unit 20 Gandhi language points(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

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同学们通过阅读课文“Gandhi: his life”和“Gandhi:his beliefs”,可以了解印度的民族主义领袖甘地的生平和印度人民反抗殖民主义斗争的历史。
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
key figure , govern , local , unrest , oppose , equality , barefooted , pray , prayer , take up arms , hard-seat , determined , disobey , mourn , keep one’s promise
Ⅱ . 交际英语
Determination , decision and insistence (决定与坚持)
1. I will do … . / I have decided to do … . / I have decided that …
2. I have (not) decided wh-clause
3. I have decided wh- + to do
4. I insist on …
5. I insist that …
6. I don’t think anybody can keep me from doing… 。
7. I’ve made up my mind not to do … .
8. Nothing can stop / prevent me from doing … .
9. I’m determined to do … .
10. We’ve arrived at a decision now .
Ⅲ. 语法学习
同学们将在本单元对复合宾语进行系统归纳。如:动词keep , have , leave , find等。这些动词的后面可以形容词、名词、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语和副词,也可以是动词不定式,或是从句。
哪些单词含有双写铺音写母 ?
双写辅音字母是单词拼写中必须注意的一个拼写规则,辅音字母双写本身很简单,但中学生往往出现疏漏,NMET96单词拼写题考查了 attentively ( 专心 ) ,书面表达中自然也会用到不少此类单词。现将《考试说明》“词汇表”中的此类单词总结出来,以便同学们集中突破。
1 . 含有 bb , cc 或 dd 的单词
rubber ( 橡皮 ) rubbish ( 垃圾 ) shabby ( 破旧的 ) accident ( 事故 ) succeed ( 成功 ) success ( 成功 ) successful ( 成功的 ) sudden ( 突然的 ) suddenly ( 突然 )
2 . 含有 ff 或 gg 的单词
affair ( 事件 ) coffee ( 咖啡 ) difference ( 差别 ) different ( 不同的 ) difficult ( 难的 ) difficulty ( 难事 ) offer ( 提供 ) office ( 办公室 ) officer ( 军官 ) official ( 官员 ) suffer ( 受苦 ) suffering ( 痛苦 ) struggle ( 斗争 ) suggest ( 建议 )
3 . 含有 ll 的单词
actually ( 实际上 ) allow ( 允许 ) balloon ( 气球 ) collect ( 收集 ) college ( 学院 ) dollar ( 美元 ) excellent ( 极好的 ) fellow ( 家伙 ) follow ( 跟随 ) hello ( 喂 ) million ( 百万 ) pollute ( 污染 ) pollution ( 污染 ) really ( 确实 ) satellite ( 卫星 ) shallow ( 浅的 ) silly ( 傻的 ) spelling ( 拼写 ) umbrella ( 伞 ) valley ( 山谷 ) village ( 村庄 ) volleyball ( 排球 ) wallet ( 钱夹 ) willing ( 乐意的 ) yellow ( 黄色的 )
4 . 含有 mm 的单词
command ( 命令 ) common ( 普通的 ) communism ( 共产主义 ) communist ( 共产主义者 ) grammar ( 语法 ) hammer ( 锤子 ) programme ( 节目 ) summer ( 夏天 )
5 . 含有 nn 的单词
connect ( 连接 ) dinner ( 正餐 ) funny ( 可笑的 ) sunny ( 晴朗的 ) manner ( 方式 ) manners ( 礼貌 ) penny ( 便士 ) tennis ( 网球 )
6 . 含有 pp 的单词
appear ( 出现 ) disappear ( 消失 ) disappointed ( 失望的 ) appreciate ( 感激 ) happen ( 发生 ) happy ( 幸福的 ) opposite ( 相反的 ) oppress ( 压迫 ) supper ( 晚饭 ) supply ( 供应 ) support ( 支持 ) suppose ( 假设 )
7 . 含有 rr 的单词
arrow ( 箭 ) borrow ( 借来 ) carriage ( 四轮马车 ) carry ( 运送 ) correct ( 正确的 ) hurry ( 匆忙 ) interrupt ( 打扰 ) marry ( 结婚 ) merry ( 愉快的 ) mirror ( 镜子 ) narrow ( 狭窄的 ) quarrel ( 吵架 ) sorrow ( 悲痛 ) sparrow ( 麻雀 ) surround ( 包围 ) tomorrow ( 明天 ) terrible ( 可怕的 ) terrify ( 恐吓 ) horrible ( 可怕的 ) worry ( 使担忧 ) worried ( 焦虑的 )
