Unit 7 Living with disease全部教案内容(新课标版高二英语教案教学设计)

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Teaching plan for Unit 7
Teaching goals:
1. Talk about deadly diseases and attitudes towards AIDS, cancer,etc.
2. Practise talking about imaginary situations
3. Practise supporting and challenging an opinion
4. learn to use the Subjunctive Mood(1) If I were you,… I wish I could..
5. Write a personal narrative
Important points:
1. Master the uses of the following words and phrases
Via, persuade, a lack of , cheer up, deal with ,….
2. Try to understand the text exactly
3. Master “the Subjunctive Mood”
Difficult points:
1. How to help the students understand the materials exactly, especially some
Sentences with special Verb-forms used in the Subjunctive Mood.
2. How to train the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Teaching Aids:
1. a tape recorder
2. the blackboard
Teaching procedures
The First Period of Unit 7
Step I. Greetings
Step II. Lead-in and Warming-up
T: Nowadays, the weather is becoming colder and colder, especially sometimes
It changes. So it is a period when we can easily catch cold. We all know that
The feeling with diseases is so terrible, yes? So we’d better wear more and
Take good care of ourselves. And from this lesson, we’ll learn something
About diseases. First I want you to tell me some diseases you know. Who
Ss: headache, toothache, stomachache, heart disease, shortsighted, blind, deaf,
Dumb, cancer, and AIDS etc.
T: Very clever. Now tell me which disease you think is the most frightening?
S1: Cancer.
T: Why?
Ss: Because they are incurable.
T: Yes, you are all right. And how much do you know about AIDS?
Let’s look at AIDS Quiz in Warming up .
(key: 3 and 6 are correct )
Step III. Listening
Well, now please listen to the tape once again and take some notes of What you
Hear, then use your notes to tell your partner about how stacy works, how she
Feels about her job, and what advice she gives , Are you clear about that?
Step IV. Speaking
T: At the beginning of the class, we talked about some deadly diseases, and we also had a quiz on AIDS. We know AIDS is not only one of the deadly diseases but also a most serious social problem today. Could you please explain why?
S1: One reason is that it is incurable, another is that people know little about health care about health care , prevention and education.
T: Well done. Besides AIDS there are some other most serious social problems such as drugs , smoking and drinking. Which do you think is the most serious one? Now let’s come to the speaking part. Choose one of the problems listed below or think of another serious problem. Prepare a role card on which you write down reasons why you think your problem is the most serious. Use the role card in the group discussion and try to persuade the other group members that your problem is the most serious one. Are you clear? OK, let’s begin.
Step V. Language points.
1. deadly adj 致命的,致死的/ 不共戴天的, 充满仇恨的
adv (口) 极其, 非常
a. Guns are deadly weapons .
b. The disease is deadly.
c. AIDS is a kind of deadly disease .
d. He is my deadly enemy .
e. His face is deadly pale. / I’m deadly tired .
2. In 2002, there were 42 million people living with AIDS in the world.
a. Yesterday the biggest store in town caught fire. And there were a great
Many people watching the fire in the street.
b. There is a train leaving at nine p.m
Live with 与。。。生活在一起; 忍受,忍耐
c. He doesn’t live with his parents.
d. You have to learn to live with stress.
3. inject +sb / sth with …
be injected with …
infect sb with a theory = influence sb with a theory
a. The patient infected the nurse with a bad cold
b. The laboratory animals had been infected with the bacteria.
c. When he was in prison, he was infected with all sorts of antisocial ideas .
4. via 经过; 经由/ 凭借; 通过
a. We went to London via Paris.
b. He sent me a love letter via one of my friends.
c. The program was telecast live via satellite.
5. take notes (of ) You should form the habit of taking notes in class.
Please take notes of what the headmaster said.
take note of Take note of what I say and please don’t forget it .
make a note/ notes of Make notes of how much you spent on the trip
compare notes His wife and my mother often compare notes about
speak from notes / without notes She speaks for two hours without a note.
6. transmit 传送; 传染; 传播/传导/ 播送;播放
a. This infection is transmitted by mosquitoes .
b. If you transmit this kind of bad habits to your friends, you’ll be regretful some day.
c. Water can transmit light and sound .
d. We can transmit the TV news by TV .
7. Persuade sb (not )to do …
persuade sb into sth / doing sth
persuade sb out of sth / doing sth
persuade sb of sth / that ….使某人相信/信服。。。
He persuaded his daughter to change her mind .
I persuaded her into going to the party.
I persuaded her out of taking over the work.
We are persuaded of the justice of her case
How can I persuade you that I am sincere ?
I tried to persuaded my husband to give up smoking and drinking, but I failed .
Step VI. Homework
Blackboard Design
The first period 1. deadly 2. live with 3. via 4. persuade ….
