Teaching plan Unit 2(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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Aims and demands:
1. words and expressions : insist on, fall ill , at sea, suggest , provide sb. with sth
2. Communicative expressions
A. I insist on taking…
B. I have decided to take live animals.
C. I shall insist that….
D. Have you decided which boat to take?
E. I suggest taking a lot of vinegar.
Step1 : Revision
1. Check the homework exercises
2. T: Today we’re going to learn Lesson 5 ---- Captain Cook. What do you know about Captain Cook? Please turn to page 147 and see note 1.
1) What nationality was he? (English )
2) Where did he travel to ? (Round the world ---travelled to the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, ect.
3) As his title was “ captain” what was his job? ( sailor/ ship’s captain )
4) Which century did he live in? ( 18 th century )
Step 2. Presentation
Look at the picture
T: What do you think he is doing?
Ss: Captain Cook is preparing for his first great expedition to the Pacific. He is talking to a seaman .
T: Yes, he talking to a seaman. He insist on taking some live animals , because the men often fall ill and suffer fever.
Step 3. Reading
Read the dialogue and answer the questions on the Bb.
What are they going to take with them for this long journey?
Foods, love animals , cabbage in vinegar, vinegar.
T: Can you guess the meaning of expedition, store, seaman, particularly ?
T: What do you need to take with you when you go on a very long sea journey?
(food, vegetable, fruit, water, biscates, cakes, drinks……)
Then answer the questions on P.77 Wb
Step 4. Dialogue
I. Listen to the tape and read in pairs
II. Turn the dialogue into a short story
Captain Cook was preparing for his first great expedition to the Pacific. He was talking to a seaman. He told the seaman to take some proper food---- take live animals, such as pigs, chickens, which will provide them with eggs and meat; and also he insisted on taking a lot of cabbage in vinegar, because fresh vegetables usually go bad as soon as they are at sea; and also men often fell
ill and suffered fever, eating such kind of food can keep them healthy . And he also suggested taking a lot of vinegar for cleaning the inside of the ship.
III. Language points:
1. prepare sth. = get sth. ready “把某事准备好” sth在句中作宾语,表示句子的主语直接做此事
prepare for sth = get ready for sth. “为某事做好准备” 在句中作目的状语,表示几子主语是为了这个事情在做事前的准备工作。
The teachers are preparing their lessons.
The students are preparing for the test.
2. live “有生命的” “活的” “现场的”
alive “活着的” “在世的” 是形容词,可作定语或表语, 作定语时,要后置。
living “活的” “活着的”与 dead相对而言,是形容词,可作定语或表语。
lively “生动的” “活泼可爱的”,是形容词,可作定语。
Live animal/ concert
He is ninety, and he is still alive .
Living things
He always makes his classes lively and interesting.
3. insist on sth./ doing sth. 坚持认为、 坚决要求
insist that …(should )… 坚决要求,坚决要做某事 ------常用虚拟语气
insist that….. 坚持做了某事 --------------------常用陈述语气
He insisted on his opinion at the meeting.
I insist on going home.
He insisted on sending me to (the) hospital.
He insisted that I should be sent to hospital.
He insisted that he had finished his homework.
insist on / stick to
4. fall ill and suffer fever 得病, 发烧
fall asleep 入睡
He has fallen ell and suffered fever for a week.
suffer “遭受,经受” 其宾语多为痛苦、疾病、饥饿、损失等
suffer from “因。。。而受苦”
eg: They suffered great losses in the accident.
These plants can’t suffer a cold winter.
Tom was badly hurt and he suffered great pain.
They suffered greatly from overwork.
5. provide sb. with sth 提供。。。/ 为。。。提供
provide sth. for sb.
6. at sea 在茫茫大海上
by sea 乘船, 由海路。。。
on the sea 在海边
at the sea 在海滨
7. suggest doing 建议,提议
suggest that …( should ) …
Tom suggested a plan for the work.
The teacher suggested going over the old lessons.
The doctor suggested that I ( should ) come again next week.
IV. Retell the dialogue
Step 5. 2 Practice
Finish the sentence and try to repeat .
