Unit 22 Bees Teaching plan (人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

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Aims and demands:
Importance and difficulty:
1. words and expressions: one after another, to his astonishment, come up, come to light
2. sentences:
A. Among the different types of bee, it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists because of the “language” they use to communicate wit each other.
B. To answer this question, Von Frisch and his co-worker set up a feeding place close to the hive.
C. Back at the hive they watched the wagging dance closely.
3. Grammar: Attributive and appositive clause
A. I still remember the time when I joined the army.
B. The pen which you are using is mine.
C. There is no doubt that this is the only way out.
D. I have no idea whether I will leave or not.
4. Useful expressions:
A. You can’t / mustn’t
B. Look out!
C. Be careful!
D. You’d better not do …
E. Don’t ….
Lesson 85 The language of honey bees (1)
Aims and demands:
Develop the Ss’ reading ability and have a better understanding of the text.
Deal with the language points:
Importance and difficulty: Understanding and the usage of the language points.
Teaching aid: tape recorder
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Warming up ( picture showing )
T: What are these? ------ bees
T: What kind of people are compared to bees? ---- hard working people
T: Do you know what bees feed on? ----- pollen ( 花粉 ) and nectar ( 花蜜 )
T: Do you like bees? Why or why not?
Ss: People can collect honey made by the honey bees.
I am afraid of being stung / bitten.
T: All female bees have a sting.( bite – bit – bitten )
T: What are these bees doing ? ----- dancing
T: Some are making a circle dance and some are making a semicircle dance.
What do these dances mean?
----The circle dance meant that food was near. The wagging dance meant that food was far away.
Step 2. Reading
Read the text and find out the answer and do the comprehension 2.
Step 3. Careful reading and do the other comprehension
Wb, paper comprehension , Questions.
Reading completion for Unit 21 (Lesson 85)3B DDABD DDBD
1. Which of the following statements is right?
A. All the bees live together.
B. Most bees live together.
C. Many bees live together.
D. Some bees live together.
2. The scientists can study the language of honey bees only after the development of ___.
A. the modern beehive B. experiments
C. dishes of honey D. both A and B
3. You can find out the main idea of the text simply from ___.
A. the title
B. the first sentence of paragraph 1
C. the first sentence of paragraph 2
D. the first sentence of paragraph 3
4. The phrase “tell the bees apart” in paragraph 2 means ____.
A. let the bees live separately
B. tell one bee from the other
C. drive the bees away
D. tear the bees into pieces
5. Karl bon Frisch made an experiment to research __.
A. the food of honey bees
B. the dance of honey bees
C. the hive of honey bees
D. the ways honey bees communicate
6. The marked bee told the other bees by ___.
A. making a circle to the left
B. making a circle to the right
C. performing a circle dance
D. all of the above
7. After the marked bee danced, the other bees ___.
A. danced together B. became very excited
C. seemed not to notice it D. both A and B
8. Different dances indicate different __.
A. food B.feeding places C.steps D.semicircles
9. The circle dance communicates ___.
A. the distance of food B. the information of food C. the amount of food D. both A and B
Step 4. Listen toe the tape and deal with the language points.
1 . It is the honey bee that has most interested scientists.
The scientists are most interested in the honey bee.
The honey bee is most interesting.
2. communicate with : pass information to sb. or to and animal
3. The development of the modern beehive in 1851 made it possible to design.
I found it important to learn spoken English.
I think it difficult to master a foreign language.
The storm made it impossible for them to start / set out on time.
4. spend…in doing sth.
spend …on sth
5. 先行词是way 的定语从句中,引导词可以是:that , in which , / .
eg. I don’t like the way he acts. ( that he acts. / in which he acts. )
6. again and again
over and over
over and over again
7. one after another
one by one
8. tell… apart : be able to know one from another
The twins are so much alike that we can hardly tell them apart.( tell one from another)
Can you tell the two things apart?