P.S. __________________________________________________
The Second and Third Periods of Unit 7
Step I . Greetings.
Step II. Lead-in
T: Last period we talk about some serious diseases, especially AIDS. Today,
Let’s go to see a girl with AIDS. We’ll see how she live with such a terrible
Thing at so young an age. First let’s read the new words in this unit.
Step III. Questions for the text
1. How did Xiao hua get AIDS?
2. Can people contact her?
3. Does she feel discouraged?
4. What kind of disease is AIDS?
5. Where is the disease spread faster? And why?
6. Which kind of people suffers the most ?
7. What did Xiao Hua decide to do after she knew she got AIDS?
8. Is the disease the only thing that AIDS patients have to suffer from?
9. What is the best way to show that you care about AIDS patients?
10. What is the difference between AIDS and HIV?
11. In what way does AIDS spread ?
a. She got AIDS through birth.
b. Yes , they can .
c. No, she doesn’t .
d. AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illness.
e. In Africa and parts of Asia, Mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention and education.
f. The young suffer most.
g. She decided to use the limited time she has left to do something to help others.
h. No. They also have to deal with people’s fear of the disease.
i. Giving an AIDS patient a hug.
j. HIV is a kind of virus that caused AIDS. AIDS is a kind of incurable disease. People get AIDS after having been infected with HIV virus.
k. AIDS spreads through blood and other body liquids. People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex, by receiving infected blood transfusions or through birth.
True or false (You can omit this part if you have no time. )
l. Xiao Hua is a happy teenager and likes to talk to her teachers after class.
m. Most people with AIDS can only survive a few months.
n. Medicine can help the people with AIDS and it can cure them at last.
o. Xiao Hua’s mother died of AIDS when Xiao Hua was a child
p. Xiao Hua has hardly any hope to survive.
q. Xiao Hua still decided to do something to help other AIDS sufferers.
r. Contacting with AIDS sufferers is always dangerous.
s. Xiao Hua thinks her life is still beautiful though she is suffering from AIDS.
( Keys: d, e, f, h, right; the others wrong )
Main idea for each part.
Para.1: A general introduction to Xiao Hua.
Para.2: The definition of AIDS.
Para.3. The channels of transmitting HIV
Para.4. The people who suffer this disease most.
Para.5 ,6 &7. The two main things that AIDS patients suffer from and the things that Xiao Hua does as a young patient with it.
Step IV. Language points.
1. born dying
(1) born +adj / n 生为。。。 (2 ) born to do 生来就会。。。
He was born French, but later he took Canadian citizenship .
The children are born lucky.
She was born to be a singer.
He is a born poet. (天生的)
2. break down vi (机器等)损坏;(身体的)垮掉 (计划/ 谈判等)失败了
The old washing machine didn’t work, because the engine broke down.
You will break down sooner or later if you keep working like that.
The plan which we made has broken down.
3. immune to / against …(对。。。)有免疫力的; 不受。。。影响的
immune from…免除。。。的, 豁免的
I’m immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.
He was immune to the flattery of political leaders.
The criminal was told he would be immune from prosecution(起诉)if he helped the police .
HIV can destroys a person’s immune system.
4. spread vi 传播;蔓延/ 延伸;扩展 vt 伸开;展开;铺开;
Flies spread diseases .
If I tell you the secret, don’t spread it around .
A wide land spread in front of us .
He laid a table and spread a table cloth on it .
The bird spread its wings and flew away.
5. contract vt / vi / n
contract a marriage (立约)确定。。。
contract to build a bridge 承包。。。
Nowadays almost nobody can contract smallpox. 染上(疾病、恶习等)
Metals contract as they become cold 收缩
Make a contract with sb for sth …和。。。为。。。订立和约
6. lack
a. We lack the necessary information.
b. We lacked the strength to walk any further.
c. He lacks money / courage / ability / experience
d. A lack of food caused her to grow weak.
e. I can’t buy the bike because of my lack of money .
f. He seemed to be lacking in courage. (缺乏品质、特点等)
7. suffer …受;遭受(苦痛/损失/ 损害)
suffer from …受。。。之苦/折磨
The company suffered a great loss after the big fire.
He suffered great pain when he was young.
The city suffered serious damage from the flood .
The old man is suffering from cancer.
Tang Shan once suffered from a big earthquake.
8. discourage sb 使某人泄气/气馁
discourage sb from doing sth 劝某人不要做某事
Don’t discourage her. She is doing her best.
Don’t let one failure discourage you. Try again.
We tried to discourage him from climbing the high mountain.
9. cheer up vt 使。。。高兴起来/振作起来 vi 高兴起来,振作起来
Your visit has cheered up the sick man.
In order to cheer my son up, I took him to the cinema.
Cheer up ! The result is not too bad .