Step 6. Wb
Do Ex 2 and 3
When checking answers explain how to use the verbs :insist, suggest, provide, ect.
A. insist on doing / insist that ( should )…
B. suggest doing / suggest that ( should)…
C. provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb.
D. leave for 到。。。去
Homework:1. Do Ex 3 on P. 7
2.Turn the dialogue into a short story
Captain Cook was preparing for his first great expedition to the Pacific. He was talking to a seaman. He told the seaman to take some proper food---- take live animals, such as pigs, chickens, which will provide them with eggs and meat; and also he insisted on taking a lot of cabbage in vinegar, because fresh vegetables usually go bad as soon as they are at sea; and also men often fell ill and suffered fever, eating such kind of food can keep them healthy . And he also suggested taking a lot of vinegar for cleaning the inside of the ship.
Unit 2 Lesson 6 Captain Cook ( I )
Aims and demands:
1. Develop the Ss reading ability and have a good understanding of the text
2. Words and expressions:
take an interest in, break out , take …by surprise, seize, set up home,
be in charge of , plenty of , as well as, set out for, defend
Step 1. Revision
1. Review the dialogue and turn the dialogue into a short story
2. Check the homework
Step 2. Presentation
T: Look at the picture , what can you see in the picture?
Ss: There is a ship at sea.
T: Yes, Captain Cook is sailing at sea. The ship is named “ Endeavour”
Ss: Some people are standing on the shore and welcome the ship in the distance.
T: Who are these people standing on the shore / on the sea?
Ss: Perhaps the people are Indians, they take out a lot of fruits and welcome the people in the ship.
Step 3. Fast reading
Look through the text and answer the questions.
1. In which war did Cook play an important part ?
---- the Seven Years War between Britain and France.
2. Why did Cook go on his journey to the Pacific?
1. the Seven Years War between Britain and France
2. … with the purpose of watching a very unusual event that is the planet Venus passing between the earth and the sun. They also hoped to find a new continent which they thought existed in the Indian or Pacific Ocean.
Step 4. Careful reading
1. Do the comprehension exercises ( paper )
Reading comprehension:(Lesson 6) DACAD CADDA
1. In the text the author mainly talks about Captain Cook’s ___.
A. contribution to English navy during the Seven Years War
B. sailing to the east of America
C. expedition to the South Pacific Ocean
D. both A and C
2. The word “particularly” in line 4 means ___.
A. especially B. exactly C. Partially D. practically
3. James Cook owed his education to ___.
A. a stranger B. a teacher
C. a landowner D. his parents
4. Cook joined a ___ at the age of 18.
A. merchant ship B. warship C. fishing ship D. boat
5. What does the word “exist” in paragraph 3 mean in the text?
A. continue to live B. event C. have D. be
6. Paragraph 2 is mainly about ___.
A. the Seven Years War between Britain and France
B. Cook’s joining the navy
C. Cook’s contribution to English navy during the war
D. cook’s fighting in Canada
7. Without cook’s work of marking a path, perhaps English navy would ___.
A. take great risks in their landing
B. not be on time on their landing
C. be attacked by French Army
D. lose their way
8. the purpose of the expedition was to ___.
A. watch a very unusual event
B. find a new continent
C. fight against Australians
D. both A and B
9. A ship used for expedition usually should be __.
A. fast and strong B. fast and small
C. fast and spacious D strong and spacious
10. The fifth paragraph shows us that Captain cook __.
A. cared for his sailors
B. knew something about food
C. knew something about food
D. knew something about sailing
3. T or F statements on Wb P. 78
Step 5. Language points
1. take ( an ) interest in 对。。。感兴趣
have ( an ) interest in
show ( an ) interest in
become interested in
When he was a young boy, he took an interest in mathematics.
If you take an interest in English, you’ll learn English fast.
He takes a great interest in football stars.
2. be good at: do well in
3. particularly: especially
4. break out 多指战争、火山、火灾、地震等的突然爆发,表示出人意料
happen 指普通事件的发生
take place 多指有计划、有目的的发生
eg. A fire broke out in the town last night.
