3A Unit 12 Mainly revision(新课标版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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Lesson 45 Dialogue
Aims and demands:
1. Improve the Ss’ listening and speaking ability .
2. How to express one’s own opinion and hoe to make suggestions .
Importance and difficulties:
1. important expressions:
suggest, a driving permit , pick up
2. Making suggestions:
You’d better ( not )…
You should / ought to …
You need ( to ) … You could …
I suggest you…
Shall we …? / Let’s …
Teaching methods:
Listening and speaking
Teaching aids: slid shown, tape recorder
Step 1. Words:
Step 2. Revision
If you want to make suggestions to others , what expressions we may use?
You’d better ( not )…
Why don’t you (we )…
Why not ..,
You should ( ought to )..
You need ( to )… / You could…
What How about doing…
What do you think of doing …
I suggest you…
I advise you …
Is it a good idea that…
Make suggestions :
1. It’s very cold outside.
2. It’s going to rain.
3. I’ve caught a very bad cold .
4. I’m hungry and I’ve got a stomach ache .
5. It’s so beautiful in the country.
6. You have a nice car, ______?
7. If you want to catch the first bus, ______.
8. There’s going to be a famous play------- The Necklace at the theater, _______?
9. The street is very busy, _______.
10. It’s a lovely day today, _______.
11. There’s going to be a long holiday, ________.
Step 3. Presentation
Do you want to go to America?
What’s the capital of the USA?
Do you know any other big cities?
Who is the president?
What money do they use in the USA?
What do they eat and drink?
Step 4 Listening
Today we’re going to learn a dialogue, Eric , an Englishman, is visiting Charlie in the USA. Let’s listen to the tape and choose the correct answer while listening.
Choose the correct answer according to the dialogue: ( Lesson 45 )
1. Eric is an____ who is visiting Charlie in the ____.
A.American / USA
B. American / England
C.Englishman / USA
D. Englishman / Wales
2. Eric has _____ for his journey.
A. three weeks B. three days
C. two weeks D. three months
3. Charlie suggests Eric see ______.
A. some of their national parks
B. some old buildings
C. old temples
D. modern buildings
4. It is _____ to hire a car for the journey.
A. cheap B. not expensive
C. expensive D. very expensive
5. If Eric take a friend with him, he can pay ____ cost.
A. only half of the B. the whole
C. twice of the D. one third of the
Listen again and answer the question:
What advice does Charlie give to Eric to spend his holiday?
a. visit some National Parks
b. hire a car
c. go camping and take some friends with him
Step 5. Reading
Read by themselves and fill in the blanks:
Fill in the blanks : (Lesson 45)
Eric, an Englishman was v____ Charlie in the USA. Eric was p____ to stay in the USA for three weeks. Charlie s____ he see some of their national parks. Charlie also advised him to h___ a car, because the mountains and countryside cover a huge area, but Eric needed a d____ p____. At last Charlie suggested that Eric should go c____ i____ of staying in a hotel, because that might be cheaper. At the same time, Charlie advised that he t____ a friend with him. In that c____, he could share the c____ of gas and the car. Eric agreed w____ Charlie. After discussing Eric’s plan, Charlie suggested g____ d____ and have a walk around.
Step 6. Language points
1. suggest / advise / require / insist / order / demand + that + should
They suggested I ( should ) come another day.
My mother suggested that I ( should ) go the airport earlier.
I insisted that he (should ) be send to hospital .
2. a driving permit 许可证
3. pick up a hire car 乘一辆出租车
I’ll pick you up on my way home. 开车接某人
My radio can pick up BBC English clearly. 接收
She picked up a wallet and decided to turn it in first. 捡起
When did you pick up the habit? 染上
4. I’d come too if I had time to spare.
Would you spare me a few minutes?
I can’t spare the time now.
5. Let’s go…. , shall we?
Step 6. workbook and then retell the story
Homework: Wb.
