
中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

一 知识归纳
1. 虚拟语气在if条件句中的应用
1) 三种形式
条件从句中的动词 结果主句中的动词 示例
与现在的事实相反 动词的过去式
be动词一律用were would/could/might/should +动词原形 If I had time, I would attend your party.
与过去的事实相反 had+过去分词 would/could/might/should +have +过去分词 You didn’t let me drive. If we had driven in turn, you wouldn’t have got so tired.
与将来的事实相反 should+动词原形
were to+动词原形 would/could/might/should +动词原形 If it were to snow /should snow tomorrow, we should take photos.
2) 虚拟条件句中有were, had, should时, 可把if省略,而把were, had, should放在主语前,用到装结构, 这种结构主要用于书面语中. 如:
Were it necessary, I might resign.
Had you informed me earlier, I would not have signed the contract.
Should I have time, I would call on her
Should it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Summer Palace
3) 错综时间条件句
在这种条件句中,虚拟条件主句和从句的动作发生的时间不一致,因此,主句和从句的谓语动词要根据各自所指的不同时间选择适当的动词形式, 如:
If I were you, I would not have missed the film last night. (现在---过去)
If they had started in the early morning, they would arrive in half an hour(过去---将来)
If you had asked him when you saw him last time, you would know what to do now. (过去---现在)
4) 含蓄条件句
有些句子中, 没有任何表示虚拟语气的词,短语或从句,但仍要用虚拟语气. 这时,要么是省略了表示虚拟语气的部分, 要么隐含在上下文之中. 如:
I would do anything for her (if I could)
We would have made a lot of money (but we gave up halfway)
Without electricity life would be quite different today. (If there were no electricity)
5) 用介词代替条件状语从句, 常见的介词有with , without, but for 如:
What would you do with a million dollars (if you had a million dollars?)
We would not have finished the word on time without your help (=if you had not helped us)
But for the rain, (if it had not been for the rain,) we would have finished the work
2. 宾语从句中的虚拟语气
1) wish后宾语从句的虚拟语气
与现在事实相反, 用were或动词的一般过去式;与过去事实相反, 用had+过去分词;表示将来没有把握或不太可能实现的愿望,用would/could/might+动词原形,后的从句不能用should.如:
I wish she were here.
I wish you would go with us tomorrow
I wish she had taken my advice
2) order, suggest, demand, insist, 等表示命令,要求, 建议的词后宾语从句的虚拟语气,形式为(should)+动词原形
3. as if /as though 后有时用虚拟语气
1) 从句所设想的时间与主句动作同时发生,从句动词用过去时(be用were)
It looks as if she were sick.
He looks as though he knew the girl
2) 从句所设想的时间动作于主句谓语发生,从句动词用had+过去分词. 如:
I feel as if we had known each other for years
He talks about pyramids as though he had seen them himself
4. (should )+动词原形在某些从句中的应用
1) 当宾语从句从的谓语是suggest, request, insist, desire , demand, propose, order, command, arrange等动词时,如:
I suggested that we should go there on foot.
The smile on her face suggested that she was satisfied with our work.
当insist表示坚持认为之意时, 不用虚拟语气,用陈述语气. 如:
The man insisted that he had never stolen the money
2) It is ordered/desired/decided/requested/strange/important/natural/a pity 等后的主语从句中
It is desired that we should get everything ready tonight
3) advice, idea, order, plan, demand, proposal, suggestion, request等名词之后的表语从句和同位语从句中.如:
My suggestion is that we should hold a meeting this evening
5. would rather, had better后的句子的虚拟语气
1) 接动词原形, 指现在或将来的时间, 表示主语的主观愿望和选择
I would rather do it today
You had better not go dancing tonight
2) 接不定式的完成式, 表示过去的某种不恰当的选择. 如:
I would rather not have told her the news. She is such a gossip
3) 接从句, 用一般过去时, 表示现在或将来的愿望;用过去完成时,表示过去的愿望.如:
I would rather you paid the money yourself
I would rather she had not done that
6. it is (high) time that ….句型中, 从句的谓语动词用过去式,或should +动词原形, 其中should不能省掉.如:
It is time that you went to school
It is time that we should start out
7. 在含有if it were not for 或if it had not been for 条件句的虚拟语气中. 如:
If it were not for the rain, the crops would die
If it had not been for your help, we could not have finished the work ahead of time
8. 用于if only引导的感叹句中
If only I were a flying bird!
