
中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

1、current: adj. belonging to the present time; of the present day 现代的,最近的
e.g. Where is the ~ number of the magazine? 最近的一期杂志在哪里? ~ events时事
2、faulty: adj. having a fault or faults有错误的;有毛病的
faulty、wrong 都可表示“过错”,但程度有所不同,fault是指人身上存在的一些小的缺点、过错:My parents love me in spite of all my faults.虽然我有种种缺点,父母仍然很爱我。
而wrong则指不正当的行为,甚至是坏事、罪行:He did wrong to steal.他干了偷窃的坏事。
fault: n.
3、risk: [C] n. chance that something bad may happen 危险
risky: adj.危险的,冒险的,大胆的 riskily: adv. 冒险
[V&C: run / take a ~ 冒险,冒风险:They are running a big ~ in the business. 他们在这事业上冒着很大的风险。at one's own ~ (损失或危险)由自己负责:Anyone swimming in this lake does so at his own ~. 在此游泳者如有危险一切责任自负。at the ~ of 冒……的危险 at all risks无论冒任何危险,无论如何:We have to do it at all risks. 我们无论如何不许做这件事。at ~ 处于危险的状态 run/take the ~ of doing冒……的危险:I don't want to run the ~ of losing my life. 我不想冒丧命的危险。]
vt. [USAGE:后接动名词,不能接不定式:They were willing to ~ losing their jobs. 他们愿意冒失业的危险。]
[V&C:~ one's life/neck冒生命危险 ~ oneself 使自己遭受危险 ~ war冒战争的危险 ~ one's life to save another冒生命危险去救他人 ~ everything on a single throw 孤注一掷]
4、admit: vt. agree to the truth of something 承认
admission: n.准许入场的,入场券,录用,修改,供认 admitted: a. 被承认的
①接从句或有时用在插入语中:I admit that it was difficult. 我承认事情棘手。
The thief admitted his crime. 他承认杀了人。
③跟复合结构,常用to be结构作宾补,但不能直接用不定式作宾语。
You must admit the task to be difficult. 你必须承认这项任务是艰巨的。
5、ought: v. aux. (of people) to have the moral duty (to do something) 应该
DIS: ①ought to 、should 在很多情况下,两者可以通用。只是口气不同一些而已。但在表示责任、义务等该做的事情时,常用ought to,在表示某事宜于做时,多用should。在下面的句子中这两个词不宜换用。
You are his father. You ought to take care of him. 你是他父亲,应当管他。
②oughtn't to 、needn't
oughtn't to 表示“不该”,needn't表示“不需”:
You oughtn't to talk so loud; you might wake the body. 你不该这样高声谈话,你会把婴儿吵醒的。
You needn't take so loud; we can hear you quite well. 你不必这样高声讲话,你的声音我们听得很清楚。
6、 fix, mend, repair
① fix为“修理,整理”,指让出了差错的东西恢复正常,使其牢固稳定。
It took him half an hour to fix my watch. 修理我的手表花费了他半个钟头。
Something is wrong with my radio. Fit it, can't you? 我的收录机坏了,修理一下,行吗?
② mend为“修理,修补”,指修理破损的,撕裂的简单日常用品。
I want get my leather shoes mended. 我必须拿我的皮鞋去修理。
The old man was mending the broken toys for his grand children. 这位老人正在为幼儿园的孩子们修理坏的玩具。
③ repair为“修理”,指修理构造复杂且又损伤严重的事物,如房屋,道路,机器等。
It will cost a good deal to repair the exhibiting hall.修建这个展览厅将花费很多。
They took great trouble to repair the pleasure boat. 他们修理这艘漂亮的船时遇到很多困难。
7、rather than表示选择“而不是”,用于两个形容词,两个状语,两个名/代词,两个动词不定式或两个-ing形式之间:I'd prefer to go in May ~ than in June.我宁可5月去不愿6月去。I always prefer staying home ~ than leaving home at night.晚上我总是愿意呆在家里不愿离开家。I decided to write ~ than telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。
8、save: ①vt. make or keep safe from danger, injury, loss,etc. 援救,拯救:They saved the boy from the fire.他们救了那个男孩,使他没被烧死。~ sb. from drowning救起溺水的人 ~ sb. 's life救某人的生命 ~ a person from himself使某人免于自食其果。
②vt. make unnecessary (for ) 节省,省去:It will ~ us a lot of trouble. 那将免去我们许多麻烦。Save some cakes for your sister. 留几块饼给你妹妹吃。You can ~ a mile by taking a short cut. 你抄近路可少走一英里路。The modern labour-saving devices will ~ us much time.现代化的节省劳力的设备为我们节省许多时间。
[V&C:~ on: v. + prep. save and not use so much, esp. by spending or costing less money使……节省:Living near the factory saves my lots of money on petrol. 住在工厂附近使我节省许多汽油钱。
~ one's face保全面子,保持尊严 ~ the situation度过难关 Save us!天哪!]