8 . 含有 ss 的单词
address ( 地址 ) assistant ( 助手 ) crossing ( 交叉点 ) discuss ( 讨论 ) discussion ( 讨论 ) glasses ( 眼镜 ) grassland ( 草地 ) guess ( 猜测 ) express ( 表达 ) expression ( 表达 ) impress ( 印 ) press ( 挤压 ) pressure ( 压力 ) oppress ( 压迫 ) necessary ( 必要的 ) possible ( 可能的 ) possibly ( 可能地 ) impossible ( 不可能的 ) passenger ( 乘客 ) progress ( 进步 ) Russia ( 俄罗斯 ) Russian ( 俄语 ) success ( 成功 ) successful ( 成功的 ) unless ( 除非 ) professor ( 教授 )
9 . 含有 tt 的单词
attend ( 出席 ) attention ( 注意 ) attentively ( 专心 ) battle ( 战斗 ) bitter ( 苦的 ) butter ( 奶油 ) cattle ( 牛 ) cotton ( 棉花 ) matter ( 事情 ) pretty ( 美丽的 ) settle ( 安排 )
二、词形变化时要求双写辅音字母的单词如下列动词:beg ( 乞讨 ) ,drag ( 拖 ) ,drop ( 滴下 ) ,fit ( 适合 ),get ( 得到 ) ,hit ( 击中 ) ,let ( 让 ) ,nod ( 点头 ),put ( 放 ) rob ( 抢 ),rot ( 腐烂 ),rub ( 擦 ) ,set ( 放 ) ,ship ( 装船 ) ,shop ( 购物 ),shut ( 关闭 ) ,sit ( 坐 ) ,slip ( 滑动 ) ,sob ( 哭泣 ) ,spit ( 吐痰 ),step ( 走 ) ,swim ( 游泳 ) whip ( 鞭打 ),win ( 获胜 ),wrap ( 包 )
( 以下为双音节词 ) control ( 控制 ) ,equip ( 装备 ), forbid ( 禁止 ) ,forget ( 忘记 ) ,permit ( 允许 ) ,regret ( 后悔 ) ,quarrel ( 吵架 ) ,travel ( 旅行 ),
形容词如:big ( 大的 ) fat ( 胖的 ) thin ( 瘦的 ) wet ( 湿的 ) a three - legged chair ( 一把三条腿的椅子 )
1. determined决意的,已决定的
He is determined to give up smoking and drinking .
We were encouraged by her determined look . 我们被他坚决的表情所鼓舞。
〖点拨〗be determined to do = make up one’s mind to do
2. disobey不服从,不顺从
It’s wrong for you to disobey these rules .
Drivers dislike driving on icy roads , don’t they ?
〖点拨〗dis- 是一个否定前缀。有此类词出现时,其后的反意疑问句仍用否定式。中学常用的这类词还有:disadvantage , disagree , disappear , disappointed , discourage , dishonest。
1. win independence from从……控制下赢得独立
2. the key figure关键人物
3. on his return to在他返回到 …… 的时候
4. be thrown off a train从火车上被赶了下来
5. lack of缺乏
6. play an important role in在……起重要作用
7. pass further laws又通过了一些法令
8. be honoured a hero被尊为英雄
9. demand an end to要求结束
10. have a gift for有……天赋
11. think up ways of想出办法
12. make a point阐明一个观点
13. make personal gain获得个人利益
14. take up arms拿起武器
15. turn his body to ashes把他的身体变成灰烬
16. as follows如下
17.by force通过武力
18. have expensive tastes喜欢富贵;贪图享受
19. leave sb in peace别打扰某人
20. put one’s request in writing把要求写在纸上
21. follow sb on his walk to跟着某人步行到
22. start the ball rolling开始发言;开始活动
23. travel first class坐一等舱
24. leave sb in a difficult position使某人处于困境
25. call sb names辱骂某人
26. make a copy of抄写一份
1 . Even before India won independence from its British rulers…甚至在印度从英国统治者手中获得独立以前……
〖明晰〗win(gain, achieve)independence from 从……控制下赢得独立。
independence为不可数名词“独立,自主,自立”其形容词为independent, 其搭配为be independent of“离……独立;和……无关”。如:
The broadcasting corporation is proud of its independence of Government .
