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Feed: vt.喂养, 饲养, 放牧, 靠...为生
I am feeding the children. 给孩子们喂饭
Have you fed the animals? 你喂过动物了吗?
句型:feed sb\sth on(with) sth = feed sth to sb\sth
句型:feed sb\sth sth(不常见)
I feed wheat to cattle. (= I feed cattle on\with wheat.) 我用小麦喂牛。
I fed fish to the cat. = I fed the cat fish.我把鱼喂给了猫
Rabbits feed chiefly on grass.兔子以草为主食。
辨析:feed on与 live on
1 在表示动物以……为食时可以互换。
Rabbits feed chiefly on grass. = Rabbits live chiefly on grass.
2 live on可以用于人,作“以……为主”,可接食物或生活来源
Babies live on milk.
The old man lives on a small pension.老人靠一小笔退休金生活。
Follow: v
Follow me, please.
Monday follows Sunday.
I don’t follow your meaning.我不懂你的意思。
I can’t follow you.我听不懂你说的。
He likes to follow people.
You should follow the rule.你应当遵循这个规则。
Follow this road to the bus stop.沿着这条路走到汽车站。
Follow Lei Feng’s fine example.学习雷锋好榜样。
vi.跟随, 接着
You go first and I will follow.你先走,我随后就到。
Grow: vt.种植, 栽培, 培育
The farmer grows many trees on the hill.
He grows vegetables. 他种植蔬菜。
She is growing her hair.她正在留长发。
vi.生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高
Rice grows in warm climates. 稻子生长在温暖的地区。
The trees are growing well.
How quickly the baby is growing! 这个婴儿长得多么快啊!
The city is growing fast. 城市正在飞速发展。
He is growing old. 他渐渐老了。
词组:grow into成长为; 变得成熟有经验
He's grown into a fine young man. 他已长成一个有教养的青年人。
词组:grow up长大;长成;成年
She has grown up.她已经长大了。
Hear: vt.听到, 听说, 听取, 审理, 允许
Can you hear the signal? 你能听到这信号吗?
I heard a loud noise. 我听见一声巨响。
She listened but could hear nothing.她注意听了, 但什么也听不见。
vi.听见, 听到
I heard about your accident.我听说你出车祸的事了
I have never heard about him.我从未听说过他。
句型hear from收到…的来信、电话或传达来的信息
I hear from my mother every month.我每月都接到母亲的信。
句型:hear of听说;得知
Who's he?--I've never heard of him.他是谁?我从没听说过他。
I've never heard of anyone doing that. 我从未听说有人做那种事。
句型:hear sb do\doing意思是“听到……在干……”。
I hear him singing a song.我听到他在唱一首歌
能够用于这种句型的动词,除hear外,还有see, find, watch等。
I often see some students at school talking to each other in English.
Sometimes we find them driving the tractor on the farm.
句型:hear (that) 从句
You had better hear what I'll say.你最好听听我要说些什么。
I heard that he was ill. 我听说他病了。
I heard that his son had gone to London. 我听说他儿子到伦敦去了。
Nobody: pron.谁也不, 无人, 任何人, 没有任何人(只作单数)
Nobody told you to go.没有人告诉你走
There is nobody here. 没有人在这里。
She likes nobody and nobody likes her. 她谁都不喜欢,也没有人喜欢她。
辨析:nobody与no one意思相同,但nobody更加口语化
Nobody\No one will listen to him.没有人会听他说话。
Nobody was hurt in the match, were they?
Pick: vt.采摘(花、果实),选择
We picked apples (from the tree). 我们(从树上)摘苹果。
I picked a book to read. 我选了一本书读。
pick the best seeds挑选最好的种子
vi (被)采, 摘
Ripe apples pick easily. 熟苹果容易摘下来。
句型:pick up
He picked up his bag.
Will you please pick it up for me?
2 (车、船)在途中搭人、带货
I picked up a young girl.
He is beginning to pick up now.
Stop: n.停止, 车站
We waited at the bus stop. 我们在公共汽车站等(车)。
The rain stopped. 雨停了。
句型:stop doing sth停止做某事(停止正在做的)
We stopped eating. 我们停止吃东西。
He stopped talking.
句型:stop to do sth停下列去做某事(停止正在做的,开始另一件事)
He stopped to talk.
句型:stop sb (from) doing sth叫某人停止做某事
What stopped you from coming?你为什么没来?
Nothing shall stop us from studying.什么都不能阻止我们学习。(shall特殊用法表决心)
The conductor stopped the boy (from) getting on the bus.
The boy was stopped from getting on the bus by the conductor.
