高三Unit 18教案及练习(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

rush sb.off his feet, change, action, repair, work on, fix up
1) It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet.
2) What is more, this “information line” operates 24 hours a day.
3) It did not take the firefighters long to put out the fire, and they at once started to look for causes of the fire.
4) They had to work inside the ship, cutting away old metal, fixing new metal plates, drilling holes, laying electrical and phone wires and fixing new pipes for water and steam.
3.语法 复习-ing形式,to do和表达等
1) May I speak to…? 2) Hello.Who's that speaking? 3) I called to tell you…4) Hold on, please 5) Wait a moment.6) Can I take (leave) a message?
三、 难点讲解
The man who had fixed up the air line was also questioned.
1.fix up
1) They are busy fixing up the lights.他们在忙着安装灯光设备。
2) Wait until I get fixed up.稍等一下,我把仪容打扮整齐。
Let's fix up a date (a time and place ) for the meeting.我们来决定聚会的日期(时间和场所)吧。
I will fix you up for the night。我来为你安排今晚的住宿。
They are fixed the matter up now.他们现在已把问题解决了。
2.fix…up with为……准备(提供)。例如:
1)I fixed him up with a job.我给他安排了一个工作。
2)Can you fix me up with a room for three nights? 你能替我安排住三个晚上的房间吗?
1.foreign A.chain B.remain C.receive D.bargain
2.frequent A.repay B.relative C.remind D.declare
3.position A.explode B.prison C.honour D.condition
4.danger A.language B.orange C.blanket D.single
5.fuel A.cruel B.tour C.due D.pure
6.In order to ______ the flood, the soil on the hillside must be held by planting more trees.
A.clear up; in order
B.hold up; in place
C.put up ; in the place
D.call off ; in time
7.______ the Party's help, the villagers moved into new houses soon after the big flood.
A.Thank to
B.Thanks to
C.To thank
D.Thank for
8.----______ can I do with such a situation?
----Take ______ measure you consider best.
A.How ; whichever
B.What ; whatever
C.How; Whatever
D.What; whichever
9.You look ______ in blue while red clothes are nice her.
A.well; for
B.good ; on
C.well ; to
D.good ; at
10.You'll make mistakes if you do things ______.
A.in a short while
B.in a minute
C.in a hurry
D.at the same time
11.The manager, ______, stopped to apologize to the workers.
A.realize his mistake
B.realized his mistake
C.to realize his mistake
D.his mistake realized
12.Hardly ______ to the cinema ______ the film began.
A.had he got; than
B.he had got; when
C.did he get; than
D.had he got; when
13.All life on the earth ______ on the sun.
14.That boy works hard, I ______ him to succeed in the exam.
15.Father will not ______ us to use his recorder.
16.______ plastics, the machine is light in weight.
A.To make of
B.Having made
C.To be made of
D.Made of
17.I'm sure all will go well as ______.
A.to be planned
B.being planned
D.having planned
18.----We are having our daughter's wedding at the end of the summer.Do you think you ______?
----I'll do my best, but I think I'll be away then.
A.can see it
B.can make it
C.can see to that
D.can make that
19.Although she was listening, she didn't hear ______ because there was so much noise.
A.what he says
B.what did he say
C.what he was saying
D.what was he saying
20.Where and how to find him ______ to us.
A.is not known
B.are not known
C.don't know
D.doesn't know
21.Liverpool ______ yet.What's wrong?
A.don't score
B.doesn't score
C.hadn't scored
D.haven't scored
22.______ we should close the shop has not been discussed.
23.They decided not to make a trip to Tibet ______.
A.but stay at the present place
B.instead of staying at the place
C.but to remain where they were
D.so they remained at the place they were now
24.Come here and stay with us for a moment, ______?
A.will you
B.shall you
C.don't you
D.aren't you
25.----You did very well on your test.
A.Oh, no ! I was worried
B.That's terrific ! I was worried
C.That's all right.Thank you
D.Sure.That sounds good
A gentleman put an advertisement in a newspaper for a boy to work in his office. 26 nearly fifty persons who came for the 27, the man selected (挑选) one and dismissed(打发)the 28.
“I should like to 29 ,” said a friend, “the reason you 30 that boy, who brought not 31 a letter, not a single recommendation (推荐信).”
“You are wrong,”said the gentleman.“He had a great 32.He wiped his feet in front of the 33 and closed it 34 him, showing that he was 35.He gave his seat immediately 36 that old man, showing that the was kind and 37.He took off his cap 38 he came in and answered my 39 quickly, showing that he was 40 and gentlemanly.”
“All the 41 stepped over the book which I had purposely put on the 42.He picked it up and 43 it on the table; and he waited of his 44 instead of pushing and crowding.As I 45 him, I 46 his tidy clothing, his neatly 47 hair and his clean 48.Can't you see that these things are 49 recommendations? I consider them more 50 than letters.”
26.A.In B.For C.Of D.Among
27.A.job B.office C.work D.advertisement
28.A.all B.some C.boys D.others
29.A.see B.have C.tell D.know
30.A.asked for B.preferred C.took D.brought
31.A.yet B.still C.even D.already
32.A.many B.a lot C.so D.such
33.A.door B.house C.window D.room
34.A.before B.behind C.at D.by
35.A.kind B.helpful C.strict D.well-mannered
36.A.up B.to C.for D.in
37.A.thankful B.friendly C.ordinary D.hopeful
38.A.as B.while C.which D.where
39.A.questions B.telephone C.letter D.advertisement
40.A.silly B.foolish C.bright D.slow
41.A.friends B.people C.gentlemen D.workers
42.A.desk B.tale C.ground D.floor
43.A.lay B.placed C.threw D.dropped
44.A.place B.work C.turn D.position
45.A.spoke B.said to C.talked to D.told
46.A.noticed B.realized C.knew D.recognized
47.A.washed B.combed C.made D.cut
48.A.finger nails B.shoe C.hats D.jacket
49.A.false B.very C.indeed D.right
50.A.interesting B.exciting C.attractive D.important

