Unit 5 The silver screen Period 3 Speaking(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Teaching aims:
1. To get students to know the names of some famous films, actors, and directors.
2. To train students’ speaking ability.
Key & difficult points:
1. To get students to learn to use functional sentences of interviewing people.
2. To let students make an interview between many reporters and a celebrity.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 ------ Leading in
1. Go on with the form of Steven Spielberg.
2. Ask students what sentences can be used when interviewing a celebrity.
Step 2 ------ Functional sentences learning
1. Ask students what can be asked when interviewing celebrities.
(1) Birth (time/place)
A. When were you born?
B. Where were you born?
C. Where is your hometown?
(2) Schooling
A. Which university did you graduate from?
B. What’s your major?
(3) Beginning of acting
A. How do you start your acting?
(4) Career
A. Why are you so successful and popular?
B. What’s the secret of your success?
(5) Films
A. You have played many roles in films, so which do you think is your best film?
(6) Family
A. How many people are there in your family?
B. Who is the most important person in your family members?
2. Tell students to use these functional sentences when interviewing
(1) What made you decide to…?
(2) What did you do next?
(3) What roles did you act?
(4) How long have you been working as…?
(5) Why are you so popular and successful?
(6) What is needed to be an actor/actress/director?
3. Show the pictures of two people and ask boys and girl to read about Keanu and Meryl respectively.
4. Ask students to ask each other using functional sentences.
Step 3 ------ Functional sentences practice
1. Read introductions about these two people and then fill in the form. (optional)
Name: Meryl Streep Gender: female
Birth year: 1949 Birth place: a small in USA
Schooling Famous drama school
Films Julia, Kramer vs Kramer, Sophie’s Choice, Out of Africa, Music of the Heart
Award Theater World Award, Oscar (1979)
Name: Keanu Reeves Gender: male
Birth year: 1964 Birth place: Lebanon
Schooling Left high school without a degree
Films Wolfboy, Speed, The Matrix, Sweet November, Hardball
2. Suppose two students are at a press, they are interviewed by media.
(1) Ask a girl to be Meryl Streep, all the students are reporters.
(2) Ask a boy to be Keanu Reeves, all the students are reporters.
Homework ------
Self-evaluation ------



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