If only I had seen the film!
二 学法建议
 在学习if引起的虚拟条件句时, 同学们首先要牢记它的三种形式, 它将为学习此类句子奠定基础, 在此基础上, 才能掌握倒装的虚拟条件句,混合虚拟条件句等
 综观历年的高考题及各地测试题,wish 引导的宾语从句的虚拟语气, if引导的虚拟条件及含蓄条件句是测试的重点,务必请同学们在学习中加以注意
 在学习as if引导的表语从句或状语从句中的虚拟语气时, 要很好理解句子, 在判定表示虚拟时,再使用虚拟语气,并要牢记动词的形式
 对if only的学习也是不容忽视的一个要点. 它表示"要是…..就好了”, 谓语用一般过去时表示现在没有实现的愿望, 用过去完成时表示过去没有实现的愿望. 如:
If only she had known where to find you!
If only I could speak several foreign languages!

1. If only he ____quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.
A. lies
B. lay
C. had lain
D. should lie
2. How I wish every family ____a large house with a beautiful garden.
A. has
B. had
C. will have
D. had had
3. You did not let me drive. If we ____in turn, you ____ so tired
A. drove; didn’t get
B. drove; wouldn’t get
C. were driving; wouldn’t get
D. had driven ; wouldn’t have got
4. _____it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge
A. Were
B. Should
C. Would
D. Will
5. I suggested the person _____ to be put into prison
A. refers
B. referring
C. referred
D. refer
6. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it____
A. breaks
B. has broken
C. were broken
D. had been broken
7. I insisted _____to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing ___ wrong with him
A. on him to go; should be
B. he went; be
C. he go; was
D. he should to; is
8. ---Your aunt invites you to the movies today
---I had rather she ____ me tomorrow than today
A. tells
B. told
C. would tell
D. had told
9. ---Would you have called her up had it been possible
---Yes, but I ____busy doing my homework
A. was
B. were
C. had been
D. would be
10. I was ill that day, otherwise I ____ the sports meet
A. would have taken part in
B. took part in
C. had taken part in
D. would take part in
11. ___the clouds, you would find the airplane in the sky easily
A. Had it not been for
B. If it were not
C. If it had not been for
D. Were it not for
12. If my lawyer ____here last Sunday, he ____ me from going
A. had been, would have prevented
B. had been, would prevent
C. were, prevent
D. were, would have prevented
13. ____hard, he would have passed the exam
A. If he were to work
B. Had he worked
C. Should he work
D. Were he to work
14. ____today, he would get there by Friday
A. Were he to leave
B. If he had left
C. Did he to leave
D. Had he left
15. Had you listened to the doctor, you ____all right now
A. are
B. were
C. would be
D. would have been
16. I did not see your sister at the meeting. If she ____, she would have met my brother
A. has come
B. did come
C. come
D. had come
17. He ____busy yesterday, or he ___you with your experiment.
A. was, had helped
B. was, would have helped
C. had been, would have helped
D. were, would have helped
18. If it ____for the snow, we____ the mountain yesterday
A. were not, could have climb
B. were not, could climb
C. had not been, could have climbed
D. hadn’t been, could climb
19. Without electricity, human life ____quite difficult today
A. is
B. will be
C. would have been
D. would be
20. ---I am going to tell her the news
---I would as soon you _____her about it
A. didn’t tell
B. don’t tell
C. hadn’t tell
D. won’t tell
21. Mike’s father, as well as his mother, insisted he ____home
A. stayed
B. could stay
C. has stayed
D. stay
22. It was requested that the play ____again
A. should put on
B. would put on
C. be put on
D. put on
23. She insisted that a doctor _____ immediately
A. had sent for
B. send
C. be sent for
D. was sent
24. ---Did you scold him for his carelessness
----Yes, but ____it
A. I’d rather not do
B. I’d rather not have done
C. I should’ t do
D. I’d better not do
25. If only I ___my car
A. hadn’t lost
B. wouldn’t lose
C. didn’t lose
D. haven’t lost
26. But for water, it ____impossible to live in the earth
A. is
B. would
C. were
D. wouldn’t be
27. I would rather you ____anything about it for the time being
A. do
B. didn’t do
C. don’t
D. didn’t
28. The kind-hearted couple treat the orphan very well as though he ____ their own son
A. is
B. were
C. had been
D. should be
29. How the old people wish that they ____young once more
A. were
B. could become
C. had been
D. should be
30. It is high time that we ____ a meeting to discuss this problem
A. hold
