高三复习Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin(Book2)(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)

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Useful expressions
Lesson 17
1、Some of us do not know much about the theatre. 我们中有一些人还不太懂得戏剧。
He is interested in the theatre. 他对戏剧感兴趣。
Last week a famous director gave us a talk on the theatre.
What do you do in the theatre? 你在戏剧方面做些什么?
He read an article on the Chinese theatre. 他读了一篇关于中国戏剧的文章。
They are discussing the future of the theatre. 他们正在讨论戏剧艺术的前途问题.
2、At the very beginning I choose a play and the actors. 一开始,我选定剧本和演员。
at the very beginning 这个短语的意思是“在刚开始的时候/在最开始的时候。”短语中的very是形容词,常与 the, this, that, one’s 等连用,用来加强语气,意为“正好是”、“就在”、“最……”,有较灵活的译法。例如:
This is the very book that I am after. 这正是我要找的书。
Tom is the very person that they want to employ. 汤姆正是他们想雇佣的人。
Shall I start from the very beginning? 我得从头开始吗?
right, just 也可以表示 “恰恰”, “正好”
at the beginning 起初;开始时 后可接of 结构,也可单独使用。例如:
A war broke out at the beginning of the century.那个世纪初发生了一场战争。
Jack was my friend at the beginning . 杰克从一开始就是我的朋友。
in the beginning 和at the beginning 在意义上区别不大,只是前者之后不接of结构,后者强调从一开始,从头起。at the beginning of 的反义词组是at the end of ,而in the beginning的反义词组是in the end。
They didn’t like his way of teaching at / in the beginning.
At the end of this period we put the play on in a theatre.
3、Then for a period of several weeks we practise doing the play.
及物动词practise后的宾语可以是名词,也可以是―ing形式,即practise sth./doing sth.
但不能跟不定式作宾语。本句中practise后的宾语是doing the play,不可用to do the play。下文中另有一句:We practise entrances and exits. 意思是“我们练习入场和出场”,其中的宾语是名词entrances and exits。又如:
You should practise reading English aloud every morning.
He practised the song again and again before the English party.
注意: 美国英语中practice 既可作名词,又可以作动词,但英国英语中practise是动词,practice 是名词。
4、The timing is very important ,not only for the movements but also for the lines of the dialogue.
timing 作“定时”、“时间选择”解,在这里指剧中演员的动作和台词背诵的时间配合,以获得最好的戏剧效果。
The timing in last night’s performance was pretty good. 昨晚演出的时间安排相当好。
the lines 意为“台词”,常用复数形式。
It is terrible for an actor to forget his lines in a performance.
有关 line 的词组:
read between the lines 领会言外之意
take one’s own line 干自己的本行,走自己的路
on the line 在通话中
hold the line 不挂断
wait in line 排队等候
stand in line 排成一列
get/have a line on 得到/握有有关……的情报
line on one’s face 脸上的皱纹
复习 not only…but also…的用法.
The nurse was not only competent but also kind.那个护士不但能干而且亲切.
Not only you but also she has to attend the ceremony.不只是你,她也必须参加典礼.
Not only did he teach school, but he wrote novels.他不但在学校里教书,而且还写小说.
5、 I’ve chosen the main actors and we intend to put it on next January.
1)intend: plan/mean to do sth.计划/意欲(打算)做某事,其后常接不定式作宾语。例如:
He intends to study abroad next year. 他打算明年到国外留学。
I’ve made a mistake, though I didn’t intend to. 我犯了一个错误,尽管不是存心要犯的.
Where do you intend to spend your holiday? 你打算在哪里度假?
