新高二英语Unit 8 First Aid 讲析练(人教版高二英语教案教学设计)

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  What is first aid?
  1.Chen Wei and Susan are walking down the street when they see an accident.
  (1) down 在此处意为“along”,“沿着”的意思。
  (2) when 是并列连词,连接两个并列的分句,意为“这时”,“就在这个时候”,表示没有料到的事情的发生。例如:
  I was walking along the road when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind.我正在马路上走着,这时忽然有人从后面拍拍我的肩膀。
  We were about to start when it began to rain.我们正要动身,就在这时下起雨来了。
  2.Don’t reach sideways while standing on a ladder.
  (1) reach 在此处意为“伸手取物”。又如:
  The man reached for the gun but it was too far away.
  (2) 句中的 while standing on a ladder 是 while you are standing on a ladder 的省略。
  在有些表示时间、地点、条件等的状语从句中,如果谓语包含动词 be,而主语又和主句的主语一致,那么,从句中的主语和谓语的一部分(特别是动词 be)常可省略。又如:
  Look out for cars when crossing the street.
  = Look out for cars when you are crossing the street.
  1.I think she must be injured.我想她一定受伤了。
  (1) must 在此处表示推测。may,can,must 都表示推测,can 用于疑问句和否定句中;may,must 用于肯定句。
  —Can it be Tom?
  —It can't be Tom because he has gone to Shanghai.
  (2) injure 的用法在词语辨析中有讲解。
  2.Leave her where she is.让她留在原地。
  leave 在本句中是“让某人/某物处于某种状态”的意思,为及物动词。
  leave 作此义解时,通常跟形容词、分词、名词、副词、介词短语的复合宾语结构,有时也跟从句。例如:
  (1) You'd better leave the door open.(1eave + n + adj.)
  (2) I left them waiting outside. (leave + n + doing)
  (3) Don’t leave such an important thing undone. (leave + n + done)
  (4) When he was twelve,his parents died,leaving him an orphan.
  他十二岁时,他的父母去世,使他成了孤儿。(leave + n + n.)
  (5) Don’t touch my writing table;leave it as it is. (leave + n + 从句)
  (6) Leave the knife in. (leave + n + adv.)
  (7) Leave him/her in the car.(leave + n + 介词短语)
  3.She's beginning to move a little.
  英语中 begin 和 start 作“开始”讲时,后面可接不定式,也可接动名词。两种结构表达的意思是相同的。但在下列三种情况下,用不定式较好:
  (1) 当主语是物而不是人时。例如:
  The ice began/started to melt.冰开始融化。
  (2) 当 begin 或 start 用于进行时态时,如本句 She's beginning to move a little。再如:
  The water is beginning/starting to boil.
  (3) 当 begin 或 start 后面的非谓语动词指心理状态或精神活动时。例如:
  I began to understand (realize) my past mistakes.
  She started to wonder who had done it.
  4.Take it easy.别着急。
  Take it easy 有时也用 Take things easy. 是一种安慰人的用语,意思为“别紧张”;“别着急”;“多休息”或 “慢慢来”。
  5.Right now you need to stay still until help comes. 现在你要静静地一直等帮助到来。
  (1) right now 意为“现在”,“此刻”,是 now 的强调形式。
  (2) need 在这里是实义动词,后面跟不定式作宾语; need 还可作情态动词跟动词原形连用。在反意疑问句中要根据 need 为情态动词还是实义动词来决定反意部分内容,如果为情态动词反意部分用 need,如果为实义动词则用 do (does)等。试比较:
  Did you really need to spend all that money on one pair of shoes?
  You needn't do that. I can do it for you.
  You needn't come tomorrow, need you?
  注意:need 用作实义动词时,如果其主语是要接的非谓语动词的承受者,可跟动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式(与 want,require 的用法相同)。例如:
  Your hair needed ;I’m glad you had it cut.
  The old man needs
  (3) stay still 中的 stay 是连系动词(remain, continue to be),意为“停留”,“维持”; still 为形容词(not moving),意为“静止的”,“不动的”。例如:
  Please stay still while I take a photo of you. 我给你照相时请别动。
  6.First aid, if it is quickly and correctly given, can save a person's life.
  save one's life 是一个短语动词,意为“挽救某人的生命”,life 在此处为可数名词,意为“生命”。例如:
  The doctor has saved more than twenty people's lives since he came to this village.
  7.If this is not done within five minutes, the person will die.
  within five minutes 意为“五分钟之内”,“不到五分钟”。within 是介词,意为“不超出多长时间”,“在多长时间之内”(after not more than the specified period of time)。又如:
  She returned within an hour. 她不到一小时就回来了。
  If you don't hear anything within seven days,phone again.
