unit 4 重点·难点·考点及疑点注释(人教版高一英语教案教学设计) |
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课文翻译 A:Im not very good at tennis, you know. 你知道,我不太擅长打网球。 B:Dont worry! Were playing for fun. Just try and youll see you can do it. 不用担心!我们打球是为了娱乐。试一试你就会发现你能打。 A:I havent played tennis for a very long time. 我很长时间没打网球了。 B:Well done! That was a very good ball! You see you can do it! 不错!这个球打得很好!你看,你能打好! A:I hope so. I enjoyed playing tennis with you. See you next week. 希望我能打好。和你一起打网球很愉快。下周见。 重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1. be good at意为“擅长”,后接名词、代词或动名词。 Are you good at playing the piano?你擅长弹钢琴吗? Im not good at physics.我不擅长物理。 2. for a long time意为“很长一段时间”,在句中作时间状语,须跟延续性动词连用。 Ive practised oral English for a long time.我练英语口语有很长时间了。 3. Well done!意为“干得不错!”,用于赞扬或鼓励人的场合。 4. I enjoyed playing tennis with you.意为“和你一起打网球很愉快。”句中用了过去时态,描述刚刚结束的动作。 READING 课文翻译 THE RESCUE 援救 Flora heard somebody shouting. She looked around and saw Jeff running. 福罗拉听到有人大声喊叫。她环顾四周,发现杰夫正在奔跑。 Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 她还未来得及挪动,就听到一声巨响,那巨响随之变成可怕的咆哮。 She looked at Jeff, who was waving his arms. She looked around, behind her. 她看见杰夫挥舞着双臂。她又环视了一下四周,身后, There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her. She was 滔滔洪水正迅猛地向她袭来。她是 so surprised that she couldn’t move. She wanted to watch it. However, before 如此惊诧,以至于不能挪动半步。她想再望一眼洪水,但她还没来得及 she could think twice, the water was upon her. 思考,洪水已经扑向了她。 “Run!”Jeff shouted, seizing her arm. “快跑!”杰夫拽着她的胳膊大声吼着。 The next moment the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden. 紧接着第一个浪头就把她打倒了。洪水吞噬了花园。 Jeff dragged her towards the house. Everything went so fast, she couldn’t 杰夫吃力地拖着她向房子奔去。这一切都来得那么突然,她根本没时间 think. Before they reached the house, a new great wave came, sweeping down 考虑。未等他们赶到屋旁,又一巨浪袭来,巨浪冲倒了 trees, and sweeping them down too. They both went down under water. Then Jeff pulled her up. He was standing, holding onto a tree that grew 杰夫把她拉了起来,他站在那儿,就势抓住了倚墙而立的 against the wall. Floras head was above the water but she couldn’t stand up. 一棵树。福罗拉的头部虽然露出水面,但她依然站不起来。 She struggled and struggled, but could not get on her feet. Only his hand was 她反复挣扎,却仍未能站起来。只有杰夫的一只手拉着 holding her hand. She fought for her life, and finally pulled herself up. Now, 她的手,她拼命地抗争,最终站了起来。当时, the water,which was cold as ice and flowed faster than a river, was above her 洪水已经淹没了她的膝盖,冰冷刺骨,水流湍急。 knees. Jeff and Flora looked /into/ each other’s faces with a look of fright. 杰夫和福罗拉面面相觑,惊恐不已。 “Get to the steps!”Jeff shouted. “快上台阶!”杰夫大声喊着。 It was only just around the corner: four big steps! She looked at him, but she 那四级大台阶就在拐角处。福罗拉只是看着他,却 could not move. When the water seemed to go down a little, they ran. As they 挪不动脚。当水位好像有所下降时,他们便跑过去。登上 got to the steps, they heard another great roar, and the wall of the house 台阶时,他们又听到一声巨响,房子的墙壁也开始 shook. The water flowed around their legs again, but Jeff had opened the 摇晃。洪水又升到了他们的腿部,(幸好)杰夫已打开了 hall door. 大厅的门。 Flora quickly began climbing the stairs. Boom! Another wave struck the 福罗拉开始迅速地爬楼梯。轰!又一个浪头击中 house, and a strange cracking noise began. The water moved up like a sea. 房子。接着,他们听到一种奇怪的破裂声。洪水升高了,像茫茫的海洋。 Flora ran up the stairs. There she stopped, listening to the strange sounds, 福罗拉向楼梯上跑去,她停住了脚步,听着那奇怪的声音, while the whole house moved. Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were all 同时(感觉到)整座房子在晃动。美丽的头发和衣服(被浸泡得) cold and wet, started crying. 