Lesson 46 Winter sleep
Aims and demands:
1. Introduce some animals to the Ss and tell which animals don’t need to hibernate, which kind of animals need to hibernate, and which animals only half-hibernate.
2. Develop the Ss’ reading ability
3. Have a deeper understanding of the text.
4. Retell the text of Hibernation , and know the usage of some preposition
Importance and difficulty:
1. words and expressions:
keep up, more than, lie in, large quantities of
2. sentences:
a) Then it has no choice but to lie down and sleep.
b) The second is connected with the main use the body makes of food --- to supply the energy for movement.
3. Grammar: the usage of prepositions---- for , at, in , on . through…..
4. Useful expressions---- Making suggestions
Teaching aids: slide shown , tape recorder
Teaching method: Reading
Step 1. Warming up
True or False
1. In cold winter, we can see snakes that are always dead.
2. When the weather turns cold, some birds will fly away to the north.
3. We can see that the cat, the dog will stay with us all through the winter, but the wolf will go the sleep in cold winter.
4. Bears are animals that don’t need to hibernate.
Step 2. Introduction
Some birds will fly away to the south when the weather turns cold, other birds and all animals will stay with you. But you can not see all of them. Where are they?
Do not hibernate----- warm-blooded ~ ( cats, dogs, wolves ) ----- lead an active life
Hibernate ------ cold-blooded ~ ( snakes , frogs, squirrels ) ----- body temperature drops……
Half-hibernate -----( bears ) body temperature drops ……
Step 3 . Listening
Listen to the tape and tell whether the following is true or false
1. All the birds will fly away to the south when the weather turns cold.
2. Hibernating animals sleep in all kinds of places.
3. All cold-blooded animals need to hibernate.
4. Hibernating animals do not breathe and can’t feel any pain.
5. Hibernation is a long and very deep sleep.
6. Hibernating animals can live all through the winter without eating.
7. A hibernating animal can’t wake up, even if you pull its tail.
8. Some bears also hibernate.
9. The squirrel is a half-hibernating animal.
10. The squirrel is described as a good animal for it saves food for the winter.
Step 4. Reading
1. Read it and fill in the blanks ( Lesson 46 )
When winter comes, some birds fly _______. Some animals hide inside trees or in caves. Still others hide under the mud, in the earth or under the snow. Many of them are ________ animals and they hibernate. Some warm-blooded animals, like the cat, the dog or the _____ , lead an _____ life. They do not hibernate . Bears sleep in winter, but their sleep is not a deep one. They only ________.
Hibernation is a very _____ sleep. When the air temperature is ______ freezing, the ______ temperature of these animals drops too. Their hearts beat very ______. It does not feel any pain, when you give a pull at its tail.
A hibernating animal can live _______ eating in winter. Because it has stored ______ of fat in its body during the summer and autumn. It hardly makes any movement, hardly _____ any energy and hardly ______ any food.