B. held
C. have held
D. had held
31. The thief closed his eyes ____ he ____dying
A. even if , was
B. though, would be
C. even, had been
D. as if, were
32. I wish that you ____ such a bad headache because I am sure that you would have enjoyed the concert
A. had not
B. did not have had
C. hadn’t had
D. hadn’t have
33. The chairman insisted that we ____the question again
A. will discuss
B. to discuss
C. should discuss
D. will be discussed
34. He requested that the students ____them get in crops
A. help
B. to help
C. helped
D. helping
35. The guard at the gate insisted that everybody _____the rules
A. obeys
B. obey
C. will obey
D. would obey
36. I wish I ____here then
A. was
B. had been
C. were
D. would be
37. It is strange that he ____back so early
A. came
B. will come
C. had come
D. should have come
38. Mother suggested that I ___my homework first before watching TV
A. did
B. do
C. shall do
D. have done
39. My suggestion is that the meeting ____off till nest Sunday
A. be put
B. put
C. should put
D. had been put
40. He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there
A. had been
B. has been
C. was
D. been
41. The teacher demanded that the exam _____ before eleven
A. must finish
B. would be finished
C. be finished
D. must be finished
42. ---Sorry, Joe. I did not mean to……
----Don’t call me “Joe”, I am Mr. Parker to you, and ____ you forget it!
A. do
B. didn’t
C. did
D. don’t
43. I did not attend the lecture by Pro. Jackson. I ____ but I ____ all this morning
A. would, have washed
B. could, have been washing
C. would have, have been washing
D. could have, had washing
44. How I wish I ____ to repair the watch! I only made it worse
A. had tried
B. hadn’t tried
C. have tried
D. didn’t try
45. ----How could I thank you enough?
----Don’t mention it. Any other man ____it
A. must do
B. could do
C. would have done
D. should have done
46. Key European governments insist Iraq’s co-operation ____ good and military action______ to allow inspections to continue
A. be, be delayed
B. is, delay
C. should be, be delayed
D. is , be delayed
47. If the hurricane had happened during the day-time, ____more deaths
A. it would have been
B. it would be
C. there would be
D. there would have been
48. What the customers_____ from the company is that the goods ____ right to their homes.
A. requested, deliver
B. demand, be delivered
C. request, should deliver
D. demand, delivered
49. If law-breakers _____ the society will be in disorder
A. made unpunished
B. came unpunished
C. went unpunished
D. not punished
50. We took a taxi to the airport. Otherwise we ____late
A. would be
B. were
C. will be
D. would have been
51. Supposing he never ____, what would happen then
A. come
B. came
C. would come
D. will come
52. What do you think his proposal that we ____ a play at the English meeting
A. had put on
B. should put on
C. have put on
D. will put on
53. I hope that you ____ right
A. will be
B. should be
C. were
D. would be
54. As you know, I am a disabled man, but I would be happy if I ___of service to you
A. am
B. have been
C. should be
D. would be
55. He insisted that we ____early the next morning
A. start
B. started
C. would start
D. had started
56. I did not see your sister at the meeting. If she ____, she would have met my brother
A. has come
B. did come
C. had come
D. came
57. We ____last night, but we went to the cinema instead
A. must have studied
B. might study
C. would study
D. would have studied
58. If it _____the snow, we _____the Simian Mountain last week
A. were not, could have climbed
B. were not, could climb
C. had not been , could have climbed
D. had not been, could climb
59. Without electricity human life ____quite different today
A. is
B. will be
C. would have been
D. would be
60. I wish I _____ you yesterday
A. seen
B. did see
C. had seen
D. were to see
61. He talks as if he ____for ages
A. is living there
B. was living there
C. has lived there
D. had lived there
62. The judge ordered the thief ____punished
A. should be
B. would be
C. was to be
D. must be
63. Her pale face suggested that she ____ ill, and her parents suggested that she _____ a medical examination
A. be, should have
B. was, have
C. should, had