2 . This experience was to change his life . 这次经历后来改变了他的生活。
He detailed his experiences at the Olympic Games .
Travelling in China was a pleasant experience I'll never forget .
have much experience in/of… 在……经验丰富/a teacher with 15 years' experience 有15年教龄的老师/learn ( …) by experience 从经验中学/an experienced artist 一个经验丰富的艺术家。
China has experienced great changes over the past 15 years .
(2)to change his life为不定式作表语。不定式作表语可表达主语的内容。如:
My plan is to make better use of these materials .
3 . South Africa passed further laws designed to make life difficult for non-whites . 南非通过更多的法令,企图给非白人的生活造成困难。
〖明晰〗(1)further为far的比较级之一,表抽象的“更多的,进一步的, 另外的”之意, further在现代英语中也常用于表距离( = farther) 指“更远的, 较远的”, further还可作动词表“促进,推进,助长”。如:
Have you any further questions to ask ?
take further action采取进一步的行动
He can swim further than I can .
His support furthered the cause of peace .
(2)designed to…是过去分词短语作laws的后置定语。design作动词有“设计; 谋 划;策划;打算”之意,其常见搭配为:by design故意地。
4 . Gandhi returned to India in 1915 and was honoured as a hero . 甘地于1915年回到印度,被授予英雄的称号。
〖明晰〗be honoured as被尊为……。honour作动词是“尊敬;尊重;向……表示敬意; 给……以荣誉;给……授勋”之意。如:honour revolutionary martyrs 向革命烈士致敬/be honoured with the degree of Ph . D . 被授予哲学博士学位。
I will always feel honoured that I have the opportunity to meet with you here .
5 . Gandhi was much more than a clever lawyer… 甘地远非是一名聪明的律师……
〖明晰〗more than在口语中常作“非常,极其;超出……的”讲。在书面语中是“远非,比……更”作。如:
They are more than willing to help .
Hibernation is more than sleep .
China Daily is more than a newspaper . It also enlarge our views .
6 . Above all, he refused to make any personal gain from his political work . 尤为重要的是,他不愿意从他的政治工作中谋私利。
〖明晰〗make personal gain from 从……谋取个人私利。 make 可作“挣得, 赚得”如:make a living by + ing 靠干……谋生,make money 赚钱,make one's fortune 发财,make millions in oil 在石油上获利千百万元。
gain作名词有“获得的东西, ( - s) 收益, 利润”之意。 如:make gains at other's expense损人利己,ill-gotten gains不义之财。
7 . All his life he reached out for the truths of spirits and gods . 他的一生都在追求神灵的真谛。
〖明晰〗reach out for (臂、足)伸出。在本课相当于be engaged in, be devoted to . 如:
Lincoln reached out for the slaves' freedom . 林肯为使奴隶获得自由而孜孜不倦的奋 斗。
8 . At the time of his death, one person praised him as follows… 他死的时候,有一个人对他作了如下赞誉……
〖明晰〗as follows 如下。如:My arguments are as follows . 我的论点如下。/The full text reads as follows . 全文如下。
9 . fairness, fair, justice, just
〖明晰〗 (1)fair 常用形容词“公平的,公正的”,其名词为fairness“公正,公平”。(含 做事)公平,公道合理,不因个人情感或利益采取不正常行为。如:
We should be fair with one another . 我们彼此都应光明正大。
She doesn't think the arrangement means fairness, does she ?
(2)just作形容词“公正的,正直的,正义的,公平的”,其名词为justice “正义,公平,公正,合法”。(常做司法用词,合乎道义,做事符合大局, 不损害公众利益。)如:
They are fighting for a just cause with the world people .
The murderer was brought to justice .
People are expecting the judges will do justice to the murder .
10 . socialism, social, society, socialist
〖明晰〗socialism 社会主义。social 社会的;社交的。society 社会; 交际; 社交界。 socialist 社会主义的;社会主义者。socialize使社会化。如:
(SEFC B3A P96)China is making efforts to build socialism with Chinese characteristics .
social science 社会科学/social system社会制度/social disease性病, 社会性 疾病
Ours is a socialist country .