  介词 in 指“最多过多长时间”(after a maximum length of time)。例如:
  She will return in a few days. 她过几天就回来了。
  It will be ready in a week. 再过一星期它就准备好了。
  8.Lay the person on his/her back,close his/her nose with your fingers and breathe into his/her mouth.将这个人仰面平放,并用手指捏住他的鼻子,再向他口里吹气。
  lay sb on his/her back/face/side“使某人仰卧/俯卧/侧卧”。试比较
  He is lying on his back/face/side.他仰卧/俯卧/侧卧着。
  这两个句型的主要区别在动词,lay 是及物动词,后面跟宾语,意为“放、搁”;而 lie 是不及物动词,后面不跟宾语,意为“躺,位于”。其次这两个动词均为不规则动词:
  lay—laid—laid—laying; lie—lay—lain—lying
  lie 如果为规则动词则意为“说谎”: lie—lied—lied—lying。例如:
  He lay on the grass,enjoying the sunshine. 他躺在草地上晒太阳。
  Lay the books on the table, please. 请把书放在桌上。
  Don't believe him.He is lying. 不要相信他的话,他在撒谎。
  I found her lying on the floor asleep. 我发现她躺在地板上睡着了。
  9.Repeat this as often as is necessary. 根据需要,尽量多次重复这个动作。
  as...as 作“像……一样地”解,引导表示比较的状语从句。第一个 as是副词,后常跟形容词、副词或形容词加名词结构;第二个 as 是连词,常跟句子,但为了避免重复,相同成分常被省略掉。但注意,比较对象不能省略。例如:
  Jimmy is as tall as his father (is tall).
  He can write as fast as I (can).
  He can help you as much as (it is) necessary.
  Please come as soon as (is) possible.
  在状语从句中,如果从句的主语是it, 谓语是 is, it is 常可省略,有时也单独省略 it。
  10.Here is some advice for dealing with common injuries:
  (1)advice 是不可数名词,表示一条建议用 a piece of advice。
  (2)deal with 处理,对付,应付。例如:
  That man is difficult to deal with. 那个人很难对付。
  How are you going to deal with the water pollution of this area?
  注意:do with 的意思和 deal with 基本相同,但用法不尽相同:do with 常和 what 连用,且多由疑问句或由疑问词引导的名词性从句,意为“怎样对待”。试比较:
  What will you do with so many letters? = How will you deal with so many letters?
  The boys didn't know what to do with themselves when school ended?
  11.Keep them on a high shelf out of the reach of children.
  out of one's reach 是个介词短语,作“够不着”,“拿不到”解,其中的reach 是名词,意为“(手所及的)范围”。同 out of one's reach 相对应的短语是 within one's reach 意为“(在手可取的)范围内”。例如:
  Put those bottles out of the reach of children. ( = Put those bottles out of the children's reach.)
  The child likes to have sweets within their reach.
  12.Don't leave small things on the floor or table which a baby can put in its mouth.
  (1)“leave + 宾语 + 介词短语”构成了 leave 的复合宾语结构。详细讲解已在第三条讲过。
  (2)in its mouth 里的 its 是 it 的形容词性物主代词,it以指人,尤指小孩。例如:
  Who is this baby? Is it your brother?
  13.What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake?
  by mistake 是一个固定词组,意为“错误地”、“无心地(做错了事)”。例如:
  Sorry,I have taken your bag by mistake.很抱歉我拿错了你的书包。
  14.Make the person throw up. 使这个人呕吐。
  throw up 和第五单元学的 bring up 意思相同,作“呕吐”解。又如:
  The baby was ill and threw up (brought up) everything he ate.
  15.He'll be here in a short while.他一会儿回来。
  in a short while = in a short time = very soon,意为“很快”、“一会儿”,while 在这里是名词,作“时间”解。
  情态动词 must,should 和 ought to 的意思都是“必须”、“应该”,都可以表示义务或职责。
  1.must 的用法
  (1)must 表示义务或职责时,语气比 should 和 ought to 重得多。表示说话人强烈的主观意志,要求对方必须服从,不容争辩。例如:
  You must be back by twelve o’clock.
  must 表示义务或职责,只用于肯定句和疑问句,其否定形式要用 don’t have to 或 don’t need to (needn’t),意为“无须,不必”。must not 的语气相当强烈,意为“不可,不准”,表示“禁止”、“不准”。例如:
  ① You mustn't talk in the library.
  ② —Must I do it now? —No,you________.
