unit 6 language points(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

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Restrictive Attributive Clause and Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

(二)Words and Expressions
1. Complete
① The railway is not completed yet .
② He is a complete stranger to me .
※ finish , end , completed
③ I have finished the book .
④ I have completed the book .
⑤ The highway hasn’t been completed yet .
2. for a moment
(1)For a moment I thought of playing truant .
※ at the moment
(2)I’m busy at the moment .
※ for the moment
(3)Stop discussing for the moment , please .
※ in a moment
(4)You go first . I’m come in a moment .
3. apologize
(1)He apologized for the relay in replying to the letter .
(2)The waiter was made to apologize to the guest .
4. fault
correct / mend / repair a fault
cover up faults
find fault(with)
(1)Don’t find fault with others .
※ fault , shortcoming , mistake , wrong
(2)It’s his own fault that he failed in the examination .
(3)Though he has a lot of shortcomings , he is a good student .
(4)I took your book by mistake .
(5)You should know right from wrong .
5. introduce
(1)make known by name
① She introduced me to her family .
(2)bring sth. into use or into operation for the first time .
② The boss introduced new ideas into the business .
6. none
(1)Trees were cut but none were planted .
※ no one , none
(2)No one wants to go .
(3)He gave me three books , but one of them is interesting .
7. for the first time , the first time
(1)The girl was criticized by her teacher for the first time .
(2)The first time I met her , I knew we would be friends .
※ time
I went to Zhang Jiajie , I was shocked by its beauty , I’d say it was the most beautiful place I saw .
A. The first time , for the first time B. For the first time , the first time
C. The first time when , at first D. A second time , for the second time
8. surprise
① He looked at me in surprise .
② The stranger surprised us .
③ He was surprised at the surprising news .
9. manner
① I don’t object to what she says , but I really don’t like her manner of saying it .
※ manner , way
(2)Is there a better manner of solving the maths problem ?
apologize to sb. for sth. drink to …
make an apology to sb. for sth. mean to do sth
make / leave a good impression laugh at
a pair of stare at
on the left / on the right make jokes about sb.
start with leave out
keep silent / quiet wish sb. sth.
ask for may sb. do sth
all the time keep in mind

道歉 应答
Excuse me . Oh , that’s all night .
Forgive me . Oh , well, that’s life .
I’m / very / so / terribly /sorry . It’s OK .
I apologise for … No problem .
I’m sorry . I didn’t mean to … Never mind
Oops . Sorry about that .

1. *I’m sorry . I didn’t mean to …
A : mean to do :有…意图,打算,想…
(1)I mean to go , and nothing is going to stop me .
(2)I’ve been meaning to write to you for weeks .
(3)I had me out to go on Monday but have stayed on .
*Having good table manners means knowing how to use knives , and forks , when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table .
B : mean doing 意味着……
Missing the train means waiting for another one hour .
2. Knowing them will help you make a good impression .
A. 动名词作主语
(1)Going to the movies is a popular pastime .
(2)Being lost can be an unforgettable experience .
B. make / leave / create a … impression on …留…印象
(1)I didn’t want to give you any false impression .
(2)The school made a bad impression on the parents .
3. It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate , so don’t take more food than you need .
这是一个不定式做主语的句型,其中to finish eating everything是主语,it是形式主语。

(1)It would be a pity to miss the opportunity .
(2)It was his duty to take care of the baby .
(3)It is necessary for a foreigner to get some knowledge about the country he is going to visit .
4. *When drinking to someone’s health , you raise your glasses .
*Although good manners always make you look good , you do not need to worry about all the rules while having dinner with your friends or family .
(1)While hading the apple on the top of the tree , you need to be careful .
(2)Once begun , the machine will run its own way .
5. I wish you all the best .
A. 用wish来表示祝福的结构是wish sb. sth
此外,还可以用may来表示:may sb. do sth.
Wish you good luck .
Wish you a safe journey .
May you succeed .
B. wish表意愿,希望
I don’t wish to leave my mother .
You know I wish you to be happy , don’t you ?
I wish you wouldn’t smoke any more .
6. After the starter you will get a bowl of soup but only one bowl of soup and never ask for a second serving .
ask for:要求得到或给予(常有灵活译法)
(1)May I ask for a photograph of the popular singer ?
(2)Did you get the post card I sent you asking for John’s address ?
(3)She entered it , asked for a cup of coffee and sat down .
ask sb. for sth. 向…要,请…给
(1)He asked the waiter for the bill .




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