11 . oppose, object, against, disagree, disapprove
〖明晰〗 (1)oppose“反对”,表示采取积极行动来反对,着重动作,反对的对象一般是较重大的事。当主语反对时常用:be opposed to,当主语被反对时常用:be opposed by。如:
He doesn't oppose the plan at all .
We were opposed by a force twice the size of our own .
I'm opposed to destroying the forest .
(2)object“反对”,指个人不赞成某事,或持有相反的意见,其名词为objection . 常见搭配为:object to+ing, have no objection to有反对。如:
She objects to being scolded in public .
(3)against 为介词“反对”。 disagree “不同意”是指平等关系的意见不同。 disapprove“不同意”指上级对下级或局外人对当事人的看法。如:
Those who are not for me are against me .
They disagreed as to when the wedding should take place .
His parents disapproved of his marriage .
12 . posses, have, keep, own, in possession of, in the possession of, take possession of .
〖明晰〗 (1)possess“占有”,其名词为possession(含占有自己的东西), 常见搭配有: in possession of“占有”(指主语占有);in the possession of “被占有”(指主语处于被支配);take possession of占有。如:
Our village possesses 15 tractors .
He was in possession of a large quantity of property .
(2)have 作“具有”是普通用语。own“拥有”的是合法的获取,具有法律上的所有权。 hold和keep作“拥有”时常有守护而不让人夺走之意。
13 . owing to, due to, on account of, as a result of, thanks to, because, now that
〖明晰〗 (1)owing to“因为,由于”,在句中常作状语,可置句首或置句未。due to“由于” 常在句中作表语和定语,但现在常与owing to换用。如:
He was injured due to(=owing to)a car accident .
His failure is due to the fact that he lacks experience .
(2)on account of和as a result of “由于”在句中作状语,相当于because of。如:
The train arrived late on account of(=as a result of)a heavy snow .
(3)thanks to“幸亏,多亏,依靠;由于,因为”。如:
Thanks to him, I'm getting better and better .
It was thanks to your stupidity that we lost the game .
When a doctor doctors another doctor, does he doctor the doctored doctor the way the doctored doctor wants to be doctored or does he doctor the doctored doctor the way the doctoring doctor wants to doctor the doctor?
1. What letter is a drink ?
2. What letter is a part of the face ?
3. What letter is an insect ?
4. Which letter goes all around an island ?
5. What changes a pear into a pearl ?
6. What’s the most important thing in the world ?
7. What’s that which is seen twice in “Every day”and four times in “every week”yet only once in “a year” ?
8. Why is the letter B like fire ?
9. Why is the letter F like a cow’s tail ?
10. What part of London is in France ?
答案:1. T — tea 2. I — eye 3. B — bee 4. C — sea 5. L 6. The letter E , because it is first in everything and everybody . 7. Letter E. 8. Because it makes oil boil . 9. Because it is at the end of beef . 10. The letter N .
宾语补语可以是形容词、名词、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语和副词,也可以是动词不定式,或是从句。宾语补足语结构在 SEFC 中运用很广泛,而且动词 make , keep , leave , find 和 feel 在新教材中出现率很高,也是学习中的难点。
〖思维1〗 keep 在 SVOC 中的释义是“使某人或某事保持在某一状态”。
1 . Keep+O+Prepositional phrase
I'll keep the box in the shade so that the sun doesn't burn the little plants .
2 . keep+O+Past participle
We'll keep you informed of the flood in the Changjiang River .
3 . keep+O+Adjective
Please keep the room clean all the time .
4 . keep+O+Present participle
Mother kept me studying during the summer holiday ; for I failed my maths exam .
5 . keep+O+Adverb
You most keep this medicine away from the child . 这药要放在儿童够不到的地方。
〖思维2〗 leave 在 SVOC 中的释义是“让某人或某事处于某种状态”。
1 . leave+O+Clause
Leave her where she is .
Don't touch my writing table ; leave it as it is .
2 . leave+O+Past participle
Before the final exam , he left nothing undone .
3 . leave+O+Past participle
Fear left her lips stiff .
4 . leave+O+Present participle
Don't leave water running to clean vegetables .
5 . leave+O+Infinitive
Leave the future to take care of itself .
6 . Leave+O+Adverb
Someone has left the bathroom tap on . 有人忘了关浴室的水龙头。
〖思维3〗 find 在 SVOC 中的释义是“发现,觉得”或者“发现……处于某种状态”。
1 . find+O+Adjective
… but I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn .
2 . find+O+Noun
I find him a very clever man .
3 . find+O+Present participle
Dusk found him crying in the street .
4 . find+O+Past participle
He found his hometown greatly changed .
5 . find+O+Prepositional phrase
They found him already in the care of a doctor .
6 . find+O+Adverb
He hurried there , but found them all out .
find 在 SVOC 中的宾语如果是动词不定式或者是动名词,就必须用先词 it 表示,然后将真 正的宾语置于补语之后。
7 . find+it+adj . +doing sth .
We found it useless trying to persuade him to go with us .
8 . find+it+adj . +to do sth .
She found it hard to keep a diary in English . 她发现用英语每天写日记很难。
〖思维4〗 feel 在 SVOC 中释义是“感到,认为”,如果其宾语是动词不定式,也必须用先行词 it 表示,然后将真正的宾语置于补语之后。
1 . feel+it+Noun+Infinitive
They feel it their duty to keep the classroom clean .
2 . feel+O+Past participle
He felt himself forced to take the action .
3 . feel+O+Bare infinitive (不带 to 的动词不定式)
While I was cooking something in the kitchen I felt the floor move .
4 . feel+O+Present participle
I felt my heart beating faster when I entered the lonely house .
5 . feel+O+Adjective
We feel the idea quite impractical .
6 . feel+O+Noun
Mike felt himself a person of importance .
〖思维5〗 Make 在 SVOC 中的释义是“使得某人或某物怎么样”。
1 . make+O+Adjective
We must make the buying of tickets easier for our passengers .
2 . make+O+Noun
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy .
3 . make+O+Bare infinitive
Man must make the earth support more people .
4 . make+O(oneself)+Past participle
If Dr . Baker is in the hall , will he please make himself known to me ?
1 . It's dangerous for you ______ the horse running too fast .
2 . He ______ it an honor to be invited to the party .
3 . The death of the president ______ the country sad .
4 . His English is so poor that he can't ______ himself understood .
5 . At the time of the earthquake , you ______ the ground shaking or moving .
6 . You'd better ______ all the windows open .
7 . If the government ______ the factory polluting the river , there would be no fish here .
8 . He returned home ______ his father lying sick in bed .
9 . They ______ him the right man for the job .
10 . The weather ______ us indoors that day .
答案:1 . to keep 2 . felt 3 . made 4 . make 5 . will feel 6 . leave / keep 7 . left 8 . to find 9 . found 10 . kept
1 . — Have a nice weekend !
— ______ .
A . The same as you B . You do , to C . The same to you D . You have it , too
2 . — Let me introduce myself . I ' m Albert .
— ______ .
A . What a pleasure B . It ' s my pleasure
C . I ' m very pleased D. Pleased to meet you
3 . — Do you think it ' s going to rain over the weekend ?
— ______ .
A . I don ' t believe B . I don ' t believe it
C . I believe not so D . I believe not
4 . — Hi ! Haven ' t seen you for ages ! You look fine !
— ______ . You look well , too .
A . Great B . Thanks C . Oh , no D . Not at all
5 . — Don ' t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow .
— ______ .
A . I don ' t B . I won ' t C . I can ' t D . I haven ' t
6 . — I'll be away on a business trip . Would you mind looking after my cat ?
— Not at all . ______ .
A . I've no time B . I ' d rather not C . I ' d like it D . I ' d be happy to
7 . — I ' m sorry I broke your mirror .
— Oh , really ? ______ .
A . It ' s OK with me B . It doesn't matter
C . Don ' t be sorry D . I don ' t care
8 . —Do you think I could borrow your dictionary ?
—______ .
A . Yes , you may borrow B . Yes , you could
C . Yes , go on D . Yes , help yourself
9 . — I ' d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday , Mr Smith . — ______ .
A . Oh , no . Let ' s not B . I ' d rather stay at home
C . I ' m very sorry , but I have other plans
D . Oh , no . That ' ll be too much trouble
10 .— Thank you ever so much for the book you sent me .
— ______ .
A . No thanks B . I ' m glad you like it
C . Please don ' t say so D . No , it ' s not so good
11 . — Would you do me a favour and give me a ride ?
— ______ .
A . Yes , that ' s right B . Not trouble C . Never mind D . With pleasure
12 . — ______ .
— Thank you . I certainly will .