A bad accident happened yesterday.
Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past ten years.
break away from 脱离
break down 毁掉,打破
break forth 突然发出(欢呼、愤怒)
break in 破门而入,打断
break into 破门而入(锁着的房子)
break into pieces (使)成为碎片
break through 突破
5. was defending: was fighting to protect 保护
6. take sb. by surprise= attack sb. unprepared 对。。。突然袭击
He came into the room and took me by surprise.
He came into the room , which took me by surprise.
The teacher took the students by surprise when he suddenly appeared at the door.
The suddenly appearance of me took you by surprise.
The Japanese planes took the island by surprise on a Sunday morning.
7. defeat
win game , war , prize , battle
gain knowledge , experience, respect , admiration etc
fail vi “失败” He failed in the exam.
8. set up home: bought a house and move into it with his wife
He talked about setting up home and getting a job.
9. be in charge of 负责,掌管
be in the charge of 在。。。的掌管之下
T: Who is in charge of your class?
Ss: Mr. … / Miss …
T: Who is in charge of out school?
T: So we are in the charge of Mr. …
10. seamanship 航海技术( warship ---- 战舰,ship 是名词 )
ship 是一个名词后缀,表示性质,职业,身份,技能等。
citizen 公民 citizenship 公民身份
friend 朋友 friendship 友谊
professor 教授 professorship 教授职位
leader 领导 leadership 领导(职位)
sportsman 运动员 sportsmanship 体育道德
marksman 射击手 marksmanship 射击术
11. in length = long
in height = high
in width = wide
12. plenty of space = plenty of room
a lot of
13. set out for a place 出发/动身去某地
set off for a place -----有得更多
Let’s set out before 7:00 in the morning in order to avoid traffic jam.
That morning , a new ship set out ( off ) for London on its first trip.
他们大清早就出发了, 希望在天黑之前到达。
They set out / off early for the forest to look for the lost milu deer.
set out to do 开始,着手做。。。
set about doing
Step 6. Reference
Do the first two items orally with the whole class. Ten let the Ss do the exercise in pairs and check the answers
Step 7. Note making
Homework: 1. Finish Wb
2. What have you learned about Captain Cook so far during this unit?
( turn the text into a dialogue)
A: Do you know anything about Captain Cook?
B: As his title was “ Captain” , he must be a sailor or a ship’s captain.
A: Yes, that’s tight. He is a skilled English sailor.
B: What do you mean by saying “ he is a skilled sailor” ?
A: He helped the British army to seize Quebec during the Seven Years War between Britain and France.
B: What did he do?
A: He went up and down the St. Lawrence River in order to chart all the dangerous rocks. Finally he was able to mark a path for the warships to follow. He led the ships down the river to a place where the British army could land safely and take the enemy by surprise. After a short battle, the French were defeated and the city of Quebec was seized.
Unit 2 Lesson 7 Captain Cook ( II )
Aims and demands:
1. Develop the Ss’ reading ability and have a good understanding of the text
2. words and expressions: pass by, raise, be worth doing, in search of, celebrate, thinking
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the homework
2. Ask questions round the class about the previous text
1) Is Quebec in the USA or in Canada?
2) Was the Seven Years War between Britain and the USA or between Britain and France?
3) Which planet was going to pass between the earth and the sun?
4) Why did Captain Cook took lots of cabbage in vinegar on his expedition ?
5) Why did he take lots of vinegar as well?
6) Why do we say the ship “ Endeavour” was the suitable ship for an expedition?
(strongly built , spacious---- plenty of space below for storing things.)
Step 2. Preparation for reading
T: Look at the picture? What can you see in the picture?
Ss: There are some continents….
T: Yes, the continents and the route that Captain Cook had ever traveled.
Step 3. Fast reading
Read the passage and the map then answer the questions:
1. Which islands are mentioned in the text?
2. Did Cook sail round the world from east to west or from west to east?
3. Why did they think Australia to be an astonishing land?
1. Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania, Java, England.