2)intend+名(人)+to do sth.打算使(某人)……。
He intends his son to manage the company.他打算让儿子经营公司。
另外表示 “打算, 希望做某事” 的还有:
plan to, want to, hope to, would like to, mean to, decide to…
3)本句中的短语动词put on不作“穿上”、“戴上”解,而作“上演”、“演出”解,相当于perform。例如:
We put on the play in a theatre. 我们在一家演剧院上演这部戏。
put on 的宾语如果是名词,则可放在put on 的中间(put the play on),也可以放在put on的后面(put on the play);如果宾语是代词,则只能放在put on 的中间(如本句的put it on)又如:
On National Day, our class put on a wonderful performance.
A: When are you going to put on the play?
B: We are going to put it on next month.
put on a dance 表演一个舞蹈 put on weight 增加体重
put on airs 摆架子
He put on an air of importance. 他装着一副神气的样子.
Mary isn’t really sick. She is only putting on. 玛丽不是真的生病,她只是装的.
Lesson 18
1、Charlie Chaplin ,who died in 1977,is considered one of the greatest and funniest actors in the history of the cinema.
1)who died in 1977 是非限制性定语从句,修饰Charlie Chaplin。
2)consider考虑,细想 相当于think of /about例如:
He is considering a maths problem.他在考虑一道数学题。
We are considering setting up a new school in this area.
You have to consider what to do with the material.你得考虑用这材料做什么东西。
consider sb./sth.(to be)…是一个复合结构,意思是“把……认为是……,”相当于“regard
as…”。其被动式是be considered(to be )…,意思是“被认为是……”,相当于“be regarded as…”。结构中的to be 常被省略。例如:
We all considered him (to be )an honest man ,but in fact he was a cheat.
The conference is considered (to be ) a great success.
Most countries in the world consider Taiwan (to be ) a part of China.
3)句中的cinema不作“电影院”解,而作“电影艺术”(the art of making moving pictures
或“电影工业”(the moving picture industry)解。作此义解时,前边通常用定冠词the 。例如本句中的the history of the cinema(电影艺术史)。又如:
Are you interested in the cinema?你对电影感兴趣吗?
The cinema is an important form of art.电影是一种很重要的艺术形式。
2.During his lifetime ,he acted in 13 films, and he wrote, directed and acted in 69 other films.
He acted very well in the play. 他在这部戏中表演很好。
The young man was chosen to act in the new film.
act 作“扮演……角色”解时是及物动词。课文第二段中“…saw Chaplin acting a very funny part…”就是这一用法。又如:
“What part are you going act in the film?―I’m going to act a PLA man.”
She acted an old woman in the TV play.
3、At the age of eight, he joined a group of child dancers, and at seventeen he set off for the U.SA. with a group of comedy actors.(=When he was eight years old, he joined a group of child dancers, and when he was seventeen ,he started travelling to the U.S.A. with a group of comedy actors.)
介词短语at the age of …作“在……岁的时候”解,也可以用“at +数词”表示。如at seventeen = at the age of seventeen。例如:
The girl started playing the violin at the age of six.
The boy lost his father at six and lived a hard life with his mother.
set off作“动身”、“出发”解。(to start a journey)。表示“动身、出发(去某地)”时,后面要跟介词短语“for (some place)”。例如:
They set off early this morning . 今天早晨,他们很早就出发了。
She set off for Shanghai on May 6. 五月六日,他们出发去上海。
4、As a result ,Chaplin got his first film part in the States.
句中part是可数名词,作“角色”解(a character acted by an actor in a play)。例如:
He played the part of Hamlet .他扮演了哈姆雷特的角色。
She had the leading part in the film.她在这部影片中演主角。
I play the part of a journalist. You play the part of a director.
5、As early as his second film ,Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting,the one that was to become world famous.
As early as his second film… = As early as he played (in) his second film…早在他演第二部电影时…… as…as在本句中是引导一个时间状语从句,修饰后面的谓语动词had travelled。
I met him as early as 10 years ago. 我早在十年前就遇见过他。
China developed the science of farming as early as the 6th century AD.
句中the one是不定代词,作“his own manner of acting ”的同位语。the one 后紧跟一个定语从句“that was to become world-famous”。
NMET2000 --- Why don’t we take a little break? ---Didn’t we just have _____?