9、make up for: v. + adv. + prep. repay with something good偿还,补上:
e.g. We must ~ the lost time. 我们必须把失去的时间补回来。
10、supply: vt. give or provide (sth. needed or asked for) 供给,供应
① supply不能跟双宾语,应用 supply sth. to sb. 或supply sb. with sth. 结构= provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb. 向……供应(提供)……
Cows supply us with milk. 奶牛供给我们牛奶。
Canada and Australia help to supply England with food. 加拿大和澳大利亚帮助供应英国粮食。
② supply the place of = to (be) put instead of 替代
Rocks and stumps supplied the place of chairs at the picnic. 岩石和村庄被用作野餐的椅子。
11、neglect: vt. give too little attention or care to 疏忽,忽略
neglect疏忽,不留心:He neglected his health. 他忽略了他的健康。
That's my fault. I neglected to lock the door. 那是我的错,我忘了锁门。
12、know about、know of:
know about:v. + prep. have information concerning知道关于……的情况:
e.g. I know him but I don't ~ him.我认识他,但并不了解他。
I know nothing about his coming. 我对他的到来一无所知。
know of:v. + prep. be aware of the existence of 知道有……的存在,知道有:
e.g. How did you come to ~ this? 你怎么知道有这件事?
13、pull: vt. move (something) along behind one while moving 拉
pull the curtain across把窗帘拉起来
e.g. In Shanghai the birth rate is declining.
His health was declining.
My strength slowly declined.
We invited her to dinner, but she declined.
15、CF:as well as 、not only … but also
as well as是并列连接词,表示“不仅……而且……”。A as well as B意思是“不仅是B,而且是A”,此结构侧重强调前项(即A);而表示类似意思的not only … but also则侧重强调后项。
e.g. The students of the music school study some other subjects as well as music. = The students of the music school study not only music but also some other subjects. (音乐学校的学生不仅学音乐,而且学其他科目。)
16、CF:die from / of 、die off
die from / of: v. + prep. stop living because of sth. 因……而死:He died from a chest wound.他因胸部受伤而死。In big cities during winter months, many old people died from the polluted air. 在冬天,大城市里许多老人因空气污染而死去。His grandfather died of / from cancer last year. 他祖父去年因患癌症逝世。"What did he die of?" "He died from a wound." “他是怎么死的?”“他是受伤死的。”
die off: v. + adv. die one by one一个个相继死去:The fish are dying off because of the pollution. 由于污染,鱼正在一条条(一批批)死去。
17、instruct: vt. teach 教,教导
DIS:instruct, teach:
instruct强调教授系统知识,而teach强调讲解的过程,通常有教的对象。instruct sb. in sth.
He instructs classes in physics. 他教物理。
Some children learn to read by themselves, but most must be taught. 有些小孩自己能学习,但大多数必须有人教。
18、universal: adj. concerning all members of a group 普遍的;全世界的
DIS:common, universal
This is quite a common occurrence. 像这样的事常常发生(平淡无奇)
general指普通的,一般的,与高级的相对应,universal rule. 这是一条普通的法则。
19、significance: n. importance重要性;重大
DIS:importance, significance
news of importance 重要新闻
significance 则强调其特殊意义:an event of significance 具有重要意义的事件。
20、intend: vt. have in mind, mean 打算
①intend + to do / doing打算
How long do you intend to stay / staying there? 你打算在那儿呆多久?
