Unit 1-6 Revision复习教案(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

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Teaching Aims and Demands
Words and Phrases:
honest brave wise smart argue found hunt share lie feeling pronounce broad repeat native equal situation international trade communicate exchange service expression publish compare replace consider means experience vacation nature basic equipment simple normal excitement separate unforgettable disaster finally rescue advance seize swallow drag struggle fight flow fright shake strike destroy national fear opportunity touch note career role award prize choice degree speed creature adult industry owe happiness accept primary leader determine live action
fond of hunt for in order to care about such as drop sb a line make oneself at home in total except for stay up come about end up with bring in a great many at the same time get away from watch out protect sb/sth from see sb off on the other hand as well as
Spoken English: Revise the spoken English in the units 1-6.
Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech, The Attribute Clause.
Teaching aids: Computer
Way of Teaching: dictation and exercises
Lesson 1
Step 1 Dictation
Dictate the key words and phrases in the six units.
argue share native equal situation international communicate compare experience vacation equipment excitement separate unforgettable rescue advance swallow struggle strike destroy opportunity career award degree creature owe primary determine

fond of hunt for in order to care about such as drop sb a line make oneself at home in total except for stay up come about end up with bring in a great many at the same time get away from watch out protect sb/sth from see sb off on the other hand as well as
Step 2 Sentences
1. Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island where there are no people.
2. On the island, Chuck has to learn to survive all alone.
3. Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow.
4. You must be very tired.
5. People also travel to meet new friends, to try new kinds of food, to experience life in other parts of the world, or simply to get away from cold weather.
6.Wear a lot to protect yourself from yourself from the sun.
7. As with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.
8. Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel small.
9.After that it still took seven years before they finally got married.
10. When drinking to someone’s health, you raise your glass, but the glasses should not touch.
Check the dictation with the students and explain the use of the underlined words or parts.
Lesson 2
1. The Direct and Indirect Speech
A. Change the dialogue below into Indirect Speech.
The following dialogue is an excerpt from Mark Twain’s The million-Pound Bank Note.
Henry found there was a million-pound note in the envelope. HE thought the two brothers had made a mistake. HE hurried to their house and rang the bell. The servant appeared, Henry asked for the brothers.
Servant: They are gone.
Henry: Where?
Servant: To the Continent.
Henry: The continent?
Servant: I can’t say, sir.
Henry: When will they be back?
Servant: I can’t say, sir.
Henry: When will they be back?
Servant: In a month, they said.
Henry: A month! Tell me how to get word to them. It’s of great importance.
Servant: I can’t , indeed. I’ve no idea where they’ve gone.
Henry: Then I must see some member of the family. Servant: Family is away, too --- in Egypt and India, I think.
Henry: There’s been an immense mistake make. They’ll be back before night. Tell them I’ve been here, and that I’ll keep coming till it’s all right, and they needn’t worry.
Servant: I’ll tell them, if they come back, but I’m not expecting them. They said you’d be here in an hour to make inquires, but I must tell you it’s all night, they will be here on time to meet you.
B. Finish the dialogue
A: Attention, please, I’d like to tell you what to do in the coming sports meeting. Get to school a bit earlier, at 7:30 tomorrow morning.
B: What did she say?
C: (She told us to come to school a bit earlier tomorrow morning, at 7:30.)
A: Please wear your sports clothes.
D: What to wear?
E: (She asked us to wear our sport clothes.)
A: Su Peng, please don’t forget to bring your camera. (You have to take some photos.)
F: Pardon?
A: (I asked you not to forget to bring your camera.) I want you to take some photos
If it is necessary, explain the formation of Indirect and Direct Speech.
2. The Present Continuous Tense.
Fill in the blank with proper words
1). Jack ___ (work) in a network company now, and he ___ (like) it very much.
2). I can hear something outside the door. It ___ (sound) as if someone ___ (try) to open the door.
3). Grandma normally ____(live) with us, but she ____ (spend ) the last month in Hangzhou and ____ (go)to stay with uncle next week.
4). They ____ (play) really wonderfully. I ____ (think) they ____ (win) the game.
5). A: That is Alice. I ____ (not think) you ____ her before.
B: Oh yes. We ____ (know) each other, for we ____ (be) at the same school.
6). She ____ (grow) up in that farmhouse in the village. She ____ (miss) it very much and ____ (return) to have a look this weekend.
7). A: There ____ (be) a great film on this week. It _____ (be) an Oscar Prize winner. They ____ (ask) you to go with them tonight.
B: Thanks, but I ____ (see) it in only yesterday.
8). A: I ____ (try) to phone George, but he ____ (be) not at home.
B: He should be. He ____ (leave) school an hour ago.
Answers: 1). is working; likes 2). sounds; is trying 3). lives; spent; is going 4). are playing; think; will win 5). don’t think; have met/met; know; are 6). grew; miss; is returning 7). is; is; asked; saw 8). Tried; was; left
Then check the exercise with the students.
3. The Attributive Clause:
Read the text below and mark out the Attributive Clause and the noun modified by it. If necessary fill in the proper link pronouns.
Penicillin is a kind of medicine ___ is now widely used in hospital. It has played a very important part in saving those ____ have got serious diseases. But do you know anything about the person ____ discovered it?
Penicillin was discovered by a British scientist, Alexander, ____ was born on Aug. 6, 1881. After graduating from a medical university, he worked in a laboratory, where his research began. After World War I, he continued his research for the substances ____ would cure people without bringing harm to human bodies.
In the autumn of 1928, he found through his experiments that penicillin was not harmful to man but it would stop the growth of many dangerous germs. Fleming wrote a paper in ____ he described penicillin in detail. The paper was published in 1929.
The keys are: that/which who who who that which.
4. The Attributive Clause:
California, ____ official nickname is the Golden State, is one of the faster growing states in the United States. It covers an area of great physical diversity(多样性) ____ ____ uplands dominate the landscape. The first people ____ explored and settled California were the Spaniards, ____ gave Spanish names to its two great cities, Los Angels and San Francisco. 1849 was the year ____ Americans came and so was it the year ____ gold was discovered.
The reason ____ the men ____ made movies came to California was that the weather here is fine. The sun allowed them to take pictures outdoor nearly every day in the year. Hollywood, ____ lies in the northern part of the city of Los Angeles, became the movie capital of the world. When oil was discovered, people came to work in the oil field. World War II was period ____ many large airplane factories were built in California.
California, the coastline ____ ____ is 1,200 miles long on the Pacific Ocean, is also one of the country’s leaders in commercial fishing.
The highest mountain in California is Mt. Whitney, a 14,494-foot-high granite peak, ____ ____ one can look down on Death Valley to the east, the lowest point in the United States.
The answers are: whose, of which, who, who, when, when, why, who, which, when, of/in which, on/from which
Revise the Grammar the related to the above exercises.
Lesson 3
Step 1 Warming-up
Introduction of your good friend:
Get one of the students to give a brief introduction to his or her good friends.
Step 2 Writing
Get the students to write a short composition about their own experience.
Ask the students to read their composition out and go over the basic skills of writing.
Step 3 Reporting
Divide the students into several groups and get them to prepare for the film stars and the movies that they favour.
Get the students to report it out, while trying using some related words and the grammar learned in these unit.
Write another composition about Being a student with good manners.




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