Tom was a writer.He wrote detective stories for magazines.One evening he could not find an end for a story.He sat with his typewriter (打字员) in front of him, but he had no idea.So he decided to go to the cinema.
When he came back, he found that he had a visitor.Someone had broken into his flat.The man had a drink, smoked several of Tom's cigarettes and had read his story.The visitor left Tom a note: “I have read your story and I don't think much of it.But if you become a successful writer, I'll return.”
Tom read the burglar's (资贼) suggestions.Then he sat down and wrote the rest of the story.He is still not a successful writer, and he is waiting for the burglar to return.Before he goes out in the evening, he always leaves a half-finished story near his typewriter.
51.The man came to Tom's flat to ______.
A.steal something
B.have a drink
C.see Tom
D.read Tom's story
52.The man thought that Tom's story was ______.
A.rather poor
B.quite good
C.too short
D.not worth thinking of
53.The man threatened (威胁) to ______.
A.steal Tom's story
B.write more stories
C.come back every night
D.come back and do stealing again
54.Tom found the burglar's suggestions were very ______.
55.Tom would like to ______.
A.meet his visitor
B.get more idea from him
C.have his stories stolen
D.be robbed more often
AM 640 KHz
09:00 Top Chinese Songs
11:00 Foreign Light Music
14:15 World-famous Music
15:10 Chinese Songs Sung by Peng Liyuan
AM 720 KHz
09:00 Music World
13:00 Window on Chinese Music
15:00 Foreign Classic Music
17:00 Chinese Songs by Famous Singers
CCTV-1 Channel 2
17:20 Programmes for Children
19:00 News and Weather Forecast
20:05 23-part Serial (连续剧): The Times of Pecac (8)
23:00 News in English
CCTV-3 Channel 15
12:00 Music Knowledge: Piano
14:00 Music Bridge
18:00 Opera Fans Garden
19:00 Peking Opera Stars
CCTV-4 Channel 32
19:00 News and Weather Forecast
21:00 Chinese News
CCTV-6 Channel 18
16:28 Chinese Movie: Singing at Midnight
19:50 American Movie: Speed
23:31 Chinese Movie: Hardships of the Hainan Island
BTV-1 Channel 6
17:12 12-part Serial: The Third Bridge (4)
18:30 Beijing News and Weather Forecast
56.If you want to enjoy yourself in the morning, you can ______.
A.see movies on TV
B.listen to music on TV
C.listen to some excellent Chinese songs on radio
D.listen to some foreign music on TV
57.By CCTV-6 you can
A.learn what has happened in our country
B.enjoy music
C.see a lot of movies
D.see operas
58.You know what the weather will be like all over the country if you turn on ______.
A.your TV at 7 p.m.
B.your radio at 8 A.m.
C.your TV at 6:30 p.m.
D.your TV at 9 p.m.
59.Which of the following is not true?
A.Children may like CCTV-1 Channel 2.
B.You can enjoy good music only on radio.
C.From BTV-1 Channel 6 you can get to know something that happens in Beijing.
D.CCTV-6 is a movie Channel.
60.If you want to know more about China, you can choose
A.Channel 2
B.Channel 32
C.Channel 18
D.Channel 27
61.Great ______ (变化) have taken place in our country.
62.It's ______ (肯定的) that he'll pass the examination.
63.He asked the man in the water to ______ (抓住) the rope.
64.There are seven ______ (奇迹) in the world.
65.We have friends ______ (遍及) the world.
66.How many b______ of beer are there on the table?
67.Beijing is the c______ of China.
68.He t______ me on the forehead with his left hand.
69.He wrote an a______ on reading.
70.He has a large q______ of books.
After a day of work, the body need to have a 71.______
rest.Sleep is necessary for well health.The rest 72.______
you get while sleep makes your body be able to prepare 73.______
itself the next day.There are four levels of sleep. 74.______
Each is little deeper than the one before.As you 75.______
will sleep, your body relaxes (放松).Your heart 76.______
beats more slowly and your brain slows down.If you 77.______
have troubles falling asleep, some people suggest 78.______
breathing slowly and deeply and the other people 79.______
believe that drink warm milk will help make you 80.______
sleepy.Will you try them both?




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