②intend +宾语从句的谓语常用虚拟语气
I intended that it (should) be finished within a week. 我打算一星期内完成这件事
③ intend +不定式的完成式表示本来打算但未能实现的动作
I intended to have come home earlier (but I couldn't).
They intend to work hard to save money to put their children. 他们打算努力工作省下钱来供子女读大学。
through university. Mean不如intend坚决、正式,多用于口语,表示某种不明确的较弱的或没有实现的决心,或一种意愿。
I meant to get up early but I forgot to set the alarm. 我原来打算早起床,可忘了拨闹钟。
两词有时可以通用。I didn't mean / intend to hurt you. 我不是有意想伤害你的。
21、guess: vt. form an opinion, give an answer based on supposing, not a careful thought 猜测
get to know by guessing 猜中
DIS:guess, suppose
两词都有猜想、推测的意思,可以相互替换。I guess / suppose her to be a French woman. 我猜想她是法国人。
但suppose有假定,假设之意:Suppose he's absent, what shall we do? 这时不能用guess替换。
22、require: vt. need, order需要,要求
require和need, want 一样可跟主动形式的动名词表示被动的意义,也可用动词不定式的被动式:The floor requires washing / to be washed.地板要擦洗了。
23、picture: n. an image in the mind形象
e.g. The book gives a good ~ of everyday life in ancient Rome.这本书是古罗马日常生活的极好写照。
在这里指“使人明白某件事的描述”:gain a clear ~ of…了解……
24、actual: adj. existing as real fact真实的;实际的
DIS:actual, real, true这三个词都是形容词,都可以用来充当定语。
① true除了作定语以外,也还用来充当表语,其他两个词不能作表语:
It's quite true that I sang for the people after I had supper with them.真的,我与他们吃完晚餐后还给大家唱了歌。
② 表示完全是“真的”不是仿造的,用true或real.
I'm learning to skate on real / true ice. 我正学着在真的冰上滑冰。
③ 表示“不是估计出来的”或“不是想象的”用actual或real:
Can you give me the actual / real figures? 能给我确切的数字吗?
④ 表示“符合实际的”true或actual: This is a true / actual story that happened last year. 这是去年发生的一个真实故事。
25、gain: vt. get what you want or need 获得
DIS:get 用得最广,不要经过什么努力就能得到。
26、spare: adj. Ànot needed for use; free多余的,空闲的
e.g. I have no ~ cash. 我没有多余的现款。
He often plays the piano in his ~ time. 他经常在空闲时弹钢琴。
Ánot in use but kept for use needed备用的
e.g. a ~ tyre / bedroom备用轮船(卧室)
Ârather thin瘦削的
e.g. a ~ face瘦削的脸
She was tall and ~. 她又高又瘦。
Ãa little; short of 少量的,不足的,贫乏的
e.g. He is ~ of speech. 他很少说话。
e.g. a ~ diet简单的饮食 a ~ life-style俭朴的生活方式
vt. Àgive up ( someone or something that is not being used or is not needed); afford to give留出(不在用,不需要的人或物),给得出:
e.g. We're so busy that no one in the office can be spared for any other work. 我们太忙了,根本腾不出人手干其他工作。
Can you ~ me five minutes? 你能留给我五分钟时间吗?
Á(usu. in questions and nagatives) too keep from using, spending, etc. 节约,节俭,吝啬:
e.g. Spare no efforts to finish the work. 不遗余力地完成这项工作。
~ no expense不惜工本
Â( esp. old use) treat with mercy; not harm 宽容,饶恕,赦免,不伤害(旧时尤常用)
e.g. ~ sb's life饶某人一命
Take my money but ~ my life. 把钱拿走吧,留我一条命。
Ãkeep from giving( someone) (something unnecessary)省掉不给:
e.g. Spare me the details, just tell me about what they decided. 不用告诉我详情,只告诉我他们作出了什么决定。
Use the telephone and ~ yourself a visit. 打个电话,省得你自己去拜访。
27、recover: v. Àvi. return to the usual state of health, strength, ability, etc. 康复
e.g. I hope you will soon ~. 我希望你早日康复。
She has just recovered from a severe illness. 她刚大病初愈。
The region soon recovered from the effects of the earthquake. 该地区地震后不久就恢复正常了。
Ávt. get back ( something lost, etc.); get back the use of 寻回(已失之物),恢复
e.g. I recovered my lost pocket-book. 我寻会了遗失的袖珍手册。
She stood a moment to ~ breath. 她站了一会儿,平平气。
He recovered consciousness. 他恢复了知觉。
Âvt. regain control of oneself; become calm or normal 重新控制自己,恢复正常,镇静下来
e.g. He almost fel, but recovered himself in time. 他几乎跌到,但及时控制住自己。
Jennie made a great effort to ~ himself. 詹妮努力使自己镇静下来。
28、take up: v. + adv.