3. Do the comprehension exercise
Reading comprehension for 3A Unit 12 Lesson 46 CBACD ADABA
1. The text mainly tells us that ___.
A. hibernation is more than sleep
B. warm-blooded animals will do different things from cold-blooded animals in winter
C. some animals live through the winter by hibernation or half-hibernation
D. animals use different ways to protect themselves against the cold
2. Some animals sleep under the snow because __.
A. they prefer the cold air in the snow
B. the air in loose snow will help to keep the cold out
C. they can adjust (调节) their body temperature to the cold weather
D. they are warm-blooded animals
3. Which sentence carries the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 2
C. Sentence 3 D. Sentence 4
4. The wolf doesn’t hibernate in winter because ___.
A. it is a cold-blooded animal
B. it prefers moving by nature
C. it can keep up its normal body temperature even in cold weather
D. it has to go hunting for food
5. Why do frogs go to sleep under the mud in winter?
A. Because they can escape from their enemies under the mud.
B. Because the air under the mud will keep the cold out.
C. Because they feel comfortable there.
D. Both A and B.
6. We will know the animal is hibernating if ___.
A. it feels cold and breathes very slowly
B. it can feel pain
C. its temperature drops to below zero centigrade
D. it does not move
7. Why can a hibernating animal manage to live through the winter?
A. Because it hardly makes any movements and breathes very slowly.
B. Because it has already stored supplies of fat in its body.
C. Because it does not use energy while sleeping.
D. Both A and B.
8. The bear stops hibernating on warm winter days because ___.
A. the warmth makes it think the winter has gone
B. it has to eat some food for the next long sleep
C. it feels cold and wants to warm up itself
D. it is going to hunt something
9. A squirrel hides nuts before the beginning of winter because ___.
A. it eats far more in winter to keep warm
B. it is hard to find food in winter
C. it needs to eat a lot to hibernate
D. it needs nuts to fight against its enemies
10. Why don’t human beings hibernate?
A. Because we are warm-blooded and we lead an active life to keep up our normal body temperature.
B. Because we are clever enough to build houses and wear clothes to deep the cold out.
C. Because we are cold-blooded and we do not need to hibernate.
D. Because hibernation will use more energy for human beings.

Collect the mistakes: (Unit 12 --- 3A)
In winter we can see all the animals, 1___
for some of them hibernates. They go to 2___
different places to sleep. Some sleep in trees,
some in caves , others dug holes in the earth . 3___
Cars, dogs or wolves, that are warm-blooded 4___
animals, don’t need to hibernate. They lead a 5___
active life , which keeps up its normal body 6___
temperature.Frogs or snakes are cold-blooded 7___
animals. When the air temperature drops 8___
below freezing, their body temperature drop, 9___
too. Thy have no choice but lie down and 10___
sleep in fairly warm and safe places.
1. not/ can’t 2. hibernate 3. dig 4. which 5. an 6. their 7. and
8. true 9. drops 10. to
Exercises for Unit 12 –3A Mainly revision CCCCC ACBAD BBCCB BACBB
1. Every possible use should ___ time to study our subjects.
A. make B. make use of
C. be made of D. be used
2. The soldiers ___ up their spirits by singing songs.
A. got B. put C. kept D. lifted
3. The window curtain keeps the heat ___.
A. up B. in C. out D. away
4. His knowledge of plants is only used by him to ___.
A.show himself B.show C.show off D.show up
5. The enemy had no choice but __ their arms and __.
A. lie down, give in B. lay down, gave in
C. to lay down, give in D. to lie down , to give in
6. He sat silent ___the meeting, which was very strange.
A. all through B. all over C. through D. the whole
7. The difficulty lie __ the fact that we are short of money.
A. at B. on C. in D. to
8. At that time, they ___ a hard life.
A. spent B. led C. cost D. had
9. China Daily is __ a newspaper. It can also help us to improve our English.
A. more than B. no more than C. only D. not
10. There was nothing to do but __ till mother came back.
A. waited B. waiting C. to wait C. wait
11. His great discovery __ his determination and devotion to science.
A. caused B. lied in C. led to D. resulted in
12.When we __ the waste materials, a lot of money __.
A. make full use, are saved
B. make full use of, is saved
C. get full use of , will save
D. get full use of , will save
13. Has Betty any choice but ___ you tell her?
A. to do those B. do what C. to do as D. do all that
14.They began to think about what use could be ___ such materials.
A. made up B. made from C. made of D. made out
15. Hard work _ success while failure often __ laziness.
A. lies in; leads to B. leads to; lies in
C. leads to ; depends on D. lies in; depends on
16. He is ___ a friends to me. He is in a way my English teacher.
A. no more than B. more than
C. not more than D. nothing but
17. I’ll do everything I ___ you.
A. can to help B. can help
C. must help D. am to help
18. I can’t help ___ the classroom. I’m busy doing my homework now.
A. cleaned B. cleaning C. to clean D. being cleaned
19. The Chinese in many places of the world ___ the old tradition.
A. keep on B. keep up C. keep out D. keep back
20. We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no ___ but to take a taxi.
A. way B. choice C. possibility D. selection




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