高一上学期uint 8 the olympic games(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Period 1
1. To train the students’ ability of listening and speaking.
2. To talk about the Olympic Games.
3. To ask about interests and hobbies.
(二) 整体感知
Step1 presentation
1.Introduce something about the Olympic games by listening to an Olympic theme song hand in hand , and ask the students to complete the blanks.
We see the____ in sky
We feel the beating of our heats together
This our time ___above
We know the chance is here to live forever
hand in hand we____
all across the ____
we can make this world a better place in which to live
hand in hand we_____
start to ____
breaking down the walks that come between us for all time
every time we give it all
we feel the flame eternally inside us
lift our hands up to the sky
the morning calm helps us to live in harmony
for all time
suggested answer “
fore ties ,for all time ,stand .land .can, understand
2. The five Olympic rings
Ask the students what the five colors represent and what the rings stand for
3. The history of the Olympic
4.The sports in the Olympic Games.
5.2008 Beijing Olympic games
莫斯科当地时间7月13 日18时11分,在国际奥委会第12次全会上,北京获得56票,赢得了2008年第二十九届奥运会主办权。
Step2 warming up
Do the quiz. And talk more about the Olympic Games. Such as the torch ,the winter games and the summer games.
Step3 listening
Let the student do the team work, and let them discuss the discuss the reports and finish the blanks,
Step4 speaking
Let the students make up some dialogues and talk about sports. They are encouraged to use some useful expressions
Such as:
1. Which do you like …or…?
2. What’s your favorite sports?
Suppose one of the students is the reporter and he makes an interview with a Chinese after Beijing is announced to host the 2008 Olympic Games.
For example:
R : “ Hello . I think you are very happy .
C : Yes ,I am exciting I’m proud as a Chinese
R : Do you know something about the Olympic?
C: Yes it was held in Athens and in 2004 it will be held in Athens too.
R: What sports do you like best?
Step6 play a game
Write down the names of sports of the Olympic Games on the cards and the students are asked to tell rules, one of the famous athletes of the game
Step7 homework
Write a short passage to talk about your hobby.
1. To train the ability of skimming the text to find the general idea and scanning the text to locate specific information quickly
2. To learn to summarize the text
3. To learn some useful words and expressions
4. To learn something about the Olympics.
(二) 整体感知
Go over the text by asking the student questions about the Olympic Games such as:
1. Which year were the Olympic first held
2. When and where were the first modern Olympic held?
3. What do the five Olympic rings stand for?
4. When did baseball become an Olympic sport?
(三) 教学过程
Step2 discussion
1. It important to win in a sports match? Why or why not?
2. Are the Olympic Games important to our society? Why or why not?
Step3 fast reading
Find the answer
What will Chinese people do to make the 29th Olympic Games the beat one?
Step4 careful reading
Find the answer
1. When did the old Olympic Games begin?
2. Were women allowed to take part in the games?
3. When did the games stop?
4. Who is Carl Lewis?
5. When was it sure that china would host the 2008 Olympic games? what will be done in preparation for the games?
6. China won 29 gold medals in the Sydney Olympics .what were the events? work in pairs and see how many you can think of.
Step5 new words
While answer the question, the teacher can teach some new words and phrases
Greece take part in, wrestling competitor, join in , motto ,swift, rank , gymnastics, weight etc
Step6 summary
Ask the students to find out the topic sentences of each paragraph in the silent reading.
Step7 practice
Do exercise1 in the textbook.
Step9 playing a game
Ask the students what happened connected with the number.
1. every four years
2. 776BC
3. 393AD
4. 1896
5. 311
6. 2000
7. 227
8. 4
9. 2001
10. 2008
Step10 Discussion
Let the students talk about the good effects and bad effects of hosting Olympic Games.
Step11 homework
Write a short passage about the good effects and bad effects of hosting the Olympic Games in China
(一) 明确目标
1. To learn the text.
2. To learn some useful words and expressions
3. To learn the grammar ----the future passive voice.
(二) 整体感知
Step1 revision
go over the text and do the practice.