Town: n.市镇, 城镇(尤指与乡村相对,此时为不可数)
They live in town.
Do you live in town or in the country?
A (一个地区的)商业区
I am going into town this morning.我今天上午要到商业区去。
B (一个地区的主要的)镇或城市
He is not in town. = He is out of town.他不在城里。
He went up to town this morning.他今天早晨进城了。
She is spending the weekend in town.她正在城里度周末。
1 city指大而重要的城市,还表示“都市”
London is a big city.
I was born in Paris city.
2 town通常指“城镇、集镇、小镇”,对应于country/countryside.
A town is bigger than a village but smaller than a city.
Ashland is a small town from the city of Richmond.
I saw him in town just now.
注意:go to town习惯不用冠词
I shall go to the city. I shall go to town.
Until: prep.到...为止, 在...以前conj.到...为止, 在...以前, 直到...才
1 until用于肯定句中,,表示动作一直持续到until所表示的时间为止。
We danced until dawn.我们跳舞一直跳到天亮
We walked until it got dark.我们一直走到天黑了下来
He waited until the volcano became quiet.他一直等到火山平息下来。
I will wait here until the concert is over.我将一直在这儿等到音乐会结束。
Stay here until the lights turn green.等到亮绿灯才能通行。
I lived in that city until I was 15.
Until he returns, nothing can be done.他不回来什么也不能做。
Go straight on until you come to a large building.
一直往前走, 直到你走到一座大楼。
2 not…until用于否定句中,表示动作的转折。意思为“直到……才”
She can't leave until Friday.在星期五之前她不能离开
You cannot leave until your work is finished.在你的工作被完成以前你不能离开
We can't go until Thursday. 我们要到星期四才能去。
He did not go until night.他直到夜里才走。
I didn’t get\receive the letter until last Sunday.
Lucy didn’t finish her homework until her father came back.
He didn’t start working at the factory until 1999.直到1999他才进工厂工作。
I couldn't sew until I was six. 我直到六岁时才会用针缝东西。
We can't start the job until we have the approval from the authority concerned.
3句型:It is not until…that + 从句
It was not until the next day that I learned the truth.直到第二天我才知道事情真相。
It was not until midnight that it stopped raining.直到半夜雨才停止。
4 not until用在句首,主句采用倒装语序
Until now I know nothing about him.直到现在我才知道他。
Not until he finished his work did he go home.直到工作作完他才回家去。
Not until he came to China did he know what kind of a country she is.
Wait: v.(~ for)等待, 等候
Please wait a minute. = Wait a moment please. 请稍等一会儿。
I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 很抱歉让你久等了。
That work will have to wait. 那项工作需要暂时搁一下。
句型:wait for sb\ sth等待某人或事
Are you waiting for your girl friend here?
I waited for an answer.
I'm waiting for James to arrive. 我正等着詹姆斯的到来。
Don't wait dinner for me. 别等我吃晚饭。
We're waiting for an answer. 我等着回答。
句型:wait to do等待去做某事
Are you waiting to see your girl friend here?
2 n等,等候
There was a long wait before they could get on the train. 他们上火车之前等了很长时间。
★ My job is to feed the animals, too.
此句中的不定式to feed作表语。连系动词be\seem\appear\get\remain等常用不定式作表语,如果主语部分有实义动词do,表语常用不带to的不定式。
My idea is to have a trip on Sunday.
The only thing I can do now is wait at home.
I have to get home to do my work. 我得回家干我的活了。
have to 表示“必须”、“不得不”等意思。
have to和must意思相似,但两者之间有一些差别,must表示说话人主观的看法,而have to表示的都是客观需要。其次have to有更多的时态形式,而must只有一种形式,可以用于现在和将来。例如:
You must get to school on time.你们必须按时到校。
They have to study very hard. 他们必须刻苦学习(父母或老师要求)。
Do you have to go now? 你现在一定得去吗?
Yes, I do. 是的,一定得去。
No, I don't. 不,不一定。
Do you live on a farm? 你住在农场吗?
live 是及物动词,表示“居住”,若表示“在... 地方居住”则在后面接in+地点名词,单本句中受farm 影响用介词 on,
"在农场"为固定短语 on the farm
In the country, he can hear birds sing and sheep bleating.
句中的hear...doing ...的句型意思是“听到……在干……”。能够用于这种句型的动词,除hear外,还有see, find, watch等。又如:
I often see some students at school talking to each other in English. 我常看到一些学生在学校用英语交谈。
Sometimes we find them driving the tractor on the farm.
the most delicious
the most在句中修饰多音节的形容词,表示最高级。
如:This is the most interesting book of all.
be with sb. 和某人在一起。




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