  A.needn't B.don't have to C.mustn't C.A or B
  正确答案是D,不可填 mustn'to。
  must 和 have to 的区别在于:must 表示说话人的主观看法,have to 表示外界客观需要,有“不得不”的意思,而且 have to 比 must 有更多的时态。
  (2)must 还表示推测,意为“必是,一定”,在语气上要比 may 肯定得多。例如:He hasn’t been here for two days.He must be ill.
  (3)“must have + 过去分词”用来表示对过去事情的推测。例如:
  It must have rained last night for the ground is wet.
  注意:must 表示推测时,其否定形式不是 mustn't,而是 can't (不可能)。例如:
  He can't be in the classroom.I saw him playing football just now.
  2.should 和 ought to 的用法
  (1)should 和 ought to 也表示义务或职责,但语气较弱,有劝告或建议的含义,意为“应该”,但 ought to 的语气比 should 强。例如:
  You should study first aid with a teacher.你应该跟老师学习急救。
  You ought to drink large quantities of water.你应该大量喝水。
  (2)should 和 ought to 两者都表示推断或必然性,意为“按理说,总该”。例如:
  She should be in the classroom by now,I think.
  If he started at two,he ought to be here by now.
  (3)“should (not) have + 过去分词”与“ought (not) to have + 过去分词”两者都表示某事应该做而未曾做或不该发生的事却发生了。例如:
  I should have come here early.我本来想早点来这里。
  You oughtn’t to have crossed the street when the lights were red.
  (4)should 和 ought to 的否定形式是 shouldn’t 和 oughtn’t to,表示“不该”,语气比 mustn’t 婉转,一般表示说话人认为按常理不应该如此。例如:
  You shouldn’t get up if you are badly hurt.如果你伤很得重,就不该起来。
  You ought not to write so carelessly.你不应当写得这样潦草。
  注意:should 可直接提到主语前表示疑问,但 ought to 变疑问句时,ought 提前,to 则需放在后面的动词原形前。例如:
  What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake?
  Oughtn't we to give him a chance to try?
  1.—Will you stay for lunch?
   —Sorry, ________ My brother is coming to see me. (NMET’99)
  A.I mustn’t B.I can’t C.I needn’t D.I won’t
  点拨:情态动词否定式的辨析。mustn’t 表禁止;can’t“不能”、“不可以”,表能力、不许可或禁止;needn’t“不必”,表必要性;won’t“绝不”、“绝对不”,表决心。从上下文看“兄弟要来,所以不能”,故选 B。
  2.Two years ago,my husband bought me a bicycle.If you live in a town,it is often faster than a car and you ________ worry about parking.
  A.must not B.may not
  C.should D.don’t have to
  点拨:答案D。根据语境可知“不必担心车的停放”问题。don’t have to“不必”, 相当于 needn’t。
  3.—Shall I tell John about it?
   —No, you ________ I’ve told him already. (NMET'94)
  A. needn't B. wouldn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't
  点拨: 答案 A。needn't 不必,没有必要;wouldn't 不愿意;mustn't 不准;shouldn't 不应该。从"I've told him already." 可知应先 A,"不必"。
  1. A computer ________ think for itself; it ________ be told what to do.
  A. may not; must B. mustn't; might
  C. shouldn't; could D. can't; must
  2. He's two hours late. What ________ to him?
  A. can have happened B. may have happened
  C. must have happened D. should have happened
  3. I missed the bus, so I ________ go home on foot.
  A. must B. need C. may D. had to
  4. Hurry up! Our teacher ________ for us in the office now.
  A. may be waiting B. can be waiting
  C. must be waiting D. will be waiting
  5. You ________ return the book now. You can keep it till next week.
  A. can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. may not
  6. I mailed the letter two weeks ago. She ________ it.
  A. must receive B. can't receive
  C. might receive D. must have received
  7. He ________ you more help, even though he was very busy.
  A. might have given B. might give
  C. should have given D. might give
  8. The plant is dead. I ________ it more water.
  A. will give B. would have given
  C. must give D. should have given
  9. The red light is on. I ________ stop.
  A. can't B. need
  C. must D. don't have to
  10. There was plenty of time. You ________.
  A. mustn't hurry B. mustn't have hurried
  C. needn't hurry D. needn't have hurried
  11. —Alice, you feed the bird today, ________?
    —But I fed it yesterday.
  A. do you B. will you
  C. didn't you D. don't you
  12. —When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.
    —They ________ be ready by 12: 00.
  A. can B. should C. might D. need
  13. Peter ________ come with us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.
  A. must B. may C. can D. will
  14. —Could I call you by your first name?
    —Yes, you ________.