又湿又冷,福罗拉放声痛哭。 “The house is falling down!”shouted Jeff.“Where is the chimney? “这座房子要塌了!”杰夫叫到。“烟囱在哪儿? Which room? The chimney will stand.” 在哪个房间?烟囱不会倒的。” Jeff looked out of the window. Below, the water swept past the house like 杰夫向窗外望去,下面,洪水像肆虐的河流,席卷了 a wild river. Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water, which must 整座房子。一棵接一棵的树倒下了,是被洪水冲倒的,洪水肯定 have been three metres deep. The garden that was once so beautiful was 有三米多深。曾经美丽的花园被 completely destroyed, swept away by the wild water. 彻底毁坏了,被洪水洗劫一空。 A terrible noise went through the house. A part of the house had gone 可怕的巨响传遍了房子。房子的一部分已经倒塌掉, down and the floor moved up and down under their feet. For some moments 地板在脚下起伏不定。好一阵子, both were silent. 两个人默默无语。 “This will stand. This here will stand. See! That chimney! Like a tower. “这个不会塌掉的,这儿不会倒塌的。看,那烟囱,像座塔一样! Yes! All right! All right!” 好极了!好极了!” 重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1.hear意为“听到”,在hear sb. doing结构中,ving用作宾语补足语,与前面的宾语构成复合宾语,在逻辑关系上,作宾语的名词或代词与ving形式具有主谓关系,表示宾语正在进行的动作。 I heard her singing as she ran upstairs.我听到她边唱歌边跑上楼。 She loves to hear leaves rustling.她爱听树叶沙沙作响。 注意:具有这种复合宾语结构的动词多为表示感觉的动词,除hear外,还有see, find, watch, notice, feel等。 I saw the naughty boy hitting the dog. 我看见那个顽皮的男孩子在打狗。 2. advance意为“向前移动,前进”,后常接介词toward或on。 The soldiers advanced toward /on the town.士兵向镇上前进。 3. however意为“然而,可是,不过”,可以置于句首、句末或句中,置于句中,前后用逗号隔开的情况较多。 My room is small. It’s comfortable, however. 我的房间不大,不过它非常舒适。 It’s raining hard, however, I think we should go out. 雨下得很大,不过,我认为我们应该外出。 4.sweep意为“清扫,横扫,吹袭”。 It’s tiring to sweep all the rooms by myself. 要我独自打扫所有的房间很累。 All the clouds were swept away by the strong wind. 所有的云都被强风吹走了。 5.swallow意为“吞,咽”,后接名词或代词作宾语。 He swallowed the medicine with water.他用水把药吞下。 6.on one’s feet意为“站着,站起”。 I can’t stay on my feet any longer.我不能再站下去了。 7. seem意为“似乎,好像”,不能用于进行时。其后可接形容词或不定式短语。当seem后接that从句时,须用it作形式主语,即It seems (to sb.) thatclause。 Her father seems (to be) a kind man.她父亲看起来像个亲切的人。 The green leaves seem more beautiful after the rain. 绿叶在雨后显得更美了。 He seems to know everything.他好像什么都知道。 I seemed to have caught a cold.我好像感冒了。 It seems that he is lying.他好像在撒谎。 It seems to him that he would never be able to work out the question. 在他看来好像永远无法解决那问题。 8.cracking是ving形式作定语,置于它所修饰的名词之前。类似用法还有: She is a charming child.她是一个招人爱的孩子。 China is a developing country.中国是一个发展中国家。 注意:ving短语作定语时,通常置于它所修饰的名词之后,相当于一个定语从句。 Who is the man standing by the door? (=Who is the man that is standing by the door?)站在门口的那人是谁? 9.must后接动词完成式,表示对过去所发生的事情的肯定性的推断,意为“一定已经……”。该结构仅存在于肯定句,其疑问式或否定式须用can或could。 No one answers the phone. They must have already gone out. 电话没有人接,他们一定出去了。 10.go through意为“通过(某场所);经历(困难困苦等),经过”。 Can the table go through the door?那桌子能过得了那扇门吗? The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家遭受了太多的战争。 语法:定语从句 本单元出现了大量的定语从句。定语从句修饰前面的名词,起定语的作用。其中被修饰的词叫作先行词。定语从句一般放在它所修饰的名(代)词之后,这种名词(或代词)就叫作先行词。引导定语从句的关联词为关系代词和关系副词。本单元着重介绍关系代词的用法。可引导定语从句的关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose等,在定语从句中用作主语、宾语或定语,它们在从句中用作宾语时在口语中常被省去。 A doctor is a person who looks after people’s health. 医生是关照人们健康的人。 I have just met a lady whom I saw last week. 我刚遇到一位我上个星期见过的女士。 You’re the only person whose advice he might listen to. 只有你的话他可能会听。 I’d like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 我想要一个窗户面临大海的房间。 Water that is impure often causes serious illness. 不洁的水常会引起重病。 