unit 1-5 短语期中复习资料1(新课标版高二英语教案教学设计)

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Unit One
have a genius for…在某方面有天赋
It takes + n. + to do sth. 做某事需要……
undertake to do 许诺,保证
undertake sth.从事…
on the other hand 另一方面
be on fire for…热衷于……
a branch of science
debate sth. (with sb.)
debate wh- + to do sth./clause
debate on sth.
be curious about sth. 对……好奇的
be curious to do 很想做某事
be similar to 与……相似
be different from 与……不同
It is obvious that….…是显然的。
be known for =be famous for 因……而闻名
be known as = be famous as 作为……而闻名
be known to 为(被)……所知
have……in common 有相同之处
stop sth from doing sth 阻止……做什么
live a……life 过着……的生活
give lectures 演讲
a promising student
promise to do / that clause
make a promise
the top university
top student
the top news
There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问…
There is no need to do sth
Do you doubt that…? 你怀疑…?
There is no point in doing sth.
an incurable disease
use up
take measures to do sth
crime scene
be satisfied with
believe in
the other way around
reach one’s goal
come up with
be patient with sb

work on +n./pron./v.-ing 从事于,研究,工作,继续工作
go by “(时间)过去、走过、轻易放过(时机等)、依照 ”
get/be engaged to sb.“与某人订婚”
be engaged in(on)+n./doing sth.从事(工作)的,忙于……的
go on with sth
go on doing sth=keep on doing the same thing
continue to do sth/ doing sth
go on to do sth 继续做(另一件事)
dream of doing sth
the disabled
seek (for) sth 寻找,探索……
seek to do 企图做……
Turn out to be +副/+形/+to do/+that.
“结果是” “原来是” “证明是”
It turns out that ………
observe + sth / do / doing sth观察,察觉到,遵守,庆祝
what if: 万一…怎麽办
take a look at
be satisfied with sth./to do sth
make a difference
describe : (与as连用) 把……说成是
the other way around 相反地,从相反方向
unit two
reliable friends.
rely on = depend on
face (to) the south
face difficulty
be faced with 面临;面对
face up to 面对;承担
face the music 接受(不愉快的后果或情况)
be generous with sth. 对……很大方(慷慨)
go up = rise, increase
rob sb. / a place of sth
sb / a place is robbed of sth
burn down 烧毁,由于材料不足而火渐弱
burn up 烧尽,烧光; 烧起来,旺起来
more than不仅仅;不只;
rather than而不是; 与其说是…不如说是…
make sure
spiritual fulfillment
social problem
update the computer systems
make informed decisions作出明智的决定
keep sb informed
inform sb. of sth. 告知某人某事
inform sb. that/wh-…
inform sb.+疑问词+不定式
relate to sb (sth)
relate (A) to (B)
be related to
for once 就这(那)一次
= just for once=for this once=this once
develop the story 展开故事;阐述事实
develop a film
develop a habit of
develop natural resources
contact sb
have / lose contact with 和…有/失去联系
be in contact with 和…接触; 有联系
at present 目前
without effort 毫不费力
make an effort to do 努力,尽力
spare no effort to do 不遗余力
make no effort to do
adapt to
be addicted to sth. / doing sth
suffer from遭受……痛苦;患……的病
draw attention to sth / doing sth
draw / attract/ catch one’s attention
on all sides = on every side 在各方面, 到处
at the critical moment
change one’s mind 改变主意
keep in mind记住
the affairs of state/one’s family
So / As far as I am concerned,……就我而言
be concerned about / for sb(sth) 关心,操心
be concerned with sth 为某人(某事)担忧;涉及
nine out of ten十分之九 = nine in ten
the retired
retire a clerk辞退一名职员
look up to =respect, admire 尊敬,敬佩
look down on 轻视,看不起
fall in love with 爱上(表示动作,不延续)
be in love (with) 相爱,喜欢(表示延续状态)
cause trouble ( for ) (给……)带来麻烦或烦恼
ask / look for trouble自找麻烦,自寻烦恼
be in trouble处于困境,有麻烦
get into trouble陷入困境
arm …..with…. 用……武装
switch roles转换角色
read about读关于… 的文章, 获悉
an excited man一个感到激动的人
an exciting news令人兴奋的消息
a surprising story令人吃惊的故事
a surprised look一个感到吃惊的表情
the changing world
the changed world
boiling water
boiled water
fading flowers
faded flowers
a developing country
a developed country
Unit Three
be free to do sth不受约束,随意做某事
by design = on purpose 故意地,蓄意地
have designs on sb/sth 企图伤害…;企图将…占为己有
a piece/an article of furniture
many pieces /articles of furniture
for sale
on sale
have a preference for sth.
a block of apartments 一栋,一幢
stand sth / doing sth
It is convenient for sb to do sth
prefer sth to sth
prefer doing sth to doing sth
prefer to do…rather than do…
would rather do sth than do sth
look at关注
have sth. done使(让、叫)别人做某事;
go against
under construction 正在被建造
concrete thoughts
impress sth on/upon sb 使…铭记…;给某人留下印象
be impressed by/with/at sth 对…印象深刻
make a/an… impression on sb
act as扮演;担当;充当
feel invited = be attracted to
despite = in spite of 不管;不顾;尽管
fill up with用…装(满)…
be filled with= be full of
belong to +n
A is to B what C is to D.
be fit for sth胜任, 适合
stand + adj “处于……的状态”
( stand open / empty )
decorate…with 用……装饰
( be decorated with )
remind sb of sth
remind sb to do sth
remind sb that + clause
compare sth with sth
compare sth to sth
compare with/to (一般做状语)
set aside = put aside 把……放在一边;搁置;拨出;不理会;取消
for rent 供出租(的)
rent sth(out) to sb把…出租给…
rent sth from sb 从…处租用…
rent at / for sth 以一定租金出租…
with the development of 随着…的发展
develop into 发展成为
works of art艺术品
take examples from从… 中获得设计模式
modern - looking看起来现代化的
in and around在…里及周围
It looks/seems as if…. 看起来似乎
pull down
turn into: 把… 转变成




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