D. was, has
64. They are talking ____they had known each other for years
A. as if
B. even if
C. like
D. because
65. Had you done as I told you, you____
A. would succeed
B. would have succeeded
C. were to succeed
D. should succeed
66. ______your help, I ____the exam
A. Without, will fail
B. If not , will fail
C. But for, would have failed
D. If it is not for, would have failed
67. I would rather you ____at once
A. leave
B. will leave
C. left
D. should leave
68. ____today, she would arrive in New York by Tuesday
A. If he leaves
B. Would he have left
C. Was he leaving
D. Were he to leave
69. It is high time you ____ to school
A. will go
B. would go
C. went
D. had gone
70. If he had taken the doctor’s advice, he _____been in hospital now
A. shouldn’t
B. hadn’t
C. wouldn’t have
D. would not
71. It is necessary that he ____to the lab right now
A. come
B. came
C. would come
D. is coming
72. But that he ____ it, he wouldn’t have believed it
A. see
B. saw
C. had seen
D. sees
73. Their suggestion is that the wounded soldiers____ to hospital at once
A. be sent
B. is sent
C. was sent
D. should send
74. I would buy that car but I ____enough money
A. do not have
B. did not have
C. will not have
D. had not had
75. If only we____ about the danger, we couldn’t have joined you
A. knew
B. had known
C. would know
D. should know
76. It was ordered that no smoking ____in the library
A. was allowed
B. would be allowed
C. be allowed
D. had been allowed
77. ____you come earlier, you would have met him
A. Should
B. would
C. Could
D. Had
78. ---You should have finished your homework earlier
----I know but I ____the time
A. don’t have
B. didn’t have
C. won’t have
D. had not
79. I tried his best in everything, _____he wouldn’t have been what he was
A. otherwise
B. but
C. and
D. but that
80. How I wish I ____such a good chance before
A. didn’t miss
B. hadn’t missed
C. met
D. have met
81. ___your letter, I would have started off two days ago
A. If I could have received
B. If I received
C. Should I received
D. Had I received
82. I would ask Tom to lend us money if I ____ him
A. had known
B. knew
C. have known
D. know
83. If it ____tomorrow, what shall we do?
A. rains
B. would rain
C. rained
D. should rain
84. If he ___come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him
A. would
B. should
C. /
D. had
85. If he were to come tomorrow, things___ easier
A. should be
B. would be
C. are
D. can be
86. If you ____that late movie last night, you would not be so sleepy now
A. haven’t watched
B. didn’t watch
C. hadn’t watched
D. wouldn’t have watched
87. ____difficulties, we would be successful
A. Should we overcome
B. Would we overcome
C. Might we overcome
D. Could we overcome
88. If only everything___ out, as we wanted it to in life
A. is working
B. worked
C. works
D. has worked
89. Mary _____ to college last year. Unfortunately, she could not take the examinations because of a sudden illness
A. could go
B. did go
C. could have gone
D. must have gone
90. I wish it ____ not so cold outside
A. shall be
B. be
C. were
D. is
91. He insisted that we all ____ in his office at one o’clock
A. be
B. to be
C. would be
D. shall be
92. He insisted that he ____ our car
A. should steal
B. would steal
C. hadn’t stolen
D. steal
93. Their suggestion is that we____ go out for a walk
A. can
B. have
C. shall
D. /
94. It is necessary that he ____ in time to attend the meeting
A. come
B. came
C. would come
D. need come
95. I ____that she had left her home yesterday
A. have thought
B. think
C. had thought
D. should think
96. We have been sitting doing nothing about it for days. It is time we ____the problem
A. shook hands with
B. got to brass tacks with
C. got to solve
D. reached the bottom of
97. He has just arrived, but he talks as if he ____ about that
A. know
B. knows
C. known
D. knew
98. In case I _____, I would try again
A. will fail
B. would miss
C. should fail
D. shall fail
99. ____ I will marry him all the same
A. Were he rich or poor
B. Be he rich or poor
C. Whether rich or poor
D. Being rich or poor
100. Without gravity, we ____ able to walk
A. were
B. should be
C. can be
D. should not be




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