2. From east to west.
3. Because the soil was red, bears climbed trees, birds ran but didn’t fly……
Step 4. Careful reading
Read the passage carefully and do the comprehension exercises ( paper )
Reading comprehension ( Lesson 7) DCDDC
1. Captain Cook’s expedition at last succeeded in achieving its purpose of ____.
A. finding a new land
B. watching an unusual event
C. charting the coasts of the new land
D. both A and B
2. Cook charted the ___ coast of Australia.
A. west B . north C. east D. south
3. Captain Cook and his sailors found __.
A. New Zealand B. Australia
C. Tasmania D. Botany Bay
4. What is not popular in Australia ?
A. Red soil B. Climbing tree bears
C. Kangaroo D. Panda
5. Paragraph 3 shows us ___.
A. the danger of sailing
B. Captain Cook’s courage
C. Captain cook’s cleverness
D. Captain cook’s determination
Step 5. Deal with any language points
1. set sail 扬帆起航
pay a visit
have a look
have a rest
The ship set sail for Africa.
Early in the morning, they set sail southward.
1. head vi
head for /toward
head east / eastward
The ship is heading for Tianjin.
At that time they were heading north.
2. in search of
Madame Curie worked day and night in search of the unknown matter---- radium.
He went to many places in search of a doctor who could cure his disease.
in search of prep.
search for vt.
search sb. vt.
Eg. They are in search of a boy.
They are searching for a boy.
The policeman is searching the boy.
3. chart
chart the coasts of….= make maps of the coast
4. find sth./ sb. ( to be ) ….
They find English to be a difficult subject .
The children found the story to be a very interesting one.
We found him to be the right man to do the job.
5. jump about
The little boy ran about looking for his mother.
6. strike 撞击; 时钟敲响
hit 相碰撞; 打中,对准。。。来打(有意)
beat 连续性的敲打;有节奏的跳动
eg. My heart beat fast when I saw the thief.
The clock struck 8, and the lights went out.
The light ball and the heavy ball hit the ground at the same time.
8. raise vt. = lift up
rise vi = go up
I find it difficult to raise the box.
The dun rises in the east and sets in the west.
7. celebrate
T: When did HongKong return to China?
S: On July 1 st , 1997.
T: July 1st ,1997 was the day when Hongkong returned to China.
T: What did the Chinese people do on that day?
Ss: On that day the whole country celebrated the return of Hongkong to China.
T: The day when Hongkong returned to China is worth celebrating .
Step 6. Language study
Bb: He remembered putting the key in the box under his bed.
T: Which did he do first? Putting
Did he first remember or did he first put the key in the box?
Ss: He put the key in the box.
T: Yes ,he put the key in the box first, later he remembered that he had coe this. So later he remembered putting the key in the box.
Bb: He remembered to put the key in the box.
First he remembered , then he put the key in the box.
Remember doing / to do
Suggest doing / suggest that
Stop doing / to do
Try doing / to do
Step 5. Practice 3,4,5
Homework: Finish the Wb.
Unit 2 Lesson 7~8
Aims and demands:
1. Review the usage of –ing form.
2. Finish the exercises.
Step 1: Finish the language of Lesson 7
Then do Ex. 1.2 for Lesson 8 ----- Page 80
Step 2: Review the usage of –ing form.
1. subject
eg. Reading aloud is important in learning English .
It is no use regretting your past.
2. object
eg. He enjoys reading in his spare time.
admit , advise , allow , appreciate(感激,欣赏) , avoid (避免), hate ( dislike ) , keep , enjoy , complete , finish , mind , practise , consider(考虑) , risk(冒险) , suggest , delay(延期), imagine(想象) , miss(错过) , escape(逃避) , prevent … ( from ) doing , prefer…doing to doing , put off , give up , insist on , stick to , be worth , pay attention to …, devote … to , object to, get down to…
3. predicative
eg. My job is teaching you English . (表示主语是干什么的)
The story is interesting . (表示主语的性质)
4. attribute
eg. the exciting news (表示名词的性质)
the swimming pool (表示名词的用途)
Step 3. Practise
1. Page 11
2. Lesson 8 Practice 2
Step 4. Check the paper exercises.