Àpick up, lift, raise, remove by lifting or pulling up拿起,举起,拿走
e.g. The whole nation took up arms against aggression. 全国人民拿起武器反抗侵略。
He took up a weekly and began to read. 他拿起了一本周刊读了起来。
Áenter up on (a business, a profession a subject of study, etc. ) proceed to deal with, concern oneself or itself with 开始从事(一种生意,一种职业,一项研究等),着手处理,关注,涉及
e.g. She took up the piano when she was five.她五岁时开始学钢琴。
When did you ~ basketball? 你什么时候开始打篮球的?
Âtake or accept (a belief, an idea, practice etc. )as one's own assume采纳(信仰,意见等),养成(习惯,嗜好),采取(某种态度),承担
e.g. He took up the practice of walking to work. 他养成了步行上班的习惯。
~ up the duties of the monitor担任班长的职务
Ãoccupy (space, time, attention etc.) entirely and exclusively 占去(地方,时间,注意力等)
e.g. Music takes up more than thirty percents of the broadcasting programmes. 在广播节目中音乐占了30%以上。
It would ~ a lot of time to tell you the whole story. 把全部经过告诉你要花许多时间。
29、politics: [U] the act, science, or business of government 政治
30、last: vi. measure in length of time; go on; continue持续
e.g. The hot weather lasted until September. 炎热的天气一直持续到9月。
The Civil War lasted ( for) four years. 内战持续了四年。
31、inspire: vt. stimulate to creativity or action鼓励
inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事
inspire sb. with 使某人产生“某种思想”
32、regard: vt. look upon mentally (with) 看待
DIS:consider, regard as
consider 和regard as 在大多数情况下可以通用。consider偏重于经过思考后得出结论:
I consider his suggestion reasonable. 我人为他的建议很合理。
而regard as 偏重于看作:
He is regarded as an authority on physics. 他被看作是物理学的权威。
33、add up to: v. + adv. + prep. (of numbers) to amount to (a total)把(数目)加起来共计:
e.g. His school education added up to no more than one year. 他总共只受过一年的学校教育。
The money he spent added up to more than £1000. 他花掉的钱总共达一千英镑。
It all adds up to this --- he is a fool. 一切综合起来只说明一点——他是个笨蛋。
add to: v. + prep. increase 增加:
e.g. This added to your difficulties. 这增添了你们的困难。
The building has ben added to from time to time. 这栋房子曾多次扩建。
~ to his knowledge of the weather.丰富了他对天气的认识
~ to our responsibilities增加了我们的责任
~ to our enjoyment增添了我们的乐趣
34、disagreeable: adj.①unpleasant令人不愉快的
e.g. It was obvious that he made a ~ impression on her. 显然他已给她留下了一个不好的印象。
What ~ weather! 好沉闷的天气!
Food may be ~ to the taste. 食物可能不合口味。
②bad tempered脾气坏的:
e.g. She is a ~ girl, she quarrels with every one. 她是一个脾气坏的女孩,她和谁都吵。
35、sale: n. an act of selling sth. 出售
for sale、on sale均为“出售”,但for sale常指私人物主出售自己的东西:
The sign on that says "For sale". 那间房子标有“待售”。
on sale尤指商店里的商品的出售。
Will the new products be on sale next month?新产品下月会上市吗?