The finger (that) I put /into/ my mouth wasn’t the one (that) I had dipped /into/ the cup.我放入嘴里的那个指头,不是我浸到杯中的那一个。 INTEGRATING SKILLS 课文翻译 Reading and writing During the first week of May I went on a holiday to Sichuan. First, I 五月的第一周,我去四川度假了。首先,我 found some photos of interesting places which were not too far away from 找了一些距成都不远的名胜图片, Chengdu. I decided to go and see the big Buddha in Leshan and Mount Emei. 我决定去看乐山大佛和峨嵋山。 Next, I called a travel agent whose telephone number I found in a newspaper. 接下来,我在报纸上查到一家旅行社代理人的电话号码,给他打了电话。 He told us that I could go on a twoday trip to Leshan and Emei, which wasnt 他告诉我们去乐山和峨嵋需要两天的旅程,价格不 too expensive. My friends, Xiao Rong and Wei Bin, said they would come 很贵。我的两个朋友肖荣和魏斌说也要随我 with me. We took a few bottles of water, some apples and oranges, which we 一起去。我们用袋子带了几瓶水,一些苹果和桔子, put /into/ my bag. 把这些东西放到包里。 The next day we got up at five o’clock. First, we went to Leshan, where 第二天五点我们就起床了。首先,我们去了乐山, we climbed all the way up the mountain to see the Buddha. The Buddha is re 我们一路爬上山顶观看大佛。大佛 ally very big: taller than the highest building in our village. Looking up at the 非常高大,高于我们村庄的任何一座建筑。无论仰望着 large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small. Wei Bin took 那高大的佛首,还是俯视那巨大的脚,都让你感到自身的渺小。 photos of us standing in front of the Buddha. 站在大佛前,魏斌给我们拍了照。 The next morning, we climbed Mount Emei. There stand many old tem 次日早上,我们去爬峨嵋山。峨嵋山上矗立着许多古老的 ples and the forest on the mountain is very beautiful.The wild monkeys are the 庙宇,山上的树林也非常秀丽。在山上,最令人兴奋的 most exciting things on Mount Emei. They are not at all afraid of people. In a 要数野猴了。他们对游人毫无惧色,当你走近它们,它们 second they will come to you and touch you. The monkeys really liked to touch 立刻就会向你走来,并且还会触摸你。它们尤其喜欢触摸我的 my hair. Xiao Rong took a photo of a monkey that was sitting on my head. The 头发。肖荣还为坐在我头上的一只猴子拍了照片。这些 monkeys look sweet, but they can be very naughty. A small monkey suddenly 猴子看上去挺可爱的,但是它们也很淘气。突然, put its hand in Xiao Rong’s pocket. Wei Bin took out some peanuts and it was 一只小猴子将爪子伸进了肖荣的口袋。魏斌拿出了一些花生, fun to see the monkey eat from his hand. 看着小猴从他手中拿花生吃的样子,很令人开心。 Finally, towards evening we were on the way back to Chengdu. We were 最后,我们趁着暮色踏上了返回成都的旅途。我们都 all very tired and slept on the bus, but our trip to Sichuan is really unforgettable. 非常疲乏,在车上就睡着了,但四川之行很是令人难忘。 重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1.Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small.本句是ving形式作主语。 Traveling abroad can be very exciting.出国旅行很是令人兴奋。 makes you feel so small是make+n.+宾语补足语结构,意为“使某人/物……”。 What he said made me unhappy.他说的话使我不高兴。 2. there be形式中的be可以换成stand, lie, live, seem, happen, appear等动词。这些动词的数应该和其后的名词的数一致。 Once upon a time there lived a king in China. 从前,在中国有一个国王。 There stand lots of trees in front of the village.村前有许多树。 3.afraid意为“害怕的”,不可作定语,不可用无生命物作主语。常用于be afraid of和be afraid to do结构。 Don’t be afraid of any difficulty.不要怕任何困难。 He was afraid of making mistakes.他恐怕出错。 She was afraid to go out alone at night.她晚上不敢独自出门。 4.in a second意为“立刻,马上”,在句中作状语。其中second可换为minute或moment。 I’ll be back in a moment.我马上就回来。 We’ll be ready in a minute.我们马上就准备好。 Let’s start in a second.让我们立即动身。 5. fun意为“乐趣”,用于句型It is/was fun to do和What fun it is to do。 It is great fun to take a cold bath after taking exercises. 锻炼完冲个冷水澡很爽。 What fun it is to ride in a onehorse open sleigh. 坐在一只马拉的雪橇上,心情多欢畅。 |
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