A. it B. that C. one D. this
NMET2002 Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _____
I will always treasure.
A. that B. one C. it D. what
“was to become”是过去将来时。这种be+不定式的结构常用于正式语体,表示“注定”或“安排”的意思。例如:
The meeting is to begin at nine o’clock tomorrow morning.
When are they to hand in their plan?
6、He wore a small black hat ,very wide trousers, a moustache and carried a stick that he swung in the air as he walked.
“that he swung in the air ”是定语从句,修饰前面的a stick。as he walked是个时间状语从句,用来修饰前面的谓语动词carried。
“in the air ”除了作“在空中、在空气中”解外,还可表示“不肯定、在谣传中”。例如:
The smell of the bad apples was in the air .
Their plan is still in the air.他们的计划还没有确定。
Nobody knew where they had gone , but there was something in the air.
7、Even his way of walking down the street and turnig a corner could be recognized as his own.
recognize v.: know again (someone or something one has met before) ; admit (someone or something) 认出;承认 例如:
I recognized Wu Dong at the first sight though I had not seen him for years.
He recognized my voice on the phone.
Zhang Hua is recognized as the best runner in our school.
8、Chaplin’s earliest films were silent films, because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed.卓别林的最早期电影是无声电影,因为在那时还没有研制出给影片配音的设备。
add…to 是“增加”、“加进去”、“把……加入到……”的意思。
She added some more salt to the soup and it tasted much better.
Can we add two more items (to the programme) ?
9.The development of films with sound became a problem for Chaplin, as he was uncertain about making films with dialogue.
be certain about/of…词组的意思是“对……肯定”,“对……有把握”。它的反义词组是be uncertain about/of…(对……没有把握)。例如:
He is uncertain about the information , so he will check it further.
We are uncertain about what to do next.
10、Two of his greatest films," City Lights”and“Modern Times”were of this kind.
介词短语of…kind作“……种(类)的”、“属于……一类”解,在句中作表语或定语。本句的of this kind作表语,指上文讲的films without dialogues, but with music。又如:
I don’t like people of that kind .(作定语) 我不喜欢那种人。
These machines look the same , but they are of different kinds.(作表语)
of the same kind = of a kind
They are of a kind. 它们全是同一类的.
11、Chaplin’s later films, however, were not well received. (=However, Chaplin’s later films were not very popular.)
be well received 意为“得到良好的反应”,即“很受欢迎”的意思,(=be popular),常用来表示书刊等出版物以及电影、戏剧等受到的反应。
The magazine “Family” is well received in China.《家庭》杂志在中国很受欢迎。
This new film is well received by young people.
12、Chaplin lived the last years of his life in Switzerland.
Live a …life, live one’s life ( live 是及物动词,其宾语与之同源)
We live a busy but happy life.
The noble man lived a life of luxury. 这位贵族过着奢侈的生活.
My grandfather lives his life in the country.
13.Before he died , he was honoured in a number of ways for his contributions to the film industry.
A. honour是及物动词,表示“尊敬”.
His father was honoured with the title “Advanced Worker.”
(1).be honoured for…,意为“因……而受到尊敬”。例如:
The teacher was honoured for his excellent work.
(2).be honored as … 作为……而受到尊敬
They were honored as national heroes.
(3).be honored to do… (= have the honor to do) 有幸……,荣幸地……
I’m honored to be with you. 和你在一起我感到荣幸.
I have the honor to introduce the great scientist to you.
(4).It’s an honor to meet you. 见到你很荣幸.
He is an honor to his family. 他是他家的骄傲.
She is an honor to our school. 她是我校的光荣.
B. contribution n. 奉献,贡献 make contribution to sth. 为……做贡献
She has made great contributions to the cause of education.
contribute v. 捐(款),(对……) 有贡献 contribute + n. + to…
He contributed a lot of money to the charity. 他为慈善机构捐很多钱.