36、assure: vt. try to cause(someone) to believe or trust in something, promise, try to persuade 使(某人)相信,向……保证。
e.g. I ~ you that next time I’ll bring my textbook with me.我向你保证,下次我一定把课本带来。
He assured us that the police were doing all they could. 他要使我们相信,警方正在尽力而为。
I can ~ you of his honesty.他的诚实,我可以向你保证。
37、understanding: [C] knowing about something or someone了解
USE:up to的主要用法:
⑴表示“直到,达到” up to now (that)直到现在(那时)
⑵正在从事 What's he up to?他正在做什么?
⑶胜任,及得上 I don't feel up to going to work today. 我今天不适宜工作。
⑷是……的职责 It's up to you to decide. 由你作出决定。
38、lead to: v. + prep. have a result; lie in such a direction 导致,通到:
e.g. Our discussion led to agreement. 我们的讨论取得了一致的意见。
This road leads to the docks. 这路通往码头。
39、visit with —— talk with 与……谈话
e.g. Please stay and visit with me for a while. 请多留一会跟我聊聊。
40、ask for —— request service 请求
e.g. He asked me for help. 他请求我帮助。
ask about 查询:I asked about the book. 我查询这本书。
ask after问候:He asked after her. 他问候她。
1、nod: vi. bend (one's head) forward and down, esp. to show agreement or give a greeting or sign 点(头);点头表示
USE. He nodded (his head)in approval.他点头表示同意。
He nodded at my words.他听了我的话点了点头。
He nodded me out of the door.他点点头叫我出门去。
nod one's agreement/approval/OK/yes点头表示同意
nod a goodbye at sb. 对某人点头告别
nod a thank-you(one's thanks)点头表示谢意
nod one's understanding点头表示领会
2、wrap: vt. cover or roll up in包;裹
USE. David, wrapped in a blanket, was rushed to the emergency ward at
the nearest hospital.戴维被裹在毯子里火速送到最近的一家医院的急诊病房。
(1) 汉语表达“用……裹”时,英语通常用wrap sth. in… :The baby was wrapped in wool clothes.
(2) be wrapped in 有时可转译为“由……笼罩着”:At dawn, the village was wrapped on a heavy fog. 黎明时,村庄被浓雾笼罩着。
3、rush: vt. send somebody hastily急送
e.g. The old man was rushed by ambulance to a hospital. 救护车急送老人去医院。
Fellow workers helped me rush my wife to the hospital.
Troops were rushed to the front.
4、order: vt. ①ask for payment 叫(菜、饭、饮料等)p718
e.g. He ordered himself three new suits. 他为自己定购了三套新衣。
You can ~ tickets by telephone. 你可用电话订票。
Don’t forget to ~ a taxi. 不要忘记叫一辆出租车。
“What would you like?” “You ~.” “你想吃什么?”“你点吧。”
②give an order; command; advise (something) as necessary命令,嘱咐
e.g. He ordered the men to fire the gun. 他命令士兵开枪。
③arrange; direct安排,指导:
e.g. He orders his life according to strict rules. 他按照严格的规律安排生活。
5、at a loss: 茫然不知所措;亏本
e.g. They sold it at a loss of £5. 他们亏本五英镑卖出。
He was at a loss for words. 他不知说什么好。
6、follow: v. ①vi. go after 跟随:
e.g. He went into the shop and I followed. 他走进商店,我随后跟进去。
②vi. happen as a result 继而发生,结果:
e.g. Do you know what will ~ from this? 你知道这件事的结果是什么吗?
③vt. go or come after跟随,追求:
e.g. Please ~ me. 请跟着我走。
④vt. go along顺……走:
e.g. Follow this road to the bridge and then turn left. 沿这条路走到桥头然后向左转。
⑤vt. obey听从:
e.g. ~ sb. ’s advice听从某人的劝告。
e.g. Do you ~ me? 你听清楚我的话吗?
⑦vt. be engaged in 从事:
e.g. He follows the profession of lawyer. = He follows the law. 他当律师。
7、likely: adj. probable, expected 可能的
e.g. He found nothing that was ~ to interest him. 他发现没有东西能引起他的兴趣。
He is ~ to come back this evening. 他可能今天晚上回来。
What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home.