9. to one’s astonishment
to one’s surprise
10. The dance seemed to excite the surrounding bees.
The surrounding bees seemed to be excited by the dance.
11. troop: come or go together in a group
12. faraway adj. adv. 作定语时连写,作表语时常分开
nearby adj. adv. prep. 作定语时连写,作其他时有板有3 种形式
nearby , near-by , near by
13. wag: to shake quickly and repeatedly from side to side 摇摆
The dog wagged its tail with pleasure.
Step 5. Wb.
Lesson 86 The language of honeybees (2)
Aims and demands: Develop the Ss’ reading ability
Importance and difficulty: Have a deeper understanding of the text and develop their reading skill
Teaching aids: tape recorder and slides
Teaching method: reading and writing
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Revision
T: Do all the bees live in groups? (No.)
Where do other types of bee live? (In holes in the ground, in holes in the rocks or trees.)
What was the name of the scientist who did research into bees? (Karl Bon Frisch.)
Was Bon Frisch a New Zealander ? (No, he was Austrian.)
What was special about the beehive he built for his research? (it had only one honeycomb and a glass wall.)
How did he mark the bees? ( With spots of colour.)
What did the wagging dance mean? (It meant that food was far away.)
What dance means food was near? ( Circle dance.)
Step 2. Reading
Read the text and do the comprehension exercises:
Text comprehension 2
Workbook Ex 1
Paper comprehension
Reading comprehension for Unit 22 Lesson 86 (3B)
1. Skim the passage to figure out what the different dance dances mean and them make a choice.
Dances Meanings
A. a circle dance
B. a wagging dance
C. a faster wagging dance
D. a slower wagging dance 1.Food is closer.
2.Food is farther away.
3.Food is near.
4.Food is far away.
II. Further comprehension (Lesson 86) CCBDC
1. Which is Wrong about the further information the professor and his men discovered?
A. The closer the feeding place is, the faster the wagging dance is.
B. Bees fly a maximum distance of 3.2 km between their hive and a feeding place.
C. The speed of the wagging dance can tell about the amount of food.
D. The direction of the wagging dance tells the direction of the feeding place.
2. Professor Von Frisch did his third experiment to discover ___.
A. whether the wagging dance showed direction
B. how far bees can fly between their hive and a feeding place
C. whether the wagging dance told the bees how far away a feeding place was
D. how the straight part of the wagging dance was different when the sun’s position changed
3. “So another astonishing fact came to light .”The underlined part can be replaced by ___.
A. came up B. was discovered
C. remained unknown D. needed to be checked out
4. ____ can show the different position of the sun.
A. The right part of the wagging dance
B. The left part of the circle dance
C. The straight part of the circle dance
D. The straight part of the wagging dance
5. What can be inferred from the fourth paragraph?
A. Honey bees can pass news of food at high speed.
B. Man can communicate in the same way as honey bees do.
C. Man can learn something from animals’ behavior.
D. The expression “to make a beeline for someone or something” was used centuries ago.
Step 3. Language points
Underline the language points
Step 4. Practice
Practice 3
Note making 4
Wb. Ex 2
Homework : Note making 4
Wb Exercises
Unit 22 Lesson 85~86 Language points
Correct the mistakes if any.
1. It was in this house which we lived last year. that
2. Where was it Mr. Smith met his friend yesterday? That
3. It is this house that we lived in last year. 定语从句 (此句的主句为一般现在时,从句为过去时,显然不是强调句。)
4. It was in this house that we lived last year. 强调句。强地点状语
5. It was this house that we built last year. 强调句。 强调宾语
6. The development of modern beehive in 1851 made that possible to design experiments to research the language pf honey bees. it
7. The music made this possible for you to fall asleep. it
a. It 在句中可作代词(前面提到过的事物或一个句子, 或一个部分)
---- Look at that girl on the stage . She is already fifty.