A . Happy birthday to you B . Let me help you with your maths
C . Please remember me to your mum D . Don ' t forget to post the letter
答案与简析:1 . 选C。意为“也祝你周末愉快”。A、B、D有汉式英语之嫌。2 . 选D。意为 “见到你真高兴”。A、C不能用于初识他人时表示高兴。B表示“我乐意帮忙”,常用于回答感谢。3 . 选D。同意他人的观点可说“I believe / think so . ”,不同意则可说“I don ' t believe so / I believe not / I don ' t think so . ”。A,B不能用作 Do you think … ? 的答语。C表述错误。4 . 选B。英美人对别人的赞扬坦然接受,常以 Thank you 作答。切勿模仿中国人谦虚地说“Oh , no . Not at all . ”A用于惊奇或赞扬。5 . 选B。祈使句本身具有将来意义,故常以 ( Ⅰ ) will / won ' t . 答之。A是一般现在时,D是现在完成时,C过于生硬,一般不用。6 . 选D。实为 I ' d be happy to look after your cat . 之略。A、B与答语中的 Not at all . 相矛盾。C只表明喜欢那只猫,并未对是否照看猫作出回答。7 . 选B。A表示自己身体健康。C为汉式英语。D多用于对将要发生的事“不在乎”,其后多接不定式。本题中的事已成过去 ( broke ) 。8 . 选D。意为“当然,请随便用”,A、B均为汉式英语。C用于表示鼓励某人继续干某事。9 . 选C。表示委婉拒绝。A、D为汉式英语。B较为生硬,极不礼貌。10 . 选B。意为“你喜欢它,我很高兴”,A、C、D均为汉式英语。11 . 选D。意为“乐意效劳”。A回答询问某事的对错。B表示对请求的同意或许可。C用于回答道歉或安慰某人不要为某事担心 ( Don ' t worry about it . ) 。12 . 选C。意为“请代我向令堂问好”。回答A仅用 Thank you 即可。B与答语矛盾。D与答语中的 I certainly will 矛盾。
1 . The factory , where my father works there , is very big .
2. Help yourself to eat some bananas .
3. She is about ten years old or so .
4. The men who were fighting glared angrily at each other .
5. These visitors are leaving from Shanghai for Xi’an next Tuesday .
6. It is twenty kilometers far away from our school .
7. The woman is dressing for her little child .
8. The clock struck twelve o’clock .
9. It is getting dark . They still remain in the fields .
10. You need not to go with me unless you are free now .
【创新园地】答案是删去:1. there 2. eat 3. about 4. angrily 5. from 6. far 7. for 8. o’clock 9. still 10. to
Unit 20 Gandhi
四、 同步题库
1.Although he tried he would not make it.
2.Mr Wang mustn't be in Beijing for I saw him in town only ten minutes ago.
3.Look, what you've said!You would have been more polite.
4.On my first day in London I felt angry,so I went into a restaurant.
5.The hotel has a bank office on the ground floor what belongs to the Intern ational Bank.
6.It's very kind for you to invite us.Is it a special occasion?
7.Let's do it all by ourselves, will we?
8.Come her for a moment, don't you?
9.The nurse said that she wasn't feeling well, was she?
10.The sheep has disappeared one after another since last week.
11.My mother has been laid in bed for three days because of her serious heart disease.
12.If only I have persuaded him to give up smoking! He could have been saved from the lung cancer.
13.Her pale face suggested that she be ill,so I suggested that she go to see a doctor.
14.It is said that medicines were had needed in some of the povertystriken(贫穷的)areas.
15.Tom felt that he knew everybody's business better than they knew it itself.
16.The number of people invited was fifty, but a number of them was absent for different reasons.
17.We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining hardly.
18.Losing in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.
19.If we'll to camping tomorrow depends on the weather.
20.After living in Paris for years he returned to the small town when he grew up as a child.
21.We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into reality.
22.Shortly after the accident,two dozens police were sent to the spot to keep order.
23.How long can you finish the drawing?
24.Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of hers.
25.Which is a larger country,Canada or Australia?
26.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes opening.
27.In some parts of the world,tea is serving with milk and sugar.
28.These oranges taste well.
29.—How long has this bookshop been in business?
—In 1982.
30.I don't know the restaurant,but it's told to be quite a good one.
31.I can hardly imagine Peter sail across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.