[USAGE:likely 与possible 都解释为可能的,但可以说sb. is ~ to do sth. 不能说sb. is possible to do sth. 可以说It’s possible for sb. to do sth. 但不可以说It’s ~ for sb. to do sth. ]
8、expect: vt.①think that something will happen or somebody will come 期待p395
e.g. We expected you yesterday. 昨天我们期待你来。
He’s expecting a letter. 他在等一封信。
②suppose; think 料想
e.g. “Who broke the cup?” “I ~ it was the cat.” “谁打碎了杯子?”“我想是猫。”
I ~ you’re tired after the journey. 我想你走了这一程后一定累了。
9、reach: vi. stretch out a hand or arm for some purpose 伸出(…去够):p846
e.g. The old man reached (out) for the desk dictionary. 那老人伸手去拿案头词典。
Bamboo has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.
10、would rather:(宁愿)后跟不带to的不定式:
e.g. I would rather do it right now than leave it to the last minute. 我宁可马上做而不留到最后才做。
e.g. I’d rather you hadn’t told your father about it. 我真希望你没有把这件事告诉你父亲。
11、treatment: n. [C, U] the act, manner, or way of treating somebody or something治疗;疗法
CF:treat, cure
e.g. The doctor cured her headache. 医生治愈她的头痛。
The teacher cured the student’s bad habit. 老师矫正了这个学生的坏习惯。
e.g. Which doctor is treating you for the trouble? 哪一位医生在为你治病?
12、focus: vi. , vt. (cause to) come together at a focus集中
e.g. The boy is focusing the sun’s rays on a piece of paper into a burning glass. 那男孩用聚光镜使阳光聚焦在纸上。
~ one’s attention on …集中注意力于……
13、relieve: vt. ①lessen (pain or trouble)减轻
e.g. He smoked frequently to ~ nervous tension. 他一支接一支地抽烟,为的是消除神经紧张。
②take over a duty from somebody as a relief解除,接班,接替
e.g. John relieved Jack at the door. 约翰接替杰克在门口值班。
③drive away the enemy from (a town, fortress, etc.) 援救
e.g. Soldiers were sent to ~ the city. 派士兵去解救那座城市。
14、recognize: vt. admit (somebody or something) as being real or having the right to be stated thing承认:
e.g. They refused to ~ his government. 他们拒绝承认他们的政府。
15、relief: n. [U] feeling of comfort at the end of anxiety, fear or pain宽慰
e.g. A doctor’s task is to work for the ~ of suffering. 医生的工作是解除病痛。
[U] help given to those in need; food, clothes, money, etc., for persons in trouble救济
e.g. The poor families survived on ~. 那些穷苦的家庭是靠救济活下来的。
[U] (of) the act of relieving救援
e.g. The troops hurried to the ~. 军队火速前往救援。
16、devote: vt. give up (oneself, one’s time, energy, etc.) to something or somebody奉献
e.g. Now she devotes most of her time to this work. 现在她把大部分时间都用在这项工作上。
17、service: n. ①[C] (usu. pl. ) an act or job done for someone 帮助,帮工
e.g. You may need the services of a lawyer. 你也许需要律师帮助。
②[C] a fixed form of public worship, a religious ceremony 礼拜仪式,宗教仪式:
e.g. Their church has three services each Sunday. 他们的教堂每星期天举行三次礼拜仪式。
③[C, U]a business or organization doing useful work or supplying a need公共设施,公用事业
e.g. A big snowstorm interrupted telephone ~ in the town.一场大风雨中断了城里的电话通讯。
④[U] attention to buyers in a shop or to guests in a hotel, restaurant, etc. 服务,招待
e.g. The food was good but the ~ was bad. 饭菜不错,但服务(质量)很差。
⑤[U] work or duty done for somebody 服务,供职:
e.g. Through the years the Red Cross has inspired millions of men, women, and children to devote time and care to the ~ of others. 多年来,红十字会鼓舞了千百万男女和儿童奉献出时间和爱心,为其他人服务。
18、cheer: vt. ①encourage by shouting approval or support为……高呼加油
e.g. The boys cheered their football team.男孩们为自己的足球队加油。
②vi. shout in praise, approval, or support欢呼,喝彩