The construction of a highway will contribute to the growth of the suburbs.

Lessons 19---20
1、The film was set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century.
be set in 的意思为“以……为背景”、“(戏剧、影片)的背景是”。例如:
The novel is set in Shanghai in the 1930’s.
The play is set in the early days of World War Two.
2. At that time, gold was discovered in California and thousands of people rushed there to look for gold, so it became known as “the gold rush”.
句中第一个 rush 是名词, 第二个 rush 是动词,意思是 “匆忙地去或来”(go or come hurriedly)或 “急促地干某事” (do sth. with violence or speed)
The children rushed out of the school gate.
People rushed up the stairs to put out the fire.
It’s not necessary to rush into print. 不必要匆匆忙忙付印.
3.People said gold could easily be picked by washing sand from the river in a pan of water.
(1).pick up 是短语动词,在本句中有 “收集到” (collect) 的意思.
Jack has picked up a large number of Chinese stamps.
(2).by 作 “以……方法”, “用……手段”解 (by means of) + - ing 形式.
His mother made a living by selling apples.
You should learn spoken English by practising speaking.
4、This was known as “panning for gold”.
be known as 意为“叫作、被称为、大家公认”。
Jia Sixie is known as one of the pioneers of farming.
Shanghai is known as the base of China’s industry.
Shakespeare is well-known as a great writer.
It’s well-known (to us all) that China is a great country with a long history.
5. pan n.
A. (指有把手的)平底锅 a frying pan 沙锅,煎锅 pots and pans 炊具
B. 选矿锅 (拣选砂金等的用具) gold pan 淘金盘
v. panned; panning (为寻找矿金而)冲洗(泥土)
pan for + n. pan for gold 淘金
6、So far, they have been unlucky in their search for gold and have no money at all.
A. so far 迄今为止,到目前为止(通常与现在完成时连用,均可放置句首,句中或句末)
We haven’t heard from him so far.
It’s reported that five people have escaped danger so far.
B.(1) in one’s search for/ in search of 搜寻,寻找。例如:
He joined them in their search for the missing child.
The boy went into the bookstore in search of some new books.
(2) search for 寻找 (=look for)
All night they searched for the lost boy, but didn’t find them.
People rushed to California to search for gold.
search sb. 搜身 search for sb. 寻找某人
(3) search…for… 为了找到......而搜查……, 在……里搜寻……
The police searched the city for the thief.
The detective searched the man for a hidden weapon.
7.Chaplin sits down at the table and eats the shoe with a knife and fork, enjoying every mouthful.
a mouthful 一满口 a handful 一把 a basketful 一篮 a bucketful 一桶
It’s harmful to swallow food at a mouthful. 大口吞食食物是有害的.
I saw him carrying a basketful of vegetables on his way home.
8.He makes it seem as if this is one of the most delicious meals that he has ever enjoyed.
It seems(ed0 as if… 看来,似乎是…… as if 引导表语从句
It seems as if there will be a heavy rain soon.
It seemed as if he had discovered the matter already.
9.Having a black hat on, Chaplin carried a stick,…
having a black on 是 -ing 短语,作状语,表示伴随动作.
e.g. He sat there, reading a book carefully.
The girls went to their dormitory happily, singing and laughing.
10.His earliest films, all of which were produced in a great hurry, are not often shown today.
in a hurry 匆忙地, 急急忙忙地
He went to school in a hurry, without breakfast.
= He hurried to school, without breakfast.
He was in a great hurry, so he didn’t see me.
11.Pick out the wrong sentences and correct them.
pick out 挑出, 选出
She is going with me to help me pick out a new suit.
He came to the library, picked out a magazine and began to read carefully.
Language record
In this unit I have learned to say in English:
Useful Expressions:
动身去美国 一开始
在二次赴美期间 上演一出戏
扮演一个非常滑稽的角色 练习登场和退场
形成自己的表演风格 抚养
为…所熟知 度过晚年




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