  A. will B. could C. may D. might
  15. Michael ________ be a policeman, for he's much too short.
  A. needn't B. can't C. should D. may
  16. —There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.
    —It ________ a comfortable journey.
  A. can't be B. shouldn't be
  C. mustn't have been D. couldn't have been
  17. Jenny ________ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.
  A. must B. should C. need D. would
  18. —Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.
    — ________.
  A. I don't B. I won't C. I can't D. I haven't
  19. He ________ without saying goodbye to them, for he always has good manners.
  A.mustn't have left B.may not leave
  C.shouldn't have left D.couldn't have left
  20.—I am sorry that you were late for the meeting.
  —You ________ on time this morning.
  A.should be B.would be
  C.ought to have been D.ought to be
  1 - 5 DADCC 6 - 10 DADCD 11 - 15 BBBCB 16 - 20 DBBDC
  1.hold up 的用法
  If it is possible,hold up the part of the body which is bleeding.
  (1) hold up 在此处作“抬起”、“举起”解:又如:
  Hold your hand up if you have any questions.要是你有问题就举手。
  Hold up your head! 抬起头来!(意即别垂头丧气!)
  此外,hold up 还有以下几种含义:
  The strike held up production for several weeks.罢工使生产停顿了几个星期。
  The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather.
  2.draw 的用法
  draw 作为动词,除了作“画”以外,还常有“吸引;不分胜负地结束;提取(金钱);吸(气);拖拉;得到结论”等含义。
  (1) The football match between the Korean team and the American team was so wonderful that it drew a lot of people,though in the end they drew the match.
  (2) I drew money from the bank.我从银行提出钱来。
  (3) She drew a deep breath.她深深地吸了一口气。
  (4) She drew the curtain.她把窗帘拉上。draw a cart.(动物)拉车。
  (5) It was difficult to draw any conclusion from the discussion.那场讨论会很难有什么结果。
  1.hurt,injure,wound,harm 的区别。
  (1) hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上、感情上的伤害。例如:
  The driver hurt himself badly in the accident.
  She hurt her leg when she fell.她跌倒时,一只腿受了伤。
  What they said hurt his sister greatly. 他们所说的话大大地伤害了他姐姐。
  注意:指肉体上的伤害时,hurt 可与 badly,slightly,seriously 等连用;但若指精神上的创伤,只能用 very much/rather/deeply hurt。
  (2) injure 比 hurt 正式。hurt 多指伤痛,而 injure 则指损害健康、成就、容貌等,强调功能的损失。例如:
  He injured an arm in a car accident.他在一场车祸中伤了一只手臂。
  I hope I didn’t injure her feelings.我希望我没有伤害她的感情。
  Drinking can injure one’s health.喝酒对人的健康有害。
  (3) wound 主要指外来暴力造成的创伤,尤指刀、箭、枪、战场上等受伤,程度较重,有时也可用于感情上所受的创伤。例如:
  The soldier was badly wounded in the right leg.那士兵右腿严重受伤。
  The robber wounded him with a knife.那强盗用刀刺伤了他。
  (4) harm 用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起不安或不便,还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。例如:
  Don’t harm your eyes by reading in dim light.
  Bad books do great harm.不健康的书危害很大。(不能用 hurt )
  (1) still 主要指“静止”、“不动”,可以指环境的安静,也可指姿势保持不动,强调没有动作。例如:
  The little girl stood still,except that her lips moved slightly.
  How still everything is! 一切是多么安静啊!
  Still waters run deep.静水流深(大智若愚)。
  (2) quiet 主要指“安静”,强调没有声音或动作;也指性情温和、安祥、文静或生活悠闲,环境寂静、平静。例如:
  He has always lived a quiet life.他一直过着悠闲的生活。
  She is a quiet girl.她是个文静的女孩。
  (3) silent 指“沉默”,强调不发表意见;也指“寂静”,强调没有声音。例如:
  He said he could not keep silent any longer.他说他再也不能保持沉默了。
  The hall was silent.大厅内鸦雀无声。
  (4) calm“平静”、“镇定”,既可表示外界的安静,又可表示内心的镇静。例如:
  He remained calm in face of the danger.面对危险他镇定自若。
  The sea was fairly calm,and I could see all about.大海风平浪静,我能看到周围的一切。
  表示建议和禁止做某事 Oligation
  ① You mustn't move someone if they are badly hurt.
  ② We must carry her to the side of the road.
  ③ You should/shouldn't do...
  ④ I ought to go home.
  ⑤ Don’t do...
  ⑥ I have to cook supper for my grandmother.
  A:What’s the matter,John?
  B:Ouch! My knees and my hands!
