unit 3 Going Places(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

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I. Background knowledge
Tips for travelling abroad
Whether you are traveling overseas for business , pleasure or study , the best way to ensure a carefree and relaxing trip is to prevent problems before they happen . The more you learn about passports , visas , customs , and other travel basics , the less likely you are to have difficulties during your travels.
Before you go
There is much that you can do to prepare for your trip , depending on where you are going , how long you are staying , and your reasons for travelling.
1. Learn about the places that you plan to visit , such as the language , history , culture , customs and politics.
2. Learn about the travel agents , transportations , and travel insurance.
3. Make sure of the things to take , such as your ID card , passport , the right amount of money (credit card or traveller’s check), medicine.
4. Learn about the lodging , organized programmes ,
5. Learn about the places to receive mail , telephone.
6. Make sure of the things to leave behind with relatives or friends , such as names , addresses , and phone numbers of persons and places to be visited so that you can be reached in an emergency.
While you are on the way
1. How to deal with the unexpected
If you change your travel plans , miss your return flight , or extend your trip , be sure to notify relatives or friends at home . If you find yourself in an area of civil unrest or natural disaster , please let your relatives or friends at home know as soon as you can that you are safe . Furthermore , upon arrival in a foreign country , you should contact the nearest embassy or consulate to register your presence and to keep your country’s consul informed of your whereabouts.
2. Safety tips
(1)Protect your passport
Your passport is the most valuable document that you will carry abroad . It confirms your citizenship . Please guard it carefully . Do not use it for other things or lend it to anyone . It is your best form of identification . You will need it when you pick up mail or check into hotels , embassies or consulates.
(2)Guard against thieves
Coat pockets , handbags , and hip pockets are particularly the attention of theft. You can try to prevent theft by carrying your belongings in a safe way . For example , consider not carrying a purse or wallet when going along crowded streets . A wallet wrapped in rubber bands is more difficult to remove without notice . Be specially careful in a large crowd (in the subway , on buses , at the marketplace , or at a festival).
When you return
1. Return transportation
You should confirm your return reservation at least twice , and at least 72 hours before your planned departure . Whenever possible , get a written confirmation . If you confirm your return reservation by phone , record the time , day , and the name of the agent who took your call.
2. Departure Tax
Some countries put an airport departure tax on travellers , which can be as high as $ 50. Please ask the airline or a travel agent about this tax . Make certain to have enough money at the end of your trip so that you will be able to get on the plane.
II. 本单元重点词汇
1. destination --We travel from our starting point to our destination.
2. transportation -- _____ What means of transportation do you have ?
_____ I go by car.
3. experience --She had no experience of life at all.
4. equipment--A hammer is a very useful piece of equipment.
5. means --Taking a plane is the fastest means of getting there.
6. adventure --A flight in an aeroplane used to be an adventure.
7. particularly--An English-Chinese dictionary is particularly useful for the students.
8. basic --Reading ability is one of the basic skills in education.
9. separate--We separated the good ones from the bad ones.
The children sleep in a separate room.
10. normal --The heavy traffic is normal for this time of the day.
11. similarity --There are lots of similarities between the two brothers although they have grown up in different countries.

二. 重点词语
consider , means (n.), situation , destination postcard , wish , prefer , adventure , eaperience , popular , hiking , rafting , instead , equipment , backpack , tip , return , sunscreen , cellphone , protect , paddle , fallen(adj), whitewater , wear , unless , separate , times , eco-trav-el , combine , environment , normal , schedule , arrive , unpack

三. 重点短语
have to , a means of … , by boat / train / air / bus , get away from … , instead of , get close to … , take exercise , watch out(for), as with … , think about sth. go on sth , go off to a place . see sb off , say “ Hi ” to sb for sb else . protect … from … , learn about … , use … as … , arrive at / in …

四. 重点句型
1. Why not do … ?
2. How long are you staying in …
3. Adventure travel is becoming more and more popular .
4. Hiking is easy to do and doesn’t have to be very expensive .
5. Rafting is a good way to experience nature .
6. Whitewater rafting is more adventurous and difficult than normal rafting .
7. You need to learn the basic skills of … , such as how to … , how to … and how to … .
8. Eco-travel is a form of travel that combines normal tourism and learning .
9. Instead of simply travelling for pleasure , you can use your trip as a way to protect the environment .