e.g. We cheered as he neared the finishing line. 当他将要到终点线时,我们都欢呼起来。
③vt. give encouragement or hope to鼓舞
e.g. Everybody was cheered by the good news. 人人都被这好消息鼓舞了。
19、plunge: vi. throw oneself, dive (into water, difficulty, discussion, etc. or in)跳入
e.g. He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and plunged in. 他奔到游泳池边,一纵身跳进水里。
20、save: v. ①vi. , vt. keep (esp. money) for later use 储蓄,贮存(尤指钱):
e.g. Children should learn to ~. 孩子们应学会储蓄。
②vt. make or keep safe from danger, injury, loss, etc. 援救,拯救:
e.g. They saved the boy from the fire. 他们救了那个男孩,使他没被烧死。
③vt. make unnecessary (for) 节省,省去:
e.g. It will ~ us a lot of trouble. 那将免去我们许多麻烦。
④vt. (of a football player, esp. a goalkeeper) stop one’s opponents from getting (a goal)(足球守门员)救球,扑出球
[V&C:~ on v. + prep. save and not use so much, esp. by spending or costing less money使……节省:Living near the factory saves me lots of money on petrol. 住在工厂附近使我节省许多汽油钱。]
21、give out
(1)—— send out (sth. such as smell, sound, light, gas etc. )散发出(气味、声音、光、气体等之类)
e.g. Roses give out a sweet smell. 玫瑰发出芬芳的气味。
(2)—— give to each of several people, distribute散发
e.g. Before the exam began, the teacher gave out the examination papers. 考试开始前,老师分发考卷。
22、be to blame for —— deserve censure应为……受责备,应对……承担责任
e.g. He is not to blame for the accident. 发生这场事故,责任不在他身上。
在be to blame for词组中,blame是不及物动词,动词不定式是主动形式,表示被动意思。blame也可用作及物动词,意为指责某人。为某事指责某人blame sb. for sth.
e.g. Mother blamed her son for his carelessness. 母亲责备儿子的粗心。
23、feed on
(1)—— give food to 喂,给……吃食
e.g. The girl is feeding the cat. She is feeding fish to the cat. Sometimes she feeds it on meat. 这小女孩正在给猫吃食。她在给它吃鱼。有时她给猫吃肉。
(2)—— take as food 以食……为生
e.g. Cattle feed chiefly on grass.牛以食草为主。
注意:feed on含此意时,不用被动语态。
24、expose … to
(1)—— leave uncovered or unprotected暴露
e.g. The trees are exposed to wind and rain. 这些树木任凭风吹雨打。
(2)—— make known publicly 揭露
e.g. The shameful activity was exposed to the pu blic in the newspaper. 报纸向公众揭露了这种可耻的行径。
25、a great drain on 极大的消耗
e.g. All the additional work was a great drain on his stength. 所有这些额外工作是对他体力的极大消耗。
26、stay warm —— keep warm 保持温暖
e.g. In order to stay warm, he turned on the air conditioner. 为了保持温暖,他打开了空调器。
句中stay用作连系动词,表示主语持续或保持某种状态。此类连系动词还有keep, remain, rest等,常用形容词作表语,例如:
(1) The question remains unsolved. 这个问题仍未解决。
(2) Keep fit. 保持健康。
27、go around —— be shared 足够分配
e.g. We have enough copies of Chinese Daily to go around. 这些中国日报够我们分了。
28、congratulate sb. on / upon sth. —— express one’s pleasure to sb. about sth. 为某事向某人祝贺。
e.g. Allow me to congratulate you on your achievement. 请允许我为你的成就祝贺。
congratulate 的名词congratulation 通常用复数形式,同样与on 搭配。向人表示祝贺时可说Congratulations! 或Congratulations on your success! 祝贺你的成功!
29、have … under control —— keep … in order控制住
e.g. It was not long before they had the flood under control. 不久他们控制住了洪水。
30、a six-storey building —— 一幢六层楼的楼房
表示同样意思的还可用a six-storeyed building, a building of six storeys
storey和floor都指房子的“层”,storey指floor与floor之间的空间,floor指的是地面,brick floor砖地。表示在几楼用floor,例如:on the second floor(在二楼)。表示房子有几层用storey,例如:a house of three storeys 一座三层楼的房子。英、美对the first floor 意义不同。
美国:the first floor 一楼 the second floor二楼
英国:the ground floor底楼 the first floor二楼




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