1. Every four years we have the Olympic Games, which include the Winter Games and the summer games
2. The 28th Olympic Games will held in Beijing, and it’s a great honor to our Chinese people.
3. The modern Olympic Games begin in 1896, and from then on, it was held every four years whatever happed.
Suggested answer: all right
Step2 words study
The new words Greece, event competitor, motto, shooting, torch
Let the student give the new words a sentences.
Step3 learn the text
1. Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.
every four years take part in join in
2. The old Olympic Games from which the modern games came began around the year 773BC in Greece.
…from which the modern games came…
3. Some of the games in which the young men competed were: running jumping and wrestling
…in which the young men came…
4. Many of the sports were the same as they are now.
the same as
5. They were held in Greece …the country in which the games were born.
6. In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ranking the third old all the competing countries.
7. To make it the best ever games, the capital city will make several big changes
Step4 grammar
1. the future passive voice
will +be +done
The people of Beijing will plant more trees and build new roads and new roads= more trees will be planted and new roads will be built by the people of Beijing .
2.疑问词+will +be +done
Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games in the year 2008.
Step5 fill in the blanks
1. The government allocated a lot of money for the cure and prevention of the disease .it was hoped it ____(control) at last .
2. When will the new library ____(complete)? We are eager to study there.
3. If our headmaster knows the faces, he will_____(surprise)
suggested answer:
would be controlled be completed be surprised
step6 grammar
the attributive
whom, which 在定语从句中做介词的宾语时,可以跟介词一起放在主句和从句之间;为了使关系代词跟它所修饰的先行词,也可以把介词放在从句中相关动词的后面。
(1) This is the room in which we lived last year=this is the room which we lived in last year
(2) Who’s the comrade whom you just shook hands with ?=who’s the comrade with whom you just shook hands?
(1) 含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在动词的后面。
Is this the book which she was looking for?
(2) 关系代词that 在定语从句中做介词的宾语时,介词不能放在它的前面,只能放在从句中相关动词的后面。
The man that you were talking about has come to our school.
(3) 当介词位于从句中相关动词的后面时,关系代词that ,whom .which在案口语中和非正式问题中经常省略。
This is the room we lived in last year.
Write a brief introduction to Beckham in about 150 words referring to the following
David Robert joseph Becham
So why do the Great British pubic seem to want to criticize and scrutinize everything this wonderful talent seems to do both on and off the pitch?
Here are a few reasons
(1) Beckham is arguably the best midfielder of his type in the world today.
(2) He is extremely successful.
(3) He is married to one of the most famous pop stars in the world.
(4) He and his wife earn a vast amount of money.
(5) He is adored by girls and women all over the world.
(6) He plays for the biggest football club in the world
(7) He has a happy family life.
(一) 明确目标
1. To learn to write a profile.
2. To read something more about sports star.
(二) 整体感知
step 1 go over the text
1. Check the homework.
2. Ask the students to retell the text.
Step 2 read the profile of YaoMing, and answer the following question.
1. who is he ?
2. what nationality is he ?
3. how old is he ?
4. which team is he playing for now?
5. what is he good at ?
Step 3 writing
Tell the students how to write a profile ,the following questions may be helpful.
1. when and where was he born? how tall is he
2 .how much does he weight? how did he turn professional?
3. what titles has he won ?what makes him great in your eyes?
Step 5 practice
Ask the students their favourite sports star and let them talk about them and try to write a short passage by themselves
step6 homework
The students are asked to find out some information about their loved sports stars and write a profile of them
Write a profile of themselves
Suggested answer:
It is true that all of us need some kind of sports .we work all the time if we are going to keep good health and enjoy life .
There are different kinds of sports ,such as running ,jumping ,swimming ,basketball and football.
Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to take part in them. Many people prepare to watch them on TV or listen to them on the radio .when there is an import football game it is almost impossible to get tickets .everyone wants to attend.
It doesn’t matter whether we play basketball or swim in the river .It is important for everyone to take exercise from time to time.




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