五. 同步语法

六. 重点词语
1. consider
We must consider the feelings of other people .
That’s what we have to consider now .
The whole matter is being considered .
She began to consider what use could be made of it .
They’ll have to consider whether they can afford it or not .
We must consider what’s to be done .
Have you considered how to get there ?
We have to consider what material to use first .
He considered going to see them in person .
He is considering hanging his job .
We must consider giving it a try .
He says they have already considered over it .
You must consider well over the matter .
Let me consider .
He considered that a powerful party showld be formed .
We consider that you are not to blame .
We consider Beijing the heart of our country .
We did not consider him a reliable comrade .
Only this can he be considered a communist .
This could hardly be considered a satisfactory solution .
He considered it honourable to go abroad .
It is considered a great honour to have been invited to the meeting .
I consider it a great honour to have been invited to the meeting .
We always consider these people as our true comrades .
We consider him too young to do the work .
He is considered too young to do the work .
2. means(n , 单复数同)方法,手段。
如:There is / are no means of learning what is happening .
Every means has / All passible means have been tried .
3. wish
(1)wish + that从句
I wish I knew what is happening now .
I wish I were rich .
I wish I were a bird .
She wished she’d stayed at home . 她遗憾自己当时不在家。
I wish I would be free tomorrow .
(2)wish to do sth.
How he wished to go home !
(3)wish sb to do sth / wish sth to be done .
I wish you to leave me alone . I do not wish you to stay .
I wish the work to be finished quickly
(4)wish +宾语+补足语
I wish the money back into my pocket . I wish you a pleasant journey .
I wish him every suecess .
△ wish n. 希望,愿望,命令,请求。
He got his wish . His wish is for money . Her wish is for Christmas to come .
4. prefer 宁可,更喜欢
如:I prefer town life to country life . I prefer Dickens to Thackeray .
I prefer riding to walking . I prefer to die rather than(to)become a traitor .
I should prefer you to come the day after tomorrow .
I should prefer the report to come back here .
5. try v. 尝试;审判,考验,努力。
One should try one’s best . Please try this new hat .
Do try some Maotai .
If there is no answer at the front door , please try knocking at the back door .
He tried to persuade her to go back home , but falled .
He managed to escape from the enemy .
6. eaperience
I had an unpleasant experience last year .
People also travel to meet new friends to try new kinds of food , to experience life in other parts of the world .
He asked to be sent to the mountainous area to experience great hardships .
The old man went to university to expevence the life there .
Mary is an experienced English teacher .
7. popular adj.
(1)Jeans are popular among the young .
(2)Jogging is a popular form of exercise .
(3)I’m not very popular with the boss at the moment .