----You are joking. She doesn’t look it.
b. it 也可作强调 it
c. It 作形式主语或形式宾语
8. Many people criticized me , but I did what I thought it was right.
9. The twins are so much alike that we can hardly say them apart. tell
tell 常与 can, could , be able to 连用表示区分。识别。
tell… from
10. I don’t like the way which he acts ./ he speaks to his mother. That . in which . /
11. I don’t like the way in which he told me to learn English.
he learned English. Which . that
在定与从句中,当先行词是 way 时,如果在从句中作状语用 that, in which, /;
而在从句中作宾语则用 that , which.
11. In his surprise , he found nobody in the classroom. To
to one’s surprise , astonishment, pleasure, anger, disappointment, joy , delight , happiness…
12. The game was over and the players trooped to home .
go home
troop home
on one’s way home
14. The house is not faraway. Far away
Faraway :作定语时常连写;作表语、状语时则分开。
Nearby : 可作定语、状语,既可连写(nearby)也可分开(near by ) 还可加连字符号( near-by )
15. I saw her going to a near-by post-box before lunch.
16. They live nearby ---- less than a kilometer.
17. He gave up his seat to the old man standing near by.
18. What I want is to get farther education. Further
19. Translate:
The farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.
The more he gives his children , the more they want.
The sooner you do it, the better it will be.
20. So another astonishing fact came into light. To
21. 这笔钱直到那位老人临死才透露出来。
The money didn’t come to light until the old man was going to die.
21. The number of students in our class are 53. is
22. A number of students in our class is out by the lake. are
23. Now we have flew a distance of about 2000 kilometers. flown
24. As he spoke he made a beeline to the door. for
make a beeline for 走直路, 走近路
head for 前往(某地)
Step 2. Exercises (useful expressions )
Fill in the blanks with a proper word.(Unit 22)
1. In order to tell the bees apart, he painted some bees with little spots of colour.
2. We set out in search of / for the lost child on a stormy night.
3. A new hospital will be set up next to our school.
4. After a short while , a line of bees fly to and from the hive like a thin stream.
5. Go upward along the path, you’ll find the temple on the top of the hill.
6. The students came into the classroom one after another.
7. He cares more for music than for anything else.
8. When Jack arrived there, he learned Mary had been away for almost an hour.
9. We’ll play a game . Please stand in rows.
10. Don’t get close to the river. It’s dangerous.
11.We solve the problems as soon as they came _up__.
12. Where was it _that__ Mr. Smith met his friend yesterday.
13. The suggestion was made _that__ shops remain open till ten in the evening.
14. Was it because of illness _that__ Tom was absent from school?
Step 3. Practice
Correct the mistakes if any ( Lesson 85~86)
1. It was in this house which we lived last year.
2. Where was it Mr. Smith met his friend yesterday?
3. It is this house that we lived in last year.
4. It was in this house that we lived last year.
5. It was this house that we built last year.
6. The development of modern beehive in 1851 made that possible to design experiments to research the language pf honey bees.
7. The music made this possible for you to fall asleep.
8. ---- Look at that girl on the stage . She is already fifty.
----You are joking. She doesn’t look so.
9. Many people criticized me , but I did what I thought it was right.
1. The twins are so much alike that we can hardly say them apart.
2. I don’t like the way which he acts ./ he speaks to his mother.
3. I don’t like the way in which he told me to learn English./he learned English.
4. In his surprise , he found nobody in the classroom.
15. The game was over and the players trooped to home .
16. The house is not faraway.
17. I saw her going to a near-by post-box before lunch.
18. They live nearby ---- less than a kilometer.
19. He gave up his seat to the old man standing near by.
20. What I want is to get farther education.
21. 译:The farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.
22. So another astonishing fact came into light.
23.The number of students in our class are 53.
24. A number of students in our class is out by the lake.
25. Now we have flew a distance of about 2000 kilometers.
26. As he spoke he made a beeline to the door.




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