初三上学期英语教案Lesson 12(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

  Language Focus:
  do well in; keep your classroom clean and tidy; Collect waste paper for recycling; pick flowers; Step on the grass; cut down trees
  Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures
  Teaching Procedures:
1.I. Organization of the class
  II. Revision
  ①The more, the better. ②suppose ③现在完成时(二)
  III. Listen
  A. Lesson 12
  Today, we’ll go on to talk about the environment.
  B. Part 1
  Listen and do WB Ex. 1
  C. Part 2
  Well, we know the man cares a lot about the environment, what about you? Here we’ve got a questionnaire in Part 2. I’d like you to do it and then ask your friend these questions.
  Ask two students to report their result.
  Teach: do well in = be good at
  Eg. She does well in sports.= She is good at sports.
  D. Part 3
  Ask them to write a short report about their friends based on the questionnaire.
  E. Part 4
  Well, if we want to protect our environment, what else should we do?
  Match the sentences to the pictures and teach: nearby
  F. Checkpoints 3
  IV. Practice
  Get a student to come to the front and ask the other students to ask him or her questions . They can ask him or her as many as possible. The questions may about the environment. According to the answer, see if the student is doing well in protecting the environment , if he or she is doing OK in protecting the environment, if he or she needs to do better in protecting environment.
  V. Writing
  According to Step IV, get the students to write a short report about the student, Begin with: … is a good boy / girl in our class. He / She always keep our classroom clean and tidy … Then ask two or three students to read their reports to share with the whole class.
  VI. Read and match
  Have the students read through the four pictures and then read through the four passages on the left, have the students match them individually, check with the whole class. The answers are: b; a; d; c
  VII. Checkpoint 3
  Go through Checkpoint 3 in the usual way. Explain any problems that the students may have. Get the students to go over the grammar notes: the Present Perfect Tense.
  VIII. Workbook
  Do Exercise 2 orally in class. Pay attention to the stress.
  For Exercise 3, have the students read and compare the sentences and say out the differences.
  Do Exercise 5 individually first, then check with the whole class. The answers are: have visited; gives; pumped; was; have died; became; had already died; write; do; stopped
  Do Exercise 4 as homework. Write- something about the environment Pollution.
  X. Homework
  Finish off the exercises in the workbook.



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