32.You look as if you have seen a doctor.
33.The party the students had been looking forward to being held yesterday evening at last.
34.Reading poems and love stories are what I enjoy most.
35.It has been raine for three days since Saturday.You see, it's raining so hard now.
36.Giving more attention, the tree could have grown better.
37.We hoped each other the best luck in the examination.
38.His fathe died and gave him a lot of money.
39.Will you give me a favour, please?
40.By the end of last year the pyramid has been visited by the old man three times.
41.The thief has caught climbing over the garden wall.
42.My brother-in-law has had his supper when I called on him at six p.m.
43.There is a police are in front of our neighbour's house.
What do you think is happened?
44.If no one receives the phone at home,ring me at work.
45.On Saturday afternoon,Mrs Green went to the market,buying bananas and visited her cousin.
46.Turning down the radio—the baby's asleep in the next room.
47.That he said at the meeting astonished everbody present.
48.I remember where this used to be a quiet village.
49.He paid the boy $10.for washing windows,most of those hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.
50.I don't think this possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.
Developed is the late 1940's,computers have had a most profund(意义深远的)influence on our life today.Referred to in almost every modern activity,the use of computers will become even more wide-spread,particularly in data(数据,资料pl.)processing in such fields as education and medicine.
In the health field,computers will be used to keep a medical profile(简介)on every person in the country from the time of birth,the record being constantly updated(使最新的)on a regional computers.A doctor will send a report on a patient's symptomes(症状)to the computer centre and within seconds receive suggestions for treatment based on the symptoms and the patient's history.
Some of the most profound changes brought about by the computer will be in education.Here the machine will greatly enrich the learning process.Computer-based teaching machines will teach students at the rate best suited to each one.The concept(概念)of mass education will give way to the concept of personal teaching,with the teacher and the computer working as a team.
The use of computers in industrial and agricultural activities makes it possible to deal with many complicated problems about large amounts of data and many variables(可变物)and alternatives(可供选择的办法).In the fields of science and technology the computer has already become a necessary tool in scientific research.
1. By the use of computers, doctors can get some information of their patients
exactly and quickly.
2.In the education field, computers will take the place of teachers. That is to say,teachers do not exist.
3.With time going on, computers will be connected with many fields. So human beings can't give them up any more.
4.At present,computers are only used in science,education,medicine.
5.Future's teaching system will tend to educate students with the same character and knowledge.
6.Computers help industry and agriculture mainly solve complex problems of data and choose right methods from various different ways.
答案:(一)1.would改为could表示“能力”2.mustn't改为can't 用于否定的推测3.would have been改为should have been表示“应该做而末做到”4.angry改为hungry 5.what改为that,引导定语从句6.for you改为of you 7.will we?改为shall we?8.don't you改为will you或won't you9.was she改为didn't she 与主句呼应10.sheep为复数意义,has改为have 11.has been laid 改为has been lying 12.have persuaded改为had persuaded 表示与过去的事实相反13.此句不是虚拟语气,be 改为was 14.bad needed改为badly needed表示“急需”15.itself改为themselves 16.a number of them后面的was 改为were 17.hardly改为heavily 表示“雨下得大”18.Losing改为过去分词Lost19.If不可引导主语从句,改为Whether20.When改为where,引导定语从句21.reality改为practice 22.two dozens改为two dozen23.How long改为How soon表示“多久以后”24。hers改为theirs25.a larger country 改为the larger country 26.opening改为形容词open 27.is serving 改为is served 28.well改为good ,taste为系动词29.In 1982,改为Since 1982,与完成时连用30.it's told 改为it's said 31.sail改为sailing32.have seen改为had seen 33.being held改为was held 34.are 改为is 与Reading 保持一致35.has been rained改为“完成进行时”has been raining 36.Giving改为过去分词Given表示被动37.hoped改为wished表示“祝愿”38.gave改为left表示“祝愿”38。gave改为left表示“遗留”39.give me a favour应改为do me a favour 40.has been visited改为过去完成被动式had been visited 41.has caught改为“过去时被动式”was caught 42.has had 改为had had 43.in happened改为has happened44.receives the phone改为answers the phone 45.buying改为过去式bought46.Turning改为Turn47.That改为What表示“所……的”48。Where改为when49.most of those改为most of which引导非限定性定语从句50。this 改为it,作形式宾语。
(二)1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T




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