Teaching plan for this unit 15(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

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Aims and demands:
Importance and difficulty:
1. Words and expressions:
dip into, look our for, refer to , get at , respect, enlarge, digest, come across
2. Important sentences:
1) Imagine that you have found a good story, and , what is even more important, the time to enjoy it.
2) Do not start a book unless you can see from the first few pages that it is one you can easily read and understand.
3) The more we practise, the better we get at listening to speech in a foreign language.
4) Then it will be someone else’s turn.
3. Grammar:
1) If he comes, I will let him know.
2) You’re always making the same mistake.
3) I didn’t expect to meet you here.
4) If you have finished reading the magazine before I leave, please give it back to me.
5) He suddenly remembered that he hadn’t locked the door.
6) Given more time, we could finish it.
7) The ground is wet. It must have rained last night.
4. Useful expressions:
1) Would you like to …?
2) I’d like to invite you to…?
3) Have dinner with us , will you?
4) Yes, I’d love to ….
5) I’d love to , but……
Lesson 57 On reading
Aims and demands:
1. Develop the Ss’ four skills , listening , speaking, reading and writing ability.
2. Let them know how to read different kinds of books.
Importance and difficulty:
Let them have a good understanding of the text and do the deeper understanding comprehension .
Teaching methods:
Reading and comprehension
Teaching aids:
Tape recorder and some slides
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. New words
Step 2. Warming up
Discussion: 1. What do you enjoy reading most?
2. What do you enjoy reading least?
3. What good books have you read recently?
4. What good stories have you read?
Step 3. Fast reading
Read it quickly and find the answers to the two questions at the top of the text.
1. What are the three methods of reading which are described?
Tasting, swallowing, and chewing-and-digesting.
2. What is the most important piece of advice in the text?
Enjoy your reading.
Step 4. Careful reading
Read it carefully and have a good understanding of the text.
Complete the following form on reading .
Situation What you should do
If you pick up a travel book just to read it before going to sleep It is enough for you to dip into it and read bits here and there. This is “tasting”.
If you have found a good story and the time to enjoy it You might go over it quickly from the beginning to the end, for it is so good that you cannot put it down. This is “swallowing”.
If the book you have is on a subject that you are interested in You will want to “chew and digest it”.
Read it slowly and carefully.
If it is not a story You may get an idea of the organization of the book. Read the back cover and the introduction. Look at the pictures and the short texts below them. Turn to the front of the book and look at the contents.
When you read a book for the first time You read a chapter quickly to get a general idea. Then, if you wish, you can read it once again more slowly.
When you want to use a dictionary You should know that you use it when necessary. Do not stop every time you come to a work or phrase you do not know. Quite often you will find the unknown word appears again, perhaps several times, and by the end of the chapter you will have guessed its meaning.
If you do not know what to read You may start by making a list of all the types of books that you enjoy reading in Chinese.
Step 5. Comprehension
Number these subjects in the order in which they occur in the text.
Page 14.
Step 6. Note making.
Write down in your own words the advice the writer gives in the text. Page 14
Step 7. Workbook
Step 8. Comprehension exercises---- paper
Step 9. Listening and find out the importance and difficulty
Homework. ABC
Lesson 58 The art of being a good listener
Aims and demands:
1. Develop the Ss’ four skills: listening , speaking , reading and writing ability.
2. Teach them how to be a good listener.
Importance and difficulty:
Have a deeper understanding of the text and do the comprehension exercises.
Teaching methods: reading and speaking
Teaching aids: tape recorder and some slides .
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Warming up
Ask Ss what they have learnt about reading in the previous lesson.
Ask them to talk about any techniques of their own which they find useful.
Step 2. Presentation and reading for general understanding
Read the title of the text aloud and get the Ss to talk about the Chinese character ting in the picture.
聽 Read the two comprehension questions aloud, then allow the Ss enough time to read the text and compare their answer in pairs.
1) Mainly about listening to people.
2) Both advice and information.
Step 3. Reading carefully
When you listen to someone,
what should you do?
Look at the speaker as Listen with complete
a sign of respect . attention, and with
complete respect for
the other person.
You should look at the speaker as a sign of respect while you are listening.
You should listen with complete attention , and with complete respect for the speaker.
More tips on First …
becoming a Second …
good listener Third …
1)Take turns to listen.
Don’t all try to speak at the same time when you are in a group.
Listen without interrupting, and stop other people from interrupting.
2)Do not give advice when your friends have problems. Ask some questions instead, such as “What do you want? How do you feel about it? What are you afraid might happen?”
3) Listen and be quiet while others are talking.
Step 4. Note making and discussion
Step 5. Workbook
Step 6. Comprehension exercise ----paper exercises
Lesson 57~58
Aims and demands:
Grasp the language points.
Importance and difficulty:
Let them know the usage of the language points.
Teaching aids:
Some slides and a small blackboard.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Translation
1. 有些书是应当尝尝滋味的,有些书是应当吞下去的,有少数书是应当咀嚼和消化的。
Some books are to be tasted , others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested
be +不定式的被动式结构表示“某事应当/ 必需如何做”的意思,常用在通知和说明书里。
The books you borrowed are to be returned before July 5. (应当于7月5日前归还)
This medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals. (此药一日三次,饭后服用)
子女“下达命令”。be +不定式结构通常用来表示“按计划或安排将要做的事情”,或表示上级对下级,父母对子女“下达命令”。
The train is to arrive in Beijing at 10:30.
You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.
be to do 事先安排好的
be going to do 个人打算,看法
be about to do 最近的将来马上就要发生
I’m to meet him at the station. (双方约好)
I’m going to meet him at the station.(个人打算)
It is enough to dip into this kind of book (it) and read bits here and there.
dip into 浏览,翻阅
I haven’t read that book seriously , I’ve only dipped into it. (翻阅)
Each student dipped a finger into the mixture and sucked it. (伸入)
Don’t stop every time you come to a word or phrase you don’t know.
every time 一。。。就。。。(从属连词,引出表示时间的状语从句)
He copies it down every time he comes to a good sentence.
Make a sentence……
4.你有什么特别嗜好或特别喜爱的体育运动吗?如果有, 你就该找一些有关的书籍,文章或杂志来读。
Are there any hobbies or sports you particularly like ? If so, look out for books , articles or magazines about them.
If so… (如果这样) 是承接上文而来的一个省略句
look out for 寻找(留心找)
look for 寻找(动作)
look out 当心,留心
He has been looking out for a new job for half a year.
He has been looking for a job for half a year.
There are two meanings of the phrase “listening skills”. One refers to the type of listening practice which we do when learning a foreign language .The other meaning is about / (refers to) the art of being a good listener to other people.
refer to …
when doing…
6.我们练习得越多,就越能更好地听懂用外语所说的话。be good at listening to speech
The more we practice, the better we get at listening to speech in a foreign language.
get better at doing = be better at doing … 更善于做…
be good at
So when you listen to someone , you should listen with complete attention, and with complete respect for the other person.
with complete attention (作方式状语,修饰listen)
with complete respect
show / have respect to (for ) sb. (对……尊敬)
Often, all we need is a good friend who will listen to us while we “talk things through” .
talk… through 充分讨论/ 把话说完
We talked the plan through for nearly an hour.
After three long meetings , the question seemed to be talked through.
Step 2. Exercises




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