
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

the first period
step 1 greeting
step 2 warming up
1. within 】pre.
1:Within these old walls there was once a town.
2:She felt the anger mounting up within her.
例1:He learned to speak English within six months!
例2:Please stay within hearing.
例3:to live within one's income
例1:The house has been painted within and without.
例2:She was pure within.
例1:The door opens from within.
例2:Seen from within, the cave looks larger.
反义词 beyond pre. & adv.
:The road is beyond that hill.
:Some shops keep open beyond midnight.
:The rumour is beyond belief.
易错辨析:with 和within
例1:He lives with one's parents
例2:You must do the work with more care.
例3:The popular singer star doesn't sing with much expression.
例4:It is a coat with four pockets.
例5:He opened the door with his key.
例6:They smiled with pleasure.
He has been to the United States three times ______the last three months.
A. for B. with C. within D. since
step 3 practice listening
step 4 consoidation
review the important knowledge
step 5 homework
study before
the second period
step 1greeting
step 2presentation
step 3practice
. promising
例1:The weather is promising.
例2:He was a promising youth.
例3:What promising crops.
1) promise n.
例1:He broke his promise and did not come to see me. 。
例2:They are a group of writers of promise.
例3:Clouds give promise of rain.
2)promise vt.
例1:He has promised to behave better henceforth.
例2:She promised her brother that she would write to him.
例3:"It is not so simple, I promise you."
例4:This year promises to be another good one for harvests.
3)promise 的相关表达法
break [go back] one's [a] promise
keep one's [a] promise
make [give] a promise
of great [high] promise
Promise is (a due) debt.
Promise little, but do much.
promise 表“许诺, 诺言; 约定”时是可数名词;
表“(有)指望, 有(成功的)希望;预兆, 预示”等意思时,是不可数名词。
试比较:The news gave little promise of peace.
He gave a promise that he would help us.
3. engage
vt. (= hire)
例如:He’d planned to engage a new secretary.
vt. (= book)
例如:They have engaged a room in the hotel.
vt. 与……订婚 (与to搭配,常用被动语态)
例如:Tom is engaged to Anne.
vt. 从事, 着手, 忙于 (与in搭配,常用被动语态)
例如:He is engaged (in his work) now.
vt. 允诺,保证 (常与that 从句连用)
例如:Can you engage that he can pay back the money in due time?
vt. 吸引, 引起(兴趣), 占用
例如:His smile engages everyone he meets.
vi. 卷入其中或参加;参与
例如:They engaged in the conversation right away.
1) be engaged by
2) be engaged in/ engage oneself in
3) be engaged on/ upon
4) be engaged to/ engage oneself to
易错辨析:注意与engage 连用的介词
请选择:He was engaged ____ a very nice girl. And later they got married.
A. with B. to C. in D. by
本题主要因为受汉语的影响,最容易选错A,英语中还有类似的短语:be/ get married to (与……结婚)。正确答案为B。
4. observe
vt. 注意到; 监视; 观察[测]
例1:I observed him going out.
例2:We are supposed to observe a child's behavior carefully.
vt. 纪念; 庆祝(节日、生日等)
例如:We observe our National Day on October 1st.
vt. 遵守, 奉行(法律、习俗、规章等)
例如:We must observe the rules at school.
observer n. .观测者, 观察员, 遵守者
例如:You can't speak at this meeting, you are here as an observer.
5. match
vt&vi. 相似;相配;相等
例1:These shoes do not match; one is large and the other is small.
例2:They are equally matched in their knowledge of Chinese.
n. 相似物;相配者;相衬之物;搭配之物
例1:He is his father's match.
例2:The shirt and blouse are a perfect match.
n. 对手
例如:The boxer had met his match.
n. 比赛;竞争
例如:There is going to be a football match between the two classes this afternoon.
n. 火柴,
例如:The little girl struck her last match.
有关match 的表达法
1)find [meet] one's match
2)let beggars match with beggars
3)make a good match
4)play a match 比赛 play off a match (
5)match against [with]
易错辨析:match与fit 、suit 区别
1) match 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面相合、不相上下、势均力敌。
例如:These colours don’t match.这些颜色不相配。
2) fit指适合环境、条件、目的、要求等(即某人某物具有在工作、用途上必须的品质)
例如:The ship is well fitted up.这船陈设得好。
fit 也用于衣服、鞋帽等合身、合脚
例如:How do the shoes fit? 这双鞋穿起来怎么样?