  A:You hurt yourself.
  C:Let me have a look at your wound.
  A:Oh,no.You shouldn’t touch him.
  C:What should we do then?
  A:Don’t worry. We mustn’t move him now.Otherwise his wound could be worse.Let him stay still.We have to get him some medicine as soon as possible.
  C:If necessary,I think we should send him to see a doctor.
  A:You are right.
  非 if 条件句表示的虚拟条件
  一般来说,在表达虚拟条件时,通常用 if 条件句,其基本句式为:if 条件句 + 主句。主、从句中的时态也是根据时间的不同而不同并相对固定。例如:
  If I were you,I would buy a car.(和现在事实相反)
  If my lawyer had been here last Saturday,he would have prevented me from going.(和过去事实相反)
  He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball,otherwise he ________a goal.
  A.had scored B.scored
  C.would score D.would have scored
  本题意思是:他犹豫了一会儿才踢出这个球,不然他就进球了。其真实含义是:他没有进球。“进球”是虚拟的,但“犹豫了一会儿”是真实的。所以本题还可理解为:如果他不犹豫的话,他就进球了。因此,这里由 otherwise 代替了一个条件句。从 hesitated 的时态可以判定本题表示的是和过去事实相反的含义,故本题答案为 D。本题中用 otherwise 表示条件,这种情况语法上称为“含蓄条件句”。
  1.用介词短语表示条件。这些介词通常有:without,but for (要不是)等。例如:
  Without air and water(If there were no air and water),all living things on the earth would die.
  But for the car accident (If there had not been the car accident),we would have arrived there much earlier.要不是车祸,我们早就到了。
  2.用连词 or,otherwise,but,once,though 等表示条件。例如:
  He was taken to hospital at once yesterday,otherwise/or he would have died already.= If he had not been taken to hospital at once yesterday,he would have died already.
  Einstein cared little for money,though he could have been very rich.= If Einstein had cared much for money,he could have been very rich.
  Once lost,it would be very hard to find again.= If it were once lost,it would be very hard to find again.一旦失去了,就不容易再找回。
  Given more time,we could have done the task much better.= If we had been given more time,we could have done the task much better. 如果再给我们点时间,我们会做得更好。
  Supposing it should happen,we would have to stay at home.= If it happened/should happen/were to happen,we would have to stay at home.假使那件事发生的话,我们就不得不呆在家里了。
  1.Each of the boys have got a pen and some paper.(has)
  2.Gone is the days when the Chinese people suffered greatly.(are)
  1.The hard you study,the better you'll study English.(harder)
  2.While he was in the office,he preferred doing something to do nothing.
  1.There can be no doubt whether English is.one of the world's widely used languages.(that)
  2.None of them do not smoke.A packet of cigarettes will be enough.(All)
  1.She is the best alive novelist in England.(living)
  2.I always thought very high of him.(highly)
  Lesson 31
  4 Practice
  1. should/must 2. have to/must 3. need not/don't have to 4. should/ought to
  5. do not have to 6. must/have to 7. should not/ought not to/mustn't
  8. must not/should not 9. must not 10. should/ought to
  5 Practice
  该练习是复习 be able to,have to 的用法。参考答案如下:
  1. was not able 2. will be able 3. were not able 4. will have 5. had
  6. If it rains tomorrow, we won't be able to go to the park.
  7. We weren't able to get the tickets for the concert, so we returned home early.
  8. My brother was bitten by a dog, so we had to take him to hospital.
  9. If you fall into the pool, you will have to swim to the bank.
  10. If you do not feel better tomorrow, you will not have to attend that meeting.
  Lesson 32
  2 Writing
  1. Were you able to go everywhere you wanted?
  2. Did you have/need to take medicines with you?
  3. Did you have to take(all the) food with you?
  4. Did you have to walk all the way?
  3 Writing
Dear Tom,
  I have just spent 2 months learning how to do first aid. We had to learn three important things if someone had an accident. First, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the back of his/her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breath, do your best to start his/her breathing at once, using a mouth - to - mouth way. Third, if a person is injured badly, try at once to stop the bleeding. Then take him/her to a hospital.
  Soon we were able to know how to deal with common injuries. When a person is bitten by an animal, wash the wound with cold running water before he/she is taken to see a doctor. When a person is burnt, wash and cool the area of the skin under the cold tap for a while. Then put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burn.
  I hope you will enjoy the lesson. You will have to practise it with your teacher many times. And then you will be able to give first aid to someone who is in need of help.
  Best wishes !
  Checkpoint 8
  这个单元是学习情态动词 must, mustn't, should, shouldn't, ought to 的用法




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