰巧也是美国人。
注意get doing: What are we all waiting for? Let's get moving! 动词happen + 不定式表示“碰巧”: Do you happen to know his new telephone number? 你可知道他的新电话号码? I happened to be in the market yesterday when a fire started. 昨天发生火灾时,我正好在市场上。
5. He had gone through six carriages when he found he could go no further. 他走过了六节车厢,这时他发现再也走不过去了。
掌握further的用法: He was too tired to walk any further. 他太累而无法走更远。I have nothing further to say. 我没有别的话要说了。You will get further information. 你会得到更详尽的消息。
6. At that moment he remembered that all the tickets, passports and traveller's cheques were in his jacket that he had left hanging next to his seat.
从句that he had left hanging next to his seat是一个定语从句,修饰前面的先行词jacket。关系代词that在从句中用作宾语,hanging用作宾语补足语。如:She left the girl standing outside. 她让女孩留下站在外边。When we enter her room, we saw her clothes that she had left lying around.
7. They knew, or rather thought that their father was on the same train. 他们知道,或者说他们认为他们的父亲还在同一列车上。
or rather"译作“或者”。当我们想要纠正自己已经说过的话,或欲使说过的话更确切,常使用这一表达方式: He is a writer, or rather he is a novelist. 他是个作家,或者更确切地说是一个小说家。He went home very late last night, or rather, in the early hours this morning. 他是昨天深夜回家的, 或者更确切地说, 是今天凌晨。
8. At about three o’clock Tina said, “I’m going to see what Dad is up to …” 大约三点钟的时候,蒂娜说,"我去看看爸爸在干什么…”
短语动词be up to 作“在干(某事)”(to do something)解,有时含有“密谋干坏事”的意思。例如:What in the world are you up to? 你到底在搞什么鬼? Go and see what those girls are up to. Don’t trust him; he is up to his old tricks. 他又搞起他那些老把戏来了。
另外,up to 还可以表示“应由某人负责”,“是某人的职责”,常用于句型:It is/was up to sb. to do something 如:It’s up to you to decide whether to take the job or not. It’s up to us to give them all the help we can.
9. You are to go to the hotel where rooms have already been booked for you. 你们去旅馆,房间已经给你们订好了。
you are to go … 中包含了一个be to do的结构。这种结构常常表示计划或安排做某事,相当于be going to… 如:The train for Beijing is to start at 9:00. 去北京的火车9点开。当主语为第二人称时,常表示转述他人的指示、要求。如:Your mother says you are to wait till he comes back. 你妈妈说让你一直等他回来。当这种结构用于第三人称时,表示命令或指示. 如:The door is to be closed. 门要关牢。
10. The hotel paid the taxi driver and put the charge on their hotel bill. 饭店给出租司机付了车费,并把这笔钱记在饭店的帐单上。
charge在这里是“费用”、“价钱”的意思。What's the charge for a room? 一个房间收费多少?a charge for the use of the telephone 使用电话的费用 The charge for a front-row seat is $3. 前排座位票价每张三美元。free of charge 免费 charge也可作动词:charge two dollars for repairing the bike 修自行车索价两美元 The fruit seller charged me too much money. 这个水果商要了我很多的钱。
11. I heard about the job through a friend who works in the same company.
hear about的意思是“听到;听说”,如:I have never heard about him. 我从来没听人说起过他。I've heard a lot about it. 这事我听人谈了很多。
12. I was still so angry I was determined to tell him what I thought of him. 我仍然满腔怒火,便决定把我对他的看法告诉他。
掌握determine决定、决心:Demand determines production. 需求决定生产。His advice determined me to drink and smoke no more. 他的劝告使我决定不再抽烟喝酒了。常用be determined to do: I am determined to do better than Mike. 我决心比迈克做得更好。
13. Fortunately, I was in time for the interview.
注意in time for sth/ to do sth: Do you think we can get there in time for the train? The doctor came in time to save her life.
14. The interview went well. 面试进行得很顺利。
进展;进行: The hours went slowly. 时间过得很慢。The party went well. Everything's going fine at the moment.
15. I was pleased that the manager had decided not to be angry with me for having been so rude.
be angry with somebody for doing something 意思是“因某人做了某事而生气。”如: She was angry with herself for having made so many mistakes in the English paper. 她为自己英语试卷做错太多而气恼。
16. 掌握几个单词的用法:
(1) permit允许;许可v. Will you permit me to leave now? The law does not permit smoking in the hospital. Time permitting, we'll pay a visit to the park. 许可;执照 n. You won't get into the building without a permit. All permits should be shown to the guard at the gate.
(2) charge要求收费;索价 v. How much do you charge for a haircut? We don't charge (you) anything for that. 费用;价钱 n. What's the charge for a double room?
(3) absence不在;缺席Please take care of my house during my absence. I didn't notice his absence from school. 缺乏Cold is the absence of heat. 形容词是absent 缺席的: Three students are absent from school because they are sick.
(4) track足迹The dog followed the fox's tracks into the woods. He's escaped from prison, but the police are on his track. 径赛Carl Lewis is a famous track star. 轨道These new weather satellites can follow the track of storms.
(5) book订;预订 v. He booked three seats on the plane. The hall was booked for another meeting.
Language record
In this unit I have learned to say in English:
Useful Expressions:
1.摆桌子 2.笑话大全
3.有双关语 4.有许多共同之处
5.给出租车司机付了车费 6.为……而担忧,焦虑
7.互相取得联系 8.在交通的高峰时间
9.把两个骑自行车的人撞倒 10.进展顺利
11.出现 12.独立地




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