3)suit 主要指合乎口味、性格、地位、条件等,从而使人感到愉快、满意。
例1:No dish suits all tastes. 众口难调。
例2:It’s difficult to find time that suits everyone. 很难找到一个人人都适合的时间。
Step 4 consolidation
(一) 重要短语
1. work on
【用法一】从事于, 致力于
例如:He is working on a novel.
【用法二】使人信服, 说服;对……有影响,对……起作用
例如:We managed to work on those who had erred and helped them do right.
例如:After the heavy rain, they worked on.
work 相关短语
work at 从事, 致力于, 钻研
work in 插进, 穿入;搀, 加入
work out 做出, 设计出, 制作出;算出, 得出...答案, 解决
易错辨析: work on 与work at区别
例如:He is working (hard) at his lessons.
He is working on his bike.
请选择:She was working ____ a new story. (A. at B. in)
这里其实选on或者at 都对,但表达的意思是不同的,用on时,表示“她在修改……”;用at时,表示“她在阅读……”。
2. go by
例1:As time went by, Einstein’s theory proved true.
例2:Don’t let an opportunity go by.
例如:Don't go by what she says.
例1:They quickly went by the car. (by作介词用,后带宾语the car)
例2:He was in when I went by yesterday.
(go by 用作不及物短语,by为副词)
go 相关短语
go about
go along
go at
go down
go far
go for
go in for
go on
go out
go over
go through
go up
step 5 homework
retell the story
the third period
step 1 greeting
step 2 lead in ‘
word study and grammar
step 3 practice
1give a lecture
give a lecture
例1:The professor is going to give us a lecture on how to keep the balance of nature next week.
例2:He will give a lecture on the history of the Party.
make a speech
例如:I made a speech at the meeting. 。
have a talk (with sb.)
例如:Hi, John. Our teacher wants to have a talk with you.
易错辨析:give a lecture 和have a lecture
give a lecture是相对于老师而言的,have a lecture 是相对于学生而言的。
例如:This afternoon we are going to have a lecture in the hall.
相类似的有:give a lesson(讲课)和have a lesson(听课),汉语有时都用“上课”。
4. turn out
例如:Please turn out the lights before you leave the room.
例如:A large group of protesters have turned out.
例如:The rookie turned out to be the best hitter on the team.
例如:The cake turned out beautifully.
1)turn away
例如: The company had to turn away half of the salespersons.
2)turn back
例1:They made the uninvited comer turned back.
例2:The Red Army managed to turn back the advanced enemy.
3)turn down
例1:Turn down the radio, please.
例2:We politely turned down the invitation.
4)turn in
例1:The boy turned in the wallet he picked up on the way back home.
例2:The criminal turned herself in.
5)turn off 关闭,终止(运转、行为或流动);使厌烦
例1:Please turn off the television and let's have a rest.
例2:The play turned the audience off.
6)turn on 打开,使开始运作;开始展示,显露出,流露出
例1:It's dim here. Turn on the lights, please.
例2:The small old town takes on a new look. 。
7)turn over 翻转,翻过来;旋转,转动;考虑,思考
例1:They turned over a big stone and found ants of a family.
例2:The engine turned over but wouldn't start.
例3:She turned over the problem in her mind.
8)turn to 开始工作\
例如:If you quit dawdling and just turn to, the cleaning will be done in a day.
9)turn up 开大,调高;发现,找到;出现,到达
例1: Please turn up the public-address system so that everyone can hear the news clearly.
例2: She turned up the missing papers under her blotter.
例3:Several old friends turned up at the reunion.
例4:Something turned up and I was unable to go.
Step 4 consolidation
Step 5.homework
The fourth period
Step 1 greeting
Step 2 presentation
Step 3 practice
1 sound like
sound like 听起来象……
例1:The clicks of the train sound like singing.
例2:Your answer sounds like a reasonable one.
feel like 摸起来象……;想要……
例1:It feels like a stone.
例2:He feels like traveling abroad with his parents.
look like 看起来象……
例如:She looks like her mother. 。
smell like 闻起来象……
例如:It smells like a rose, but it isn’t.
taste like 尝起来象……
例如:It tastes something like beef.
6. make a difference
make a difference 区别,区别对待
例如:Can you make a difference between a sheep and a goat??
make no difference 没有差别;无关紧要
例如:It makes no difference to me whether you are here or not.
tell the difference between … and … 讲出……和……之间的不同,分辨出
例如:He can tell the difference between an Asian elephant and an African one
Step 4 consolidation
Step 5 homework




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