( In the afternoon)
Step 5. Test ( T’s book Page 24)
Use the suitable verbs in the correct form to complete these sentences.
Imagine , admit , celebrate , consider , delay , dislike , enjoy , escape , finish , forgive (原谅)
1. I admitted stealing the necklace the day before and said he was sorry.
2. I dislike flying , so I usually take the train instead.
3. We have so little money that I think we should delay paying these bills.
4. We hid in the woods and so escaped having to join the navy.
5. The whole school celebrated our winning the basketball competition.
6. I can’t imagine having to work in a factory to earn money.
7. I enjoy reading books more than watching TV.
8. I consider going to the cinema a waste of time.
9. Have you finished reading that book? If so, can I borrow it?
10. I’ll forgive you for being late, but don’t do it again.
Step 6. Check the paper exercises
Homework: Work book
Unit 2 Lesson8
Aims and demands:
1. Develop the Ss’ listening and writing ability
2. Finish the exercises
Step 1. Listening
Step 2. Practice
Step 3. Writing
1. Read out the instruction to the class.
2. Read aloud a few sentences of a sample version so that Ss see how to combine the ideas.
I have just arrived in China. The markets are very busy and the streets are full of people . Travelling around the town id very easy. I have borrowed a bicycle from a friend. Luckily I love cycling.
3. Put the students in group of four. Let them speak in Chinese about the things which they will include in their letter. In this way they will end up with lots of ideas.
4. Write three or four sentences in class.
5. Then write a letter in your exercise-books.
Step 4. Workbook
Homework: write a letter home describing what you see.
Dictation for Unit 2
1. store 2. sickness 3. live 4. defend 5. raise 6. defeat 7. seize 8. skilled
8. astonishing 10. celebrate
11. set out for 12. be worth doing 13. in search of 14. at sea 15. in charge of
16. take …by surprise 17. set sail 18. pass by 19. head for 20. join sb. in sth
Revision for Unit 2
I. Correct the mistakes:
1. He mustn’t have arrived in Shanghai yesterday.
2. It is the first time that we spoken together.
3. Yesterday we called on the Mikes’.
4. They have fallen in love with each other for two years.
5. Having not received any news from home for so long, she got more and more worried.
6. He sat down and writing a letter to his family.
7. Sydney, who took place of his friend, had his head cut off.
8. Those that have handed in their exercises may go home now.
9. It was hot , we went swimming in the river.
1. mustn’t--- can’t 2. have spoken 3. on ---at 4. fallen ---- been 5. Having not --- Not having 7. writing ---- wrote 8. place 前加the 9.that ---- who 10. was --- being , / so we …
Extra exercises (Unit 2) B A C D A B (易混淆重点词语练与析)
1. John plays football ____ , if not better than, David.
A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as (NMET 94)
2. She doesn’t speak ____ her friend, but her written work is excellent.
A. as well as B. so often as C. so much as D. as good as ( NMET 93)
3. Mr White will be ____ the whole company next month when the manager is away.
A. in the charge of B. in charge C. in charge of D. take charge of
4. The ship was hit by a hurricane and its crew were lost ____.
A. at the sea B. by sea C. on the sea D. at sea
5. We saw a/an ____ elephant in Xi’an Zoo yesterday.
A. live B. alive C. living D. lively
6. I have got to ____ now. Mr Wang is waiting to use the phone.
A. look up B. hang up C. give up D. put up
Correct the mistakes: (3A Unit 2)
When Captain Cook sail west to 1.____
Australia, other sailor had already charted 2.____
parts of the west and north coasts of 3.____
Australia and the island which called 4. ____
Tasmania in the south, but Cook was the first
to map the east coast where he named 5.____
Botany Bay because the beautiful plants 6.____
that they found there. Later Captain Cook and
his man discovered that Australia was 7.____
an astonished land where the soil was 8.____
red, bears climbing trees, birds ran 9.____
and didn’t fly. 10.____
1. sailed 2.sailors 3. true 4. was called 5. that 6. because of 7. men 8. astonishing
9. climbed 10. and--but




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