(4)Adventure travel is becoming more and more popular .
(5)popular science popular prices popular music popular novels .
8. by boat / train / air / bus .
by +交通工具(抽象名词),注意不用冠词,不用名词复数,表示乘船/ 火车/ 飞行器 / 公共汽车。这种表达方法也可用on a ship , on a train , on a plane , on a bus , in a car等。
9. get away from … 避免,摆脱,离开。
They travel simply to get away from cold weather . 他们旅行简直是为了摆脱寒冷的天气。
Now he was dead , we could not get away from our sadness . 现在他死了,我们不能摆脱痛苦。
There is no getting away from it . 这是回避不了的。
The girls get away from work at five p. m . 姑娘们在下午五时下班。
She didn’t get away until nine last night 她昨晚9时才走。
10. get close to sb / sth . 靠近,贴近
(1)You will get close to nature 你将接近自然。
(2)There were so many people looking on the big fire that the fire men couldn’t get close to the building on fire . 那么多的人在旁观这场火,结果消防队员们无法靠近起火的大楼。
11. watch out(for)当心,提防
Watch out for dangers , such as spiders , snakes or poisonous plants .
You must watch out for the traffice here . 这里你要当心车辆。
In these days you would easily be cheated if you didn’t watch out .
But watch out that you don’t get them into trouble . 当心,别让他们碰到麻烦。
12. protect … from … 保护……免受……
He protected the baby’s eye from the sun . 他保护孩子的眼睛不受太阳光的照射。
He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow . 他举起手臂护住脸以免被这一拳打中。
13. have to(一般现在时也常用have got to)意为“不得不,必须”强调客观上的必要;must则侧重于主观上的必要。
have to有时态和单复数的变化,变疑问和否定式要用助动词do(一般现在时也可用Have you to … ?)而must却没有时态和单复数变化。
He has to write to his mother every week or she gets very worried . 他得每周给母亲写信,不然她会挂念的。
I have(got)to meet my partner every Friday 每周五我必须与我的合伙人碰头。(客观,义务,责任)
You must be there on time(主观认为)
He said he had to see me about something important . 他说有些重要的事情必须与我面谈。(主观,过去时)
We shall have to help him as much as possible . 我们将不得不帮助他。(现在将来时)
For the last two years I have had to reduce weight .
As a matter of fact , Clark is having to sell his house . 事实上,克拉克现在不得不出卖他的房子(现在进行时)
If I had to choose my job again , I would be a teacher as profession . 如果我还得重新选择职业的话,我将以教书为业(虚拟语气)
IV. 语言点
1. People also travel to meet new friends , to try new kinds of food , to experience life in other parts of the world , or simply to get away from cold weather.
(1)V. to feel , suffer , or know as an experience , 常用于to experience joy / difficulties / defeat等
Our country has experienced great changes in the past fifty years.
It was the first time that he experienced the sense of happiness.
(2)n. 表示“经验”为不可数名词,表示“经历”为可数名词。
Experience is the mother of wisdom.
Our journey was quite an experience.
(3)experienced 有经验的
She is an experienced teacher.
get away from : to escape
(1)I am sorry I am late . I was at a meeting and couldn’t get away from it .
(2)You can’t get away from the fact that he is going away.
2. Watch out for dangers , such as spiders , snakes or some poisonous plants.
(1)take care (in giving or reporting orders)当心,注意
You will be in trouble if you don’t watch out.
Watch out ! The police are coming.
(2)keep on looking for 注意寻找(等候)
He has been watching out for the postman the whole morning.

3. Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.
(1)protect …from … keep safe from harm , loss , etc. 保护…不受…
Use an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain.
(2)比较protect …from 和prevent …from…
We wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun.
We wear sunglasses to prevent the sun from hurting our eyes.

4. Eco-travel , on the other hand , is a way to travel responsibly.
(1)on the other hand (可是),另一方面;而…却…
He is clever , but on the other hand , he makes many mistakes.
Food here is cheaper than in Britain : clothing , on the other hand , is dearer.
(2)on the one hand , …on the other …一方面…,另一方面…
On the one hand you accept her presents ; on the other , you are rude to the whole family . What’s really your attitude to them ?

5. If you want a normal rafting trip , choose a quiet stream or river that is wide and has few fallen trees or rocks.
It is done on rivers and streams where the water moves quickly.
Yet there are other reasons why people travel.
以上三句中的that , where , why 分别引导三个不同的定语从句。That为关系代词,在从句中做主语;where , why 为关系副词,where 表地点,why表原因,两者在句中均做状语。例如:
This is the novel that I want very much to read.
Do you still remember the restaurant where we had dinner together ?
Could you give us the reason why you were late again ?

V. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions
1. The best way to learn is to learn by _______.
2. I had hoped to take a good holiday this year but I wasn’t able to _______.
3. We had no _____ of finding out the truth.
4. _____ I admire his gifts ,but _____ I distrust his judgment.
5. He raised his arm ______ his face _____ the blow.
6. Keep the onions _____ from the bread or they’ll make it smell.
7. You’ll be cheated if you don’t ______.
8. I’ve got a serious suggestion to make , and I want you to ______ it carefully.
9. For some days the family had lived in a state of _____ because of the wedding.
10. Mrs. Carey as usual went to the door to ______ her husband _____.
三. 重点句型
1. Why not do … ?
(1)Why not have a break ?
(2)Why don’t you go back ?
(3) 如:What about the suit , son ?
2. How about taking a break ? 疑问词+would you most like to … ?
(1)Where would you most like to go ?
(2)What would you must like to do ?
(3)Who would you most like to go with ?
3. more and more + adj / adv
(1)Adventure travel is becoming more and more popular .
(2)It’s getting colder and colder .
(3)The train was getting closer and closer to us .
4. Tell sb + where / when
(1)Tell someone where you are going and when you will return .
(2)He told me that he were going home that afternoon and that he would return the next day .
(3)He said(that)he hadn’t been to India and that his brothers hadn’t been there , either .
5. You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim .
(1)Don’t come in unless I ask you to .
(2)Parrots don’t speak unless(they are)taught .
(3)Parrots don’t speak if they are not taught .
(4)Don’t come in if I don’t ask you to .
(1)Times change and so does the way we live our life .
(2)He has been to Shanghai and so have I .
(3)He is a teacher and so am I .
(4)She is clever and so is he .
(7)She calls him clever ; so he is , and so is his brother .
7. same adj pron . 同一的,相同的,无变化的。
(1)He is the same age as his wife .
(2)We have lived in the same house for 5 years .

(4)Don’t all speak at the same time .(together)
(5)She was laughing and crying at the same time .
(6)At the same time , you must not forget that you are no more than a worker .
(7)He is not very reliable , but I like him all the same .
(8)— Happy Christmas ! — The same to you .
8. separate
① Cut it into three separate parts .
② These children sleep in separate beds .
③ Mr Green and his wife are living separate(= apart )now .
(2)separate v.
① Separate the good ones from the bad .
② England is separated from France by the Channel .
③ The land was separated(up)into small fields .
9. What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use ?
10. Imagine that you have a machine that lets you travel in time . With this time machine you could travel to the past or the future .
(1)That he was late again today is obvious .
(2)The reason why he was punished is that he was late again today .
(3)We all know(that)he was late again today .
(4)Imagine that you have a machine that lets you travel in time .
(5)Is this the film(that)you saw last night ?
(6)You could visit any year you wish .
(7)Then ask three classmates about the year and the place they want to travel to .
11. Well , many people travel because they want to see other countries and visit places that are famous , interesting , or beautiful .
12. Yet there are other reasons why people travel .
(1)Please tell me the teason why you were late again .
Do you know the reason why she often goes home ?
(2)It is done on rivers and streams where the water moves quickly .
(3)I’ll never forget the days when I lived in the countryside .
13. A raft is a small boat that you can use to paddle down rivers and streams .
14. If you want a normal rafting trip , choose a quiet stream or river that is wide and has few fallen trees or rocks .
(1)I don’t need rank or pay .
(2)There are already many fallen leaves on the ground .
and yet we can still see many falling leaves in the air .
15. If you are looking for more excitement , you may want to try white water rafting .
(2)Have you tried any adventure travel ?
(3)Please try the soup . It’s delicious .
16. You have to be careful not to hit rocks , trees and other dangers .
(1)be careful not to do sth .
17. The name “ whitewater ” comes from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly .
(1)The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true .
(2)The idea that you can do this work well without thinking is quite wrong .
(3)They have no idea at all where he has gone .
(4)The difficulty lies in the fact that we have no money .
18. You also need to learn the basic skills of rafting , such as how to handle the raft , how to paddle and how to get in and out of the raft .
I have many questions to ask you , such as how to study English well , when to get to bed and when to get up …




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