He cheered up at once when I promised to help him.
He was cheered by the audience. ( vt 鼓舞,向。。。欢呼)
The crowds cheered as soon as he appears. (vi 欢呼,喝彩)
Step V. Homework
Blackboard Design.
The second period 1. break down 2. immune 3. a lack of 4. discourage 5. cheer up …… ……….. ………
P. S. _____________________________________________________
The Fourth Period of Unit 7
Step 1 .Greetings.
Step 2. Grammar.
用法 形式 例句
表示对现在情况的虚拟 +从句主语+did/were I wish I knew something about programming
表示对过去情况的虚拟 +从句主语+had done They wish that they hadn’t said it to us .
表示对将来情况的虚拟 +从句主语+would do I wish she would be on my side.
3. as if, as though 引出的表语从句和方式状语从句中不同语气的使用
(常放在look, sound , smell, feel, act , speak, talk 等动词后)
用法 形式 例句
表示真实情况用陈述语气 +从句主语+动词相应的时态形式 It looks as if the weather may clear up very soon.
表示与现在事实不符 +从句主语+did / were He behaves as if he owned the place.
表示与过去事实不符 +从句主语+had done He talks about Rome as if he had been there himself.
3. 在非真实条件句中
If + did/ were, 主句主语+ would/ should / could / might + do
If +did / should / were to do , 主句主语+would / should / could / might +do
(3) 表示与过去事实相反
If +had done, 主句主语+would/ should / could / might +have done
Eg. A. If I had a bike, I would lend it to you
b. If there were no subjunctive mood, English would be much easier.
c. If he were here , everything would be all right
d. If it weren’t their support, we would be in a very difficult position.
e. If I should / were to do the experiment, I would to it some other way.
f. If the earth should/ were to stop/ stopped turning, what would happen ?
g. If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the train .
h. You wouldn’t have caught a cold if you had put on more clothes.
i. I could have done it better if I had been more careful.
Step III . Exercises.
Step IV. Homework
Blackboard Design
The fourth period 1. I wish I had a easier job.2. He talked as if he had been there at the moment.3. If I were a student , I would listen to the teacher carefully . …………………………………………………………
P. S. ___________________________________________________
The Fifth period for Unit 7
Step I Greetings
Step II. Integrating skills.
Lead-in : In the second period, we’ve read a passage about a girl living with
AIDS, which is an serious and incurable disease. Today we are going
To read about another person who got cancer. We all know that
Cancer does not spread from one person to another, though it is also
A kind of serious disease. The text will tell us what has happened to
The cancer patient and how his life has changed. Now please read the
Text quickly and find out the answers to the following questions.
1. How is cancer caused ?
2. How did cancer change the writer’s life?
1. Cancer begins in cells. There are many types of cells in the body and each has a special unction. In a healthy body, cells grow and divide to produce new cells only when it necessary. if the production of cells is disrupted, cells either divide too fast or at the wrong time, making it difficult for the body to function properly. This way , people got cancer.
2. First, the writer felt empty and hopeless. Then he began to receive treatment and fought against the illness, suffering great pain and difficulty. Later, he found the strength to recover with the help of his family and friends. After fourteen months ‘ successful treatment , he was able to go home. But the cancer in his body has just been defeated for the moment. It can come back at any time and the struggle will never end, so he says his life has not yet ended but really begun. He has changed his attitude towards life. He has learnt to appreciate every minutes of each day.
True or false (选做)
1. It was on Thursday’s afternoon that the doctor told me that I got cancer.
2. I knew much about cancer at that time
3. Cancer can not be treated .
4. The treatment was successful and I was able to go home after exactly fifteen
Months in hospital.
5. The cancer in my body has been defeated for ever.
Language points.
1. for the moment Let’s live in this simple house for the moment .
for a moment He hesitated for a moment
of the moment She is the most popular singer of the moment .
at any moment If you have any question, come to me at any moment .
at the moment I am very busy at the moment .
in a moment He’ll be back in a moment.
the moment …. I recognized him the moment I saw him at the airport .
2. take chances / take a chance / take the chance 冒险; 碰运气
Don’t take chances !
Let’s take the chance and swim across this river.
3. to the full 尽情地 充分地 完全地
Whatever happens, we should enjoy our life to the full.
His weakness were exposed to the full.
Live your life to the fullest.
4 Die of 死于疾病、饥寒、年老、内在情感(悲伤、羞愧、大笑。。)
die from 死于外因或间接原因(如环境、受伤、事故等)
In the old times, many people died of hunger and cold.
The fish in that river all died from the polluted water.
Many passenger died from the terrible traffic accident.
Step III. Exercises
Step IV. Homework
Blackboard Design
The fifth period 1. for the moment 2. take chances 3. to the full …………………………
P. S. _________________________________________________________




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